Update Dates 1207

1207 * *Biometrics
* *Change Detection Workshop
* *Computational Cameras and Displays
* *Computer Vision for Computer Games
* *Computer vision system plays rock, paper, scissors
* *CRV
* *Embedded Computer Vision
* *Goal-line technology scores with FIFA
* *Goal-Ref Technologies
* *International Workshop on Human Activity Understanding from 3D Data
* *International Workshop on Three-Dimensional Cinematography
* *Large-Scale Video Search and Mining
* *Medical Computer Vision
* *Point Cloud Processing
* *Projector-Camera Systems
* *Socially Intelligent Surveillance and Monitoring
* *Workshop on Camera Networks and Wide-Area Scene Analysis
* *Workshop on Egocentric Vision
* *Workshop on Gesture Recognition
* *Workshop on Perceptual Organization in Computer Vision
* 2D and 3D visualization with dual-resolution for surveillance
* 2D-to-3D image conversion by learning depth from examples
* 3D display size matters: Compensating for the perceptual effects of S3D display scaling
* 3D landmark model discovery from a registered set of organic shapes
* 3D Registration for Verification of Humanoid Justin's Upper Body Kinematics
* 3D skeletal reconstruction from low-resolution multi-view images
* 3D Town: The Automatic Urban Awareness Project
* Accelerated Patch Sorting by a Robotic Swarm
* Accelerometer Localization in the View of a Stationary Camera
* Active 3D shape acquisition using smartphones
* Adaptive object tracking by learning background context
* Adaptive RGB-D Localization
* Analysis of template aging in iris biometrics
* Analysis of the Self-Calibration Process in a Displacement Sensor in Applications of Hip or Knee Implants
* Analysis of user-specific score characteristics for spoof biometric attacks
* ARmy: A study of multi-user interaction in spatially augmented games
* Atlas-based segmentation of brain magnetic resonance imaging using random walks
* Automatic collection of Web video shots corresponding to specific actions using Web images
* Automatic detection of liver lesion from 3D computed tomography images
* Automatic registration of mobile LiDAR and spherical panoramas
* Background segmentation with feedback: The Pixel-Based Adaptive Segmenter
* Background subtraction: Experiments and improvements for ViBe
* Beyond Mahalanobis distance: Learning second-order discriminant function for people verification
* Biometric match score fusion using RVM: A case study in multi-unit iris recognition
* BRaVO: Biased Reciprocal Velocity Obstacles Break Symmetry in Dense Robot Populations
* Calibration for high-definition camera rigs with marker chessboard
* Capture considerations for multiview panoramic cameras
* Capturing relightable images using computer monitors
* Cascaded filtering for fingerprint identification using random projections
* ChaLearn gesture challenge: Design and first results
* challenge of putting vision algorithms into a car, The
* Changedetection.net: A new change detection benchmark dataset
* Coarse Head Pose Estimation using Image Abstraction
* Color-based hybrid reconstruction for endoscopy
* Combination of Color and Binary Pattern Codification for an Error Correcting M-array Technique
* Combining Laplacian eigenmaps and vesselness filters for vessel segmentation in X-ray angiography
* Computer vision based assessment of hand-eye coordination in young gamers: A baseline approach
* Consistency analysis and improvement for single-camera localization
* consumer video search system by audio-visual concept classification, A
* Contact-Free Heart Rate Measurement Using a Camera
* content-based video copy detection method with randomly projected binary features, A
* Coupling eye-motion and ego-motion features for first-person activity recognition
* CPU-GPU hybrid people counting system for real-world airport scenarios using arbitrary oblique view cameras, A
* Data insufficiency in sketch versus photo face recognition
* Design and Evaluation of a Flexible Interface for Spatial Navigation
* Detecting and tracking all moving objects in wide-area aerial video
* Detection of windows in point clouds of urban scenes
* Difference of Circles Feature Detector
* differential geometry of shape from shading: Biology reveals curvature structure, The
* dynamic curvature based approach for facial activity analysis in 3D space, A
* Dynamic Weighting of Facial Features for Automatic Pose-Invariant Face Recognition
* Effects of dominance and laterality on iris recognition
* EigenJoints-based action recognition using Naïve-Bayes-Nearest-Neighbor
* Embedded fall detection with a neural network and bio-inspired stereo vision
* Embedded smart sensor for outdoor parking lot lighting control
* Enhanced continuous sign language recognition using PCA and neural network features
* Enhancing Exploration in Topological Worlds with Multiple Immovable Markers
* Evaluation of Local Spatio-temporal Salient Feature Detectors for Human Action Recognition
* Evaluation report of integrated background modeling based on spatio-temporal features
* Event-driven embodied system for feature extraction and object recognition in robotic applications
* Exploiting Reusable Paths in Mobile Robotics: Benefits and Challenges for Long-term Autonomy
* Exploring human visual system: Study to aid the development of automatic facial expression recognition framework
* Extracting Edge Voxels from 3D Volumetric Maps to Reduce Map Size and Accelerate Mapping Alignment
* Extracting High-Level Intuitive Features (HLIF) for Classifying Skin Lesions Using Standard Camera Images
* Face detection at a distance using saliency maps
* Face verification using sparse representations
* Fast and accurate global geodesic registrations using knee MRI from the Osteoarthritis Initiative
* Fast Matching of Binary Features
* Fast quality-guided phase unwrapping algorithm for 3D profilometry based on object image edge detection
* Fast Surface Denoising Using Finite Volumes of the Dual Mesh
* Feature detection and matching on an SIMD/MIMD hybrid embedded processor
* Features and fusion for expression recognition: A comparative analysis
* Filling large holes in LiDAR data by inpainting depth gradients
* Fingerprint indexing based on local arrangements of minutiae neighborhoods
* Framework for Natural Landmark-based Robot Localization
* Fully automated 3D colon segmentation for early detection of colorectal cancer based on convex formulation of the active contour model
* G3D: A gaming action dataset and real time action recognition evaluation framework
* Gamesourcing to acquire labeled human pose estimation data
* Gaussian Process Gauss-Newton: Non-Parametric State Estimation
* Gaze estimation from multimodal Kinect data
* Geometry-corrected light field rendering for creating a holographic stereogram
* Goal-line technology and the beautiful game
* GPU accelerated Fast Directional Chamfer Matching algorithm and a detailed comparison with a highly optimized CPU implementation, A
* Gradient domain color restoration of clipped highlights
* grammar for hierarchical object descriptions in logic programs, A
* Ground truth and evaluation for latent fingerprint matching
* Has this person been encountered before?: Modeling an anonymous identification system
* Head pose estimation on depth data based on Particle Swarm Optimization
* Head-tracking virtual 3-D display for mobile devices
* Heat Kernels for Non-Rigid Shape Retrieval: Sparse Representation and Efficient Classification
* High-speed line-scan camera with multi-line CMOS color sensor
* Human pose tracking by parametric annealing
* Image De-blurring Using Shearlets
* Improved Edge Representation via Early Recurrent Inhibition
* Improving foreground segmentations with probabilistic superpixel Markov random fields
* In Situ Motion Capture of Speed Skating: Escaping the Treadmill
* Information Fusion in Visual-Task Inference
* Iris recognition using quaternionic sparse orientation code (QSOC)
* kaleidoscopic approach to surround geometry and reflectance acquisition, A
* Keystone correction for stereoscopic cinematography
* Keystroke dynamics for user authentication
* Large-Scale Tattoo Image Retrieval
* Learning a background model for change detection
* Learning Categorical Shape from Captioned Images
* Learning codebook weights for action detection
* Learning features on robotic surgical tools
* Learning Probabilistic Approach for Object Segmentation, A
* least squares regression framework on manifolds and its application to gesture recognition, A
* Light field denoising, light field superresolution and stereo camera based refocussing using a GMM light field patch prior
* Lip-motion events analysis and lip segmentation using optical flow
* low-power structured light sensor for outdoor scene reconstruction and dominant material identification, A
* Magic Mirror: A virtual handbag shopping system
* Making any planar surface into a touch-sensitive display by a mere projector and camera
* Manifold-based fingerprinting for target identification
* measurement of eyestrain caused from diverse binocular disparities, viewing time and display sizes in watching stereoscopic 3D content, The
* Metaheuristic Bat-Inspired Algorithm for Full Body Human Pose Estimation, A
* Motion Adjustment for Extrinsic Calibration of Cameras with Non-overlapping Views
* Multi-Robot Repeated Area Coverage: Performance Optimization Under Various Visual Ranges
* Multi-Scale Hierarchical Codebook Method for Human Action Recognition in Videos Using a Single Example, A
* Multi-Scale Saliency-Guided Compressive Sensing Approach to Efficient Robotic Laser Range Measurements
* Multi-video browsing and summarization
* Multiple kernel learning based modality classification for medical images
* New Approach for Classification of Autistic vs. Typically Developing Brain Using White Matter Volumes
* Non-Lambertian Model-based Facial Shape Recovery from Single Image Under Unknown General Illumination
* Nonparametric discovery of activity patterns from video collections
* Object browsing and searching in a camera network using graph models
* Object localization in medical images based on graphical model with contrast and interest-region terms
* On evaluating methods for recovering image curve fragments
* On the Repeatability of 3D Point Cloud Segmentation Based on Interest Points
* One shot learning gesture recognition from RGBD images
* Online facade reconstruction from dominant frequencies in structured point clouds
* online HDP-HMM for joint action segmentation and classification in motion capture data, An
* Optical Flow at Occlusion
* Parallelizing a Face Detection and Tracking System for Multi-Core Processors
* Parameterizing interpersonal behaviour with Laban movement analysis: A Bayesian approach
* PartBook for image parsing
* passive stereo system for 3D human face reconstruction and recognition at a distance, A
* PCL and ParaView: Connecting the dots
* PEGUS: An Image-Based Robust Pose Estimation Method
* Perceptual based stereoscopic content analysis using salient information, dense disparity maps, and modified random walk framework
* Perceptual Structure Distortion Ratio: An Image Quality Metric Based on Robust Measures of Complex Phase Order
* Pixel-wise motion detection in persistent aerial video surveillance
* Planar Segmentation of RGBD Images Using Fast Linear Fitting and Markov Chain Monte Carlo
* Point cloud matching based on 3D self-similarity
* Preliminary studies on the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly face recognition challenge problem
* PRIVV: Private remote iris-authentication with Vaulted Verification
* Probabilistic Obstacle Detection Using 2 1/2 D Terrain Maps
* Probabilistic tensor voting for robust perceptual grouping
* Randomized decision forests for static and dynamic hand shape classification
* Randomness and Sparsity Induced Codebook Learning with Application to Cancer Image Classification
* Re-identify people in wide area camera network
* Real Time Augmented Reality System Using GPU Acceleration, A
* Real-time body motion analysis for dance pattern recognition
* Real-time gesture recognition using bio inspired 3D vision sensor
* Real-Time Semantics-Based Detection of Suspicious Activities in Public Spaces
* Realistic 3D reconstruction of the human teeth using shape from shading with shape priors
* Recovering spectral reflectance under commonly available lighting conditions
* Recurrent Refinement for Visual Saliency Estimation in Surveillance Scenarios
* Regularized Gradient Kernel Anisotropic Diffusion for Better Image Filtering
* Reinforcement learning based visual attention with application to face detection
* Resource-aware configuration in smart camera networks
* Restoring occluded regions using FW-PCA for face recognition
* Road network extraction from airborne LiDAR data using scene context
* Robust Background Subtraction Using Geodesic Active Contours in ICA Subspace for Video Surveillance Applications
* Robust Body-Height Estimation for Applications in Automotive Industry
* Robust Horizon Detection Using Segmentation for UAV Applications
* Scene flow by tracking in intensity and depth data
* Segmentation and Pose Estimation of Planar Metallic Objects
* Segmentation and removal of pulmonary arteries, veins and left atrial appendage for visualizing coronary and bypass arteries
* Sequence of the most informative joints (SMIJ): A new representation for human skeletal action recognition
* Shading illusion: A novel way for 3-D representation on paper media
* Shape from Suggestive Contours Using 3D Priors
* Shape matching of repeatable interest segments in 3D point clouds
* Shape-Based Registration of Kidneys Across Differently Contrasted CT Scans
* Similarity based filtering of point clouds
* Simple Calibration Approach to Single View Height Estimation, A
* Simultaneous image segmentation and 3D plane fitting for RGB-D sensors: An iterative framework
* Single lens off-chip cellphone microscopy
* Single Robot Exploration: Simultaneous Localization and Uncertainty Reduction on Maps (SLURM)
* Single-view obstacle detection for smart back-up camera systems
* SOBS algorithm: What are the limits?, The
* Socially-Driven Collective Path Planning for Robot Missions
* Soft biometric trait classification from real-world face videos conditioned on head pose estimation
* Spatio-temporal enhanced sparse feature selection for video saliency estimation
* Spatiotemporal multiple persons tracking using Dynamic Vision Sensor
* Specular-Reduced Imaging for Inspection of Machined Surfaces
* Stereo Vision embedded system for Augmented Reality
* SURF cascade face detection acceleration on Sandy Bridge processor
* temporal Bayesian model for classifying, detecting and localizing activities in video sequences, A
* Temporally consistent diffeomorphic motion estimation with mutual information: Application to echocardiographic sequences
* To complete or not to complete: Gap completion in real images
* Towards AUV Route Following Using Qualitative Navigation
* Tracking many vehicles in wide area aerial surveillance
* Two-person interaction detection using body-pose features and multiple instance learning
* Understanding dyadic interactions applying proxemic theory on video-surveillance trajectories
* Urban tribes: Analyzing group photos from a social perspective
* Using scene features to improve wide-area video surveillance
* Utilization of matching score vector similarity measures in biometric systems
* Variational Approach to Mapping and Localization, A
* Video object proposals
* View invariant human action recognition using histograms of 3D joints
* Violent flows: Real-time detection of violent crowd behavior
* Virtual Vision Simulator for Camera Networks Research, A
* Visual Place Categorization in Indoor Environments
* Vulnerabilities in binary face template
* Wavelet Reduced Support Vector Regression for Efficient and Robust Head Pose Estimation
* Wearable omnidirectional vision system for personal localization and guidance
* What Can an Image of a Smooth Lambertian Surface Tell About Camera Nonlinearity?
228 for 1207

Index for "1"

Last update:20-Jan-25 12:09:31
Use price@usc.edu for comments.