* *Applied Imagery Pattern Recognition Workshop
* *European Workshop on Evolutionary Computation in Image Analysis and Signal Processing
* *FG
* *Graph Based Representation for Pattern Recognition
* *ISPRS 3D-ARCH: 3D Virtual Reconstruction and Visualization of Complex Architectures
* 3D Fusion Echocardiography Improves Transoeosphageal LV Assessment
* 3D imaging for glasses-free multi-view 3D displays
* 3D MRI-Based Cardiac Computer Model to Study Arrhytmia and Its In-vivo Experimental Validation, A
* 3D video capturing for multiprojector realistic display
* 4D Cardiac Reconstruction Using High Resolution CT Images
* Accelerated Dynamic MRI Exploiting Sparsity and Low-Rank Structure: k-t SLR
* Accumulation of Different Visual Feature Descriptors in a Coherent Framework
* Accurate Curvature Estimation along Digital Contours with Maximal Digital Circular Arcs
* Adaptive Classification of Dirt Particles in Papermaking Process
* Adaptive competition for motion vector prediction in multi-view video coding
* Adaptive Lighting for Machine Vision Applications
* Adaptive Truncation Algorithm for Hadamard-Transformed H.264/AVC Lossless Video Coding
* Aggregated Search in Graph Databases: Preliminary Results
* Analysis of Seed Sorting Process by Estimation of Seed Motion Trajectories
* Analysis of the alternatives for stereo multiplex in 3DTV broadcast delivery
* Anatomical Landmark Tracking for the Analysis of Animal Locomotion in X-ray Videos Using Active Appearance Models
* Anisotropic Mass-Spring Method Accurately Simulates Mitral Valve Closure from Image-Based Models
* Anode Make and Break Excitation Mechanisms and Strength-Interval Curves: Bidomain Simulations in 3D Rotational Anisotropy
* Approximately Global Optimization for Robust Alignment of Generalized Shapes
* Approximating Bicolored Images from Discrete Projections
* Are Robotic-Assisted Catheter Ablation Lesions Different from Standard Catheter Ablation in Paroxysmal AF Patients? Novel CMRI Findings Made Possible with Semi-automatic 3-D Visualisation
* Art, science, and appearance in HDR images
* Artist's colour rendering of HDR scenes in 3-D Mondrian colour-constancy experiments
* Assessment of System Polarization Quality for Polarimetric SAR Imagery and Target Decomposition
* Asymmetric spatial scalability in stereoscopic video coding
* Audio personalization using head related transfer function in 3DTV
* Audio-Visual Recognition System in Compression Domain
* Autocalibration: Finding Infinity in a Projective Reconstruction
* Automated Segmentation and Classification Framework for CT-Based Myocardial Perfusion Imaging for Detecting Myocardial Perfusion Defect, An
* Automated System for the Detection and Diagnosis of Kidney Lesions in Children from Scintigraphy Images, An
* Automatic Compartment Modelling and Segmentation for Dynamical Renal Scintigraphies
* Automatic Data Assimilation Framework for Patient-Specific Myocardial Mechanical Parameter Estimation, An
* Automatic Delineation of Left and Right Ventricles in Cardiac MRI Sequences Using a Joint Ventricular Model
* Automatic Estimation of the Number of Deformation Modes in Non-rigid SfM with Missing Data
* Automatic Labeling of Handwritten Mathematical Symbols via Expression Matching
* Automatic Learning of Edit Costs Based on Interactive and Adaptive Graph Recognition
* Automatic Segmentation of Abdominal Adipose Tissue in MRI
* Automatic Segmentation of Cardiac CTs - Personalized Atrial Models Augmented with Electrophysiological Structures
* Automatic Segmentation of Different Pathologies from Cardiac Cine MRI Using Registration and Multiple Component EM Estimation
* Automatic Segmentation of Left Atrial Scar from Delayed-Enhancement Magnetic Resonance Imaging
* Automatic Segmentation of Veterinary Infrared Images with the Active Shape Approach
* Automatic Street Graph Construction in Sketch Maps
* BCIF: Another Algorithm for Lossless True Color Image Compression
* Binary Images, M -Vectors, and Ambiguity
* Bit-rate allocation for multi-view video plus depth
* Boar Spermatozoa Classification Using Longitudinal and Transversal Profiles (LTP) Descriptor in Digital Images
* Camera and visual veiling glare in HDR images
* Camera Self-calibration with Parallel Screw Axis Motion by Intersecting Imaged Horopters
* Cardiac Deformation from Electro-Anatomical Mapping Data: Application to Scar Characterization
* Cardiac Motion Estimation from 3D Echocardiography with Spatiotemporal Regularization
* Cardiac MRI Intervention and Diagnosis via Deformable Collaborative Tracking
* Cascaded quantization based progressive 3D mesh compression
* Catadioptric Silhouette-Based Pose Estimation from Learned Models
* Circularly configured multi-SLM holographic display system
* Classification of Graph Sequences Utilizing the Eigenvalues of the Distance Matrices and Hidden Markov Models
* Coherence Probe Microscopy Imaging and Analysis for Fiber-Reinforced Polymers
* Color Persistent Anisotropic Diffusion of Images
* Colorizing a Masterpiece
* Combining Contrast Information and Local Binary Patterns for Gender Classification
* Combining Multi-robot Exploration and Rendezvous
* Combining Stereo and Time-of-Flight Images with Application to Automatic Plant Phenotyping
* Combining Topological Maps, Multi-Label Simple Points, and Minimum-Length Polygons for Efficient Digital Partition Model
* Community Detection for Hierarchical Image Segmentation
* Comparing Image-Based Respiratory Motion Correction Methods for Anatomical Roadmap Guided Cardiac Electrophysiology Procedures
* Comparing Simulated Electrocardiograms of Different Stages of Acute Cardiac Ischemia
* Complexity and Approximability Issues in Combinatorial Image Analysis
* Compressed Sensing With Wavelet Domain Dependencies for Coronary MRI: A Retrospective Study
* Compressive Diffuse Optical Tomography: Noniterative Exact Reconstruction Using Joint Sparsity
* Computational Acceleration for MR Image Reconstruction in Partially Parallel Imaging
* Computational Methods for the Prediction of Protein-Protein Interactions
* Computer Vision-Guided Virtual Craniofacial Surgery: A Graph-Theoretic and Statistical Perspective
* Conceptual Structure for Computer Vision, A
* Conformative Filter: A Probabilistic Framework for Localization in Reduced Space
* Constitutive Parameter Estimation Methodology Using Tagged-MRI Data
* Construction of 3D Orthogonal Cover of a Digital Object
* Construction of Left Ventricle 3D Shape Atlas from Cardiac MRI
* Content Based Detection of Popular Images in Large Image Databases
* Content creation for stereoscopic 3D and beyond
* Continuous Orientation Representation for Arbitrary Dimensions: A Generalized Knutsson Mapping
* Convex-Set Perimeter Estimation from Its Two Projections
* Convexity Grouping of Salient Contours
* Cup Products on Polyhedral Approximations of 3D Digital Images
* Data-Driven Sparse GLM for fMRI Analysis Using Sparse Dictionary Learning With MDL Criterion, A
* Data-Hiding in Halftone Images Using Adaptive Noise-Balanced Error Diffusion
* Decoder-side macroblock information derivation for efficient multiview video plus depth map coding
* Decomposition of a Curve into Arcs and Line Segments Based on Dominant Point Detection
* Degradation Based Blind Image Quality Evaluation
* Depth generation method for 2D to 3D conversion
* Depth map generation for 2D-to-3D conversion by limited user inputs and depth propagation
* Depth up-sampling for depth coding using view information
* Depth video camera based temporal alpha matting for natural 3D scene generation
* Depth-based image completion for view synthesis
* Detection and amendment of shape distortions based on moment invariants for active shape models
* Detection of building changes from aerial images and light detecting and ranging (LIDAR) data
* DIBR based view synthesis for free-viewpoint television
* Dimensionality Reduction for Graph of Words Embedding
* Discrete Q-Convex Sets Reconstruction from Discrete Point X-Rays
* Discrete Tomography Reconstruction Based on the Multi-well Potential
* Disparity map generation for color image using TOF depth camera
* Distance Measures between Digital Fuzzy Objects and Their Applicability in Image Processing
* Distributed and Decentralized Multicamera Tracking
* Distributed Camera Networks
* Distributed Computer Vision Algorithms
* Distributed Image Processing
* Do humans discount the illuminant?
* Driving Dynamic Cardiac Model Adaptation with MR-Tagging Displacement Information
* Dynamic Classification of Cellular Transmural TransMembrane Potential (TMP) Activity of the Heart
* Dynamic Minimum Length Polygon
* Edge detection of colour image based on quaternion fractional differential
* Effect of DEM Uncertainty on the Positional Accuracy of Airborne Imagery
* Effect of Scar Development on Fast Electrophysiological Models of the Human Heart: In-Silico Study on Atlas-Based Virtual Populations
* Efficient Hyperelastic Regularization for Registration
* Efficient intra-mode decision algorithm for inter-frames in H.264/AVC video coding
* Elastic Shape Registration Using an Incremental Free Form Deformation Approach with the ICP Algorithm
* Ellipse Constraints for Improved Wide-Baseline Feature Matching and Reconstruction
* Energy Normalization for Pose-Invariant Face Recognition Based on MRF Model Image Matching
* Enhanced block prediction in stereoscopic video coding
* Entropy versus Heterogeneity for Graphs
* Entropy-Balanced Bitmap Tree for Shape-Based Object Retrieval From Large-Scale Satellite Imagery Databases
* Entropy-Based Technique for Nonrigid Medical Image Alignment, An
* Estimation of Activation Times in Cardiac Tissue Using Graph Based Methods
* Estimation of subjective quality for mixed-resolution stereoscopic video
* Evaluation of Image Quality Metrics for Color Prints
* Evaluation of view synthesis algorithms for mobile 3DTV
* Experimental service of 3DTV cable broadcasting using dual HD streams
* Exploiting depth information for fast motion and disparity estimation in Multi-view Video Coding
* Exploiting Ground-Penetrating Radar Phenomenology in a Context-Dependent Framework for Landmine Detection and Discrimination
* Exploration of the Labelling Space Given Graph Edit Distance Costs
* Expression Recognition in Videos Using a Weighted Component-Based Feature Descriptor
* Extended Histogram of Gradients with Asymmetric Principal Component and Discriminant Analyses for Human Detection
* Extended VQM model for predicting 3D video quality considering ambient illumination context
* Extending Filter-based Structure from Motion to Large Baselines
* Extracting embedded data in 3D models from 2D views using perspective invariants
* Face Recognition Using Nearest Feature Space Embedding
* Family of Topology-Preserving 3D Parallel 6: Subiteration Thinning Algorithms, A
* Fast and Efficient Saliency Detection Using Sparse Sampling and Kernel Density Estimation
* Fast Cluster-Assumption Based Active-Learning Technique for Classification of Remote Sensing Images, A
* Fast Compressed Sensing Approach to 3D MR Image Reconstruction, A
* fast image segmentation algorithm using color and depth map, A
* Fast Protection of H.264/AVC by Selective Encryption of CAVLC and CABAC for I and P Frames
* Feature Tracking Evaluation for Pose Estimation in Underwater Environments
* Film Analysis of Archived Documentaries
* Fisher-Markov Selector: Fast Selecting Maximally Separable Feature Subset for Multiclass Classification with Applications to High-Dimensional Data, The
* Flexible openCL accelerated disparity estimation for video communication applications
* Force Estimation and Prediction from Time-Varying Density Images
* Forming Different-Complexity Covariance-Model Subspaces through Piecewise-Constant Spectra for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Fourier Tag: A Smoothly Degradable Fiducial Marker System with Configurable Payload Capacity
* FPGA Implementation of Blob Recognition
* Framework Combining Multi-sequence MRI for Fully Automated Quantitative Analysis of Cardiac Global And Regional Functions, A
* Free-Viewpoint Virtual Mirror with Marker-Less User Interaction, A
* Fully Automatic Liver Volumetry Using 3D Level Set Segmentation for Differentiated Liver Tissue Types in Multiple Contrast MR Datasets
* Fuzzy C-Means Based Spatial Pixel and Membership Relationships for Image Segmentation, A
* Generalized Hard Constraints for Graph Segmentation
* Generalized Learning Graph Quantization
* Generating dense depth maps using a patch cloud and local planar surface models
* Generic Object Class Detection Using Feature Maps
* Geologic Studies of Planetary Surfaces Using Radar Polarimetric Imaging
* Gesture Analysis Using 3D Camera, Shape Features and Particle Filters
* Glare-limited appearances in HDR images
* Global Method for Reducing Multidimensional Size Graphs, A
* Global Registration Method Based on the Vector Field Representation, A
* GPU-Accelerated Foveation for Video Frame Rate Tracking
* Graph Descriptors from B-Matrix Representation
* Graph Matching Based on Dot Product Representation of Graphs
* Graph Transduction as a Non-cooperative Game
* graph-based approach for latency modeling and optimization in multiview video encoding, A
* Graph-Based Approach to Feature Selection, A
* Greedy Learning of Binary Latent Trees
* Guest Editorial Compressive Sensing for Biomedical Imaging
* Hardware implementation of an omnidirectional camerawith real-time 3D imaging capability
* Hardware-Efficient Belief Propagation
* Hierarchical Interactive Image Segmentation Using Irregular Pyramids
* High-definition 3DTV trial service over terrestrial broadcasting network
* Highly Consistent Sequential Segmentation
* Histogram-Based Description of Local Space-Time Appearance
* Human 3D Motion Computation from a Varying Number of Cameras
* Human Activity Analysis: A Review
* Human spatial processing accounts for dynamic range and color
* Human Visual System Based Framework for Concealed Weapon Detection
* Hybrid Approach to Brain Extraction from Premature Infant MRI, A
* hybrid color matching between stereo image sequences, A
* Hybrid Method for Automatic Anatomical Variant Detection and Segmentation, A
* I, Domestic Robot
* IHS-Based Fusion for Color Distortion Reduction and Vegetation Enhancement in IKONOS Imagery, An
* Illumination estimation via thin-plate spline interpolation
* Illumination-invariant Statistical Shape Recovery with Contiguous Occlusion
* Image Foresting Transform: On-the-Fly Computation of Segmentation Boundaries
* Image Reconstruction by Prioritized Incremental Normalized Convolution
* Image Stabilization Technology for Digital Still Camera Based on Blind Deconvolution, An
* Imaging data detects changes in urban areas over time
* Immersive 3D media networking: Challenges and solutions
* Immersive 3D user interface for 3D TVS
* Implementation and Analysis of a Peer-to-Peer Retransmissions System for Live Video Services
* Implementation of autostereoscopic HD projection display with dense horizontal parallax
* Improved bi-dimensional empirical mode decomposition based on 2d-assisted signals: analysis and application
* Improved depth-image-based rendering algorithm
* Improved multi-view depth estimation for view synthesis in 3D video coding
* Improved Pressure Sensitive Paint Measurement Using Natural Feature Tracking and Piecewise Linear Resection
* Improved Quadratic Mapping Algorithm for Restoring Colour in Faded Photographs and Slides
* Improved Video Segmentation by Adaptive Combination of Depth Keying and Mixture-of-Gaussians
* Improving depth discontinuities for depth-based 3DTV production
* Improving Particle Segmentation from Process Images with Wiener Filtering
* In Silico Analysis of the Impact of Transmural Myocardial Infarction on Cardiac Mechanical Dynamics for the 17 AHA Segments
* Indexing Tree Structures through Caterpillar Decomposition
* Indexing with Well-Founded Total Order for Faster Subgraph Isomorphism Detection
* Influence of intraocular scattered light on lightness-scaling experiments
* Information-Geometric Graph Indexing from Bags of Partial Node Coverages
* Intelligent Image Analysis of Diffusion Weighted Data Sets: A New Tool for Functional Imaging
* Intelligent Surveillance Systems
* Interactive 2D 3D image conversion method for mobile devices
* Interactive Image Segmentation Using Level Sets and Dempster-Shafer Theory of Evidence
* Interactive Image Segmentation Using Machine Learning Techniques
* Interactive quality assessment for asymmetric coding of 3D video
* Interactive sound rendering
* Interpreting Optical Mapping Recordings in the Ischemic Heart: A Combined Experimental and Computational Investigation
* Isoperimetrically Optimal Polygons in the Triangular Grid
* Iterative Reconstruction for Quantitative Tissue Decomposition in Dual-Energy CT
* Joint Source and Flow Optimization for Scalable Video Multirate Multicast Over Hybrid Wired/Wireless Coded Networks
* Jordan Curve Theorem in the Digital Plane, A
* Juxtaposition between compression and depth for stereoscopic image quality on portable auto-stereoscopic display
* Kernel Fisher Discriminant and Elliptic Shape Model for Automatic Measurement of Allergic Reactions
* Keygraphs for Sign Detection in Indoor Environments by Mobile Phones
* Laser-based multi-user multi-modal 3D displays
* Learning Generative Graph Prototypes Using Simplified von Neumann Entropy
* Left-Ventricular Shape Determines Intramyocardial Stroke Work Distribution
* Light engine and optics for HELIUM3D auto-stereoscopic laser scanning display
* Light-field generation by several screen types for glasses-free tabletop 3D display
* Local Shape Context Based Real-time Endpoint Body Part Detection and Identification from Depth Images
* Lunar Mini-RF Radars: Hybrid Polarimetric Architecture and Initial Results, The
* MagnetoHemoDynamics Effect on Electrocardiograms
* Mapping Contact Force during Catheter Ablation for the Treatment of Atrial Fibrillation: New Insights into Ablation Therapy
* Mapping the Problem Space of Image Registration
* Maximal Planes and Multiscale Tangential Cover of 3D Digital Objects
* Maximum Likelihood for Gaussians on Graphs
* Measurement and evaluation of head tracked auto-stereoscopic displays
* Measuring the Distance of Generalized Maps
* Method For Fine Resolution Frequency Estimation From Three DFT Samples, A
* Microscopic and macroscopic 3D imaging and display by integral imaging
* Mixed-Reality System for Broadcasting Sports Video to Mobile Devices, A
* Mixed-State Particle Filtering for Simultaneous Tracking and Re-identification in Non-overlapping Camera Networks
* Mobile Visual Search from Dynamic Image Databases
* Model-Based Polarimetric SAR Calibration Method Using Forest and Surface-Scattering Targets
* Model-Based Transfer Functions for Efficient Visualization of Medical Image Volumes
* Modeling Atrial Fiber Orientation in Patient-Specific Geometries: A Semi-automatic Rule-Based Approach
* Modeling Lambertian Surfaces Under Unknown Distant Illumination Using Hemispherical Harmonics
* Modeling Mitral Valve Leaflets from Three-Dimensional Ultrasound
* Modeling Scene and Object Contexts for Human Action Retrieval With Few Examples
* Monitoring Treatment Outcome: A Visualization Prototype for Left Ventricular Transformation
* Monitoring Underwater Sensors with an Amphibious Robot
* Morphological Classification: Application to Cardiac MRI of Tetralogy of Fallot
* Motion Segmentation by Learning Homography Matrices from Motor Signals
* MR Image Reconstruction From Highly Undersampled k-Space Data by Dictionary Learning
* Multi-frame Radial Basis Functions to Combine Shape and Speckle Tracking for Cardiac Deformation Analysis in Echocardiography
* Multi-Task Rank Learning for Visual Saliency Estimation
* Multi-user eye tracking suitable for 3D display applications
* Multi-view 3D video acquisition using hybrid cameras with beam splitter
* Multichannel Segmentation Using Contour Relaxation: Fast Super-Pixels and Temporal Propagation
* Multiple Description Coding for H.264/AVC With Redundancy Allocation at Macro Block Level
* Multiple Kernel Learning for Dimensionality Reduction
* Multiscale Conditional Random Fields for Semi-supervised Labeling and Classification
* Multiview Diffeomorphic Registration for Motion and Strain Estimation from 3D Ultrasound Sequences
* Multiview Stereo and Silhouette Consistency via Convex Functionals over Convex Domains
* Near and far distance gesture tracking for 3D applications
* New Initialization Method for Frequency-Domain Blind Source Separation Algorithms, A
* No-Reference Image Quality Evaluation Based on Power Spectrum, A
* Nonlinear Dynamical Analysis of Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy Data
* Nonlocal Filtering for Polarimetric SAR Data: A Pretest Approach
* Nonrigid Kernel-Based Framework for 2D-3D Pose Estimation and 2D Image Segmentation, A
* novel 2D-to-3D scheme by visual attention and occlusion analysis, A
* novel depth map quality metric and its usage in depth map coding, A
* Novel Reconstruction and Tracking of 3D-Articulated Human Body from 2D Point Correspondences of a Monocular Image Sequence, A
* Novel view synthesis based on depth map layers representation
* Number of Khalimsky-Continuous Functions between Two Points, The
* Object Detection Using Principal Contour Fragments
* On Inferring Image Label Information Using Rank Minimization for Supervised Concept Embedding
* On Some Classes of 2D Languages and Their Relations
* On the Estimation of Transmural Myocardial Shear by Means of MRI Tagging
* On Topology Preservation for Hexagonal Parallel Thinning Algorithms
* Online Gesture Spotting from Visual Hull Data
* Online Visual Vocabularies
* Operational Atmospheric Correction for Imaging Spectrometers Accounting for the Smile Effect
* Optical Remote Sensing: Advances in Signal Processing and Exploitation Techniques
* Optimal Alignment of 3D Data for Spatial Discretization
* Optimal View Path Planning for Visual SLAM
* Optimization of encoding and error protection parameters for 3D Video Broadcast over DVB-H
* Optimized Algorithm for the Evaluation of Local Singularity Exponents in Digital Signals, An
* Optimized contrast reduction for crosstalk cancellation in 3D displays
* Order Statistic Based Cardiac Boundary Detection in 3D+t Echocardiograms
* Parallel Graduated Assignment Algorithm for Multiple Graph Matching Based on a Common Labelling
* Parallel Hyperspectral Image and Signal Processing
* Parameter Identification in Cardiac Electrophysiology Using Proper Orthogonal Decomposition Method
* Patient-Specific Model of Left Heart Anatomy, Dynamics and Hemodynamics from 4D TEE: A First Validation Study
* People Re-identification by Graph Kernels Methods
* Performance of Stereo Methods in Cluttered Scenes
* Person Re-identification by Descriptive and Discriminative Classification
* Person Reidentification by Kernel PCA Based Appearance Learning
* Petri Net Generating Hexagonal Arrays
* Pixel and spatial mechanisms of color constancy
* Place Classification Using Visual Object Categorization and Global Information
* Planar Configurations Induced by Exact Polyominoes
* Planar representation for intra coding of depth maps
* Point Pattern Matching for 2-D Point Sets with Regular Structure
* Polarization in Bistatic Radar Probing of Planetary Surfaces: Application to Mars Express Data
* Position-Patch Based Face Hallucination Using Convex Optimization
* Practicality-Based Probabilistic Roadmaps Method
* Precipitates Segmentation from Scanning Electron Microscope Images through Machine Learning Techniques
* Precise High Speed Multi-Target Multi-Sensor Local Positioning System
* Privacy-enabling technologies in video surveillance
* Projection-Slice Theorem: A Compact Notation
* Projector Calibration by Inverse Camera Calibration
* Projector domain phase unwrapping in a structured light system with stereo cameras
* Pseudo-curved integral imaging pickup system with realtime view image generation
* PSO Accelerated Immune Particle Filter for Dynamic State Estimation, A
* Pyramid Histograms of Motion Context with Application to Angiogram Video Classification
* Random-Selection-Based Anomaly Detector for Hyperspectral Imagery
* Range-based Navigation System for a Mobile Robot
* Real Time Surface Registration for PET Motion Tracking
* Real-time arbitrary view rendering on GPU from stereo video and time-of-flight camera
* Real-Time Cardiac MR Anatomy and Dyssynchrony Overlay for Guidance of Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy Procedures: Clinical Results Update
* real-time coarse-to-fine multiview capture system for all-in-focus rendering on a light-field display, A
* Real-Time Detection of Landscape Scenes
* Real-Time Line Detection Using Accelerated High-Resolution Hough Transform
* Real-time vanishing point detection using the Local Dominant Orientation Signature
* Recognition of Digital Hyperplanes and Level Layers with Forbidden Points
* Recognition of Human Activities
* Reconstruction From Aperture-Filtered Samples With Application to Scatterometer Image Reconstruction
* Reconstruction of Concurrent Lines from Leaning Points
* Recovering Endocardial Walls from 3D TEE
* Recovering Missing Data on Satellite Images
* Reduced complexity multi-view video coding scheme for 2D camera arrays
* Refractive Epipolar Geometry for Underwater Stereo Matching
* Regionally Optimised Mathematical Models of Cardiac Myocyte Orientation in Rat Hearts
* Register Length Analysis and VLSI Optimization of VBS Hadamard Transform in H.264/AVC
* Removal of non-uniform complex and compound shadows from textured surfaces using adaptive directional smoothing and the thin plate model
* Rendering multi-view plus depth data on light-field displays
* Representing Local Structure Using Tensors II
* Restricted Coulomb Energy (RCE) Neural Network System for Hand Image Segmentation, A
* Retinal HDR images: intraocular glare and object size
* Robotic Tracking and Marking of Surface Shape Defects on Moving Automotive Panels
* Robust adaptive directional lifting wavelet transform for image denoising
* Robust focal length estimation based on minimal solution method
* Robust Video Surveillance for Fall Detection Based on Human Shape Deformation
* Saliency in Spectral Images
* Scale Space Smoothing, Image Feature Extraction and Bessel Filters
* Scanning 2D/3D monocular camera
* Segmentation of Similar Images Using Graph Matching and Community Detection
* Selecting Critical Patterns Based on Local Geometrical and Statistical Information
* Self-Similarity-based Image Denoising
* Semantic Annotation Architecture for Accessible Multimedia Resources
* Semi-supervised maximum a posteriori probability segmentation of brain tissues from dual-echo magnetic resonance scans using incomplete training data
* Semi-supervised Segmentation of 3D Surfaces Using a Weighted Graph Representation
* Sensitivity Analysis of Mesh Warping and Subsampling Strategies for Generating Large Scale Electrophysiological Simulation Data
* Shadow Removal Using Intensity Surfaces and Texture Anchor Points
* SHAllow RADar (SHARAD) Onboard the NASA MRO Mission, The
* Shape Analysis of the Left Ventricular Endocardial Surface and Its Application in Detecting Coronary Artery Disease
* Shape from Silhouette Under Varying Lighting and Multi-viewpoints
* Shared Parameter Model for Gesture and Sub-gesture Analysis, A
* Shuffle on Trajectories over Finite Array Languages
* Signal Compensation and Compressed Sensing for Magnetization-Prepared MR Angiography
* Simple and Flexible Mesh Parameterization Method, A
* Simple Deformable Model for Shark Recognition, A
* Simulating Drug-Induced Effects on the Heart: From Ion Channel to Body Surface Electrocardiogram
* Simulation of Diffusion Anisotropy in DTI for Virtual Cardiac Fiber Structure
* Skeleton Path Based Approach for Nonrigid 3D Shape Analysis and Retrieval
* Slice-Based Combination of Rest and Dobutamine: Stress Cardiac MRI Using a Statistical Motion Model to Identify Myocardial Infarction: Validation against Contrast-Enhanced MRI
* Smooth shading of specular surfaces in polygon-based high-definition CGH
* Smooth Simultaneous Structural Graph Matching and Point-Set Registration
* Smoothing Criteria for Regularized Matrix Inversion of Bistatic Radar Echoes
* Smoothing-Based Submap Merging in Large Area SLAM
* Solving the Two Color Problem: An Heuristic Algorithm
* Sorting Through Photos
* Sparse Brain Network Recovery Under Compressed Sensing
* Sparse Similarity-Based Fisherfaces
* Sparsity-Driven Reconstruction for FDOT With Anatomical Priors
* Spatial 3D imaging by synthetic and digitized holography
* Spatial-and-Temporal-Weighted Structure from Motion
* Spatial-Random-Access-Enabled Video Coding for Interactive Virtual Pan/Tilt/Zoom Functionality
* Spatially Adaptive Gradient-Projection Algorithm to Remove Coding Artifacts of H.264, A
* Spatially Regularized Compressed Sensing for High Angular Resolution Diffusion Imaging
* Spatio-chromatic Image Content Descriptors and Their Analysis Using Extreme Value Theory
* Spatio-temporal consistent depth maps from multi-view video
* Spatio-Temporal Extraction of Articulated Models in a Graph Pyramid
* Spatio-temporal Facial Features for HRI Scenarios
* Speeding Up Graph Edit Distance Computation through Fast Bipartite Matching
* SSIM-Based Perceptual Rate Control for Video Coding
* Stable Structure from Motion for Unordered Image Collections
* Statistical Analysis of the Human Cardiac Fiber Architecture from DT-MRI
* Statistical Interior Tomography
* Stereo image representation using compressive sensing
* Stereo video encoder optimization for mobile applications
* Structure-Based Evaluation Methodology for Curvilinear Structure Detection Algorithms
* Subjective assessment of the impact of transmission errors in 3DTV compared to HDTV
* Subsurface Radar Sounding of the Jovian Moon Ganymede
* Supercontinuum Light Sources for Hyperspectral Subsurface Laser Scattering: Applications for Food Inspection
* Support Vector Machine Approach to Cardiac SPECT Diagnosis
* Synthesis-Based Texture Video Coding with Side Information
* Target Segmentation in Scenes with Diverse Background
* Technical development and broadcast trials of 3D service over digital multimedia broadcasting
* Technical Perspective: Images Everywhere Looking for Models
* Temporal and inter-view skip modes for multi-view video coding
* Temporal filtering for depth maps generated by Kinect depth camera
* Text Extraction Using Component Analysis and Neuro-fuzzy Classification on Complex Backgrounds
* Three-Dimensional Research Adds New Dimensions
* Three-Dimensional Shape Description Algorithm Based on Polar-Fourier Transform for 3D Model Retrieval, A
* Tiled Top-Down Pyramids and Segmentation of Large Histological Images
* Time-consistency of disocclusion filling algorithms in Depth Image Based Rendering
* To Watch or Not to Watch: Video Summarization with Explicit Duplicate Elimination
* Tools for 3D-TV programme production
* Topology-Preserving Registration: A Solution via Graph Cuts
* Towards High Resolution Computational Models of the Cardiac Conduction System: A Pipeline for Characterization of Purkinje-Ventricular-Junctions
* Towards Patient Specific Catheter Selection: Computation of Aortic Geometry Based on Fused MRI Data
* Towards Performance Evaluation of Graph-Based Representation
* Transformation of General Binary MRF Minimization to the First-Order Case
* Trials on Tissue Contractility Estimation from Cardiac Cine MRI Using a Biomechanical Heart Model
* Triangulating a Plane
* Two New Graph Kernels and Applications to Chemoinformatics
* Two-Stage Rate Control Mechanism for RDO-Based H.264/AVC Encoders, A
* Ultrasound-Driven Kinematic Model of the Heart That Enforces Local Incompressibility, An
* Unscented Kalman Filtering for Articulated Human Tracking
* Unsupervised Image Categorization by Hypergraph Partition
* Unsupervised Learning for Improving Efficiency of Dense Three-Dimensional Scene Recovery in Corridor Mapping
* Unsupervised Polygonal Reconstruction of Noisy Contours by a Discrete Irregular Approach
* User centered design of gesture-based interaction technology
* Using Active Illumination for Accurate Variational Space-Time Stereo
* Using Fourier Descriptors and Spatial Models for Traffic Sign Recognition
* Using Kernels on Hierarchical Graphs in Automatic Classification of Designs
* Using Line and Ellipse Features for Rectification of Broadcast Hockey Video
* Using Modality Replacement to Facilitate Communication between Visually and Hearing-Impaired People
* Using the Local Phase of the Magnitude of the Local Structure Tensor for Image Registration
* Using the Skeleton for 3D Object Decomposition
* Utilizing Geographic Information System Data for Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Position Estimation
* Vehicle Detection Using Partial Least Squares
* Veiling glare: the dynamic range limit of HDR images
* View synthesis for mixed resolution multivew 3D videos
* Viewing window expansion in integral floating display using tilted side mirrors
* Virtual out of focus with single image to enhance 3D perception
* virtual video camera: Simplified 3DTV acquisition and processing, The
* Visual Odometry Using 3-Dimensional Video Input
* Visual Representation in the Determination of Saliency
* Volume Local Phase Quantization for Blur-Insensitive Dynamic Texture Classification
* Watermark Recovery from a Dual Layer Hologram with a Digital Camera
* Wavelet Model-based Stereo for Fast, Robust Face Reconstruction
* Web-Scale Multimedia Analysis: Does Content Matter?
* WISDOM GPR Designed for Shallow and High-Resolution Sounding of the Martian Subsurface
* Wood Detection and Tracking in Videos of Rivers
* Worn-out Images in Testing Image Processing Algorithms
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