Update Dates 0406

0406 * *Handbook of Face Recognition
* 3D Periodic Human Motion Reconstruction from 2D Motion Sequences
* 3D Tracking of Morphable Objects Using Conditionally Gaussian Nonlinear Filters
* Accelerated simulation of cone beam X-ray scatter projections
* Active Appearance Models Revisited
* Adaptive classifiers for multisource OCR
* Adaptive Scanning for Online 3D Model Acquisition
* AdaTree: Boosting a Weak Classifier into a Decision Tree
* Analysis and recognition of highly degraded printed characters
* Analysis on Multiresolution Mosaic Images
* Analytic Determination of the Resolution-Equivalent Effective Diameter of a Pinhole Collimator
* Anatomical-based FDG-PET reconstruction for the detection of hypo-metabolic regions in epilepsy
* Applying informed coding and embedding to design a robust high-capacity watermark
* Approach to Visualize Image Retrieval Results, An
* Automated optimization of JPEG 2000 encoder options based on model observer performance for detecting variable signals in X-ray coronary angiograms
* Automatic generation of noise-free time-activity curve with gated blood-pool emission tomography using deformation of a reference curve
* Bayesian Morphometry Algorithm, A
* Bayesian Resolution Enhancement of Compressed Video
* Bayesian Stereo Matching
* Camera Calibration with One-Dimensional Objects
* Color adaptation for anomalous trichromats
* Color segmentation for text extraction
* Comments on: A methodology for evaluation of boundary detection algorithms on medical images
* Comparative analysis of bitplane-based wavelet image coders
* comparison of automatic and manual zoning: An information retrieval prospective, A
* computer-aided diagnosis for locating abnormalities in bone scintigraphy by a fuzzy system with a three-step minimization approach, A
* Concept-Oriented Indexing of Video Databases: Toward Semantic Sensitive Retrieval and Browsing
* confidence value estimation method for handwritten Kanji character recognition and its application to candidate reduction, A
* Constraining active contour evolution via Lie Groups of transformation
* Constraints for Heterogeneous Sensor Auto-Calibration
* Contrast Definition for Optical Coherent Polarimetric Images
* Correcting for variable skew in document images
* Designing optically tracked instruments for image-guided surgery
* Differentiation and Characterization of Rat Mammary Fibroadenomas and 4T1 Mouse Carcinomas Using Quantitative Ultrasound Imaging
* Distance measuring using passive visual means
* Distinctive Image Features from Scale-Invariant Keypoints
* Distributed Approach for Real Time 3D Modeling, A
* Edge image description using angular radial partitioning
* Edge-Oriented Spatial Interpolation for Consecutive Block Error Concealment, An
* Efficient iris recognition by characterizing key local variations
* Efficient Regularized Least Squares Classification
* Efficient video compression codebooks using SOM-based vector quantisation
* Electromagnetic imaging for a conducting cylinder buried in a slab medium by the genetic algorithm
* Emission image reconstruction for randoms-precorrected PET allowing negative sinogram values
* Ensuring quality of service for image transmission: Hybrid loss protection
* Evaluation of JPEG 2000 encoder options: human and model observer detection of variable signals in X-ray coronary angiograms
* Event linked insertion of indicia into video
* Experimental fluorescence tomography of tissues with noncontact measurements
* Extraction of newspaper headlines from microfilm for automatic indexing
* Eye Gaze Correction with Stereovision for Video-Teleconferencing
* Fast Branch & Bound Algorithms for Optimal Feature Selection
* Fast fully 3-D image reconstruction in PET using planograms
* fast technique for comparing graph representations with applications to performance evaluation, A
* Fast Unsupervised Greedy Learning of Multiple Objects and Parts from Video
* Focus-of-Attention from Local Color Symmetries
* Forestry Scene Geometry Estimation Via Statistical Learning
* Fully automatic luminal contour segmentation in intracoronary ultrasound imaging-a statistical approach
* Gaussian MRF Rotation-Invariant Features for Image Classification
* GCap: Graph-based Automatic Image Captioning
* generalized spherical homeomorphism theorem for digital images, The
* Generalized Temporal Context Model for Semantic Scene Classification, A
* Gradual Transition Detection Using Average Frame Similarity
* Graph-Spectral Approach to Shape-From-Shading, A
* Hex-splines: a novel spline family for hexagonal lattices
* Hiding data in multitone images for data communications
* High aspect stereoscopic mode camera and method
* High-resolution 3-D shape integration of dentition and face measured by new laser scanner
* High-resolution determination of soft tissue deformations using MRI and first-order texture correlation
* High-Resolution, Real-time 3D Shape Acquisition
* Higher-Order Nonlinear Priors for Surface Reconstruction
* Holographic Image Representation with Reduced Aliasing and Noise Effects
* Image Denoising Based on Multiscale Singularity Detection for Cone Beam CT Breast Imaging
* Image focus measure based on Chebyshev moments
* Improved Real-Time Stereo on Commodity Graphics Hardware
* Improved watershed transform for medical image segmentation using prior information
* Improvement of depth position in 2-D/3-D registration of knee implants using single-plane fluoroscopy
* Information Scaling Laws in Natural Scenes
* Information Theoretic Criterion for Evaluating the Quality of 3-D Reconstructions from Video, An
* Integrating Algebraic Functions of Views with Indexing and Learning for 3D Object Recognition
* Interacting Multiple Model Probabilistic Data Association Filter for Cavity Boundary Extraction From Ultrasound Images, An
* Interactive 3-D Shape Retrieval System Using the Attributed Relational Graph
* Interpretation of Complex Scenes Using Generative Dynamic-Structure Models
* Iterative tomographic image reconstruction using Fourier-based forward and back-projectors
* Kernel Optimal Component Analysis
* Learning a Synchronous MAP for Improved Face Recognition
* Learning Chance Probability Functions for Shape Retrieval or Classification
* Learning From a Small Number of Training Examples by Exploiting Object Categories
* Learning Generative Visual Models from Few Training Examples: An Incremental Bayesian Approach Tested on 101 Object Categories
* Learning in Region-Based Image Retrieval with Generalized Support Vector Machines
* Learning the Semantics in Image Retrieval: A Natural Language Processing Approach
* Learning to Detect Scene Text Using a Higher-Order MRF with Belief Propagation
* Learning with the Optimized Data-Dependent Kernel
* Linearized static panoramic optical mirror
* Method and apparatus for automatically detecting intrusion object into view of image pickup device
* Method and system for real time motion picture segmentation and superposition
* Method for classifying and searching video databases based on 3-D camera motion
* Method for determining movement of objects in a video image sequence
* Methods and apparatuses for video segmentation, classification, and retrieval using image class statistical models
* Microwave image reconstruction from 3-D fields coupled to 2-D parameter estimation
* Midstream Content Access of Visual Pattern Coded Imagery
* model-based method for the computation of fingerprints' orientation field, A
* Modeling and decoding motor cortical activity using a switching Kalman filter
* Modeling Images of Natural 3D Surfaces: Overview and Potential Applications
* Modelling and Interpretation of Architecture from Several Images
* Motion information extraction system
* Multiple View Geometry in Computer Vision
* Multiresolution Histograms and Their Use for Recognition
* Multiscale Document Description Using Rectangular Granulometries
* Multiview Panoramic Cameras Using Mirror Pyramids
* New Convexity Measure for Polygons, A
* New Family of Spline-Based Biorthogonal Wavelet Transforms and Their Application to Image Compression, A
* New Way to Detect Arrows in Line Drawings, A
* Nonlinear Generative Models for Dynamic Shape and Dynamic Appearance
* Nonlinear prediction for Gaussian mixture image models
* Nonuniform Noise Propagation by Using the Ramp Filter in Fan-Beam Computed Tomography
* Object Class Recognition with Many Local Features
* Object dependency of resolution in reconstruction algorithms with interiteration filtering applied to PET data
* On convergence of the Horn and Schunck optical-flow estimation method
* On Labeling Noise and Outliers for Robust Concept Learning for Image Databases
* On Pose Recovery for Generalized Visual Sensors
* On the variability of manual spike sorting
* On-line Learning of Motion Patterns using an Expert Learning Framework
* Optimal Subclass Discovery for Discriminant Analysis
* Output Constraints in Multimedia Database Systems
* Parameter estimation in Bayesian reconstruction of SPECT images: An aid in nuclear medicine diagnosis
* Parameterization-free active contour models with topology control
* Performance Measures for Video Object Segmentation and Tracking
* Physics-Based Cooperative Sensor Fusion for Moving Object Detection
* POCS-based algorithm for restoring colour-quantised images
* Polynomial wavelet regression for images with irregular boundaries
* Population-Based Incremental Interactive Concept Learning for Image Retrieval by Stochastic String Segmentations
* Power Optimization of Wireless Media Systems With Space-Time Block Codes
* Precise Image Segmentation by Iterative EM-Based Approximation of Empirical Grey Level Distributions with Linear Combinations of Gaussians
* Probabilistic Approach to Image Orientation Detection via Confidence-Based Integration of Low-Level and Semantic Cues, A
* Probabilistic Approach to Linear Subspace Fitting for Computer Vision Problems, A
* Probabilistic Approach to Optical Flow based Super-Resolution, A
* Problem-adaptable document analysis and understanding for high-volume applications
* Real-time 3D Surface Tracking and Its Applications
* Real-Time Stereo by using Dynamic Programming
* Reconstruction and quantification of the carotid artery bifurcation from 3-D ultrasound images
* Reducing I/O Cost of Similarity Queries by Processing Several at a Time
* Reports of the DAS02 working groups
* Ridge-based vessel segmentation in color images of the retina
* Robust and Objective Decomposition and Mapping of Bifurcating Vessels
* Robust Error Metric Analysis for Noise Estimation in Image Indexing
* Robust rotation-invariant texture classification using a model based approach
* Sampling and Aliasing Consequences of Quarter-Detector Offset Use in Helical CT
* Segmentation and recognition of handwritten dates: An HMM-MLP hybrid approach
* Shape error concealment using Hermite splines
* Shape Matching with Belief Propagation: Using Dynamic Quantization to Accomodate Occlusion and Clutter
* Shape Representations and Algorithms for 3D Model Retrieval
* Skin Color-Based Video Segmentation under Time-Varying Illumination
* Slightly Supervised Learning of Part-Based Appearance Models
* Spectral Filter Optimization for the Recovery of Parameters which Describe Human Skin
* Sphere-Filled Organ Model for Virtual Surgery System
* Statistical Approach to Large Deformation Diffeomorphisms, A
* Statistical image differences, degradation features, and character distance metrics
* Stochastic Diffusion for Correspondence Estimation and Objects Segmentation
* Super-resolution of the undersampled and subpixel shifted image sequence by a neural network
* Supervised Parametric Classification of Aerial LiDAR Data
* Surface Determination by Photometric Ranging
* Surface Normal Overlap: A Computer-Aided Detection Algorithm with Application to Colonic Polyps and Lung Nodules in Helical CT
* Synthetic-aperture assessment of a dispersive surface
* Theoretical and numerical aspects of transmit SENSE
* Three-gamma annihilation imaging in positron emission tomography
* Thresholding in Edge Detection: A Statistical Approach
* Time-of-Flight Depth Sensor: System Description, Issues and Solutions, A
* Tool for Range Sensing and Environment Discovery for the Blind, A
* Tracer kinetic modeling of C11-acetate applied in the liver with positron emission tomography
* Tyzx DeepSea High Speed Stereo Vision System
* Unified Framework for Performance Evaluation of 3-D Reconstruction Techniques, A
* Untwisting a Projective Reconstruction
* Video Compression for Lossy Packet Networks With Mode Switching and a Dual-Frame Buffer
* Video scene characteristic detection to improve digital watermarking transparency
* Virtualized Classroom: Automated Production, Media Integration and User-Customized Presentation
* Visual Hand Tracking Using Nonparametric Belief Propagation
* Visual Object Categorization using Distance-Based Discriminant Analysis
* Visual Tracking Using Depth Data
* Wedgelet Enhanced Appearance Models
179 for 0406

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Last update:20-Jan-25 12:09:31
Use price@usc.edu for comments.