* *Digital Image Storage and Archiving Systems
* *Exploratory Vision: The Active Eye
* *Mobile Robots X
* 2-D blind deconvolution by partitioning into coupled 1-D problems using discrete Radon transforms
* 2-D mesh tracking for synthetic transfiguration
* 2D phase-independent local features for texture segmentation
* 2X interpolative algorithm for helical computed tomography, A
* 3-D Motion Estimation from Motion Field
* 3-D robust range feature extraction tool for industrial automation applications, A
* 3-D shape recovery of hybrid reflectance surface using indirect diffuse illumination
* 3-D video compositing: towards a compact representation for video sequences
* 3-Dimensional Shape-Recognition Using Computer-Generated Holograms and Temporal Light-in-Flight Technique
* 3D adaptive wavelet packet for video compression
* 3D boundary extraction of the left ventricle by a deformable model with a priori information
* 3D head pose computation from 2D images: templates versus features
* 3D Motion Recovery via Affine Epipolar Geometry
* 3D Object Recognition Using Invariance
* 3D pose estimation and shape coding of moving objects based on statistical morphological skeleton
* 3D super-resolution using generalized sampling expansion
* 6-Degree-of-Freedom Hand Eye Visual Tracking with Uncertain Parameters
* Achieving Dextrous Grasping by Integrating Planning and Vision-Based Sensing
* Active Vision Architecture Based on Iconic Representations, An
* Adaptive 3-D segmentation algorithms for microscope images using local in-focus, and contrast features: application to Pap smears
* Adaptive binary vector quantization using Hamming codes
* Adaptive block matching motion estimation algorithm using bit-plane matching
* Adaptive data partitioning for MPEG-2 video transmission over ATM based networks
* Adaptive Gabor image transformation: Application in scientific visualization
* Adaptive Image Segmentation Using Genetic And Hybrid Search Methods
* Adaptive joint rate allocation and quantization in subband signal coding
* Adaptive Methods for Dithering Color Images
* Adaptive multichannel distance filter
* Adaptive overlapping approach for DCT-based motion estimation
* Adaptive Piecewise-Linear Bits Estimation Model for MPEG Based Video Coding
* Adaptive quantization with spatial constraints in subband video compression using wavelets
* Affine motion estimation using a neural network
* Algorithms for postprocessing OCR results with visual inter-word constraints
* Analysis and characterization of myocardial tissue with the wavelet image extension
* Analysis of Color Images of Natural Scenes
* Analysis of complex and noisy check images
* Analysis of functional magnetic resonance images by wavelet decomposition
* Analysis of the optical array imaging system and construction of an adaptive imaging algorithm
* Application of the cluster approximation for the simultaneous restoration and segmentation of tomographic images
* Applications of Polarization Camera Technology
* approach for detecting blood vessel diseases from cone-beam CT image, An
* Approximate maximum likelihood hyperparameter estimation for Gibbs priors
* Architectures for MPEG compressed bitstream scaling
* asymmetric lossless image compression technique, An
* Automated facial conformation for model-based videophone coding
* Automatic Aircraft Landing Using Interferometric Inverse Synthetic-Aperture Radar Imaging
* Automatic EO/IR sensor image registration
* Automatic EO/IR sensor image registration
* Bayesian method for triangulation and its application to finding corresponding points, A
* Better codebooks and faster convergence in VQ design
* Binocular estimation of motion and structure from long sequences using optical flow without correspondence
* block shift-variant blur model for recovering depth from defocused images, A
* Blue noise based technique for use in a halftone tile oriented screener for masking screener induced image artifacts
* Buffer constraints in a variable-rate packetized video system
* CAD-Based Off-Line Planning for Active Vision
* Camera calibration for 2.5-D X-ray metrology
* Camera for preventing camera shake
* Cardiac SPECT restoration using MR-based support constraints
* Characterization of Optical, Electronic and Topographic Images in Fatigue Research
* Chroma coding for video at very low bit rates
* classification method for adaptive transform image coding, A
* Coarse Classification of Chinese Characters Via Stroke Clustering Method
* Coding for content: enhanced resolution from coding
* Coherent array imaging with sparse arrays
* color halftoning algorithm for low-bit flat panel displays, A
* Color halftoning with M-lattice
* Color image analysis using fuzzy set theory
* Color Image Retrieval Based on Hidden Markov-Models
* Colorimetric modeling of binary color printers
* Combined description of shape and motion in an object based coding scheme using curved triangles
* Combined diagonal/Fourier preconditioning methods for image reconstruction in emission tomography
* Combining symbolic with numeric attributes in multi-class object recognition problems
* Combining text and image information in content-based retrieval
* Combining vector median and vector directional filters: The directional-distance filters
* Comparison of Bilinear Space Spatial-Frequency Representations for Texture-Discrimination, A
* Comparison of Wavelet Features for Texture Annotation, A
* Composite Phase and Phase-Based Gabor Element Aggregation
* Composition of Image-Analysis Processes Through Object-Centered Hierarchical Planning
* Compressed-domain techniques for image/video indexing and manipulation
* Compression of digital mammogram databases using a near-lossless scheme
* Compression of palettized images by color
* Computation of skeleton by partial differential equation
* Computationally efficient 3-D statistical reconstruction from digitized radiographs
* Computationally fast Bayesian recognition of complex objects based on mutual algebraic invariants
* Constrained and general dynamic rate shaping of compressed digital video
* Constrained image recovery in a product space
* Constrained monotone regression of ROC curves and histograms using splines and polynomials
* Construction and properties of B-spline wavelet filters for multiscale edge detection
* Content-based video sequence representation
* Contextual vector quantization modeling of hand-printed Chinese character recognition
* Continuous-tone image compression
* contour coding and full-frame compression of discrete wavelet and cosine transforms, A
* Control of Perceptual Attention in Robot Driving
* Convergence of an iterative design algorithm for JPEG quantization tables
* Convex MRF potential functions
* Convex shape reconstruction from noisy ray probe measurements
* Coursework in image computation for undergraduates
* Curvature measurement of 3D objects: evaluation and comparison of three methods
* Curve Segmentation and Representation by Superellipses
* data fusion approach to tumor delineation, A
* Data-rate constrained lattice vector quantization: a new quantizing algorithm in a rate-distortion sense
* DCT and wavelet based representations of arbitrarily shaped image segments
* Decision-based neural network for face recognition system
* Defense Applications of Image Understanding
* Depth based recovery of human facial features from video sequences
* Depth Extraction Using Lateral or Axial Camera Motion: An Integration of Depth from Motion and Stereo
* Depth-from-motion estimation based on a multiscale analysis of motion constraint equation validity
* Design for a Visual-Motion Transducer, A
* Design of 2-D state-space digital filters with powers-of-two coefficients based on a genetic algorithm
* Design of multistage weighted order statistic filters by a neural network
* Designing OSED's (order statistic edge detectors)
* Detecting and estimating structure regularity of soft tissue organs from ultrasound images
* Detecting straight edges in millimeter-wave images
* Detection and labeling of retinal vessels for longitudinal studies
* Detection of Curved Edges at Subpixel Accuracy Using Deformable Models
* Detection of microcalcifications in mammograms using eyetrack data
* Detection of virus particles in noisy spot-scan electron cryomicroscopy images
* Determination of singular points in 2D deformable flow fields
* Development of a VLSI chip for real time MPEG-2 video decoder
* Diagram query and image retrieval in design
* Differences between an object-based analysis-synthesis coder and a block-based hybrid coder
* Differential coding with a modified feedback loop
* Digital diffusion network for image segmentation
* Direct enumeration and size classification of soil bacteria using confocal laser scanning microscopy and image analysis
* Discrete-relaxation-based heuristic techniques for video algorithm/architecture matching and system level transformations
* distributed hierarchical video-on-demand system, A
* Dominant and multiple motion estimation for video representation
* Dynamic histogram warping of image pairs for constant image brightness
* Dynamic imaging by object modeling and estimation
* Edge behavior of error diffusion
* Edge detection operators for angular data
* Effectiveness of spatially-variant apodization
* Effects of image preprocessing/resizing on diagnostic quality of compressed medical images
* Efficient edge-preserving regularization for limited-angle tomography
* efficient heuristic-based motion estimation algorithm, An
* Efficient matching and clustering of video shots
* Efficient Mode Selection for Block-Based Motion Compensated Video Coding
* efficient technique of texture representation in segmentation-based image coding schemes, An
* Efficient Watershed Segmentation Algorithm Suitable for Parallel Implementation, An
* Electronic Image Stabilization Using Multiple Visual Cues
* Embedded pyramid coding of displaced frame differences
* Embedded zerotree based lossless image coding
* Enhancement of JPEG coded images by adaptive spatial filtering
* Entropy-constrained predictive residual vector quantization of digital images
* error analysis of camera translation direction estimation from optical flow using linear constraints, An
* Error Bound for Multi-Stage Synthesis of Narrow Bandwidth Gabor Filters
* Error concealment techniques for encoded video streams
* Error diffusion with ink reduction for high quality and high resolution ink jet printing
* Errors in the estimation of gradient direction using IIR and FIR implementations
* Estimating adaptive kernels from local image grey value changes
* Estimating cardiac motion from image sequences using recursive comb filtering
* Estimating image motion from smear: a sensor system and extensions
* Estimation of fractal dimension using alternating sequential filters
* Estimation of image motion parameters using the EM algorithm
* Estimation of Optical-Flow Based on Higher-Order Spatiotemporal Derivatives in Interlaced and Noninterlaced Image Sequences
* European project RETAIN: new approach for IBC in teleradiology and PACS based on a full ATM network
* Evaluating Digital Angles by a Parallel Diffusion Process
* Evaluating quality and utility in digital mammography
* Evaluating Spatial Correspondence of Zones in Document Recognition Systems
* Evaluation and synthesis of wavelet image coders
* Evaluation of edge detectors performances with a discrete expression of Canny's criteria
* Evolutionary Approach to Training Relaxation Labeling Processes, An
* Explicit link between local fractal transform and multiresolution transform
* Exploiting the common structure of some edge linking algorithms: An experimental study
* extended optimum interpolatory approximation of multi-dimensional signals, The
* Extended permutation filters and their application to image edge enhancement
* Extracting Concise and Realistic 3-D Models from Real Data
* Extraction of facial sketch images and expression transformation based on FACS
* Face Location in Wavelet-Based Video Compression for High Perceptual Quality Videoconferencing
* fast algorithm for video parsing using MPEG compressed sequences, A
* fast and area-efficient VLSI architecture for embedded image coding, A
* fast approximate algorithm for scaling down digital images in the DCT domain, A
* Fast exposure simulation for large circuit patterns in electron beam lithography
* Fast image search using a multiscale stochastic model
* Feature point identification and regional registration in sequences of non-structured texture images
* Feature Tracking by Multiframe Relaxation
* features for recognition of projectively deformed point sets, The
* Figure-ground separation by a neural dynamical system
* Filling Gaps in the Hough-Transform Voting Locus for N-Dimensional Parameter Spaces
* Filtering of Moving Targets Using SBIR Sequential Frames
* Finding of optimal stack filter by using graphic searching methods
* Focus of attention (FOA) identification from compressed video for automatic target recognition (ATR)
* Foreground/background segmentation of color images by integration of multiple cues
* Form dropout using distance transformation
* Fractal color image compression using vector distortion measure
* Fractal dimension estimation using continuous alternating sequential filter pyramid
* Fuzzy Color Edge Extraction by Inference Rules: Quantitative Study and Evaluation of Performances
* Fuzzy Typographical Analysis for Character Preclassification
* Generalized interpolators for advanced movement-compensated 50 Hz-60 Hz conversion of interlaced sequences
* Genetic algorithms for object recognition in a complex scene
* Geometric models for active contours
* Geometric Partial Differential Equations in Image Analysis: Past, Present, and Future
* Global motion segmentation for mid-level representation of moving images
* Global Surface Reconstruction by Purposive Control of Observer Motion
* GMRF models and wavelet decomposition for texture segmentation
* gradient-based rate control algorithm with applications to MPEG video, A
* graphic arts perspective on RGB-to-CMYK conversion, A
* grey scale morphological approach for displaced frame difference coding, A
* Groups, fixed sets, symmetries, and invariants
* Halftoning by multiscale dot distribution
* Hands-On Universe: bringing astronomical explorations to the classroom
* Harmonic Retrieval Framework for Discontinuous Motion Estimation, A
* Hierarchical block matching for disparity estimation in stereo sequences
* Hierarchical coding of motion vector fields
* hierarchical neural network architecture that learns target context: applications to digital mammography, A
* High-resolution image acquisition based on temporal integration with hierarchical estimation of image warping
* Highly efficient coding schemes for contour line drawings
* Histogram modification via partial differential equations
* How image processing can push electron microscopy to its limits
* hybrid filter for image enhancement, A
* Hybrid Poisson/Polynomial Objective Functions for Tomographic Image Reconstruction from Transmission Scans
* Illumination invariant object recognition
* Image coding in the context of a psychovisual image representation with vector quantization
* Image coding with wavelet representations, edge information and visual masking
* Image Compression by the JPEG Algorithm
* Image enhancement based on fuzzy logic
* image enhancement technique based on the FIRE operator, An
* Image enhancement using watershed-based maximum homogeneity filtering
* Image filtering techniques and VLSI architectures for efficient data extraction in shell rendering
* Image fusion using steerable dyadic wavelet transform
* Image interpolation using a simple Gibbs random field model
* Image interpretation of topographic maps on a medium scale via frame-based modelling
* Image interpretation using contextual feedback
* Image modeling and restoration through contagion urn schemes
* Image processing for CT-assisted reverse engineering and part characterization
* Image processing in the context of imaging science
* Image processing techniques for bone image analysis
* Image quality and readability
* Image registration using both distance and angle information
* image reorganization procedure for automotive road following systems, An
* Image resizing in the discrete cosine transform domain
* Image restoration using layered neural networks and Hopfield networks
* Image segmentation by local entropy methods
* Image sequence coding using a contour-based method
* Image smoothing based on pixel grouping
* Image Understanding Program at ARPA, The
* Improved decoding of compressed images received over noisy channels
* improved watershed algorithm for counting objects in noisy, anisotropic 3-D biological images, An
* Improving the performance of optimal joint decoding
* Inexhaustive region segmentation by robust clustering
* Integration of Natural-Language and Vision Processing: Theory
* intelligent perception system for food quality inspection using color analysis, An
* Interactive and intuitive segmentation of volumetric data: The segmentVIEW system and the Kooshball algorithm
* Interferometric image reconstruction as a nonlinear Bayesian estimation problem
* Interpolation and extrapolation for accurate color measurement
* Interpolation and extrapolation of image partitions using Fourier descriptors: application to segmentation-based coding schemes
* Interpreting Non-3-D Line-Drawings
* Invariant property of contour: VPIUD with arbitrary neighbourhood
* Inverse halftoning of scanned images
* Inverting input scanner vibration errors
* IPUS: An Architecture for the Integrated Processing and Understanding of Signals
* Iterative maximum a posteriori (MAP) restoration from partially-known blur for tomographic reconstruction
* Iterative multi-scale registration without landmarks
* Joint source channel coding of images with trellis coded quantization and convolutional codes
* Joint source/channel coding for multicast packet video
* Key extraction by image differentiation
* Language and Vision: A Single Perceptual Mechanism
* Language Identification for Printed Text Independent of Segmentation
* Language, Vision and Metaphor
* lattice vector quantizer for generalized Gaussian sources, A
* Layered transmission of signals over power-constrained wireless channels
* Learning to Track the Visual-Motion of Contours
* Lenticular stereoscopic imaging and displaying techniques with no special glasses
* Light-years from Lena: video and image libraries of the future
* Linear-Filtering of Images Based on Properties of Vision
* Local orthogonal bases
* Localization and Homing Using Combinations of Model Views
* Localized wavelet based computerized tomography
* Locating Text in Complex Color Images
* Logical Approach to Representing and Reasoning about Space, A
* Logical/Linear Operators for Image Curves
* lossless morphological sampling scheme for segmented image compression, A
* Lossy encoding of motion vectors using entropy-constrained vector quantization
* Low bit rate colour fractal video
* Low bit rate model-assisted H.261-compatible coding of video
* Low bit rate video coding based on generalized prediction of the pyramid subband decomposition
* Map-Based Navigation for a Mobile Robot with Omnidirectional Image Sensor COPIS
* Markov Fusion of a Pair of Noisy Images to Detect Intensity Valleys
* Markov Random-Field Models for Unsupervised Segmentation of Textured Color Images
* Matching pursuit of images
* Mathematical analysis of MPEG compression capability and its application to rate control
* Measures of information content for computerized ionospheric tomography
* Medical Applications of Image Understanding
* Memory and Expectations in Learning, Language, and Visual Understanding
* Method for Matching General Stereo Planar Curves
* method for parallel skeletonization of images, A
* Methods for matching compressed video to ATM networks
* MFAST: a single chip highly parallel image processing architecture
* MINPRAN: A New Robust Estimator for Computer Vision
* mixed triangular and quadrilateral partition for fractal image coding, A
* model of perceptual image fidelity, A
* Model-Based Boundary Estimation of Complex Objects Using Hierarchical Active Surface Templates
* Model-based obstacle detection from image sequences
* Model-Free Texture Segmentation Based on Distances Between First-Order Statistics
* Modeling and design of multidimensional vector-quantized M-channel subband codecs
* Modeling image center and feature trajectory under changing focal length
* Modeling Visual-Attention Via Selective Tuning
* Modelling and restoration of multilook correlated speckled images
* modified dichromatic reflection model for an analysis of interreflection, A
* Moire based stereo matching technique
* Morphological contour coding using structuring functions optimized by genetic algorithms
* Morphological interpolation for texture coding
* Motion Based Image Segmentation for Video Coding
* Motion compensation of motion vectors
* Motion Detection Using Background Constraints
* Motion estimation and representation for arbitrarily shaped image regions
* Motion Estimation and Segmentation by Fuzzy Algorithms
* Motion estimation for region-based video coding
* Motion field prediction and restoration for low bit-rate video coding
* Motion-partitioned adaptive block matching for video compression
* Moving picture scene detection system
* MRF-based motion segmentation exploiting a 2D motion model robust estimation
* Multi-channel restoration of electron micrographs
* Multi-level pixel difference classification methods
* multi-resolution approach for imaging hydraulic conductivity, A
* Multi-resolution backward video coding
* Multichannel permutation filters
* Multichannel segmentation of magnetic resonance cerebral images based on neural networks
* Multifrequency eddy current image processing techniques for nondestructive evaluation
* Multigrid adaptive image processing
* Multilevel Enhancement and Detection of Stereo Disparity Surfaces
* multiple person eye contact (MPEC) teleconferencing system, A
* Multiple Resolution Bayesian Segmentation of Ultrasound Images
* multiresolution approach to color image restoration and parameter estimation using homotopy continuation method, A
* Multiresolution image compression with BSP trees and multilevel BTC
* Multiresolution image registration
* Multiresolution model development for overlapping trees via canonical correlation analysis
* Multiresolution sequential edge linking
* Multiresolution using multisplines for image compression
* Multiscale analysis of movies for depth recovery
* Multiscale geometrical feature extraction and object recognition with wavelets and morphology
* Multiscale video compression using wavelet transform and motion compensation
* Multiscale Vision Model Adapted to the Astronomical Images, A
* Multivariate Hypothesis Testing for Gaussian Data: Theory and Software
* Multivariate MTM filters-analysis and design options
* Near-Lossless Image Compression: Minimum-Entropy, Constrained-Error DPCM
* neural approach to optical image reconstruction, A
* Neural implementation of ARMA type filters for image restoration
* neural network for breast cancer detection using fuzzy entropy approach, A
* Neural network vector predictors with application to image coding
* neuromagnetic source distribution estimation using MRI information, A
* new approach to aperture synthesis using frequency diversity imaging, A
* new approach to object recognition in textured images, A
* new center-biased search algorithm for block motion estimation, A
* new error criterion for block based motion estimation, A
* new frame interpolation scheme for talking head sequences, A
* new iterative algorithm for ionospheric tomography, A
* new method for camera motion parameter estimation, A
* new programmable VLSI architecture for histogram and statistics computation in different windows, A
* new quadtree predictive image coder, A
* New robust image operators and applications in automatic facial feature analysis
* new stabilized zero-crossing representation in the wavelet transform domain and signal reconstruction, A
* new stochastic projection-based image recovery method, A
* new way of image data fusion: the multi-spectral cooperative segmentation, A
* Noise robust spatial gradient estimation for use in displacement estimation
* Non-iterative post-processing technique for transform coded image sequence
* Non-rigid Motion without Relying on Local Features: A Surface Model Applied to Vortex Tracking
* Nonlinear constrained least squares estimation to reduce artifacts in block transform-coded images
* Nonlinear edge enhancement
* Nonlinear filtering using generalized subband decomposition
* Nonlinear image processing: modeling and fast algorithm for regularization with edge detection
* Nonlinear image restoration using FFT-based conjugate gradient methods
* Novel contrast pyramid coding of images
* Novel Detection of Conics Using 2-D Hough Planes
* Novel fast block motion estimation in feature subspace
* Novel fractal image compression method with non-iterative decoder
* novel volumetric feature extraction technique with applications to MR images, A
* Object based 3-D motion and structure estimation
* Object manipulation for document conversion
* Object oriented motion and deformation estimation using composite segmentation
* Object-oriented coding using successive motion field segmentation and estimation
* Objective picture quality scale for color image coding
* On comparing the performance of object recognition systems
* On estimating 3-D incompressible motion
* On ill-posed anisotropic diffusion models
* On interframe coding models for volumetric medical data
* On merging hidden Markov models with deformable templates
* On morphological openings and closings of signals in shaped noise
* On the extraction of DC sequence from MPEG compressed video
* On the morphological analysis of binary random fields
* On the use of (lapped) multiple transforms in still image compression
* On the use of duration-corrected N-best hypotheses for text recognition in gray-scale document images
* One-pass vector quantizer design by sequential pruning of the training data
* Optical flow techniques applied to video coding
* optical tomographic method in medicine, The
* Optical-Flow: A Curve Evolution Approach
* Optimal bit allocations for lossless video coders: motion vectors vs. difference frames
* Optimal coding of video sequence over ATM networks
* Optimal DSNR detector for ramp edges
* Optimal L(1) Approximation of the Gaussian Kernel with Application to Scale-Space Construction
* Optimal Parameter Selection for Derivative Estimation from Range Images
* Optimal quadtree for variable block size motion estimation
* Optimal texture filtering
* Optimal wavelet thresholding for various coding schemes
* optimization of MPEG to maximize subjective quality, An
* Optimization of sensor response functions for colorimetry of reflective and emissive objects
* Optimized Minimal Edit Distance for Hand-Written Word Recognition, An
* Optimizing bit-plane context-dependent entropy coding for palettized images
* Optimizing wavelet transform based on supervised learning for detection of microcalcifications in digital mammograms
* Optimum linear approximation of the Euclidean norm to speed up vector median filtering
* Page segmentation using texture discrimination masks
* Parallel algorithms for 3D multi-level median filtering with motion compensation
* Parallel Complexity of the Medial Axis Transform
* Parallel computation of sequential pixel updates in statistical tomographic reconstruction
* Parallel programmable video co-processor design
* Part-based Bayesian recognition using implicit polynomial invariants
* Perception and visualization of line images
* Perceptual embedded image coding using wavelet transforms
* Perceptual optimization of image coding algorithms
* Person Identification Using Multiple Cues
* Point Landmarks for Registration of CT and MR-Images
* polynomial phase difference operator for modeling of nonhomogeneous images, The
* Preclassification of Handwritten Chinese Characters Based on Basic Stroke Substructures
* Preprocessing of video signals for MPEG coding by clustering filter
* Probabilistic DBNN via expectation-maximization with multi-sensor classification applications
* Progressive video coding for storage applications
* Projection estimation in 3D PET reconstruction: a statistical evaluation
* Projection-based eigenvector decomposition for reduction of blocking artifacts of DCT coded image
* pseudo-distance measure for 2D shapes based on turning angle, A
* pyramid algorithm for fast fractal image compression, A
* Pyramid-Based Texture Analysis/Synthesis
* Pyramidal implementation of deformable kernels
* Qualitative comparison of visual models in an iterative halftoning procedure
* Quantitative evaluation of detail-preserving and noise-removal abilities of morphological filters
* Quantitative methods of evaluating image segmentation
* Radar imaging of three-dimensional surfaces using limited data
* Rate control for video coding over variable bit rate channels with applications to wireless transmission
* Rate conversion of MPEG coded video by re-quantization process
* Rate-distortion performance for joint source and channel coding of images
* Rate-Distortion-Constrained Statistical Motion Estimation for Video Coding
* ratio edge detector for speckled images based on maximum strength edge pruning, A
* rational edge-preserving smoother, A
* Real time image enhancement for both text and color photo images
* Real-time image processing algorithms for an automated retinal laser surgery system
* Receiver Operating Curves and Optimal Bayesian Operating Points
* Recognition of handwritten Persian/Arabic numerals by shadow coding and an edited probabilistic neural network
* Recognition of Object Classes from Range Data
* Recognition of two dimensional objects based on a novel generalized Hough transform method
* Reconstruction from the multi-component AM-FM image representation
* Reconstruction of a high-resolution image by simultaneous registration, restoration, and interpolation of low-resolution images
* Reconstruction of viruses from solution X-ray scattering data
* recursive nonlinear filter for removal of impulse noise, A
* Reduced dimension image compression and its applications
* Region segmentation based on active mesh representation of motion: comparison of parallel and sequential approaches
* Region segmentation using edge based circle growing
* Region-adaptive transform based on a stochastic model
* Region-based stereo image coding
* Region-of-interest tomography using the wavelet transform and angular harmonics
* Regularisation of the limited data computed tomography problem via the boundary element method
* Regularized motion estimation using robust entropic functionals
* Relaxation labeling using Lagrange-Hopfield method
* Representing arbitrarily-shaped regions: A Case Study of Overcomplete Representations
* Representing plane closed curves with Hartley descriptors
* RES: Computing the Interactions Between Real and Virtual Objects in Video Sequences
* Restoration of historic film for digital compression: a case study
* Reversibility of 6 Geometric Color Spaces, The
* rigid POCS extension to a Poisson super-resolution algorithm, A
* robust adaptive scaled function weighted order (SFWO) filter for nonlinear image restoration, A
* Robust Automatic Target Recognition Using a Localized Boundary Representation
* Robust edge detection in noisy images using an adaptive stochastic gradient technique
* Robust shape description and recognition by gradient propagation
* Robust Technique for Matching Two Uncalibrated Images Through the Recovery of the Unknown Epipolar Geometry, A
* role of feature visibility constraints in perspective alignment, The
* Rotation Invariant Texture Classification Using the Modified Gabor Filters
* Scalable coding schemes based on DCT and MC prediction
* Scalable compression based on tree structured vector quantization of perceptually weighted block, lapped, and wavelet transforms
* Scalable Data-Parallel Algorithms for Texture Synthesis Using Gibbs Random-Fields
* Scalable high-definition video coding
* scalable wavelet image coding scheme using multi-stage pruned tree-structured vector quantization, A
* scale-recursive, statistically-based method for anomaly characterization in images based upon observations of scattered radiation, A
* Screen design for printing
* Segmentation of magnetic resonance brain image: Integrating region growing and edge detection
* Segmentation of molecular surfaces based on their convex hull
* Segmenting internal structures in 3D MR images of the brain by Markovian relaxation on a watershed based adjacency graph
* Selection of observations in magnetic resonance spectroscopic imaging
* Semantic graph and arc consistency in true three dimensional image labelling
* Sensor-fusion for robust identification of persons: a field test
* sequential algorithm for motion estimation from point correspondences with intermittent occlusions, A
* Sequential processing of SAR phase history data for rapid detection
* Shape from Shading: Level Set Propagation and Viscosity Solutions
* Shape mensuration and recognition by DDS approach
* Shape spectra based view grouping for free-form objects
* Shape-Description and Recognition by a Multiresolution Approach
* Sign language recognition using 3-D Hopfield neural network
* Simple and Sensitive Method for Directional Edge-Detection in Noisy Images, A
* Simple feature extraction for handwritten character recognition
* simulation tool of parallel architectures for digital image processing applications based on DLX processors, A
* Simultaneous Calibration of a Robot and a Hand-Mounted Camera
* Simultaneous motion parameter estimation and image segmentation using the EM algorithm
* Simultaneous noise reduction and SAR image data compression using best wavelet packet basis
* Single color extraction and image query
* Smooth surface reconstruction from image sequences
* software only scalable video delivery system for multimedia applications over heterogeneous networks, A
* Some recent results on the projective evolution of 2-D curves
* Space curve recognition based on the wavelet transform and string-matching techniques
* Space-frequency quantization for a space-varying wavelet packet image coder
* Spatial scalable HDTV coding
* Spatio-temporal filters for transparent motion segmentation
* Spatio-temporal segmentation based on motion and static segmentation
* Spatio-temporal segmentation of image sequences for object-oriented low bit-rate image coding
* Spatiotemporal junction analysis for motion boundary detection
* Spatiotemporal model-based optic flow estimation
* Spatiotemporal Pattern-Recognition Using Hidden Markov-Models
* Special Volume on Computer Vision: Introduction
* Spectral segmentation and multiple frequency-band tomographic backward propagation technique for high-resolution sonar imaging
* Speech-assisted lip synchronization in audio-visual communications
* stability of certain image restoration problems: Quantitative results, The
* Statistical classification and segmentation of biomolecular surfaces
* Statistical evaluation of fractal coding schemes
* Statistical properties of prediction error images in motion compensated interlaced image coding
* Steerable Pyramid: A Flexible Architecture for Multi-Scale Derivative Computation, The
* Stereo Calibration from Correspondences of OTV Projections
* Stereo-correspondence using Gabor logons and neural networks
* Stochastic formulations of optical flow algorithms under variable brightness conditions
* Strategy for shape-based image analysis
* Structural Model of Shape Deformation, A
* Study of the subjective performance of a range of MPEG-2 encoders
* Subband adaptive regularization method for removing blocking effect
* Subband image coding using a fixed-rate lattice vector quantizer
* Subpixel estimation of normal displacements along contours using MRF-models
* subspace method for maximum likelihood target detection, A
* Supervised learning of smoothing parameters in image restoration by regularization under cellular neural networks framework
* Surface generation for virtual reality displays with a limited polygonal budget
* Symmetric wavelet edge detector of the minimum length
* Symmetry from Shape and Shape from Symmetry
* Syntax-based arithmetic video coding for very low bit rate visual telephony
* Synthesis and selection of DCT algorithms using behavioral synthesis-based algorithm space exploration
* Synthesis of virtual views using non-Lambertian reflectivity models and stereo matching
* System for 3D CAD-Based Inspection Using Range Images, A
* Temporal frame interpolation for stereoscopic sequences using object-based motion estimation and occlusion detection
* Temporal image fusion
* Texture Classification Using Noncausal Hidden Markov-Models
* Texture synthesis with Bussgang techniques
* theoretical study on an accurate reconstruction of multiview images based on the Viterbi algorithm, A
* theory of parameter-dependent connected components of gray images and segmentation, A
* Theory of true-velocity duplex imaging using a single transducer
* Thin Nets and Crest Lines: Application to Satellite Data and Medical Images
* Three-dimensional fractal video coding
* Three-Dimensional Interpretation of a Class of Simple Line-Drawings, The
* Three-dimensional subband video transmission through mobile satellite channels
* Thresholding Based on Histogram Approximation
* Time-efficient computations for topological functions in 3D images
* Topological Direction-Giving and Visual Navigation in Large Environments
* Toward a robust parametric identification of motion on regions of arbitrary shape by nonlinear optimization
* Toward Automatic Robot Instruction from Perception: Temporal Segmentation of Tasks from Human Hand Motion
* Towards 3-dimensional optical image processing
* Towards entropy constrained lattice vector quantization
* Tracking a Dynamic Set of Feature Points
* Tracking Human Motion in an Indoor Environment
* Trajectory-Based Computational Model for Optical-Flow Estimation, A
* Tree pruning strategy in automated detection of coronary trees in cineangiograms
* Two-Dimensional Mapping of Expansive Unknown Areas
* Two-dimensional motion vector coding for low bit rate videophone applications
* Two-dimensional object-based coding using a content-based mesh and affine motion parameterization
* Two-dimensional periodic digital filters
* Ultra-high-speed digital filtering algorithm for video signal processing
* Ultrasound speckle reduction by directional median filtering
* Uncertainty in Object Pose Determination with Three Light-Stripe Range Measurements
* Understanding Positioning from Multiple Images
* Unsupervised segmentation of dual-echo MR images by a sequentially learned Gaussian mixture model
* Use of 3-Dimensional and 4-Dimensional Surface Harmonics for Rigid and Nonrigid Shape Recovery and Representation, The
* Use of a class of two-dimensional functions for blocking artifacts reduction in image coding
* Use of space filling curves in fast encoding of VQ images
* User Programmable Visual Inspection
* Using multiple coaxial images for determining the focal gradient in a range camera
* Using Prolog to implement a compiler for a parallel image processing language
* Variable bit rate coding for real-time video transmission in ATM networks
* Variable block size lapped transforms
* Variable decay rate histogram modelling for image compression
* Variable dimension quantization in the transform domain
* Variable resolution Markov modelling of signal data for image compression
* Vector quantization by packing of embedded truncated lattices
* Vector quantization of images using the L1 distortion measure
* Vector restoration for video coding
* Vertical and horizontal: complementary biometric spaces for medical image analysis
* Video as an image data source: efficient representations and applications
* Video over ATM: experience from the Cambridge Interactive TV Trial
* Video transport in wireless ATM
* VideoStyler: multi-dimensional video computing for eloquent media interface
* Visual masking and the design of magnetic resonance image acquisition
* Visual motion estimation from point features: unified view
* Visual Surveillance in a Dynamic and Uncertain World
* Wavelet based image coding via morphological prediction of significance
* Wavelet transform and bit-plane encoding
* Wavelet transform matched filters for the detection and classification of microcalcifications in mammography
* Wavelet transform synthetic texture VQ coding of SAR imagery
* wavelet video coder using entropy-constrained trellis coded quantization, A
* Wavelet-based cosine crossings of signals
* Wavelets and image fusion
* WaveTool: an integrated software for wavelet and multirate signal processing
* Weighted universal transform coding: universal image compression with the Karhunen-Loeve transform
* Word-Level Recognition of Small Sets of Hand-Written Words
* Workshop on Automatic Extraction of Man-Made Objects from Aerial and Space Images: 24-28 April 1995, Ascona, Switzerland
* Zero crossings of a non-orthogonal wavelet transform for object location
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