Update Dates 8400

8400 * *Advances in Computer Vision and Image Processing: Volume 1, Image Reconstruction from Incomplete Observations
* *Image Understanding, 1984
* *Multilevel Image Processing and Analysis
* *Robotics Research: The First International Symposium
* *Science of Fingerprints (Classification and Uses), The
* *Solid Modeling by Computer
* 3-D Hough Shape Transform, The
* 3D Vision System: Generating and Matching Shape Descriptions in Range Images, A
* Absolute Moment Block Truncation Coding and Its Application to Color Images
* Acronym Model Based Vision in the Intelligent Task Automation Project
* Adaptive Non-Linear Edge-Preserving Filter, An
* Adaptive On-Line Handwriting Recognition
* Adaptive Two-Dimensional Tree Encoding of Images Using Spatial Masking
* Algorithm for Covering Polygons with Rectangles, An
* Alpha-Trimmed Means and Their Relationship to Median Filters
* Analysis of Interest Operators for FIDO, An
* Analysis of Node Linking in Overlapped Pyramids, An
* Analysis of Three-Dimensional Rotation and Linear Shape Changes
* Analytical Comparison of Two String Searching Algorithms, An
* Analyzing Object Motion Based on Optical Flow
* Application of Least Square Estimation Technique for Image Restoration Using Signal-Noise Correlation Constraint
* Application of State Estimation to Target Tracking
* Application of Two-Dimensional Generalized Mean Filtering for Removal of Impulse Noises from Images
* Approximation Technique for Photometric Stereo, An
* ASTERIX System: A Feature Based Approach to the Correspondence Problem, The
* Augmented Medial Axis Transform
* Automatic Evaluation of Segregation Streaks in Material Samples
* Automatic Figure Decomposition into Elementary Features by Similarity Principle
* Automatic Handling of Overlapping Workpieces
* Automatic Recognition of Design Drawings and Maps
* Automatic Thresholding Algorithm and Its Performance, An
* Automatic Verification of Seal-Impression Pattern
* Axial Motion Stereo
* Boundary Determination of Object Surfaces via Textural Information
* CLADYN, A New Compressor for Numerical Color TV and Multispectral Images
* Cluster Detection in a Collection of Collinear Line Segments
* CMT and Hybrid Coding of the Component Color TV Signal
* Coding of Broadcast TV Signals for Transmission over Satellite Channels
* Complexity, Convexity, And Unimodality
* Components of Handprint Style Variabilty
* Composite NTSC Color Video Bandwidth Compressor, A
* Computation of Optical Flow and Rigid Motion
* Computation of the Velocity Field, The
* Computational Approaches to Color Vision
* Computational Framework for Hypothesis Based Reasoning and Its Applications to Perspective Analysis, A
* Computational Geometry: A Survey
* Computational Model of Binocular Depth Perception, A
* Computational Paradigm for Three-Dimensional Scene Analysis, A
* Computer Recreations
* Computer Vision System for the Analysis of Aerial Scenes, A
* Computer Vision: Signals, Segments, and Structures
* Computing a Longest Common Subsequence for a Set of Strings
* Computing Dense Fields Displacement with Confidence Measures in Scenes Containing Occlusion
* Concept of Deenhancement in Digital Image Processing, The
* Conditional Variable-Length Coding for Gray-Level Pictures
* Connected Component Algorithm on the Non-Von Supercomputer, The
* Connected Components in Binary Images: The Detection Problem
* Connectionist Model of Extrapersonal Space, A
* Constraint Synthesizing Algorithm For The Consistent Labeling Problem, A
* Controlled-Smoothness Stabilizers fo the Regularization of Ill-Posed Visual Problems Involving Discontinuities
* Cooperative Computation and Time
* Correspondence Analysis for Target Tracking in Infrared Images
* Data Structure and Algorithms 2: Graphs Algorithms and NP-Completeness
* Decision Tree Design Using a Probabilistic Model
* Decomposition of Hardy Functions into Square Integrable Wavelets of Constant Shape
* Decomposition of Transformation Matrices for Robot Vision
* Depth Perception for Robots
* Depth Recovery from Surface Normals
* Description of 3-D Surfaces Using Curvature Properties
* Design of Inherently Stable Two-Dimensional Recursive Filters from One-Dimensional Filters
* Design of Quantizers from Histograms
* Detection and Sub-Pixel Location of Objects in Digitized Aerial Imagery
* Detection of Moving Edges
* Different States of a Document's Content on Its Way from the Gutenbergian World to the Electronic World
* Digital Metrics: A Graph-Theoretical Approach
* Digital SAR Processing Using a Fast Polynomial Transform
* Digital Type Manufacture: An Interactive Approach
* Direct Processing of Curvilinear Sensor Motion from a Sequence of Perspective Images
* Discrete Relaxation on Snap
* Discrete Topology and Contour Definition
* Document Understanding System
* Domain Independent Object Description and Decomposition
* DPCM Coding of the Chrominance Signals for the Transmission of Colour TV Signals at 34 Mbits/S
* DPCM Picture Coding with Two-Dimensional Control of Adaptive Quantization
* Dynamic C-Oriented Polygonal Intersection Searching
* Dynamic, First-Fit Packings in Two or More Dimensions
* Edge Localization in Both Theta and X
* Edge Preserving Texture Analysis
* Edge-Face Graph Representations of Solid Objects
* Effectiveness and Efficiency of Hybrid Transform/DPCM Interframe Image Coding, The
* Efficient Encoding of Colored Pictures in R,G,B Components
* Efficient Multiresolution Algorithms for Computing Lightness, Shape from Shading, and Optical Flow
* Efficient Nesting Of Congruent Convex Figures
* Efficient Octree Representation of Moving Objects
* Embedding Data into Pictures by Modulo Masking
* Encoding of Arbitrary Surfaces in 3-Dimensional Space, The
* Estimating 3-D Motion from Range Data
* Estimation of General 2-D Motion Parameters in TV Scenes
* Evidence Accumulation for Spatial Reasoning in Aerial Image Understanding
* Experiments with a Fast String Searching Algorithm
* Expert System For Object Recognition In Natural Scenes, An
* Extended Definition TV
* Fast Algorithm for Cellular Logic Operations on Sequential Machines, A
* Fast Discrimination Between Homogeneous and Textured Regions
* Fast Piecewise Non-Linear Approximation
* Fast Surface Interpolation Technique, A
* Feasible Solution in Signal Restoration, The
* Feature Reduction and Unsupervised Classification Algorithm for Multispectral Data, A
* Fido: Vision and Navigation for a Robot Rover
* Figural Synthesis
* Finding Rectangle Intersections by Divide-and-Conquer
* Fingerprint Pattern Classification
* Fingerprint Recognition System with Micro-Computer, A
* Formulation of Parallel Image Processing Tasks
* Fourier Domain Reconstruction of Synthetic Focus Acoustic Imaging System
* Frame-Like Knowledge Representation System for Computer Vision, A
* Fuzzy Geometry Of Image Subsets, The
* Generalized Block Truncation Coding Algorithm for Image Compression, A
* Geometric Matcher for Recognizing and Positioning 3-D Rigid Objects, A
* Geometric Structures for Three-Dimensional Shape Representation
* Global and Local Deformations of Solid Primitives
* Gradient-Based Estimation of Optical Flow with Global Optimization
* Graph Matching by Parallel Optimization Methods: An Application to Stereo Vision
* Graphical Structure Extracting Method from an Urban Map Using Parallel Vector Tracers, A
* Hamming Coding of DCT-Compressed Images over Noisy Channels
* Handbook of Industrial Robotics
* Handwriting Recognition Accuracy Versus Tablet Resolution and Sampling Rate
* Hierarchical Bayesian Approach to Reconstruction from Projections of a Multiple Object 3-D Scene, A
* Hierarchical Knowledge-Directed Object Extraction using a Combined Region and Line Representation
* Hierarchical Representation of Optically Scanned Documents
* Hierarchical System for Handwritten Numeral Recognition, A
* Hierarchical Warp Stereo
* Histogram Classifier for Characterization of Handwritten Signature Dynamic
* Image Analysis: Problems, Progress and Prospects
* Image Database Systems: A Survey
* Image Decimation and Interpolation Techniques Based on Frequency Domain Analysis
* Image Flow Paradigm, An
* Image Pyramids and Partitions
* Image Reconstruction from Frequency-Offset Fourier Data
* Image Registration by Matching Relational Structures
* Image Sequence Analysis of Real World Human Motion
* Image Sequence Analysis Using Relational Structures
* Image Understanding via Texture Analysis
* Improved Adaptive Predictor in DPCM Based on the Kalman Filter and Its Application to Handwriting Signal Encoding, An
* Improved Pel-Recursive Motion Compensation
* Influence of Motion on the Masking of Quantization Errors in Three-Dimensional DPCM Coding, The
* Information-Centered Approach to Optimal Algorithms Applied to the 2-1/2D Sketch, The
* Integrated Spatio-Temporal Model and Recursive Algorithm for Image Motion Estimation, An
* Integrating Non-Semantic Knowledge into Image Segmentation Processes
* Interest Points, Disparities and Correspondence
* Interframe Coding System for Video Teleconferencing Signal Transmission at a 1.5 Mbit/S Rate, An
* Invariant Analogical Image Representation and Pattern Recognition
* Investigation into the Skeletonization Approach of Hilditch, An
* Karhunen-Loeve Line Fitting And A Linearity Measure
* Karhunen-Loeve Multispectral Image Restoration, Part I: Theory
* Knowledge and the Visual Process: Content, Form and Use
* Knowledge Based Robotic Vision System, A
* Knowledge Based Script Reader, A
* Knowledge Organization and Control Structure in Image Understanding
* Knowledge-Based Aerial Photo Interpretation
* Knowledge-Based Picture Understanding of Weather Charts
* Labeled Point Pattern Matching by Fuzzy Relaxation
* Learning Physical Descriptions from Functional Definitions, Examples, and Precedents
* Least Median of Squares Regression
* Linear and Nonlinear Estimators for One- and Two-Dimensional Fourier Transforms
* Linear MMSE Filtering for Restoration of Images Degraded by Film Grain Noise
* MACSYM: A Hierarchical Parallel Image Processing System for Event Driven Pattern Understanding of Documents
* Map-Guided Feature Extraction from Aerial Imagery
* Matching an Imprecise Object Description with Models in a Knowledge Base
* Matching Closed Contours
* Matching Three-Dimensional Objects Using a Relational Paradigm
* Matching Wire Frame Objects from Their Two Dimensional Perspective Projections
* Median Filtering by Threshold Decomposition
* Method for Detecting Structure in Polyhedra, A
* Method for Improving String Pattern Matching Machines, A
* Microcomputer System to Recognize Handwritten Numerals Using a Syntactic-Statistic Approach, A
* Model of Character Recognition by Humans, A
* Model-Based Inspection System for Component Boards
* Model-Based Recognition and Localization from Sparse Range or Tactile Data
* Model-Guided Segmentation Using Quadtrees
* Motion Detection in Image Sequences: An Evaluation of Feature Detectors
* Motion Understanding Meets Early Vision: An Introduction
* Motion-Compensated Interframe Coding Scheme for NTSC Color Television Signals, A
* Movement Compensated Interframe Prediction for NTSC Color TV Signals
* Multilevel Relaxation in Low-Level Computer Vision
* Multiple Channel Model for Perception of Optical Flow, A
* Multiresolution Algorithms in Computational Vision
* Natural Language Description of Time-Varying Scenes
* Natural Scene Segmentation Based on Multiple Threshold and Textural Measurement
* New Approach to Machine Recognition of Chinese Characters, A
* New Architecture for Adaptive Intrafield Transform Compression of NTSC Composite Video Signal, A
* New Invariants for Three Dimensional Recognition
* New Linear Algorithm for Triangulating Monotone Polygons, A
* New Linear Convex Hull Algorithm for Simple Polygons, A
* New Probabilistic Model For Chinese Character Recognition
* New Results Using an Integrated Model and Recursive Algorithm for Image Motion Estimation
* New Types of Adaptive Quantizers
* Noise Reduction in Image Sequences Using Motion-Compensated Temporal Filtering
* Noise Reduction in Three-Dimensional Digital Images
* Noiseless Coding of Binary Finite Order Markov Sources
* Note on Using the Fractal Dimension for Segmentation, A
* Number of Simultaneous Colors Versus Gray Levels: A Quantitative Relationship
* O(N Log N) Algorithm For Finding All Repetitions In A String, An
* Object Representation, Identification, and Positioning from Range Data
* Object-Detection Algorithm Based on the Region-Adjacency Graph, An
* OCR in the United States Postal Service: Present Status and Future Needs
* On-Line Cursive Script Recognition Using Stroke Linkage Rules
* On-Line Handwritten Signature Recognition Based on Data Analysis and Clustering
* Optical Feature Extraction Via the Radon Transform
* Optimal Digitization of 2-D Images
* Optimal Feature Selection: Part II -- Implementation
* Optimal Set of Image Segmentation Rules, An
* Orientation of Anisotropic Random Fields and Images
* Output Distribution of Median Type Filters, The
* Parallelism and Array Processing
* Parameterization of Planar Contours for Elliptic Decomposition and Determination of Affine Transforms
* Particular Interpolation Technique Applied to Digital Picture Restoration, A
* Pattern Recognition by Markovian Dynamic Programming
* Peak-Finding with Limited Hierarchical Memory
* Perceptual Organization as Nested Control
* Performance of Transform Coding for Carrier Chrominance Signals
* Piecewise Linear L(1) Approximation Of Plane Curves
* Pipeline and Parallel-Pipeline FFT Processors for VLSI Implementations
* Plane Curve Classification Through Fourier Descriptors: An Application to Arabic Hand-Written Numeral Recognition
* Planes and Quadrics Detection Using Hough Transform
* Predictive Source Coding Techniques Using Maximum Likelihood Prediction for Compression of Digitized Images
* Preprocessing Method for the Contrast Enhancement of TV-Scanned Electron Microscopic Images, A
* Primary Algorithm for the Understanding of Logic Circuit Diagrams, A
* Principles And Strategies Of Hierarchical Contour Coding
* Processing Dynamic Image Sequences from a Moving Sensor
* Properties and Some Fast Algorithms of the Haar Transform in Image Processing and Pattern Recognition
* Property Spheres: A New Representation for 3-D Object Recognition
* Quality Assessment of Object Location and Point Transfer Using Digital Image Correlation Techniques
* Range Data Extraction and Interpretation by Structural Light
* Range Imaging System for 3-D Object Recognition
* Real-Time Image Processing at Westinghouse
* Real-Time On-Line Symbol Recognition Using a DTW Processor
* Recognition of Handprinted Chinese Characters and Japanese Cursive Syllabary
* Recognition of Handwritten Arabic Words and Sentences
* Recognition of Symmetrical Patterns in Images
* Recognition with Range and Intensity Data
* Reconstructing a Depth Map from Intensity Maps
* Reconstructing a Network of Three-Dimensional Curves from a Small Number of Projections
* Reconstructing the Optic Flow Field from Edge Motion: An Examination of Two Different Approaches
* Reconstruction from Projections Based on Detection and Estimation of Objects -- Parts I and II: Performance Analysis and Robustness Analysis
* Recovering the Camera Parameters from a Transformation Matrix
* Recursive Estimation of Local Characteristics of Edges in TV Pictures as Applied to ADPCM Coding
* Recursive Pyramids and Their Use for Image Coding
* Reduction of Random Noise from Multiband Image Data Using Phase Relationships Among Their Fourier Coefficients
* Refined Technique for Stereo Depth Perception, A
* Region Detection Based on an Homogeneous Set of Local Operators for Hardware Implementation
* Region Growing and Global Labeling in Image Analysis
* Region Segmentation of Biomedical Tissue Image Using Color Texture Feature
* Relationship Between Optical Flow and Surface Orientation, The
* Relative Elevation Determination from Landsat Imagery
* Representation for Image Curves, A
* Representation of Shape, The
* Ridge-Seeking Method for Obtaining the Skeleton of Digital Images, The
* Robot Guidance Using Computer Vision
* Robot guidance using machine vision
* Robust Shape Description Based On Curve Fitting
* RS-Automorphisms and Symmetrical Objects
* Scale Space Filtering: A New Approach to Multi-Scale Descriptions
* Scene Adaptive Coder
* Scene Analysis Using Region-Based Constraint Filtering
* Scene Matching by Defocused Images
* Seamsight: A Parallel/Pipelined Vision System for Seam Tracking
* Segmentation and Feature Extraction of Handwritten Signature Patterns
* Segmentation of Thinned Binary Scenes with Good Connectivity Algorithms
* Semantically-Based Multi-Level Edge Detection System, A
* Sensors for Intelligent Robots
* Serial/Parallel Convolvers
* Several Approaches to Development of On-Line Handwritten Character Input Equipment
* Shape Manifolds, Procrustean Metrics, and Complex Projective Spaces
* Shape of Subjective Contours, The
* Shape Recovery of a Solid of Revolution from Apparent Distortions of Patterns
* Significance of Visual Limitations in Automated Pattern Recognition Applications
* Similarity Measure Between Attributed Relational Graphs for Image Analysis, A
* Simple Approximation for Minimum Mean-Square Error Symmetric Uniform Quantization, A
* Simple Parallel Hierarchical and Relaxation Algorithms for Segmenting Textured Images Based on Noncausal Markovian Random Field Models
* Smoothed Local Symmetries and Their Implementation
* Solid Modeling, Aspect Graphs, and Robot Vision
* Solving Camera Parameters from the Perspective Projection of a Parameterized Curve
* Solving Consistent Labeling Problems Having The Separation Property
* Some Algorithms for Image Enhancement Incorporating Human Visual Response
* Some Experience in the Real-Time Processing of Handwriting
* Some Experiments in Two-Dimensional Grammatical Inference
* Some Performance Tests of Convex Hull Algorithms
* Spatial Processing Algorithm to Reduce the Effects of Mixed Pixels and Increase the Separability Between Classes, A
* Spatial Reasoning from Line Drawings of Polyhedra
* Spatial-Domain Design of a Class of Two-Dimensional Recursive Digital Filters
* Spelling Correction Using Probabilistic Methods
* Split and Merge Algorithm for Segmentation of Natural Scenes, A
* Split-and-Merge Segmentation of SLAR Imagery: Segmentation Consistency
* SPTA: A Proposed Algorithm for Thinning Binary Patterns
* Statistical Method for Biological Shape Comparisons, A
* Stereo Modeling System: A Geometric Modeling System for Modeling Object Instance and Class
* Stereo Processing of Aerial, Urban Images
* Stereo Vision Algorithm Taking into Account the Perspective Distortions, A
* Stereo Vision: Complexity and Constraints
* Stochastic Approach to Edge Detection, A
* Stochastic Model Based Technique for Texture Segmentation, A
* Structural Recognition of Handwritten Numerals
* Structure of Images, The
* Study of Rectangular Transforms for Data Compression, A
* Subjectively Adapted Image Communication System, A
* Surface Classification Using Characteristic Contours
* Survey of Aircraft Classification Algorithms, A
* Symbolic Scene Matching
* Symmetry Evaluators
* Syntactic Recognition of Skeletal Maturity
* Syntactic-Semantic Approach For Chinese Character Recognition, A
* System for the Automatic Visual Inspection of Bare-Printed Circuit Boards, A
* Systolic Algorithms for the CMU Warp Processor
* Technique for High-Performance Data Compression, A
* Techniques for On-Line Chinese Character Recognition with Reduced Writing Constraints
* Theoretical Comparison between DPCM and Transform Coding Regarding the Robustness of Coding Performance for Variation of Picture Statistics
* Theory of Line Drawing Interpretation, A
* Three Dimensional Object Recognition Using Linear Features and Oriented Model Points
* Three-Dimensional Matching Using Range Data
* Three-Dimensional Object Recognition by Two-Dimensional Inclined Shapes Matching with Area Ratios Method
* To Detect The Defects In Welding Seam Using The Pattern Recognition
* Towards a Systematic Study of Shape Measures
* Track Following Algorithm for Contour Lines in Digital Binary Maps, A
* Training System for Well-Writing Based on On-Line Character Recognition
* Two Multi-Processor Systems for Low-Level Real-Time Vision
* Two-Dimensional Linear Prediction and Its Application to Adaptive Predictive Coding of Images
* Two-Dimensional Object Recognition by Matching Local Properties of Contour Points
* Unified Approach to Noniterative Linear Signal Restoration, A
* Unsupervised Learning of Hand-Printed Characters with Linguistic Information, An
* Unsupervised Segmentation by Use of a Texture Gradient
* Use and Representation of Knowledge in Image Understanding Based on Semantic Networks
* Using the Gaussian Image to Find the Orientation of Objects
* Vector Quantization
* Vector Quantizer Design for Memoryless Gaussian, Gamma, and Laplacian Sources
* Velocity Estimation from Image Sequences with Second Order Differential Operators
* Vision for Autonomous Navigation
* Visual Ambiguity of a Moving Plane, The
* Visual Components of an Automated Inspection Task, The
* Visual Hyperacuity: Spatiotemporal Interpolation in Human Vision
* Visual Inspection Using Linear Features
* Visual Routines
* VLSI Implementation of Systolic and 3-D Cellular Architectures for Image Processing
* What Does the Occluding Contour Tell Us About Solid Shape?
* What the Fourier Transform Can Really Bring to Clustering
* Wiresight: Robot Vision for Determining Three-Dimensional Geometry of Flexible Wires from Shadow Information
* Workpiece Recognition and Inspection by a Model-Based Scene Analysis System
347 for 8400

Index for "8"

Last update:20-Jan-25 12:09:31
Use price@usc.edu for comments.