Update Dates 1002

1002 * *ICIP
* *Image and Vision Computing New Zealand
* *International Conference on Systems, Signals and Image Processing
* 20th SIBGRAPI: Advances in Image Processing and Computer Vision
* 3-D object segmentation using ant colonies
* 3D Model compression using Connectivity-Guided Adaptive Wavelet Transform built into 2D SPIHT
* 3D object classification using salient point patterns with application to craniofacial research
* 3D reconstruction using silhouettes from unordered viewpoints
* 3D shape recovery from image focus using kernel regression in eigenspace
* 4-D Cardiac MR Image Analysis: Left and Right Ventricular Morphology and Function
* Action Detection in Cluttered Video With Successive Convex Matching
* Active contours driven by local image fitting energy
* Active Contours with Selective Local or Global Segmentation: A New Formulation and Level Set Method
* Adapted Active Appearance Models
* Adaptive and Stable Method for Fitting Implicit Polynomial Curves and Surfaces, An
* Adaptive Critic Design for Energy Minimization of Portable Video Communication Devices
* Adaptive wavelet-Galerkin methods for limited angle tomography
* Analysis of IrisCode, An
* Analysis of multi-agent activity using petri nets
* Analytic Framework for the Evaluation of Coil Configurations for Parallel Transmission MRI With Subsampled Cartesian Excitation k-Space, An
* Animation and Performance Capture Using Digitized Models
* Anisotropic Cheeger Sets And Applications
* Artifact Trapping During Time Reversal Photoacoustic Imaging for Acoustically Heterogeneous Media
* Assessment of TerraSAR-X Products with a New Feature Extraction Application: Monitoring of Cylindrical Tanks
* Assessment of the Stereo-Radargrammetric Mapping Potential of TerraSAR-X Multibeam Spotlight Data
* Attention Module for Object Detection in Cluttered Images, An
* Automated and Interactive Lesion Detection and Segmentation in Uterine Cervix Images
* automated three-dimensional plus time registration framework for dynamic MR renography, An
* Automatic Extraction of Traffic Flows Using TerraSAR-X Along-Track Interferometry
* Automatic free parking space detection by using motion stereo-based 3D reconstruction
* Automatic production of quantisation matrices based on perceptual modelling of wavelet coefficients for grey scale images
* Automatic Segmentation of Rotational X-Ray Images for Anatomic Intra-Procedural Surface Generation in Atrial Fibrillation Ablation Procedures
* Axiomatic approach to computational attention
* Band-Pass epislon-Filter for Edge Enhancement and Noise Removal
* Biased Discriminant Euclidean Embedding for Content-Based Image Retrieval
* binarization method with learning-built rules for document images produced by cameras, A
* Binary Tissue Classification on Wound Images With Neural Networks and Bayesian Classifiers
* Browsing Video Along Multiple Threads
* Cahn-Hilliard Inpainting And A Generalization For Grayvalue Images
* Calibration challenges for future radio telescopes
* Camera handoff and placement for automated tracking systems with multiple omnidirectional cameras
* Characterization and Detection of Toric Loops in n-Dimensional Discrete Toric Spaces
* Classification of Benign and Malignant Breast Tumors by 2-D Analysis Based on Contour Description and Scatterer Characterization
* Color space normalization: Enhancing the discriminating power of color spaces for face recognition
* Combined Region and Motion-Based 3D Tracking of Rigid and Articulated Objects
* Compositional and Dynamic Model for Face Aging, A
* Compressed Domain Video Object Segmentation
* Compression Quality Prediction Model for JPEG2000
* Compressive Imaging Of Subwavelength Structures
* Compressive Imaging: An Application
* Compressive Sensing By Random Convolution
* Computing von Kries Illuminant Changes by Piecewise Inversion of Cumulative Color Histograms
* Configural processing enables discrimination and categorization of face-like stimuli in honeybees
* Context-Based Defading of Archive Photographs
* Continuous Learning of a Multilayered Network Topology in a Video Camera Network
* Controlling the Bit Rate of Multi-Object Videos With Noncooperative Game Theory
* Converting Ultrahigh-Definition Video Into Digital Cinema by Using Time-Expanding Bi-Directional Motion Estimation and Higher Green Frequency
* Corner detection based on gradient correlation matrices of planar curves
* Curvelet-based geodesic snakes for image segmentation with multiple objects
* Data Specific Spatially Varying Regularization for Multimodal Fluorescence Molecular Tomography
* Defect detection in patterned wafers using anisotropic kernels
* Delineation of Urban Footprints From TerraSAR-X Data by Analyzing Speckle Characteristics and Intensity Information
* Denoising and recognition using hidden Markov models with observation distributions modeled by hidden Markov trees
* Denoising of Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced MR Images Using Dynamic Nonlocal Means
* Dense Stereo Matching over the Panum Band
* Detecting the fuzzy clusters of complex networks
* Detection Of Intensity And Motion Edges Within Optical Flow Via Multidimensional Control
* Detection of Masses in Digital Mammograms using K-Means and Support Vector Machine
* Determining Planar Multiple Sound-Soft Obstacles from Scattered Acoustic Fields
* Development of the TanDEM-X Calibration Concept: Analysis of Systematic Errors
* Discrete camera calibration from pixel streams
* Discretization Error Analysis and Adaptive Meshing Algorithms for Fluorescence Diffuse Optical Tomography: Part I
* Discretization Error Analysis and Adaptive Meshing Algorithms for Fluorescence Diffuse Optical Tomography: Part II
* Document Ink Bleed-Through Removal with Two Hidden Markov Random Fields and a Single Observation Field
* EC-EGI: enriched complex EGI for 3D shape registration
* Edge detection insensitive to changes of illumination in the image
* Edge-driven Image Interpolation using Adaptive Anisotropic Radial Basis Functions
* effective classification and numbering system for dental bitewing radiographs using teeth region and contour information, An
* Effective segmentation and classification for HCC biopsy images
* Efficient Clustering Algorithm for Irregularly Shaped Clusters, An
* Efficient Generic Calibration Method for General Cameras with Single Centre of Projection
* Efficient Primal-Dual Method For L_1 TV Image Restoration, An
* Efficient Stereoscopic Ranging via Stochastic Sampling of Match Quality
* Embedded planar surface segmentation system for stereo images
* Energy Efficient H.263 Video Transmission in Power Saving Wireless LAN Infrastructure
* Enhanced Hexagonal-Based Search Using Direction-Oriented Inner Search for Motion Estimation
* equivalent definition of the histogram of forces: Theoretical and algorithmic implications, An
* Estimation of the Epipole using Optical Flow at Antipodal Points
* Exact correlation between actual and estimated errors in discrete classification
* Fast Algorithm for Learning the Overcomplete Image Prior, A
* Fast and robust numerical solutions to minimal problems for cameras with radial distortion
* Fast Graph Partitioning Active Contours for Image Segmentation Using Histograms
* Fast Keypoint Recognition Using Random Ferns
* Fast motion estimation based on search range adjustment and matching point decimation
* Feature extraction using discrete cosine transform and discrimination power analysis with a face recognition technology
* Final TerraSAR-X Calibration Results Based on Novel Efficient Methods
* Fisher Information-Based Evaluation of Image Quality for Time-of-Flight PET
* Footwear for Gender Recognition
* Foreword to the Special Issue on TerraSAR-X: Mission, Calibration, and First Results
* Fourier analysis of two-stage phase-shifting algorithms
* FPGA Design and Implementation of a Real-Time Stereo Vision System
* Fractional Differential Mask: A Fractional Differential-Based Approach for Multiscale Texture Enhancement
* Fusing continuous spectral images for face recognition under indoor and outdoor illuminants
* Generalized Kernel-Based Visual Tracking
* Generalized Median Graph Computation by Means of Graph Embedding in Vector Spaces
* Generic self-calibration of central cameras
* Geometric algebra colour image representations and derived total orderings for morphological operators: Part I: Colour quaternions
* Geometric attraction-driven flow for image segmentation and boundary detection
* Geometric Description of Images as Topographic Maps
* GeoSpatial Visual Analytics
* Gradient histogram: Thresholding in a region of interest for edge detection
* graph matching method and a graph matching distance based on subgraph assignments, A
* Grouping strategies for promoting image quality of watermarking on the basis of vector quantization
* Handling Movement Epenthesis and Hand Segmentation Ambiguities in Continuous Sign Language Recognition Using Nested Dynamic Programming
* hemispherical imaging camera, A
* High quality surface remeshing with equilateral triangle grid
* high-accuracy method for fine registration of overlapping point clouds, A
* Horizon matching for localizing unordered panoramic images
* Hybrid Multiple Description Coding Based on H.264
* Hybrid Screen: Improving the Breed, The
* Hybrid System for Simultaneous Fluorescence and X-Ray Computed Tomography
* Ideal AFROC and FROC Observers
* Identifying and evaluating community structure in complex networks
* Illumination direction estimation for augmented reality using a surface input real valued output regression network
* Image Annotation by Graph-Based Inference With Integrated Multiple/Single Instance Representations
* Image reconstruction in optical interferometry
* Image scrambling encryption algorithm of pixel bit based on chaos map
* Image Thumbnails That Represent Blur and Noise
* Image-Guided Intraoperative Cortical Deformation Recovery Using Game Theory: Application to Neocortical Epilepsy Surgery
* Imaging Electric Properties of Biological Tissues by RF Field Mapping in MRI
* Improved gait recognition by multiple-projections normalization
* In the Eye of the Beholder: A Survey of Models for Eyes and Gaze
* incremental Bhattacharyya dissimilarity measure for particle filtering, An
* Infinite Photography: New Mathematical Model for High-Resolution Images
* Influence of Atmospheric Path Delay on the Absolute Geolocation Accuracy of TerraSAR-X High-Resolution Products
* Information Theory framework for two-stage binary image operator design, An
* Interferometric Microrelief Sensing With TerraSAR-X: First Results
* Intestinal Motility Assessment With Video Capsule Endoscopy: Automatic Annotation of Phasic Intestinal Contractions
* Learning the Compositional Nature of Visual Object Categories for Recognition
* Learning to classify by ongoing feature selection
* Local Derivative Pattern Versus Local Binary Pattern: Face Recognition with High-Order Local Pattern Descriptor
* LoG Characteristic Scale: A Consistent Measurement of Lung Nodule Size in CT Imaging, The
* Lossless re-coding using integer linear programming for H.264/MPEG-4 AVC
* lossless robust data hiding scheme, A
* Matching Trajectories between Video Sequences by Exploiting a Sparse Projective Invariant Representation
* Mathematics of Medical Imaging: A Beginner's Guide, The
* Mean shift clustering-based moving object segmentation in the H.264 compressed domain
* Medical Imaging Informatics
* Method for Compact Image Representation Using Sparse Matrix and Tensor Projections Onto Exemplar Orthonormal Bases, A
* method for sparse disparity densification using voting mask propagation, A
* Mice and larvae tracking using a particle filter with an auto-adjustable observation model
* Model-Based Hand Tracking by Chamfer Distance and Adaptive Color Learning Using Particle Filter
* Monocular 3-D Tracking of Inextensible Deformable Surfaces Under L_2-Norm
* Motion estimation by decoupling rotation and translation in catadioptric vision
* Motion Tuned Spatio-Temporal Quality Assessment of Natural Videos
* Moving-object segmentation using a foreground history map
* MRI Receiver Coil Produced by Inkjet Printing Directly on to a Flexible Substrate, An
* Multichannel Texture Segmentation Using Bamberger Pyramids
* Multidimensional image reconstruction in astronomy
* Multimedia in Cultural Heritage Manuscripts: Integrating Description, Transcription, and Image Content
* Multiple Description Video Coding With H.264/AVC Redundant Pictures
* Multiple Overlapping k-Space Junctions for Investigating Translating Objects (MOJITO)
* Multiplicative Noise Removal With Spatially Varying Regularization Parameters
* Multiscale AM-FM Methods for Diabetic Retinopathy Lesion Detection
* Multispectral Acquisition of Large-Sized Pictorial Surfaces
* Mutual-Information-Based Registration of TerraSAR-X and Ikonos Imagery in Urban Areas
* Neuro semantic thresholding using OCR software for high precision OCR applications
* new and fast implementation for null space based linear discriminant analysis, A
* new clustering algorithm for coordinate-free data, A
* New features using fractal multi-dimensions for generalized Arabic font recognition
* New Image Fusion Technique Based on Directive Contrast, A
* new nonlinear classifier with a penalized signed fuzzy measure using effective genetic algorithm, A
* New Riemannian techniques for directional and tensorial image data
* New Technique for the Digitization and Restoration of Deteriorated Photographic Negatives, A
* Noise Reduction in CMOS Image Sensor Using Cellular Neural Networks with a Genetic Algorithm
* Noise-bound method for detecting shadow-free scene changes in image sequences
* Noise-Related Radiometric Correction in the TerraSAR-X Multimode SAR Processor
* Nonconservative Flow Field for Robust Variational Image Segmentation, A
* Nonlinear embedding preserving multiple local-linearities
* Nonlinear Regularization for Per Voxel Estimation of Magnetic Susceptibility Distributions From MRI Field Maps
* Nonuniform Ground Motion Monitoring With TerraSAR-X Persistent Scatterer Interferometry
* novel Bayesian logistic discriminant model: An application to face recognition, A
* Novel Hybrid Linear/Nonlinear Classifier for Two-Class Classification: Theory, Algorithm, and Applications, A
* Novel Modeling and Evaluating for RTS Noise on CMOS Image Sensor in Motion Picture, A
* OBJCUT: Efficient Segmentation Using Top-Down and Bottom-Up Cues
* On Approximation of Orientation Distributions by Means of Spherical Ridgelets
* On The Application Of The Monge-Kantorovich Problem To Image Registration
* On the Design of Pattern-Based Block Motion Estimation Algorithms
* On tracking inside groups
* On-line independent support vector machines
* Online Reinforcement Learning for Dynamic Multimedia Systems
* Optical-Flow-Based B-Mode Elastography: Application in the Hypertensive Rat Carotid
* Particle Filtering and DSmT Based Approach for Conflict Resolving in case of Target Tracking with Multiple Cues, A
* Patch-Based Nonlocal Functional for Denoising Fluorescence Microscopy Image Sequences
* People detection through quantified fuzzy temporal rules
* Perceptual Color Image Coding With JPEG2000
* Photo Hull regularized stereo
* Photometric stereo using LCD displays
* Photometric Stereo via Expectation Maximization
* PolSOM: A new method for multidimensional data visualization
* portable stereo vision system for whole body surface imaging, A
* Predictive Deconvolution and Hybrid Feature Selection for Computer-Aided Detection of Prostate Cancer
* prior statistics of object colors, The
* Probabilistic structure matching for visual SLAM with a multi-camera rig
* Probably correct k-nearest neighbor search in high dimensions
* Processing of Sliding Spotlight and TOPS SAR Data Using Baseband Azimuth Scaling
* Quantitative Analysis of Pulmonary Emphysema Using Local Binary Patterns
* Quantitative Comparison of Spot Detection Methods in Fluorescence Microscopy
* Random Subspace Ensembles for fMRI Classification
* Rapid, man-made object morphological segmentation for aerial images using a multi-scaled, geometric image analysis
* Rate-Distortion Cost Estimation for H.264/AVC
* real-time FPGA architecture for 3D reconstruction from integral images, A
* Recent advances in face biometrics with Gabor wavelets: A review
* Recognition of multiple configurations of objects with limited data
* Recovery of spectral reflectances of imaged objects by the use of features of spectral reflectances
* regularization framework for robust dimensionality reduction with applications to image reconstruction and feature extraction, A
* Regularized Interpolation for Noisy Images
* Removing Multiplicative Noise by Douglas-Rachford Splitting Methods
* Resistivity Probability Tomography Imaging at the Castle of Zena, Italy
* Resolution enhancement of imaging small-scale portions in a compactly supported function
* Reversible color-to-gray mapping using subband domain texturization
* robust dynamic niching genetic algorithm with niche migration for automatic clustering problem, A
* Robust metric calibration of non-linear camera lens distortion
* ROI Based Quality Access Control of Compressed Color Image using DWT via Lifting
* role of intensity standardization in medical image registration, The
* Rotation and gray-scale-invariant texture analysis using radon and differential radon transforms based hidden Markov models
* Rotation invariant analysis and orientation estimation method for texture classification based on Radon transform and correlation analysis
* RVM-Based Human Action Classification in Crowd through Projection and Star Skeletonization
* SAR image processing using adaptive stack filter
* Secret Image Transmission Scheme Using Secret Codebook
* Segmentation of DNA microarray images using an adaptive graph-based method
* Segmentation of historical machine-printed documents using Adaptive Run Length Smoothing and skeleton segmentation paths
* Segmentation of the carotid intima-media region in B-mode ultrasound images
* Segmenting animated objects into near-rigid components
* Selective Data Pruning-Based Compression Using High-Order Edge-Directed Interpolation
* Selective rendering for efficient ray traced stereoscopic images
* Semi-supervised clustering with metric learning: An adaptive kernel method
* Sensitivity Analysis of k-Fold Cross Validation in Prediction Error Estimation
* Shadowed c-means: Integrating fuzzy and rough clustering
* Shape modeling via local curvature scale
* Silhouette representation and matching for 3D pose discrimination: A comparative study
* simple method for interpolating meshes of arbitrary topology by Catmull-Clark surfaces, A
* Skin detection for single images using dynamic skin color modeling
* Smart Cameras
* Smooth Adaptation by Sigmoid Shrinkage
* Solving the process of hysteresis without determining the optimal thresholds
* Sorting Rates in Video Encoding Process for Complexity Reduction
* Sparsity preserving discriminant analysis for single training image face recognition
* Spatially Varying Mixtures Incorporating Line Processes for Image Segmentation
* Spatio-Temporal Auto Regressive Model for Frame Rate Upconversion, A
* Special issue on omnidirectional vision, camera networks and non-conventional cameras
* Squigraphs for Fine and Compact Modeling of 3-D Shapes
* stability based validity method for fuzzy clustering, A
* State-of-the-art image sensors and signal processing in NASA's space telescopes
* Statistical motion learning for improved transform domain Wyner-Ziv video coding
* Statistical Wavelet Subband Characterization Based on Generalized Gamma Density and Its Application in Texture Retrieval
* Study of the photodetector characteristics of a camera for color constancy in natural scenes
* Synthetic aperture radio telescopes
* tensorial framework for color images, A
* TerraSAR-X Antenna Calibration and Monitoring Based on a Precise Antenna Model
* TerraSAR-X Data for Burn Severity Evaluation in Mediterranean Forests on Sloped Terrain
* TerraSAR-X Instrument Calibration Results and Extension for TanDEM-X
* TerraSAR-X SAR Processing and Products
* TerraSAR-X System Performance Characterization and Verification
* TOPS Imaging With TerraSAR-X: Mode Design and Performance Analysis
* Traffic sign recognition system with beta-correction
* Transition pixel: A concept for binarization based on edge detection and gray-intensity histograms
* Tree Edit Distance Problems: Algorithms and Applications to Bioinformatics
* Triangular Wavelets: An Isotropic Image Representation with Hexagonal Symmetry
* Two-stage image denoising by principal component analysis with local pixel grouping
* Uncorrelated discriminant simplex analysis for view-invariant gait signal computing
* Unequal Erasure Protection Technique for Scalable Multistreams
* Unequal Power Allocation for JPEG Transmission Over MIMO Systems
* Unsupervised line network extraction in remote sensing using a polyline process
* Unsupervised pattern recognition models for mixed feature-type symbolic data
* Using underapproximations for sparse nonnegative matrix factorization
* Variational Bayesian Image Restoration With a Product of Spatially Weighted Total Variation Image Priors
* Video Event Modeling and Recognition in Generalized Stochastic Petri Nets
* Video Object Extraction via MRF-Based Contour Tracking
* Weighted and extended total variation for image restoration and decomposition
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Last update:20-Jan-25 12:09:31
Use price@usc.edu for comments.