* *MVA
* Comparison of Fiducial Shapes for Machine Vision Registration, A
* *MVA
* 3D Shape Reconstruction of Unfolded Book Surface from a Scanner Image
* Detection of Defects in Colour Texture Surfaces
* Document Degradation Models: Parameter Estimation and Model Validation
* Region Correspondence for Color Scene Images Taken from Different Viewpoints
* *MVA
* Visual Tracking Using Active Search for Color
* *MVA
* 2-D Non-separable Wavelet Bases for Texture Classification with Genetic Feature Selection
* 3-D Objects Mapping Using Model and Image Based Approach
* 3D Fundus Shape Reconstruction and Display from Stereo Fundus Images
* 3d Reconstruction of Buildings and Vegetation from Synthetic Aperture Radar (sar) Images
* 3d Reconstruction of Skin Surface from Image Sequence
* Acquiring 3d Model of Object by Motion-stereo
* Acquiring a Radiance Distribution to Superimpose Virtual Objects onto a Real Scene
* Adaptive Color Structured Light
* Algorithm for Reducing Text Line Candidates of Incorrect Orientation, An
* Approach to Vehicle Recognition Using Supervised Learning, An
* Auto-calibration of a Rotating and Zooming Camera
* Automatic Detection and Recognition of Objective Parts in Real-world Building Image, The
* Automatic Evaluation of the Appearance of Seam Puckers on Suits Using Fractal Dimensions
* Automatic Judgement of Spinal Deformity from Moire Images Employing Asymmetry of Local Centroids Location
* Automatic Prostate Cancer Grading System Based on 3-D Histo-pathological Images
* Automatic Reconstruction of 3D Human Face from CT and Color Photographs
* Automatic Seal Verification by Calculating Distance Between 2D and 3D Patterns
* Autonomous Robot Navigation by Active Visual Motion Analysis and Understanding
* Average Grain Size Determination Using Mathematical Morphology and Texture Analysis
* Book Recognition from Color Images of Book Shelves
* Clustering of Learning Images and Generation of Multiple Prototypes for Object Recognition
* Color Cell Image Segmentation Using Pyramidal Constraint Satisfaction Neural Network
* Comparison of Linear Processor Arrays for Image Processing, A
* Competitive Learning Algorithm for Color-based Image Retrieval, A
* Computed Imaging System Using Wavelets Sampling Model, A
* Contour Tracer for a Fast and Precise Edge-line Extraction
* Contour-based Person Localizaion by 3d Neural Fields and Steerable Filters
* Cooperative Relaxation Algorithm of Range Images Using Surface Curvatures
* Curve Extraction Using Genetic Algorithm Based on Closeness and Continuity in Perceptive Grouping Factors
* Design and Implementation of Real Time System for Object Detection and Classification on Parallel Virtual Machine
* Design and Realisation of a Parallel Systolic Architecture Dedicated to Aerial Image Matching
* Detection of Building Changes from Aerial Images Through Information Fusion
* Detection of Crowds of People by Use of Wavelet Features and Parameter Free Statistical Models
* Detection of Curvilinear Structures Using the Euclidean Distance Transform
* Detection of the Front Vehicle from the Stereoscopic Image Using Hierarchy Process
* Driver Behaviour Evaluation System, A
* Efficient Matching Algorithm for Segment-based Stereo Vision Using Dynamic Programming Technique, An
* Efficient Technique for Motion Recovery Based on Multiple Views, An
* Enhanced Vision for the Teleoperator of an All-terrain Fast Mobile Robot
* Enhancement of 3d Information Acquisition from 2d Spatio-temporal Image
* Error Sources and Error Reduction in Gradient-based Method with Local Optimization
* Extended Geometric Approach in Active Vision to Detect and Eliminate Specularity in Shiny Colored Objects, An
* Extraction of Character Strings from House Maps
* Facet Matching from an Uncalibrated Pair of Images
* Fast Prototyping of Image Processing Applications Using Functional Skeletons on a MIMD-DM Architecture
* Fast Search Algorithms for IC Printed Mark Quality Inspection
* Feature Extraction for Electronic Equipment Manufacturing
* Feature-based Image Mosaicing
* Flexible Features in Texture with Similarity
* Fuzzy Logic Based Satellite Image Classification: Generation of Fuzzy Membership Function and Rule from Training Set
* Generation and Update of 3d-city Models from Maps and Elevation Data
* Generation of Missing Medical Slices Using Morphing Technology
* Genetic Hough Transform for Curves Detection
* Gradient Estimation in Uncertain Data
* Gray Level Corner Detection
* Handwritten Chinese Character Segmentation Using Local Potential Threshold and Minimum Potential Search
* Hierarchical Dictionary Constructing Method for the Parametric Eigenspace Method
* Hierarchical Method of Recognizing Plant Species by Leaf Shapes, A
* High Speed 3d Reconstruction by Video Image Pipeline Processing and Division of Spatio-temporal Space
* Hybrid Defect Detection Method Based on Shape Measurement and Feature Extraction for Complex Patterns
* Illumination Invariant Face Recognition Using Photometric Stereo
* Image Sequence Retrieval for Forecasting Weather Radar Echo Pattern
* Image-based Control of Robot and Target Object Motions by Eigen Space Method
* Improved Disparity Estimation by Matching with an Adaptive Window
* Improvement in Accuracy of Respiration Pattern Detection on Visual Sensing System
* Integrated Techniques for Self-organisation, Sampling, Habituation, and Motion-tracking in Visual Robotics Applications
* Integrated Vision/control System for Autonomous Planetary Rovers
* Intensity Calibration for Stereo Images Based on Segment Correspondence
* Interface for Visualizing Feature Space in Image Retrieval, An
* Learning Models of Animal Behaviour for a Robotic Sheepdog
* Light Adaptive 4000 Pixels Analog Silicon Retina for Edge Extraction and Motion Detection, A
* Localization Based on the Gradient Information for Dem matching
* Localization of Objects in Noisy Scenes for Robotics Applications Using Wigner Distribution
* Map-based Approach to Extracting Object Information from Aerial Images, A
* Matching of 3d Graphs for Human Motion Analysis
* Method of Counting the Passing People by Using the Method of the Template Matching, A
* Method of Robust Seam Feature Detection from Profiles for Robotic Sealing, A
* Mobile Motion-tracking System for Rescue Work at Destroyed Buildings
* Model Driven 3-d Shape Reconstruction by Matching Synthesized Images with Actual Images
* Model Management in the System Generating Vision Inspections
* Modeling of Urban Scenes by Aerial Photographs and Simply Reconstructed Buildings
* Morphological Approach to Fish Discrimination, A
* Moving Object Detection from MPEG Coded Picture
* Neural Network Based Handwritten Character Recognition for Conflict Resolution
* New Approach to Minimize the Energy of Deformable Contours, A
* New Design and Implementation of On-sensor-compression
* New Image Sensor with Space Variant Sampling Control on a Focal Plane, A
* Novel Application of Real-time Face Tracking and Microphones Array to Pick up Human Voice Remotely and Clearly, A
* Novel Lane Model for Lane Boundary Detection, A
* Novel Multilevel Thresholding Method Based on Finding the Consistent Peak of Correlation Function, A
* Offset Vertical Stereo System for Real-time Range-finding to Preceding Vehicles
* On a High-speed Hough Transform Algorithm MRHT
* On the Synthesis of a Controller for Handling Borders in Systolic Architectures for 1-d Discrete Wavelet Transform
* Online Gesture Recognition Using Predicative Statistical Feature Extraction and Multivariate Analysis
* Optical Flow-based Person Tracking by Multiple Cameras
* Optimal Homography Computation with a Reliability Measure
* Optimum Design Parameters of the Classifiers for Omni-font Machine-printed Numeral Recognition Based on the Minimum Classification Error Criterion
* Orientation and Scale Invariant Text Region Extraction in WWW Images
* Oriented Hausdorff Similarity Measure for Object Matching
* Parallel Vision Computing on a Network of Workstation Clusters
* Pointwise flow from a Variational Principle
* Practical Method to Recognize a Flat Object Using a Combination of Intenstity Profiles, A
* Proposal of Query by Short-time Action Descriptions in a Scene
* Randomized Adaptive Algorithms for Mosaicing Systems
* Range Finder by Using a Rotary Cubic Mirror, A
* Real time visual servoing around a complex Object
* Recognition of 3-d Object Shape and Forward Moving Distance by Monocular Motion Stereo for Mobile Robot
* Recognizing Buildings in Urban Scene of Distant View
* Reconstruction Textured Urban 3d Model by Fusing Ground-based Laser Range Image and CCD Image
* Registration of Complex Free-form Objects from 3D Image Edge Using the Hausdorff Distance
* Relaxation Algorithm for Detection of Face Outline and Eye Locations
* Robust Extraction of 3d Structures by Fusion of Intensity-based and Contour-based Junction Features
* Seafloor Texture Classification with a Multiscale Discriminant Analysis on High Resolution Sonar Images
* Segmentation of Handwritten Kanji Numerals Integrating Peripheral Information by Bayesian Rule
* Segmentation of Neurons Using Mathematical Morphology
* Selection/substitution of Visual Features for Object Tracking
* Single Lens Stereo with a Biprism
* Slanted Ellipse Detection by a Circle Detecting Hough Transform Using a Pair of Arcs, A
* Smart Ultrasonic Vision System for Mobile Robots
* Stable Gesture Verification in Eigen Space
* Successive Pose Clustering for Steroscopic Object Recognition
* System for Automated Generation of Deformed Maps, A
* System for Extracting Aesthetic Information from Architectural Drawings, A
* Texture Image Segmentation Using Wavelet Filters and Cellular Neural Network
* Thin Film Magnetic Head Wafer Inspection Technique Using Geometrical Feature Based Image Comparison
* Vehicle Identification System by Automated Korean License Plate Reading
* Video-based System Methodology for Detecting Red Light Runners, A
* Vision-based Interpretation of Hand Gestures by Modeling Appearance Changes in Image Sequences
* Visual Feature Tracking with Automatic Motion Model Switching
* Way to Exploit Highlights in Metallic Environment for Pipes Localization, A
* XR-US Data Fusion for Non-destructive Evaluation of Steel Components
132 for MVA98