Journals starting with sout

Southwest00 * *SSIAI
* Lower Level and Higher Level Approaches to Content-Based Image Retrieval

Southwest02 * *SSIAI
* Active contours for cell tracking
* Analysis of motion and curvature in image sequences
* Application of task-specific metrics in JPEG2000 ROI compression
* Automated detection of all kinds of violations at a street intersection using real time individual vehicle tracking
* Automated quality control for micro-technology components using a depth from focus approach
* Automatic referencing of multi-spectral images
* Block-based, memory-efficient JPEG2000 images indexing in compressed-domain
* Compression enhancement of video motion of mouth region using joint audio and video coding
* Cross-power spectrum phase for automated registration of multi/hyperspectral data-cubes for efficient information retrieval
* Customized hough transform for robust segmentation of cervical vertebrae from X-ray images
* Data throughput and robustness studies in a new digital image watermarking technique based upon adaptive segmentation and space-frequency representation (WASSFR)
* Determining 3D structure and motion of man-made objects from image corners
* Edge preserving wavelet speckle filtering
* Efficient region boundary approximation using adaptive smoothing and second-order B-splines
* Entropy estimation for segmentation of multi-spectral chromosome images
* Equal-intensity map texture modeling for natural scene segmentation
* Extracting human gait signatures by body segment properties
* fast algorithm for registration of individual frames and information recovery in fluorescein angiography video image analysis, A
* Fast and robust watermarking of JPEG files
* Fast content-based image retrieval using quasi-gabor filter and reduction of image feature dimension
* Fast processing of medical images using a new parallel architecture, the hybrid system
* Feature analysis using millimeter-wave real beam and doppler beam sharpening techniques
* Feature extraction from hyperspectral images compressed using the jpeg-2000 standard
* Geometry-based automatic object localization and 3-D pose detection
* hybrid technique for facial feature point detection, A
* Image analysis as a tool for printer characterization and halftoning algorithm development
* Linear filtering of spatially invariant image sequences for feature separation and compression under three types of image noise
* Locating an affine/projective invariant identifier patch on an image
* Matching patterns of line segments by eigenvector decomposition
* method for evaluating the performance of content-based image retrieval systems, A
* Multi-resolution an multi-sensor data fusion for remote sensing in detecting air pollution
* Nested partitions using texture segmentation
* New image processing models for opacity image analysis in chest radiographs
* novel object-oriented approach to image analysis and retrieval, A
* On the optimal choice of quality metric in image compression
* Performance analysis on new biometric gait motion model
* Performance of 3D landmark detection methods for point-based warping in autoradiographic brain imaging
* planar perspective image matching using point correspondences and rectangle-to-quadrilateral mapping, A
* Pre-classification of chest radiographs for improved active shape model segmentation of ribs
* Region segmentation by multispectral imaging
* robust distance measure for the retrieval of video objects, A
* screening system for the assessment of opacity profusion in chest radiographs of miners with pneumoconiosis, A
* Segmentation and analysis of nerve fibers in histologic sections of the cerebral human cortex
* Sensitivity analysis of a spatially adaptive estimator for data fusion
* Spatio-temporal motion segmentation via level set partial differential equation
* Study on the effect of object to camera distance on polynomial expansion coefficients in barrel distortion correction
* Subband-based, memory-efficient JPEG2000 images indexing in compressed-domain
* Super-resolution enhancement of native digital video versus digitized NTSC sequences
* system-theoretical view on local motion estimation, A
* Tracking moving objects as spatio-temporal boundary detection
* Tuning JPEG2000 image compression for graphics regions
* Two dimensional projective point matching
* Video analysis for universal multimedia messaging
* Video preprocessing for audiovisual indexing
* Video-rate eigen space method for position tracking and remote monitoring
* Volumetric segmentation via 3D active shape models
* wavelet filter bank which minimizes a novel translation invariant discrete uncertainty measure, A
58 for Southwest02

Southwest04 * *SSIAI
* Analysing superimposed oriented patterns
* Analysis and restoration of desert/urban scenes degraded by the atmosphere
* Analysis of a human extraction system for deploying gait biometrics
* Automated camera dysfunctions detection
* characterization of scanning noise and quantization on texture feature analysis, The
* cluster-assisted global optimization method for high resolution medical image registration, A
* Color interpolation for single CCD color camera
* comparison of subspace methods for accurate position measurement, A
* Correspondence analysis applied to textural features recognition
* DCT based gradient vector flow snake for object boundary detection, A
* detection of single hepatocytes within clusters in microscopic images, The
* Efficient hyperplane tracking by intelligent region selection
* Efficient video retrieval system using virtual 3D space
* Eyes and eyebrows parametric models for automatic segmentation
* Fast stereo vision for mobile robots by global minima of cost functions
* Frequency implementation of discrete wavelet transforms
* Hierarchical segmentation of cervical and lumbar vertebrae using a customized generalized Hough transform and extensions to active appearance models
* Hierarchical sensor data fusion by probabilistic cue integration for robust 3D object tracking
* Image-based location awareness and navigation: who cares?
* Imaging and rendering of oil paintings using a multi-band camera
* Initial results on the development of a new wafer inspection paradigm
* Intelligent shape feature extraction and indexing for efficient content-based medical image retrieval
* Linear filters for deconvolution microscopy
* Material analysis on noisy multispectral images using classifier combination
* Model-based analysis of multi-video data
* Modulation domain reference point detection for fingerprint recognition
* Multi-resolution volumetric reconstruction using labeled regions
* Nested random phase sequence sets: a link between AM-FM demodulation and increasing operators with application to cardiac image analysis
* new progressive coding algorithm of dithered images, A
* Objective quality analysis of MPEG-1, MPEG-2 & Windows Media video
* Partially observed objects localization with PCA and KPCA models
* Real time tracking of multiple persons by Kalman filtering and face pursuit for multimedia applications
* Recognition of isolated handwritten Farsi/Arabic alphanumeric using fractal codes
* Restoration of solar radio images using adaptive regularization techniques based on clustering
* Reversible watermarking by prediction-error expansion
* Snake-based liver lesion segmentation
* spatially selective filter based on the undecimated wavelet transform that is robust to noise estimation error, A
* Spots segmentation in SAR images for remote sensing of environment
* statistical unification of image interpolation, error concealment, and source-adapted filter design, A
* Strong image segmentation from a data-driven perspective: impossible?
* Temporal phase congruency
* Texture classification and retrieval using random neural network model
* Unsupervised object-based detection of dissolves in video sequences
* Using inverse image frequency for perception-based color image quantization
* Visceral dynamic computing
* Voting-based grouping and interpretation of visual motion
47 for Southwest04

Southwest06 * *SSIAI
* Application of the Affine Transform Invariant Model to Cell Tracking
* Automated Retinal Vessel Segmentation Using Multiscale Analysis and Adaptive Thresholding
* Automatic Design of Locally Adaptive Filters for Pre-processing of Images Subject to Further Interpretation
* Automatic Statistical Object Detection for Visual Surveillance
* Bayesian Estimation Based Mumford-Shah Regularization for Blur Identification and Segmentation in Video Sequences
* Color Image Quality Index Based on the UIQI
* Contourlet Image Modeling with Contextual Hidden Markov Models
* Contourlet Spectral Histogram for Texture Classification
* Diffusion Tensor-Based Fiber Tracking in Cervical Spinal Cord with a 3T MRI
* Dynamic Aperture-based Solar Loop Segmentation
* Efficient Image Codec based on Backward Coding of Wavelet Trees, An
* Eigendecomposition of Correlated Images Characterized by Three Parameters
* Enhanced Level-Set Approach to Segmentation of 3-D Heterogeneous Lesions from Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced MR Images
* Equalized-spectrum Watermarking Using Perceptual Modeling
* Evaluation Framework for the Accuracy of Camera Transfer Functions Estimated from Differently Exposed Images, An
* Feature Weighted Active Contours for Image Segmentation
* Forensics of Things
* framework for image classification, A
* Gaussian-Based Filters for Detecting Martian Dust Devils
* Image Analysis and Synthesis of Skin Color Textures by Wavelet Transform
* Image Enhancement Procedure for 3D Visualization of Liver CT Data, An
* Measurement and Detection of Spiculated Lesions
* Medical Image Segmentation Using K-Means Clustering and Improved Watershed Algorithm
* Multispectral Analysis of Oil Paintings and Data Compression
* New Automatic Concavity Extraction Model, A
* On a K-Segments Algorithm for Computing Principal Curves
* On Ability of Peripheral Vision to Recognize Environments in Surrounding
* On the equivalence of variational and statistical differential motion estimation
* On the Properties of Morphological Skeletons of Discrete Binary Image Using Double Structuring Elements
* Optimized Rate Allocation of Hyperspectral Images in Compressed Domain Under JPEG 2000 Part 2
* Phase algorithm for blocking artifact reduction in reconstructions from analysis-only AM-FM models
* Probabilistic Hough Transform with Localized Search Guided by Evidence Clusters, The
* Real-time Continuous Automatic Focus Algorithm for Digital Cameras, A
* Residual Coding of Images for L-Infinity Control under the JPEG 2000 Framework
* Robust Segmentation of Freehand Ultrasound Image Slices Using Gradient Vector Flow Fast Geometric Active Contours
* Signal Exclusive Adaptive Average Filter for Impulse Noise Suppression
* Spatial Smoothness and Image Analysis in Statistical Brain Mapping for functional Magnetic Resonance (fMRI) and Positron Emission Tomography (PET)
* Spline-Based Framework for Perfect Reconstruction AM-FM Models, A
* Stereoscopic Correspondence without Continuity Assumptions
* Striping Artifact Reduction in Lunar Orbiter Mosaic Images
* Template-based Automatic Segmentation of Masseter Using Prior Knowledge
* Texture Analysis for Automated Classification of Geologic Structures
* Towards Compound Stereo-Video Quality Metric: A Specific Encoder-Based Framework
* Transform Method to Remove Ultrasound Artifacts, A
* Tree detection in LiDAR data
* Unsupervised Object-Based Video Segmentation Using Color and Texture
* User-defined ROI tracking for estimation of the myocardial blush grade
* Visualization of 4D Computed Tomography Datasets
49 for Southwest06

Southwest08 * *SSIAI
* 3D Classification of Through-the-Wall Radar Images Using Statistical Object Models
* Aerial Pose Detection of 3-D Objects Using Hemispherical Harmonics
* AM-FM Demodulation Methods for Reconstruction, Analysis and Motion Estimation in Video signals
* AM-FM Image Analysis Using the Hilbert Huang Transform
* Analysis of Sphere Tessellations for Pose Estimation of 3-D Objects Using Spherically Correlated Images, An
* Analysis Tool for Digitized Cervical and Lumbar Vertebrae Images
* Application of the UPRE Method to Optimal Parameter Selection for Large Scale Regularization Problems
* Automated 3-D Segmentation of Internal Hemoglobin in TEM Images
* Automated Detection and Analysis of Foraging Behavior in C. elegans
* Automated Facial Feature Detection from Portrait and Range Images
* Automated Region of Interest Detection of Spiculated Masses on Digital Mammograms
* Bitstream-based Overlap Analysis for Multi-view Distributed Video Coding
* Contour Line Recognition and Extraction from Scanned Colour Maps Using Dual Quantization of the Intensity Image
* Deformable Statistical Shape Model Applied to Three-Dimensional Lumbar Vertebra Images, A
* Development of a dual detector phase x-ray imaging system: Design considerations
* Does the Brain Rest?: An Independent Component Analysis of Temporally Coherent Brain Networks at Rest and During a Cognitive Task
* Dynamic Reference Frame Selection for Improved Motion Estimation Time in H.264/AVC
* Efficient and Fast Block Size Decision Exploiting Boundary Information on Inner Block for H.264/AVC Intra Prediction, An
* Enhancements of an Adaptive Neighborhood Speckle Filtering Algorithm to Improve Analysis of Polarimetric SAR Imagery
* Fast and Robust Approach to Lane Marking Detection and Lane Tracking, A
* Finding Edge Features Using the Fast Level Set Transform and the Helmholtz Principle
* First Results in Perceptually-Based AM-FM Image Filtering
* Foveated Object Recognition Using Corners
* framework for generating high quality digital elevation models in urban areas, A
* Graph Cuts Segmentation with Geometric Shape Priors for Medical Images
* Human Motion Parameter Capturing Using Particle Filter and Nonparametric Belief Propagation
* Identification of Brain Image Biomarkers by Optimized Selection of Multimodal Independent Components
* Image Mosaicking from Uncooled Thermal IR Video Captured by a Small UAV
* Image segmentation for detection of soft plaques in multidetector CT images
* Independent Component Analysis for Vision-inspired Classification of Retinal Images with Age-related Macular Degeneration
* Infrared Target Tracking with AM-FM Consistency Checks
* Initial Approach to Segmentation and Analysis of Nerve Cells using Ridge Detection, An
* Integral Image Optimizations for Embedded Vision Applications
* Matching and Retrieval of Tattoo Images: Active Contour CBIR and Glocal Image Features
* Method to Analyze Correlations between Multiple Brain Imaging Tasks to Characterize Schizophrenia, A
* Modeling and Compensation of Ghosting in Multispectral Filter Wheel Cameras
* Non-parametric Estimation of Mixture Model Order
* Parallel Hardware Implementation for Motion Estimation for H.264/AVC Standard, A
* Passive Polarimetric Imagery Based Material Classification For Remote Sensing Applications
* Predicting the Perceived Interest of Object in Images
* Real-time and Simultaneous Recognition of Multiple Moving Objects Using Cubic Higher-order Local Auto-Correlation
* Real-time Face-based Auto-Focus for Digital Still and Cell-Phone Cameras
* Region-Based Feature Extraction Using TRUS Images
* Shape's Related 3D Objects Indexing and Image Database Organization
* Sparse shift-invariant NMF
* Spectral Image Acquisition and Analysis of Omnidirectional Scene
* Stereo-based Free Space Computation in Complex Traffic Scenarios
* Stereoscopic Phase-Differencing: Multiscale Synthesis
* Subpixel Anomalous Change Detection in Remote Sensing Imagery
* Texture Classification in Microstructure Images of Advanced Materials
* Video Analysis Using Region Validation
* Visual Fixation Patterns when Judging Image Quality: Effects of Distortion Type, Amount, and Subject Experience
* Voxel-Based Morphometric Study of Brain Regions from Magnetic Resonance Images in Temporal Lobe Epilepsy
54 for Southwest08

Southwest1 * Video based soccer ball tracking

Southwest10 * *SSIAI
* Adaptation of foveation parameters for target acquisition in noise
* ADC estimation of lesions in diffusion-weighted MR images: A Maximum-Likelihood Approach
* AM-FM texture image analysis in brain white matter lesions in the progression of Multiple Sclerosis
* Automated Detection of Human Papillomavirus: Via Analysis of Linear Array Images
* Automated detection of near surface Martian ice layers in orbital radar data
* clustering algorithm for liver lesion segmentation of diffusion-weighted MR images, A
* Coherent texture decomposition using AM-FM model
* Comparison of atlas-based segmentation of subcortical structures in magnetic resonance brain images
* Detectability of perfusion defect in gated dynamic reconstruction images using temporal B-splines
* examination of frequency indexes used in the non-uniform DFT, An
* Extended character defect model for recognition of text from maps
* Flicker assessment of low-to-medium frame-rate binary video halftones
* Foveated image formation through compressive sensing
* GPU-CPU implementation for super-resolution mosaicking of Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS) surveillance video
* Grid pattern based residential area detection from Hyperion data
* Image retrieval for computer-aided diagnosis of breast cancer
* Image-adaptive contrast and entropy based model of regions of visible distortion
* Improved random walker algorithm for image segmentation
* Interactive texture segmentation via IT-SNAPS
* Low complexity multi-view distributed video coding based on JPEG
* Maximizing image quality over Visual Sensor Networks via DCT bit allocation
* Maximum Likelihood Classification method for image segmentation considering subject variability, A
* Minimum variance image interpolation from noisy and aliased samples
* Motion skip mode using dynamic property of anchor pictures in multi-view video coding
* Multi-cell 3D tracking with adaptive acceptance gates
* Multi-view stereo ranging via Distributed Ray Tracing
* near-infrared imaging method for capturing the interior of a vehicle through windshield, A
* Nose bug egg geometric structure segmentation with anisotropic filtering and edge enhancement
* novel microcalcification shape metric to classify regions of interests, A
* novel non-rigid registration method, A
* Objective evaluation for segmentation of microscope images of materials
* Optimized data-driven order selection method for Gaussian mixtures on clustering problems
* Preliminary investigation on the effect of x-ray beam hardening on detective quantum efficiency and radiation dose
* Probabilistic interactive segmentation using multiphase level sets
* Quantifying infrared target signature evolution using AM-FM features
* Real-time augmented reality application using color analysis
* Real-time dynamically reconfigurable 2-D filterbanks
* Robust projective transformation estimation using invariant level-line primitives
* Segmentation and classification of 3-D spots in FISH images
* Segmentation-tracking feedback approach for high-performance video surveillance applications
* Snakules for automatic classification of candidate spiculated mass locations on mammography
* Surface reconstruction of oil paintings for digital archiving
* Target tracking using the snake particle filter
* Texas 3D Face Recognition Database
* Time dependent Markov matrices for automated image analysis
* Tomographic approaches towards focused SAR image development
* Towards fully automated precise measurement of camera transfer functions
* Tracking neutrophil cells by active contours with coherence and boundary improvement filter
* Traditional and neural probabilistic multispectral image processing for the dust aerosol detection problem
* Using full motion 3D Flash LIDAR video for target detection, segmentation, and tracking
* Variational methods for image-guided adaptive radiotherapy
* Vehicle tracking using a human-vision-based model of visual similarity
53 for Southwest10

Southwest12 * *SSIAI
* Adaptive kernel learning for detection of clustered microcalcifications in mammograms
* AM-FM picture carrier beat type noise filters
* Automated detection of dust clouds and sources in NOAA-AVHRR satellite imagery
* Automated image quality evaluation of retinal fundus photographs in diabetic retinopathy screening
* Automated nuclei tracking in C. elegans based on spherical model fitting with multiple target tracking
* Bayesian view on matching and motion estimation, A
* Cell splitting using dynamic programming
* Combining multiple visual processing streams for locating and classifying objects in video
* Compressive sampling in fast wavelet-encoded MRI
* Connectivity in math-gifted adolescents: Comparing structural equation modeling, granger causality, and dynamic causal modeling
* conservative scene model update policy, A
* Control of video processing algorithms based on measured perceptual quality characteristics
* Crosstalk analysis in LCD stereoscopic displays with active shutter glasses
* Curvature oriented clustering of sparse motion vector fields
* cytoskeleton linearity measure, A
* Detection of breast tumor candidates using marker-controlled watershed segmentation and morphological analysis
* Detection of hard exudates and red lesions in the macula using a multiscale approach
* Detection of spectrally sparse anomalies in hyperspectral imagery
* dynamically reconfigurable DCT architecture for maximum image quality subject to dynamic power and bitrate constraints, A
* Estimation of oil thickness and aging from hyperspectral signature
* Feature-based transfer learning to train a novel cotton imaging system
* Generating a statistical shape model of the AIDS virus spike
* gesture-driven computer interface using Kinect, A
* Gradient-based texture cartoon decomposition
* Graph cut segmentation of sparsely sampled images with application to InSAR-measured changes in elevation
* hybrid approach for a vision based driver assistance system with de-weathering, A
* hybrid watershed method for cell image segmentation, A
* Illumination-invariant representation for natural color images and its application
* Improved image inpainting using maximum value edge detector
* Improving stability and invariance of Cartesian Zernike moments
* Incremental Clustering based codebook construction in video copy detection, An
* Integrated multiple behavior models for abnormal crowd behavior detection
* Leap segmentation for recovering image surface layout
* maximum-likelihood approach for ADC estimation of lesions in visceral organs, A
* method of compensating inter-reflections in color photometric stereo, A
* Multiscale AM-FM decompositions with GPU acceleration for diabetic retinopathy screening
* novel background subtraction method to detect microcalcifications, A
* On the quality assessment of enhanced images: A database, analysis, and strategies for augmenting existing methods
* On the sensitivity of spatio-temporal interest points to person identity
* Optical flow estimation in gated cardiac SPECT
* Performance-analysis-based acceleration of image quality assessment
* Segmentation-free word spotting using SIFT
* Single image super-resolution in frequency domain
* Size-invariant cell nucleus segmentation in 3-D microscopy
* Spatially adaptive superresolution using the optimal recovery framework
* Statistical model of color and disparity with application to Bayesian stereopsis
* Study of subject agreement on stereoscopic video quality
* Subband coding for large-scale scientific simulation data using JPEG 2000
* symmetry-breaking generative model of a simple-cell/complex-cell hierarchy, A
* Temporal multi-modal mean
* Using segmentation in CT metal artifact reduction
* Visibility improvement of aerial imagery by a locally tuned nonlinear enhancement technique
* Weapon ontology annotation using boundary describing sequences
54 for Southwest12

Southwest14 * *SSIAI
* 4-DOF pose estimation of a pipe crawling robot using a Collimated Laser, a conic mirror, and a fish-eye camera
* Channeling Mr. Potato head: Face super-resolution using semantic components
* Cluster-based multi-task Sparse Representation for efficient face recognition
* Color image recovery system from printed gray image
* comparison of tracking algorithm performance for objects in wide area imagery, A
* Convolutional Neural Network approach for classifying leukocoria, A
* Depth mapping using a low-cost camera array
* Fast and efficient lossless image compression based on CUDA parallel wavelet tree encoding
* Fast Discrete Periodic Radon Transform for prime sized images: Algorithm, architecture, and VLSI/FPGA implementation, The
* Feature wise representation for both still and motion 3D medical images
* Finding the smallest circle containing the iris in the denoised wavelet domain
* Frequency guided phase unwrapping for improved AM-FM reconstruction
* Handling occlusion with an inexpensive array of cameras
* Head operated electric wheelchair
* Image segmentation through combined methods: Watershed transform, unsupervised distance learning and Normalized Cut
* Image-based geographical location estimation using web cameras
* Implementation of error resilience technique for Multiview Video Coding
* Linear adaptive infrared image fusion
* Low-cost camera array for mitigating lighting range effects
* Motion estimation revisited: an estimation-theoretic approach
* No-reference task performance prediction on distorted LWIR images
* Noise reduction in PET sinograms using non-local total variation regularization
* note on convex image segmentation model based on local and global intensity fitting energy, A
* Ordered spatial subsets for faster reconstruction in SPECT
* Particle swarm optimization to determine conjointly well localized MLTs
* PCA-based thresholding strategy for group studies of brain connectivity: with applications to resting state fMRI, A
* Prediction of visual discomfort in watching 3D video using multiple features
* Recursive active contours for hierarchical segmentation of wetlands in high-resolution satellite imagery of Arctic landscapes
* Referenceless perceptual image defogging
* Removing JPEG blocking artifacts using machine learning
* Segmentation of dynamic objects in video sequences fusing the strengths of a background subtraction model, optical flow and matting algorithms
* Simple, effective rate control for video distribution in heterogeneous intelligent transportation system networks
* Single image super-resolution using dictionary-based local regression
* SKINcure: A real time image analysis system to aid in the malignant melanoma prevention and early detection
* Social behavior analysis of Drosophila larvae via motion activity recognition
* Spatio-temporal multimodal mean
* Superpixels using morphology for rock image segmentation
* Targeted L1L2: Naturalness-constrained image recovery from random projections
* Temporal analysis and perceptual weighting for objective video quality measurement
* Tracking sunflower circumnutation using affine parametric active contours
* unified and pipelined hardware architecture for implementing intra prediction in HEVC, A
* Using affine features for an efficient binary feature descriptor
43 for Southwest14

Southwest16 * *SSIAI
* Adaptive application of spatial filters on raw CT images
* Analysis-form sparse phase retrieval using variable-splitting
* Assessing cross frequency coupling in EEG collected from subjects viewing video using a modified metric
* Clinical utilization of automated image analysis software for improving retinal reader's performance
* Content Based Image Retrieval system using Wavelet Transformation and multiple input multiple task Deep Autoencoder
* Convolutional Laplacian sparse coding
* Convolutional sparse representation of color images
* Deep segmentation networks using simple multi-layered graphical models
* Difference image and fuzzy c-means for detection of retinal vessels
* Dilation-3 PR QMF for image processing
* Distinctive interest point selection for efficient near-duplicate image retrieval
* Dual Marching Squares: Description and analysis
* Estimating head pose orientation using extremely low resolution images
* Face recognition template in photo indexing: A proposal of hybrid Principal Component Analysis and triangular approach (PCAaTA)
* filterbank method to determine ocean wave frequency, A
* Flicker sensitive motion tuned video quality assessment
* From line segments to more organized gestalts
* Generic target response as a measure of regression accuracy in multispectral background estimation
* Histogram Oriented Gradients and Map Seeking Circuits pattern recognition with compressed imagery
* Hyperspectral endmember class extraction using clustering and validity indexes
* Image super-resolution using graph regularized block sparse representation
* Incorporating skin color for improved face detection and tracking system
* Indoor assistance for visually impaired people using a RGB-D camera
* Land cover classification in fused multisensor multispectral satellite imagery
* LaWeCo: Active region detection in non-uniformly sampled data using Laplacian-weighted covariance
* Learning phase-rich features from streaming auditory images
* Local spectral unmixing for target detection
* Multimodal fusion of brain structural and functional imaging with a deep neural machine translation approach
* multistage dataflow implementation of a Deep Convolutional Neural Network based on FPGA for high-speed object recognition, A
* Nuclei segmentation of fluorescence microscopy images based on midpoint analysis and marked point process
* Optimal HEVC encoding based on GOP configurations
* performance comparison of automatic detection schemes in wide-area aerial imagery, A
* Propagation based tracking with uncertainty measurement in automotive applications
* Reconstruction with dictionary learning for accelerated parallel magnetic resonance imaging
* Relating spatial and spectral models of oriented bandpass natural images
* Segmentation and extraction of the spinal canal in sagittal MR images
* SEM resolution improvement using semi-blind restoration with hybrid L1-L2 regularization
* Sparse encoding of binocular images for depth inference
* state vector augmentation technique for incorporating indirect velocity information into the likelihood function of the sir video target tracking filter, A
* thermoregulation model to detect diabetic peripheral neuropathy, A
* Towards automatic 3D bone marrow segmentation
* unsupervised object-level image segmentation method based on foreground and background priors, An
* Video forgery detection and localization using normalized cross-correlation of moment features
* Virtual top-view camera calibration for accurate object representation
* Volcanic ash cloud extraction for RS image by combining PCA, ICA and SVM methods
46 for Southwest16

Southwest18 * *SSIAI
* Artifact Detection Maps Learned using Shallow Convolutional Networks
* Automatic Assessment of Hoarding Clutter from Images Using Convolutional Neural Networks
* Classification of Primary Cilia in Microscopy Images Using Convolutional Neural Random Forests
* Comparison of Column Subset Selection Methods for Unsupervised Band Subset Selection in Hyperspectral Imagery, A
* Complex Correntropy Induced Metric Applied to Compressive Sensing with Complex-Valued Data
* Conjointly Space and 2D Frequency Localized Filterbanks
* Context-Sensitive Human Activity Classification in Collaborative Learning Environments
* cTADA: The Design of a Crowdsourcing Tool for Online Food Image Identification and Segmentation
* DDT: Decentralized event Detection and Tracking using an ensemble of vertex-reinforced walks on a graph
* Drive-Net: Convolutional Network for Driver Distraction Detection
* Efficient Face And Gesture Recognition For Time Sensitive Application
* Efficient GPU-based implementation of the median filter based on a multi-pixel-per-thread framework
* Estimating Plant Centers Using A Deep Binary Classifier
* f-Sim: A quasi-realistic fMRI simulation toolbox using digital brain phantom and modeled noise
* Fully Automatic Baseline Correction in Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy
* Fused Reasoning under Uncertainty for Soldier Centric Human-Agent Decision Making
* Golden Number Sampling Applied to Compressive Sensing
* Graph Modularity and Randomness Measures: A Comparative Study
* Ground-Truth Fusion Method for Image Segmentation Evaluation, A
* High-homogeneity functional parcellation of human brain for investigating robust functional connectivity
* Image Compression: Sparse Coding vs. Bottleneck Autoencoders
* In-between and cross-frequency dependence-based summarization of resting-state fMRI data
* Natural Scene Statistics for Noise Estimation
* New Hardware Architecture for the Ridge Regression Optical Flow Algorithm, A
* Novel Semi-Supervised Detection Approach with Weak Annotation, A
* On the Natural Statistics of Chromatic Images
* Performance of Supervised Classifiers for Damage Scoring of Zebrafish Neuromasts
* precision of triangulation in monocular visual odometry, The
* Reflectance Based Method For Shadow Detection and Removal, A
* Reversible Color-to-Gray Mapping with Resistance to JPEG Encoding
* Robust Head Detection in Collaborative Learning Environments Using AM-FM Representations
* Shape Adaptive Accelerated Parameter Optimization
* Sleep Analysis Using Motion and Head Detection
* Strategies for Quality-Aware Video Content Analytics
* Thermal Image Enhancement Algorithm Using Local And Global Logarithmic Transform Histogram Matching With Spatial Equalization
* Underwater Image Restoration using Deep Networks to Estimate Background Light and Scene Depth
* Viola-Jones Algorithm for Automatic Detection of Hyperbolic Regions in GPR Profiles of Bridge Decks
38 for Southwest18

Southwest20 * *SSIAI

Southwest94 * *SSIAI

Southwest96 * *SSIAI
* real-time histographic approach to road sign recognition, A

Southwest98 * *SSIAI

Index for "s"

Last update:20-Jan-25 12:05:33
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