Klette, G.[Gisela]
Co Author Listing * 3D Topological Thinning by Identifying Non-simple Voxels
* Branch Voxels and Junctions in 3D Skeletons
* Digital Convexity and Cavity Trees
* Fast Algorithm for Liver Surgery Planning, A
* recursive algorithm for calculating the relative convex hull, A
* Recursive Calculation of Relative Convex Hulls
* Recursive computation of minimum-length polygons
* Simple Points in 2D and 3D Binary Images
* system for articulated tracking incorporating a clothing model, A
9 for Klette, G.
Klette, R.[Reinhard]
Co Author Listing * Home Page.
* email: Klette, R.[Reinhard]: r klette AT auckland ac nz
* 3D Cascade of Classifiers for Open and Closed Eye Detection in Driver Distraction Monitoring
* Accuracy of a Driver-Assistance System in a Collision Scenario
* Accuracy of Trajectories Estimation in a Driver-Assistance Context
* Accurate 3D Measurement of Highly Specular Surface using Laser and Stereo Reconstruction
* Accurate and Interpretable Bayesian MARS for Traffic Flow Prediction
* Accurate and Robust Line Segment Extraction Using Minimum Entropy With Hough Transform
* Accurate Ellipse Extraction in Low-Quality Images
* Adaptive and compressive target tracking based on feature point matching
* ADR shape descriptor: Distance between shape centroids versus shape diameter
* Advances in Computer Vision
* Advances in Digital and Computational Geometry
* Albedo recovery using a photometric stereo approach
* Algorithms for shape from shading, lighting direction and motion
* Algorithms for Testing Convexity of Digital Polygons
* Analysis of KITTI Data for Stereo Analysis with Stereo Confidence Measures
* Analysis of the rubberband algorithm
* Angle counts for isothetic polygons and polyhedra
* Animated Non-photorealistic Rendering in Multiple Styles
* approach for evaluating robustness of edge operators using real-world driving scenes, An
* Approximate Algorithm for Solving the Watchman Route Problem, An
* Approximate ESPs on Surfaces of Polytopes Using a Rubberband Algorithm
* Approximate Shortest Paths in Simple Polyhedra
* Approximated Ground Truth for Stereo and Motion Analysis on Real-World Sequences
* approximative calculation of relative convex hulls for surface area estimation of 3d digital objects, An
* Artistic Emulation: Filter Blending for Painterly Rendering
* Automated Glaucoma Diagnosis Using Deep and Transfer Learning: Proposal of a System for Clinical Testing
* Automatic Human Model Generation
* Belief Propagation for Stereo Analysis of Night-Vision Sequences
* Belief-Propagation on Edge Images for Stereo Analysis of Image Sequences
* Benchmarking Stereo Data (Not the Matching Algorithms)
* Bilateral Filtering of 3D Point Clouds for Refined 3D Roadside Reconstructions
* Blur Estimation for Natural Edge Appearance in Computational Photography
* Bokeh Effects Based on Stereo Vision
* Border and Surface Tracing: Theoretical Foundations
* Bundle Adjustment with Implicit Structure Modeling Using a Direct Linear Transform
* Calculating the Number of Tunnels
* Calibration of Panoramic Cameras Using 3D Scene Information
* Calibration of Rotating Sensors
* Characterizations of Image Acquisition and Epipolar Geometry of Multiple Panoramas
* Classification and Characterization of Image Acquisition for 3D Scene Visualization and Reconstruction Applications
* Closed form line-segment extraction using the Hough transform
* Collinearity and Coplanarity Constraints for Structure from Motion
* Comparative Evaluation of Length Estimators of Digital Curves, A
* comparative evaluation of length estimators, A
* Comparative Study of Two Vertical Road Modelling Techniques, A
* Comparison of Property Estimators in Stereology and Digital Geometry, A
* Comparison of two 3D tracking paradigms for freely flying insects
* Computer Vision
* Concise Computer Vision: An Introduction into Theory and Algorithms
* Connectivity calculus of fractal polyhedrons
* Context-based multi-target tracking with occlusion handling
* Corner Detection and Curve Partitioning Using Arc-Chord Distance
* Coupled dictionary learning in wavelet domain for Single-Image Super-Resolution
* Coupled multiple dictionary learning based on edge sharpness for single-image super-resolution
* Current work in multimedia imaging at UoA's Tamaki campus
* Current work in the ENPEDA project
* Curves, Hypersurfaces, and Good Pairs of Adjacency Relations
* Decomposing a Simple Polygon into Trapezoids
* Deep Learning-Based Improved Object Recognition in Warehouses
* Deep Spectral-spatial Features of Snapshot Hyperspectral Images for Red-meat Classification
* Deep-anomaly: Fully convolutional neural network for fast anomaly detection in crowded scenes
* Deep-Cascade: Cascading 3D Deep Neural Networks for Fast Anomaly Detection and Localization in Crowded Scenes
* Degree of Adjacency or Surroundedness
* Depth Recovery from Noisy Gradient Vector Fields Using Regularization
* design of a stereo panorama camera for scenes of dynamic range, The
* Detection and spatial analysis of fairy circles
* Detection of Adulteration in Red Meat Species Using Hyperspectral Imaging
* Determination of Length and Width of a Line-Segment by Using a Hough Transform
* Differences between stereo and motion behaviour on synthetic and real-world stereo sequences
* Digital Approximation of Moments of Convex Regions
* Digital Curves in 3D Space and a Linear-Time Length Estimation Algorithm
* Digital Geometry: Geometric Methods for Digital Picture Analysis
* Digital Geometry: The Birth of a New Discipline
* Digital Planar Segment Based Polyhedrization for Surface Area Estimation
* Digital Straightness
* Discrete Driver Assistance
* Disparity Confidence Measures on Engineered and Outdoor Data
* Dynamic Multiresolution Optical Flow Computation
* Effects of Ground Manifold Modeling on the Accuracy of Stixel Calculations
* Ego-Vehicle Corridors for Vision-Based Driver Assistance
* Egomotion Estimation and Reconstruction with Kalman Filters and GPS Integration
* Egomotion Estimation by Point-Cloud Back-Mapping
* Epipolar Geometry in Polycentric Panoramas
* Estimating 3D Flow for Driver Assistance Applications
* Euclidean Shortest Paths in Simple Cube Curves at a Glance
* Evaluation of a New Coarse-to-Fine Strategy for Fast Semi-Global Stereo Matching
* Evaluation of an Adaptive Composite Gaussian Model in Video Surveillance
* Evaluation of Curve Length Measurements
* Evaluation of motion analysis on synthetic and real-world image sequences
* Evaluation of moving object segmentation comparing 6D-vision and monocular motion constraints
* Evaluation of two stereo matchers on long real-world video sequences
* External versus Internal Parameterizations for Lengths of Curves with Nonuniform Samplings
* Eye Status Based on Eyelid Detection: A Driver Assistance System
* Fast Algorithm for Liver Surgery Planning, A
* Fast and accurate detection and localization of abnormal behavior in crowded scenes
* Fast Trilateral Filtering
* Feature Extraction and Classification for Insect Footprint Recognition
* Finding the Shortest Path Between Two Points in a Simple Polygon by Applying a Rubberband Algorithm
* Flexible Method for Localisation and Classification of Footprints of Small Species, A
* Fog effect for photography using stereo vision
* Fourier transform based methods for height from gradients
* Fuzzy Local-Global Duality in Detecting Pictorial Patterns, The
* General traffic sign recognition by feature matching
* Generalised residual images' effect on illumination artifact removal for correspondence algorithms
* Generalization of Otsu's binarization into recursive colour image segmentation
* Generation of Random Digital Simple Curves with Artistic Emulation
* Geometric Algebra for Pose Estimation and Surface Morphing in Human Motion Estimation
* Geometric Properties for Incomplete Data
* Geometrical Fundamentals of Polycentric Panoramas
* Graph-Cut versus Belief-Propagation Stereo on Real-World Images
* Ground Truth and Performance Evaluation of Lane Border Detection
* Ground Truth Evaluation of Stereo Algorithms for Real World Applications
* Handbook of Image Processing Operators
* Hierarchical Scan-Line Dynamic Programming for Optical Flow Using Semi-Global Matching
* Human Motion Understanding, Modelling, Capture, and Animation
* Illumination Invariant Cost Functions in Semi-Global Matching
* Image Stitching: Comparisons and New Techniques
* Imaging Beyond the Pinhole Camera
* Improved Stixel Estimation Based on Transitivity Analysis in Disparity Space
* Inclusion of a Second-Order Prior into Semi-Global Matching
* Integrated Multi-scale Event Verification in an Augmented Foreground Motion Space
* Integrated Pedestrian and Direction Classification Using a Random Decision Forest
* Inverse Skeletal Strokes
* Iterative Semi-Global Matching for Robust Driver Assistance Systems
* Kalman-filter based spatio-temporal disparity integration
* Lane detection and tracking using a new lane model and distance transform
* Lane Detection Based on Road Module and Extended Kalman Filter
* Length Estimation for Curves with Non-Uniform Sampling
* Line Segment Detection with Hough Transform Based on Minimum Entropy
* Linear-time Algorithm for the Generation of Random Digital Curves, A
* Local Fast R-CNN Flow for Object-Centric Event Recognition in Complex Traffic Scenes
* Logarithmically Improved Property Regression for Crowd Counting
* Look at the Driver, Look at the Road: No Distraction! No Accident!
* M-Dimensional Grid Point Space, The
* MAESTRO: Making Art-Enabled Sketches through Randomized Operations
* Measures of Correspondence Between Binary Patterns
* Methodology for Evaluating Illumination Artifact Removal for Corresponding Images, A
* Mid-level Segmentation and Segment Tracking for Long-Range Stereo Analysis
* Minimum-Length Polygon of a Simple Cube-Curve in 3D Space
* Minimum-Length Polygons in Approximation Sausages
* Minimum-Length Polygons of First-Class Simple Cube-Curves
* Modeling of Unbounded Long-Range Drift in Visual Odometry
* Moment-based multi-lane detection and tracking
* Monocular 3D Reconstruction of Objects Based on Cylindrical Panoramas
* Monocular Stixels: A LIDAR-guided Approach
* Moving Object Segmentation Using Optical Flow and Depth Information
* Multi-frame Feature Integration for Multi-camera Visual Odometry
* Multi-objective Visual Odometry
* Multi-run 3D Streetside Reconstruction from a Vehicle
* Multi-Run: An Approach for Filling in Missing Information of 3D Roadside Reconstruction
* Multi-scale vehicle logo recognition by directional dense SIFT flow parsing
* Multigrid Convergence of Calculated Features in Image Analysis
* Multigrid Error Bounds for Moments of Arbitrary Order
* New Lane Model and Distance Transform for Lane Detection and Tracking
* Novel Adaptive Eye Detection and Tracking for Challenging Lighting Conditions
* Number of Gaps in Binary Pictures, The
* Object Classification and Tracking in Video Surveillance
* On Design and Applications of Cylindrical Panoramas
* On Improving Bounding Box Regression Towards Accurate Object Detection and Tracking
* On the Approximation of Convex Hulls of Finite Grid Point Sets
* Options in using graphics for evaluating correspondence algorithms
* Panoramic Imaging: Sensor-Line Cameras and Laser Range-Finders
* Parallel Operations on binary Images
* Parallel Operations on binary Images
* Parametrization of Digital Planes by Least-Squares Fits and Generalizations, A
* Part-Based RDF for Direction Classification of Pedestrians, and a Benchmark
* Performance Characterization in Computer Vision
* Pose Estimation for Sensors Which Capture Cylindric Panoramas
* Pothole Detection Using Computer Vision and Learning
* Quantitative color optical flow
* Real-time anomaly detection and localization in crowded scenes
* Real-World Stereo-Analysis Evaluation
* Recovery Rate of Clustering Algorithms
* Reducing the Pain: A Novel Tool for Efficient Ground-Truth Labelling in Images
* representation of digital planes by least square fits, A
* Residual Images Remove Illumination Artifacts!
* Road surface distress detection in disparity space
* Robust background subtraction and maintenance
* Robust Eye Gaze Estimation
* Robust Segmentation of Aerial Image Data Recorded for Landscape Ecology Studies
* Robust Vehicle Detection and Distance Estimation Under Challenging Lighting Conditions
* Robustness of Point Feature Detection
* Rotating sensor-matrix camera calibration
* Rubber Band Algorithm for Estimating the Length of Digitized Space-curves
* Scale Invariant Surface Curvature Estimator, A
* Segmentation of Scanned Insect Footprints Using ART2 for Threshold Selection
* Sensor Pose Estimation from Multi-center Cylindrical Panoramas
* Sequential CNN Approach for Foreign Object Detection in Hyperspectral Images, A
* Shape from Photometric Stereo and Contours
* Sharpness and contrast measures on videos
* Shortest Paths in a Cuboidal World
* Silhouette Based Human Motion Estimation
* Simulating Artworks through Filter Blending
* Single-image Dehazing Algorithm Based on Convolutional Neural Networks
* Spatio-Temporal Stereo Disparity Integration
* Specification of image acquisition parameters for stereo panoramas
* Star-Effect Simulation for Photography Using Self-calibrated Stereo Vision
* statistical method for line segment detection, A
* Statistical Method for Peak Localization in Hough Space by Analysing Butterflies, A
* Statistical Modeling of Long-Range Drift in Visual Odometry
* Stereo accuracy for collision avoidance
* Stereo Refinement for Photo Editing
* Stereo-based bokeh effects for photography
* Stereo-Matching in the Context of Vision-Augmented Vehicles
* STFCN: Spatio-Temporal Fully Convolutional Neural Network for Semantic Segmentation of Street Scenes
* Stixel optimization: Representing challenging on-road scenes
* Substantial improvement of stereo visual odometry by multi-path feature tracking
* superparticle filter for lane detection, A
* Superpixel Segmentation Methods on Stereo Fundus Images and Disparity Map for Glaucoma Detection
* Surface Registration Markers from Range Scan Data
* Switches may solve adjacency problems
* system for articulated tracking incorporating a clothing model, A
* System for Marker-Less Human Motion Estimation, A
* Target Calibration and Tracking Using Conformal Geometric Algebra
* Theoretical Analysis of Finite Difference Algorithms for Linear Shape from Shading
* Third Eye for Performance Evaluation in Stereo Sequence Analysis, A
* Three-Dimensional Scene Navigation through Anaglyphic Panorama Visualization
* Topologies on the planar orthogonal grid
* Towards benchmarking of real-world stereo data
* Towards Ubiquitous Autonomous Driving: The CCSAD Dataset
* Traffic intersection monitoring using fusion of GMM-based deep learning classification and geometric warping
* Understanding Human Motion: A Historic Review
* Visual lane analysis and higher-order tasks: a concise review
* Visual Odometry and 3D Point Clouds Under Low-Light Conditions
* Visual odometry driven online calibration for monocular LiDAR-camera systems
* Well-posedness of linear shape-from-shading problem
* What Is in Front? Multiple-Object Detection and Tracking with Dynamic Occlusion Handling
* When to use what feature? SIFT, SURF, ORB, or A-KAZE features for monocular visual odometry
* Wrong Roadway Detection for Multi-lane Roads
Includes: Klette, R.[Reinhard] Klette, R. Klette, R.[Reihnard]
231 for Klette, R.
Kletter, D.[Doron]
Co Author Listing * Dynamic threshold system for multiple raster content (MRC) representation of documents
Klettner, S.[Silvia]
Co Author Listing * Affective Communication of Map Symbols: A Semantic Differential Analysis
* Form Follows Content: An Empirical Study on Symbol-Content (In)Congruences in Thematic Maps
* Why Shape Matters: On the Inherent Qualities of Geometric Shapes for Cartographic Representations
Kletz, S.[Sabrina]
Co Author Listing * Autopiloting Feature Maps: The Deep Interactive Video Exploration (diveXplore) System at VBS2019
* Collaborative Video Search Combining Video Retrieval with Human-Based Visual Inspection
* diveXplore 4.0: The Itec Deep Interactive Video Exploration System at VBS2020
* ECAT: Endoscopic Concept Annotation Tool
* Evaluation of Visual Content Descriptors for Supporting Ad-Hoc Video Search Tasks at the Video Browser Showdown
* Glenda: Gynecologic Laparoscopy Endometriosis Dataset
* Instrument Recognition in Laparoscopy for Technical Skill Assessment
* Sketch-Based Similarity Search for Collaborative Feature Maps
8 for Kletz, S.