Journals starting with vc_2

VC(2) * Automated Generation of Simply Connected Solid Objects from Wire-Frame Data Using Operations on Graphs
* Back-Buffer Algorithm: An Extension of the Radiosity Method to Dynamic Environments, The
* Clustering Methods for Geometric Objects and Applications to Design Problems
* Experimental CSG Environment for Modelling Solid
* G-Quadtree: A Hierarchical Representation of Gray-Scale Digital Images
* Lifegame Approach to Surface Modeling and Rendering, A
* Optical Clustering
* Radiosity: A Method for Computing Global Illumination
* Texture Mapping and Distortion in Digital Graphics
* Visibility Between Two Edges of a Simple Polygon
10 for VC(2)

VC(20) * Animating visible speech and facial expressions
* Computing curvature-adaptive surface triangulations of three-dimensional image data
* Constructive sculpting of heterogeneous volumetric objects using trivariate B-splines
* Delphi: geometry-based connectivity prediction in triangle mesh compression
* greedy Delaunay-based surface reconstruction algorithm, A
* hand-held approach to 3D reconstruction using light stripe projections onto a cube frame, A
* hybrid-based texture synthesis approach, A
* Implicit surface reconstruction from contours
* Marching Intersections algorithm for merging range images, The
* Parameterization-free active contour models with topology control
* Reactive pedestrian path following from examples
* Texture evolution: 3D texture synthesis from single 2D growable texture pattern
* Triangular mesh intersection
13 for VC(20)

VC(21) * Aerial image processing and object recognition
* almost distribution-independent incremental Delaunay triangulation algorithm, An
* alternative method of curve interpolation, An
* Computing hierarchical curve-skeletons of 3D objects
* Mirror MoCap: Automatic and efficient capture of dense 3D facial motion parameters from video
* Photogrammetric reconstruction of free-form objects with curvilinear structures
* Surround video: a multihead camera approach
* Virtual marionettes: a system and paradigm for real-time 3D animation
8 for VC(21)

VC(22) * 3D face authentication and recognition based on bilateral symmetry analysis
* Single view metrology of wide-angle lens images

VC(23) * 3D shape metamorphosis based on T-spline level sets
* Dynamic Delaunay tetrahedralisation of a deforming surface
* Dynamics-based analysis and synthesis of human locomotion
* Improved error estimate for extraordinary Catmull-Clark subdivision surface patches
* Interactive wireless virtual colonoscopy
* new image registration scheme based on curvature scale space curve matching, A
* On stochastic methods for surface reconstruction
* Registration of CAD mesh models with CT volumetric model of assembly of machine parts
* robust hole-filling algorithm for triangular mesh, A
* Surface modeling with polynomial splines over hierarchical T-meshes
* wearable system for mobility improvement of visually impaired people, A
11 for VC(23)

VC(24) * 1001 Acquisition viewpoints: efficient and versatile view-dependent modeling of real-world scenes
* 3D Hair Sketching for real-time dynamic and key frame animations
* 3d mosaics with variable-sized tiles
* Augmented and Virtual Reality applications in the field of logistics
* Automatic spatial analysis and pedestrian flow control for real-time crowd simulation in an urban environment
* Building highly realistic facial modeling and animation: a survey
* Consistent mesh partitioning and skeletonisation using the shape diameter function
* Contextual motion field-based distance for video analysis
* Continuous collision detection for adaptive simulation of articulated bodies
* Curvature-based stroke rendering
* Delaunay meshing of isosurfaces
* Determination of camera parameters for character motions using motion area
* Digital shallow depth-of-field adapter for photographs
* distance template for octree traversal in CPU-based volume ray casting, A
* dynamically reconfigurable stereoscopic/panoramic vision mobile robot head controlled from a virtual environment, A
* Efficient contrast invariant stereo correspondence using dynamic programming with vertical constraint
* Efficient reconstruction from non-uniform point sets
* Enhancing 3D mesh topological skeletons with discrete contour constrictions
* Enriching a motion database by analogous combination of partial human motions
* Estimation of mechanical parameters of deformable solids from videos
* GPU persistent grid mapping for terrain rendering, A
* Hierarchical part-type segmentation using voxel-based curve skeletons
* Improved 2D mass-spring-damper model with unstructured triangular meshes
* improved contrast enhancing approach for color-to-grayscale mappings, An
* Inversion handling for stable deformable modeling
* Markerless human body motion capture using Markov random field and dynamic graph cuts
* Mesh massage: A versatile mesh optimization framework
* model for adapting 3D graphics based on scalable coding, real-time simplification and remote rendering, A
* natural human hand model, A
* new feature-based method for robust and efficient rigid-body registration of overlapping point clouds, A
* Perspective-aware texture analysis and synthesis
* Real-time feature-aware video abstraction
* Reconstructing regular meshes from points: A parameterization-based approach
* Self adaptive animation based on user perspective
* Shape deformation with tunable stiffness
* Shape from shading based on needle map and cellular automata
* Spectral mesh deformation
* Spline-based feature curves from point-sampled geometry
* System architecture for semantic annotation and adaptation in content sharing environments
* Three-dimensional surface reconstruction using meshing growing neural gas (MGNG)
* User-centric universal multimedia access in home networks
* Video enhancement using reference photographs
* Visibility volumes for interactive path optimization
* Visual creation of inhabited 3d environments: An ontology-based approach
44 for VC(24)

VC(25) * 3D face computational photography using PCA spaces
* 3D virtual mosaics: Opus Palladium and mixed styles
* Adaptive smooth surface fitting with manifolds
* Approximate topological matching of quad meshes
* Automatic registration of multiple range images based on cycle space
* Biorthogonal wavelet construction for hybrid quad/triangle meshes
* Curvature-based anisotropic geodesic distance computation for parametric and implicit surfaces
* Distributed Video Coding using Turbo Trellis Coded Modulation
* Dual-RBF based surface reconstruction
* Efficient motion data indexing and retrieval with local similarity measure of motion strings
* efficient two steps algorithm for wide baseline image matching, An
* Generating anatomical substructures for physically-based facial animation. Part 1: A methodology for skull fitting
* GPU Tile-Load-Map architecture for terrain rendering: theory and applications, A
* Hierarchical aggregation for efficient shape extraction
* High-quality cardiac image dynamic visualization with feature enhancement and virtual surgical tool inclusion
* Image-based tree modeling from a few images with very narrow viewing range
* In vivo interactive visualization of four-dimensional blood flow patterns: Realtime assessment of volumetric phase contrast MRI
* Incorporating object-centered sampling and Delaunay tetrahedrization for visual hull reconstruction
* Inherent limitations on specular highlight analysis
* interactive 3D medical visualization system based on a light field display, An
* Interactive skeletonization of intensity volumes
* itleAutomatic view selection through depth-based view stability analysis
* Light source estimation of outdoor scenes for mixed reality
* Motion study of the hip joint in extreme postures
* Moving objects forecast in image sequences using autoregressive algorithms
* Mr-SDM: a novel statistical deformable model for object deformation
* Multi-Fourier spectra descriptor and augmentation with spectral clustering for 3D shape retrieval
* new feature-preserving mesh-smoothing algorithm, A
* Parallel smoothing of quad meshes
* Performance analysis of a parallel multi-view rendering architecture using light fields
* Pick-by-vision: augmented reality supported order picking
* Real-time exploration and photorealistic reconstruction of large natural environments
* Real-time saliency-aware video abstraction
* reduced unconstrained system for the cloth dynamics solver, A
* Robust detection of perceptually salient features on 3D meshes
* Robust fitting of implicitly defined surfaces using Gauss-Newton-type techniques
* Seamless patches for GPU-based terrain rendering
* Shape-sensitive MLS deformation
* Toward a higher-level visual representation for object-based image retrieval
* Variational tetrahedral mesh generation from discrete volume data
* Video collage: presenting a video sequence using a single image
* Video stabilization based on a 3D perspective camera model
* Visual analysis of image collections
43 for VC(25)

VC(26) * 3D articulated object retrieval using a graph-based representation
* 3D relevance feedback via multilevel relevance judgements
* additional branch free algebraic B-spline curve fitting method, An
* bag of words approach for retrieval and categorization of 3D objects, The
* Boundary fitting for 2D curve reconstruction
* Camera movement for chasing a subject with unknown behavior based on real-time viewpoint goodness evaluation
* camera on-line recalibration framework using SIFT, A
* Coherent radiance capture of scenes under changing illumination conditions for relighting applications
* Color invariant chroma keying and color spill neutralization for dynamic scenes and cameras
* color-based face tracking algorithm for enhancing interaction with mobile devices, A
* Color-to-gray conversion using ISOMAP
* Combined X-ray and facial videos for phoneme-level articulator dynamics
* comparative study of existing metrics for 3D-mesh segmentation evaluation, A
* Content-aware copying and pasting in images
* Contrast prescription for multiscale image editing
* Delaunay deformable mesh for the weathering and erosion of 3D terrain
* Differential geometry images: remeshing and morphing with local shape preservation
* Error-bounded lossy compression of floating-point color buffers using quadtree decomposition
* Evaluation of texture registration by epipolar geometry
* Example-based contrast enhancement by gradient mapping
* Example-based painting guided by color features
* Generating B-spline curves with points, normals and curvature constraints: a constructive approach
* GPU-based matting Laplacian solver for high resolution image matting, A
* Grouped photon mapping
* High quality surface remeshing with equilateral triangle grid
* Image-based face illumination transferring using logarithmic total variation models
* improved data hiding approach for polygon meshes, An
* Interactive evolutionary 3D fractal modeling
* Interactive motion photography from a single image
* intuitive polygon morphing, An
* Lazy texture selection based on active learning
* lightweight approach to repairing digitized polygon meshes, A
* Local albedo-insensitive single image dehazing
* Multi-camera tele-immersion system with real-time model driven data compression: A new model-based compression method for massive dynamic point data
* multi-LREP decomposition of solids and its application to a point-in-polyhedron inclusion test, The
* Nonhomogeneous scaling optimization for realtime image resizing
* novel semi-blind-and-semi-reversible robust watermarking scheme for 3D polygonal models, A
* novel terrain rendering algorithm based on quasi Delaunay triangulation, A
* Optimal multiple-seams search for image resizing with smoothness and shape prior
* Partial matching of real textured 3D objects using color cubic higher-order local auto-correlation features
* Perceptual-saliency extremum lines for 3D shape illustration
* Periodic pattern of texture analysis and synthesis based on texels distribution
* Precise Hausdorff distance computation for planar freeform curves using biarcs and depth buffer
* Preface: Special Issue on 3D Object Retrieval 2009
* Prior model evaluation from Null Space Compensation perspective with application to surface reconstruction from single images
* Protrusion-oriented 3D mesh segmentation
* Real-time coherent stylization for augmented reality
* Real-time data driven deformation with affine bones
* Real-time data driven deformation with affine bones
* Seamless video composition using optimized mean-value cloning
* Segmenting animated objects into near-rigid components
* Segmenting point-sampled surfaces
* Selective rendering for efficient ray traced stereoscopic images
* simple method for interpolating meshes of arbitrary topology by Catmull-Clark surfaces, A
* SkelTre: Robust skeleton extraction from imperfect point clouds
* Streaming compression of hexahedral meshes
* TF-DF indexing for mocap data segments in measuring relevance based on textual search queries
* Urban flood risk analysis for determining optimal flood protection levels based on digital terrain model and flood spreading model
* Usability evaluation of virtual reality interaction techniques for positioning and manoeuvring in reduced, manipulation-oriented environments
* versatile framework for shape description, A
* Volumetric stereo and silhouette fusion for image-based modeling
61 for VC(26)

VC(27) * 3D facial expression recognition using SIFT descriptors of automatically detected keypoints
* 3D flow features visualization via fuzzy clustering
* 3D model alignment based on minimum projection area
* action selection process to simulate the human behavior in virtual humans with real personality, An
* Adaptive records for volume irradiance caching
* Adaptive tone-preserved image detail enhancement
* Algorithms for computing diffuse reflection paths in polygons
* Analytical solutions for sketch-based convolution surface modeling on the GPU
* Animating rising up from various lying postures and environments
* Approximating global illumination on mesostructure surfaces with height gradient maps
* Attention-based high dynamic range imaging
* Automated cell classification and visualization for analyzing remyelination therapy
* Automatic skinning and animation of skeletal models
* Biomechanics-based reaching optimization
* Birefringence: calculation of refracted ray paths in biaxial crystals
* Building look and feel concept models from color combinations: With applications in image classification, retrieval, and color transfer
* CGI'2011 Conference
* CGI'2012 Conference, Computer Graphics International
* Class-specific metrics for multidimensional data projection applied to CBIR
* clustering-based system to automate transfer function design for medical image visualization, A
* Combination of bag-of-words descriptors for robust partial shape retrieval
* Combinatorial mesh optimization
* Combined MR imaging towards subject-specific knee contact analysis
* Combining color and depth for enhanced image segmentation and retargeting
* Comparing local shape descriptors
* Comparison of statistical models performance in case of segmentation using a small amount of training datasets
* Compressing repeated content within large-scale remote sensing images
* Conic-like subdivision curves on surfaces
* Creating building ground plans via robust K-way union: A step toward large-scale simulation in urban environment
* Crowd simulation: applying mobile grids to the social force model
* Data-driven approach for automatic orientation of 3D shapes
* deformation model to reduce the effect of expressions in 3D face recognition, A
* Detail-replicating shape stretching
* Displacement patches for view-dependent rendering
* Distance-based tractography in high angular resolution diffusion MRI
* Dynamic Voronoi diagram of complex sites
* Editorial introduction to the special issue ICVGIP
* Efficient computation of 3D Morse-Smale complexes and persistent homology using discrete Morse theory
* Efficient multi-view ray tracing using edge detection and shader reuse
* Ellipse-based principal component analysis for self-intersecting curve reconstruction from noisy point sets
* Ellipse-based principal component analysis for self-intersecting curve reconstruction from noisy point sets
* Environment-Sensitive cloning in images
* evaluation of 3-D scene exploration using a multiperspective image framework, An
* Evaluation of 3D interest point detection techniques via human-generated ground truth
* Evaluation of Boolean operations between free-form solids using extended simplicial chains and PN triangles
* Fast and versatile texture-based wireframe rendering
* Fast hierarchical animated object decomposition using approximately invariant signature
* fast hybrid computation model for rectum deformation, A
* Fast image dehazing using guided joint bilateral filter
* Feature-varying skeletonization: Intuitive control over the target feature size and output skeleton topology
* Fractal dimension based neurofeedback in serious games
* framework for digital sunken relief generation based on 3D geometric models, A
* framework to meet didactical requirements for serious game design, A
* Function-based approach to mixed haptic effects rendering
* Generating optimal drawings of physically realizable symbol maps with integer programming
* Genetic B-Spline approximation on combined B-reps
* GPU framework for parallel segmentation of volumetric images using discrete deformable models, A
* gradient-domain-based edge-preserving sharpen filter, A
* Graph-based multi-space semantic correlation propagation for video retrieval
* Grid-based SAH BVH construction on a GPU
* Harris 3D: a robust extension of the Harris operator for interest point detection on 3D meshes
* Homotopy-based surface reconstruction with application to acoustic signals
* Hybrid inverse motion control for virtual characters interacting with sound synthesis: Application to percussion motion
* hyper elasticity method for interactive virtual design of hearing aids: A parallel method for general non-linear hyper elasticity modeling, A
* Image-based rendering of intersecting surfaces for dynamic comparative visualization
* Image-space hierarchical coherence buffer
* Informed character pose and proportion design
* Interactive building and augmentation of piecewise planar environments using the intersection lines
* Interactive deformable models with quadratic bases in Bernstein-Bézier-form
* interactive design system for pop-up cards with a physical simulation, An
* Interactive two-scale color-to-gray
* interactive whiteboard for immersive telecollaboration, An
* Interpolated eigenfunctions for volumetric shape processing
* iterative/subdivision hybrid algorithm for curve/curve intersection, An
* Joint reversible watermarking and progressive compression of 3D meshes
* Landmark-free posture invariant human shape correspondence
* Latent topic model-based group activity discovery
* Local shape blending using coherent weighted regions
* method for clipping splats on sharp edges and corners, A
* Modeling with blocks
* Multi-scale anisotropic heat diffusion based on normal-driven shape representation
* new approach to combine texture compression and filtering, A
* Non-rigid 3D object retrieval using topological information guided by conformal factors
* Painterly rendering with content-dependent natural paint strokes
* Parallel and efficient Boolean on polygonal solids
* Parallelized egocentric fields for autonomous navigation
* Part-in-whole 3D shape matching and docking
* Partition of unity parametrics: a framework for meta-modeling
* Performance-based control interfaces using mixture of factor analyzers
* pipeline virtual environment architecture for multicore processor systems, A
* Preface to special issue on 3DOR 2010
* Preface to Special Issue on 3DOR 2011
* Preface: Secial Issue on SIBGRAPI 2011
* Procedural and interactive icicle modeling
* R-D optimized progressive compression of 3D meshes using prioritized gate selection and curvature prediction
* Rapid scalar value classification and volume clipping for interactive 3D medical image visualization
* Rate-distortion optimization for progressive compression of 3D mesh with color attributes
* Reconstruction of high contrast images for dynamic scenes
* Reeb graph path dissimilarity for 3D object matching and retrieval
* Registration of point clouds using sample-sphere and adaptive distance restriction
* Retraction Note: Texture-guided volumetric deformation and visualization using 3D moving least squares
* robust confirmable watermarking algorithm for 3D mesh based on manifold harmonics analysis, A
* robust feature-preserving semi-regular remeshing method for triangular meshes, A
* Robust image segmentation against complex color distribution
* Robust interactive cutting based on an adaptive octree simulation mesh
* Robust super resolution of compressed video
* Robust two-stage face recognition approach using global and local features
* Saliency-driven scaling optimization for image retargeting
* Segmentation of cam-type femurs from CT scans
* Selective image abstraction
* Separating semantics from rendering: A scene graph based architecture for graphics applications
* Shape-enhanced maximum intensity projection
* Shrinkage, wrinkling and ablation of burning cloth and paper
* Simultaneous tracking and action recognition for single actor human actions
* Skeleton-aware size variations in digital mannequins
* Special issue on Cyberworlds 2010
* Spectral feature selection for shape characterization and classification
* Surface reconstruction with higher-order smoothness
* Template-based quadrilateral mesh generation from imaging data
* Texturing 3D models from sequential photos
* Time-of-flight sensor and color camera calibration for multi-view acquisition
* Topology preserved shape deformation
* Tracing specular light paths in point-based scenes
* Uncertainty visualization using HDR volume rendering
* Unsupervised learning of spatial structures shared among images
* Using Normalized Compression Distance for image similarity measurement: an experimental study
* variational model for normal computation of point clouds, A
* Versatile surface detail editing via Laplacian coordinates
* Video dehazing with spatial and temporal coherence
* Virtual subdivision for GPU based collision detection of deformable objects using a uniform grid
* Visualizing combinatorial auctions
* Volume rendering of unstructured hexahedral meshes
* Volume-preserving FFD for programmable graphics hardware
* Weak-perspective structure from motion by fast alternation
* Web-image driven best views of 3D shapes
* Weighted pose space editing for facial animation
* YaDiV: An open platform for 3D visualization and 3D segmentation of medical data
137 for VC(27)

VC(28) * 3D medial axis point approximation using nearest neighbors and the normal field
* 3D model retrieval based on color + geometry signatures
* Approximate straightest path computation and its application in parameterization
* Automatic and interactive evolution of vector graphics images with genetic algorithms
* Automatic cage generation by improved OBBs for mesh deformation
* Building long-term relationships with virtual and robotic characters: the role of remembering
* Certified meshing of Radial Basis Function based isosurfaces
* Continuous point projection to planar freeform curves using spiral curves
* Detail-preserving exposure fusion using subband architecture
* Fluid simulation with adaptively sharpening and embedded boundary conditions
* Incorporating stochastic turbulence in particle-based fluid simulation
* LOTUS: Composing a multi-user interactive tiled display virtual environment
* Matching sequences of salient contour points characterized by Voronoi region features
* Noiseless GPU rendering of isotropic BRDF surfaces
* Using surface variability characteristics for segmentation of deformable 3D objects with application to piecewise statistical deformable model
* Video matting via opacity propagation
16 for VC(28)

VC(29) * 3D object retrieval in an atlas of neuronal structures
* 3D object retrieval via range image queries in a bag-of-visual-words context
* 3D point of interest detection via spectral irregularity diffusion
* Abstracting images into continuous-line artistic styles
* Accurate and efficient cross-domain visual matching leveraging multiple feature representations
* Affective image adjustment with a single word
* Attention-Aware Disparity Control in interactive environments
* Augmented reality supporting user-centric building information management
* Automated sampling and control of gaseous simulations
* Automatic cage construction for retargeted muscle fitting
* Automatic facial expression recognition in real-time from dynamic sequences of 3D face scans
* Automatic visual speech segmentation and recognition using directional motion history images and Zernike moments
* bag-of-semantics model for image clustering, A
* Basis image decomposition of outdoor time-lapse videos
* Bombs, fish, and coral reefs
* Co-segmentation of 3D shapes via multi-view spectral clustering
* Complex line bundle Laplacians
* Constraint-aware interior layout exploration for pre-cast concrete-based buildings
* Content-based 3D model retrieval using a single depth image from a low-cost 3D camera
* Cylindrical panoramic mosaicing from a pipeline video through MRF based optimization
* Deformable model for estimating clothed and naked human shapes from a single image
* Dual space directional occlusion
* Easy-to-use authoring system for Noh (Japanese traditional) dance animation and its evaluation
* Editorial, Special issue Introduction
* efficient and collision-free hole-filling algorithm for orthodontics, An
* Efficient collision detection for composite finite element simulation of cuts in deformable bodies
* efficient multi-resolution framework for high quality interactive rendering of massive point clouds using multi-way kd-trees, An
* empirical evaluation of different haptic feedback for shape and texture recognition, An
* empirical evaluation of different haptic feedback for shape and texture recognition, An
* empirical study on the effects of translucency on photometric stereo, An
* Enhanced waypoint graph for surface and volumetric path planning in virtual worlds
* Extending a distributed virtual reality system with exchangeable rendering back-ends
* Extracting curve-skeletons from digital shapes using occluding contours
* Fast level set image and video segmentation using new evolution indicator operators
* Feature correspondences using Morse Smale complex
* Feature line extraction from unorganized noisy point clouds using truncated Fourier series
* Filtering noise in progressive stochastic ray tracing
* Find where you are: a new try in place recognition
* Foreword to the special issue of CAD/Graphics 2011
* framework for interactive image color editing, A
* From real cities to virtual worlds using an open modular architecture
* Generalized Hermitian Radial Basis Functions Implicits from polygonal mesh constraints
* geometric strategy for computing intersections of two spatial parametric curves, A
* Human emotion recognition from videos using spatio-temporal and audio features
* Hybrid particle-grid fluid animation with enhanced details
* Illustrative uncertainty visualization of DTI fiber pathways
* Image retargeting with multifocus fisheye transformation
* Image warping for retargeting garments among arbitrary poses
* Image-driven virtual simulation of arthroscopy
* immersive multi-agent system for interactive applications, An
* Improved mean shift integrating texture and color features for robust real time object tracking
* improved system for 3D individualized modeling of the artificial femoral head, An
* Inserting virtual pedestrians into pedestrian groups video with behavior consistency
* Intent-aware image cloning
* Interactive chromaticity mapping for multispectral images
* Interactive free-form shape modeling in cyberworlds
* Internet visual media processing: A survey with graphics and vision applications
* Key-components: detection of salient regions on 3D meshes
* Latent motion spaces for full-body motion editing
* Let's keep in touch online: a Facebook aware virtual human interface
* Lit-Sphere extension for artistic rendering
* Markov-Type Vector Field for endless surface animation of water stream
* Matrix based cyclic spectral estimator for fast and robust texture classification
* Model-based hand pose estimation via spatial-temporal hand parsing and 3D fingertip localization
* Modeling and animation of fracture of heterogeneous materials based on CUDA
* Mona Lisa alive
* Multi-level hermite variational interpolation and quasi-interpolation
* multiresolution descriptor for deformable 3D shape retrieval, A
* new method for camera stratified self-calibration under circular motion, A
* Nonlinear scrambling-based reversible watermarking for 2D-vector maps
* novel image decomposition approach and its applications, A
* novel, integrated smoke simulation design method supporting local projection and guiding control over adaptive grids, A
* NUMA-aware image compositing on multi-GPU platform
* Object cloning using constrained mean value interpolation
* Opacity volume based halo generation and depth-dependent halos
* Opening up the black box of medical image segmentation with statistical shape models
* Optimization-based key frame extraction for motion capture animation
* Parallel adaptive sampling and reconstruction using multi-scale and directional analysis
* Perception-motivated visualization for 3D city scenes
* Pose analysis using spectral geometry
* Preface to special issue on Cyberworlds 2011
* Preface to the Special Issue on Cyberworlds 2012
* Preface: Special Section on 3DOR 2012
* Probabilistic illumination-aware filtering for Monte Carlo rendering
* Real-time feature-based image morphing for memory-efficient impostor rendering and animation on GPU
* Real-time marker prediction and CoR estimation in optical motion capture
* Recovering shape and motion by a dynamic system for low-rank matrix approximation in L_1 norm
* Rendering realistic spectral bokeh due to lens stops and aberrations
* Representational image generation for 3D objects
* Right of way
* Robust image metamorphosis immune from ghost and blur
* Saliency for image manipulation
* Scalar field visualization via extraction of symmetric structures
* Segmentation of discrete point clouds using an extensible set of templates
* Shape aware normal interpolation for curved surface shading from polyhedral approximation
* Shape-aware skeletal deformation for 2D characters
* SimLocator: robust locator of similar objects in images
* Skeleton growing: an algorithm to extract a curve skeleton from a pseudonormal vector field
* Skeleton-driven surface deformation through lattices for real-time character animation
* Smoothness perception
* Spatial consistency of dense features within interest regions for efficient landmark recognition
* SPOID: A system to produce spot-the-difference puzzle images with difficulty
* Stable adaptive algorithm for Six Degrees-of-Freedom haptic rendering in a dynamic environment
* survey on activity recognition and behavior understanding in video surveillance, A
* Texture mapping subdivision surfaces with hard constraints
* Textured mesh surface reconstruction of large buildings with multi-view stereo
* Three-dimensional cartoon facial animation based on art rules
* Three-dimensional reconstruction using multiresolution photoclinometry by deformation
* Ting tools: interactive and procedural modeling of Chinese ting
* Triangle mesh compression along the Hamiltonian cycle
* Video retargeting combining warping and summarizing optimization
* Virtual reality and haptics for dental surgery: a personal review
* Visibility-driven PET-CT visualisation with region of interest (ROI) segmentation
* Visibility-driven progressive volume photon tracing
* Visual simulation of turbulent fluids using MLS interpolation profiles
* wise cursor: assisted selection in 3D serious games, The
116 for VC(29)

Index for "v"

Last update:20-Jan-25 12:05:33
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