Update Dates 0004

0004 * *Enhanced and Synthetic Vision 2000
* *Signal Processing, Sensor Fusion, and Target Recognition
* *Vision Interface
* adaptive clustering algorithm for color quantization, An
* Adaptive morphological operators, fast algorithms and their applications
* Adaptively Regularized Constrained Total Least-Squares Image Restoration
* Advances in Visual Information Management: Visual Database Systems
* Algorithm for text page up/down orientation determination
* Algorithm for the Retrieval of Albedo from Space Using Semiempirical BRDF Models, An
* Analog implementation of erosion/dilation, median and order statistics filters
* Appearance-based active object recognition
* Application of principal axes for registration of NMR image sequences
* Approximate Criteria for the MPEG-2 Motion Estimation
* Asymptotic performance analysis of Bayesian object recognition
* Automatic registration of ceramic tiles for the purpose of fault detection
* Autostereoscopic Display Providing Comfortable Viewing Conditions and a High Degree of Telepresence, An
* Binary Partition Tree as an Efficient Representation for Image Processing, Segmentation, and Information Retrieval
* British Machine Vision Conference 1998
* Center-Biased Adaptive Search Algorithm for Block Motion Estimation, A
* Characterization of Dirac Structure Edges with Wavelet Transform
* Classified JPEG Coding of Mixed Document Images for Printing
* Cloud Shadow Detection Under Arbitrary Viewing and Illumination Conditions
* Combining Computer Graphics and Computer Vision for Probabilistic Visual Robot Navigation
* Compression of Multispectral Remote Sensing Images Using Clustering and Spectral Reduction
* Computer Vision and Applications: A Guide for Students and Practitioners
* Continuous HMM applied to quantization of on-line Korean character spaces
* Diffusion of General Data on Non-Flat Manifolds via Harmonic Maps Theory: The Direction Diffusion Case
* digital photogrammetric workstation on the WEB, A
* Directional adaptive noise reduction
* efficient watershed algorithm based on connected components, An
* Estimation of the influence of second- and third-order moments on random sets reconstructions
* Euclidean Distance Transform for Binary Images on Reconfigurable Mesh-Connected Computers
* Experiment-Based Quantitative and Comparative Analysis of Target Detection and Image Classification Algorithms for Hyperspectral Imagery, An
* Face image processing system
* Fast and High Performance Image Subsampling Using Feedforward Neural Networks
* Fast DCT-Based Spatial Domain Interpolation of Blocks in Images
* Fast Encoding Algorithm for Fractal Image Compression Using the DCT Inner Product, A
* FLIR ATR Using Location Uncertainty
* Forgery Detection by Local Correspondence
* Frontal Face Authentication Using Morphological Elastic Graph Matching
* Fuzzy Error Diffusion
* Geodesic balls in a fuzzy set and fuzzy geodesic mathematical morphology
* Geometric in-flight calibration of the stereoscopic line-CCD scanner MOMS-2P
* Glacier Surface Motion Computation from Digital Image Sequences
* Graeco-Latin Squares Design for Line Detection in the Presence of Correlated Noise
* Granolds: a novel texture representation
* Group morphology
* Heterogeneous morphological granulometries
* Heteroscedastic Hough Transform (HtHT): An Efficient Method for Robust Line Fitting in the 'Errors in the Variables' Problem
* Hierarchical Synchronization Technique Based on the EREC for Robust Transmission of H.263 Bit Stream, A
* How to Realize a Natural Image Reproduction using Stereoscopic Displays with Motion Parallax
* How well do we understand Earth observation electro-optical sensor parameters?
* Image Quality Assessment Based on a Degradation Model
* Image representation by a new optimal non-uniform morphological sampling
* Image shake detecting device
* Image sharpening by morphological filtering
* Improved Hybrid Clustering Algorithm for Natural Scenes, An
* Indoor Experiments on Polarimetric SAR Interferometry
* Invariance Signatures: Characterizing Contours by Their Departures from Invariance
* Just Enough Reality: Comfortable 3-D Viewing via Microstereopsis
* L-infinity Constrained High-Fidelity Image Compression via Adaptive Context Modeling
* Learning Spatio-temporal Patterns for Predicting Object Behaviour
* Line Feature Matching Technique Based on an Eigenvector Approach, A
* linguistic fuzzy recogniser of off-line handwritten characters, A
* Low-Cost Content-Adaptive and Rate-Controllable Near-Lossless Image Codec in DPCM Domain, A
* Machine tool condition monitoring using workpiece surface texture analysis
* Matching color uncalibrated images using differential invariants
* Matching Disparate Views of Planar Surfaces Using Projective Invariants
* Method and apparatus for compressing multi-view video
* Method and apparatus for detecting moving objects in two- and three-dimensional scenes
* Method for extracting a three-dimensional model using appearance-based constrained structure from motion
* Method of Automated Landmark Generation for Automated 3D PDM Construction, A
* MLESAC: A New Robust Estimator with Application to Estimating Image Geometry
* Model-Aided Coding: A New Approach to Incorporate Facial Animation into Motion-Compensated Video Coding
* Modelizing character allographs in omni-scriptor frame: A New Non-Supervised Clustering Algorithm
* Modelling and representation issues in automated feature extraction from aerial and satellite images
* Morphological regularization neural networks
* Motion Estimation Using Low-Band-Shift Method for Wavelet-Based Moving-Picture Coding
* Motion-Egomotion Discrimination and Motion Segmentation from Image-Pair Streams
* Multiframe Temporal Estimation of Cardiac Nonrigid Motion
* multiscale morphological approach to local contrast enhancement, A
* Multisensor Data Fusion for Surface Land-Mine Detection
* Multispectral Satellite Image and Ancillary Data Integration for Geological Classification
* Multiview Video Sequence Analysis, Compression, and Virtual Viewpoint Synthesis
* Neural networks with hybrid morphological/rank/linear nodes: a unifying framework with applications to handwritten character recognition
* new and fast approach for DPIV using an incompressible affine flow model, A
* New Fuzzy Logic Filter for Image Enhancement, A
* new region matching method for stereoscopic images, A
* Non-linear image processing in hardware
* Non-linear statistical models for the 3D reconstruction of human pose and motion from monocular image sequences
* Normalized Partial Distortion Search Algorithm for Block Motion Estimation
* Object Detection and Localization by Dynamic Template Warping
* Object detection method and system for scene change analysis in TV and IR data
* Object Tracking for Retrieval Applications in MPEG-2
* On Spatial Quantization of Color Images
* On the generalised stock-cutting problem
* Optimized Halftoning Using Dot Diffusion and Methods for Inverse Halftoning
* Orientation-Sensitive Interpolative Pyramids for Lossless and Progressive Image Coding
* Planar grouping for automatic detection of vanishing lines and points
* Potential Based Modeling of 2-D Regions Using Nonuniform Source Distributions
* Practical Use of Cellular Neural Networks: The Stereo-Vision Problem as an Optimisation, A
* Real-Time Motion Analysis with Linear Programming
* Real-Time Wavelet Vector Quantization Algorithm and Its VLSI Architecture, A
* Recovering Heading and Structure for Constant-Direction Motion
* Recovering more classes than available bands for sets of mixed pixels in satellite images
* Regions Adjacency Graph Applied to Color Image Segmentation
* Rigorous Mathematical Modeling of Airborne Pushbroom Imaging Systems
* Robust Computer Vision: An Interdisciplinary Challenge
* Robust Detection of Lines Using the Progressive Probabilistic Hough Transform
* Robust Image Matching under Partial Occlusion and Spatially Varying Illumination Change
* Robust Recognition Using Eigenimages
* Robustly Estimating Changes in Image Appearance
* Rotation and Direction Judgment from Visual Images Head-Slaved in Two and Three Degrees-of-Freedom
* Satellite Sensor Image Classification Using Cascaded Architecture of Neural Fuzzy Network
* Scale Space Classification Using Area Morphology
* Shape Partitioning by Convexity
* Similarity measures for convex polyhedra based on Minkowski addition
* Simple Processor Core Design for DCT/IDCT, A
* State-of-the-art of elevation extraction from satellite SAR data
* Study on Resolution and Aliasing for Multi-Viewpoint Image Acquisition, A
* Study on the Relationship Between Shooting Conditions and Cardboard Effect of Stereoscopic Images, A
* switching algorithm for design of optimal increasing binary filters over large windows, A
* System and method for automatically generating an image to represent a video sequence
* System and method for reconstructing noninterlaced captured content for display on a progressive screen
* Systems and Experiment Paper: Construction of Panoramic Image Mosaics with Global and Local Alignment
* Testing VBR Video Traffic for Stationarity
* Three dimensional inspection system
* Thresholding Using Two-Dimensional Histogram and Fuzzy Entropy Principle
* Toward Automatic Robot Programming: Learning Human Skill from Visual Data
* Translation, Rotation, and Scale-Invariant Object Recognition
* Uncertainty analysis of 3D reconstruction from uncalibrated views
* Use of IFS Codes for Learning 2D Isolated-Object Classification Systems
* Video Image Processing with the Sonic Architecture
* Video-Server Retrieval Scheduling and Resource Reservation for Variable Bit Rate Scalable Video
* View synthesis by trinocular edge matching and transfer
* Watershed-Based Segmentation and Region Merging
* Wavelet Domain Image Restoration with Adaptive Edge-Preserving Regularization
* Window-Based Inverse Hough Transform, A
138 for 0004

Index for "0"

Last update:20-Jan-25 12:09:31
Use price@usc.edu for comments.