* 3-D Model Localization Using High-Resolution Reconstruction of Monocular Image Sequences
* Adaptive Basis Matrix for the Morphological Function Processing Opening and Closing
* Adaptive Inverse Half-Toning Algorithm, An
* Adaptive Methods for Dithering Color Images
* Adaptive Motion-Compensated Wavelet Filtering for Image Sequence Coding
* Adaptive Order Statistic Noise Filter for Gamma Corrected Image Sequences, An
* Adaptive Scalar Quantization without Side Information
* Airborne Synthetic-Aperture Acoustic Imaging
* Algorithm for Encoding and Decoding the 3-D Hilbert Order, An
* Approximate Maximum-Likelihood Hyperparameter Estimation for Gibbs-Priors
* Attributed Scattering Centers for SAR ATR
* Automatic Target Detection and Recognition in Multiband Imagery: A Unified ML Detection and Estimation Approach
* Automatic Target Recognition by Matching Oriented Edge Pixels
* Automatic Target Recognition Organized via Jump-Diffusion Algorithms
* Automatic Watershed Segmentation of Randomly Textured Color Images
* Bayesian Motion Estimation and Interpolation in Interlaced Video Sequences
* Bond Percolation Based Model for Image Segmentation, A
* Cascading MRVQ-DCT Scheme for the Compression of Sequence Images, A
* Closed-Form Connectivity-Preserving Solutions for Motion Compensation Using 2-D Meshes
* Cluster-Based Probability Model and Its Application to Image and Texture Processing
* Color Image Retrieval Based on Hidden Markov-Models
* Color Image-Processing Using Adaptive Multichannel Filters
* Comparison and Optimization of Methods of Color Image Quantization
* Comparison of Different Methods of Classification in Subband Coding of Images
* Complex-Subband Transform for Subband-Based Motion Estimation/Compensation and Coding
* Composing Morphological Filters
* Computation of Optical-Flow Using Basis Functions
* Computationally Attractive Reconstruction of Band-Limited Images from Irregular Samples
* Computing Illumination-Invariant Descriptors of Spatially Filtered Color Image Regions
* Contrast Techniques for Line Detection in a Correlated Noise Environment
* Convergent Block-Iterative Algorithms for Image-Reconstruction from Inconsistent Data
* Convex Set-Theoretic Image Recovery by Extrapolated Iterations of Parallel Subgradient Projections
* Deinterlacing by Successive Approximation
* Detection and Analysis of Change in Remotely-Sensed Imagery with Application to Wide Area Surveillance
* Detection Filters and Algorithm Fusion for ATR
* Deterministic Edge-Preserving Regularization in Computed Imaging
* Digital Color Imaging
* Dimension Estimation of Discrete-Time Fractional Brownian-Motion with Applications to Image Texture Classification
* Document Registration Using Projective Geometry
* Dual Stack Filters and the Modified Difference of Estimates Approach to Edge Detection
* Effect of Temporal Image Filters on Observer-Dependent Contrast Metrics, The
* Efficient General-Purpose Image Compression with Binary-Tree Predictive Coding
* EM Algorithm for Image Segmentation Initialized by a Tree Structure Scheme
* Embedded Multilevel Error Diffusion
* Enhanced Detectability of Small Objects in Correlated Clutter Using an Improved 2-D Adaptive Lattice Algorithm
* Enhancement of Images Containing Subsampled Chrominance Information, The
* Entropy Constrained Half Toning Using Multipath Tree Coding
* Establishing the Correspondence Between Control Points in Pairs of Mammographic Images
* Estimation of Fuzzy Gaussian Mixture and Unsupervised Statistical Image Segmentation
* Estimation of Generalized Mixtures and Its Application in Image Segmentation
* Farthest Point Strategy for Progressive Image Sampling, The
* Fast Algorithm for 1-Norm Vector Median Filtering, A
* Fast Downscaled Inverses for Images Compressed with M-Channel Lapped Transforms
* Fast Motion Estimation Algorithm Based on the Block Sum Pyramid, A
* Fast Recursive Shortest Spanning Tree for Image Segmentation and Edge-Detection, A
* Figures of Merit for Color Scanners
* Gabor Wavelet Representation for 3-D Object Recognition
* Generalized Multichannel Image-Filtering Structures
* Hybrid Vector Quantization for Multiresolution Image-Coding
* Hyperspectral Image Compression Using Entropy-Constrained Predictive Trellis-Coded Quantization
* Image-Adaptive Vector Quantization in an Entropy-Constrained Framework
* Image-Enhancement Based on a Nonlinear Multiscale Method
* Introduction to the Special Issue on Automatic Target Detection and Recognition
* Inverse Half-Toning via MAP Estimation
* Joint MAP Registration and High Resolution Image Estimation Using a Sequence of Undersampled Images
* Joint Space-Frequency Segmentation Using Balanced Wavelet Packet Trees for Least-Cost Image Representation
* Joint Thresholding and Quantizer Selection for Transform Image-Coding: Entropy-Constrained Analysis and Applications to Base-Line JPEG
* JPEG Dequantization Array for Regularized Decompression
* Lapped Multiple Bases Algorithms for Still Image Compression without Blocking Effect
* Lightness Determination at Curved Surfaces with Applications to Dynamic-Range Compression and Model-Based Coding of Facial Images
* Lipreading from Color Video
* Local Cosine Bases in Two Dimensions
* Local Orientation Analysis in Images by Means of the Hermite Transform
* Lossless Compression of Continuous-Tone Images via Context Selection, Quantization, and Modeling
* Lossless Image Compression by Quantization Feedback in a Content-Driven Enhanced Laplacian Pyramid
* MAP Estimation of Finite Gray-Scale Digital Images Corrupted by Supremum/Infimum Noise
* Mathematical-Methods for the Analysis of Color Scanning Filters
* Mathematical-Methods for the Design of Color Scanning Filters
* Maximum-Entropy Image-Reconstruction from Sparsely Sampled Coherent Field Data
* Maximum-Likelihood Multiresolution Laser-Radar Range Imaging
* Mean-Curvature Evolution and Surface-Area Scaling in Image Filtering
* Methods for Numerical Integration of High Dimensional Posterior Densities with Application to Statistical Image Models
* Methods for Reconstruction of 2-D Sequences from Fourier-Transform Magnitude
* Model-Based Half-Toning of Color Images
* Model-Based Neural-Network for Target Detection in SAR Images
* Moment-Based Unified Approach to Image Feature Detection, A
* Motion Based Grouping of Optical Flow Fields: The Extrapolation and Subtraction Technique
* Motion Estimation Based on Global and Local Uncompensability Analysis
* Motion Field Modeling for Video Sequences
* Motion Segmentation by Multistage Affine Classification
* Moving Target Detection in Foliage Using Along-Track Monopulse Synthetic-Aperture Radar Imaging
* Multiresolution Detection of Coherent Radar Targets
* Multiresolution Gauss-Markov Random-Field Models for Texture Segmentation
* Multiscale Error Diffusion Technique for Digital Half-Toning, A
* Multiscale Image Segmentation by Integrated Edge and Region Detection
* Multiscale Modeling and Estimation of Motion Fields for Video Coding
* Multiscale Retinex for Bridging the Gap Between Color Images and the Human Observation of Scenes, A
* Multiscale Segmentation and Anomaly Enhancement of SAR Imagery
* Multispectral Code Excited Linear Prediction Coding and Its Application in Magnetic-Resonance Images
* New Approach for Subset 2-D AR Model Identification for Describing Textures, A
* New Approach to Vector Median Filtering Based on Space-Filling Curves, A
* New Image-Coding Algorithm Using Variable-Rate Side-Match Finite-State Vector Quantization, A
* New Interpretation of ROMKF, A
* New Method of Robust Image Compression Based on the Embedded Zerotree Wavelet Algorithm, A
* Noise Estimation and Filtering Using Block-Based Singular-Value Decomposition
* Noise-Filtering Method Using a Local Information Measure, A
* Nonlinear Model for Fractal Image-Coding, A
* Nonlinear Vector Prediction Using Feedforward Neural Networks
* Numerically Efficient Angle, Width, Offset, and Discontinuity Determination of Straight Lines by the Discrete Fourier Bilinear Transformation Algorithm
* Object Recognition Using Multilayer Hopfield Neural-Network
* Object-Based Estimation Of Dense Motion Fields
* Occlusion-Adaptive, Content-Based Mesh Design and Forward Tracking
* On Classification of Multispectral Infrared Image Data
* On Testing Trained Vector Quantizer Codebooks
* On Testing Trained Vector Quantizer Codebooks
* On the Computational-Complexity of the LBG and PNN Algorithms
* On the Design of Quadratic Filters with Application to Image-Processing
* On the Detection of Edges in Vector Images
* Optimized Nonorthogonal Transforms for Image Compression
* Overlapping Tree Approach to Multiscale Stochastic Modeling and Estimation, An
* Partial Radon Transforms
* Pattern-Recognition Using Invariants Defined from Higher-Order Spectra: 2-D Image Inputs
* Phased-Array Imaging of Moving Targets with Randomized Beam-Steering and Area Spotlighting
* Precise Matching of 3-D Target Models to Multisensor Data
* Probability Estimation in Arithmetic and Adaptive-Huffman Entropy Coders: Comments
* Probe-Based Automatic Target Recognition In Infrared Imagery
* Properties and Performance of a Center/Surround Retinex
* Psychophysical Evaluation of Gamut Mapping Techniques Using Simple Rendered Images and Artificial Gamut Boundaries
* Quadratic Interpolation for Image Resampling
* Range-Data-Based Object Surface Segmentation via Edges and Critical-Points
* Restoration of a Single Superresolution Image from Several Blurred, Noisy, and Undersampled Measured Images
* Robust Approach to Image-Enhancement Based on Fuzzy-Logic, A
* Robust Defection Of Skew In Document Images
* Robust Thermophysics-Based Interpretation of Radiometrically Uncalibrated IR Images for ATR and Site Change Detection
* Robust, Object Based High Resolution Image Reconstruction from Low Resolution Video
* Secure Spread Spectrum Watermarking for Multimedia
* Segmentation of Handwritten Interference Marks Using Multiple Directional Stroke Planes and Reformalized Morphological Approach
* Sequential Linear Interpolation of Multidimensional Functions
* Set Theoretic Signal Restoration Using an Error in Variables Criterion
* Similarity Measure for Stereo Feature Matching, A
* Simultaneous Motion Estimation and Segmentation
* Simultaneous Multichannel Image Restoration and Estimation of the Regularization Parameters
* Space-Frequency Quantization for Wavelet Image-Coding
* Spatiotemporal Adaptive 3-D Kalman Filter for Video
* Special Issue: Digital Color Imaging
* Spectral Attentional Mechanism Tuned to Object Configurations, A
* Spotlight Mode SAR Stereo Technique for Height Computation
* Study of Efficiency and Accuracy in the Transformation from RGB to CIELAB Color Space, A
* Subband-Coded Image-Reconstruction for Lossy Packet Networks
* Superresolution Video Reconstruction with Arbitrary Sampling Lattices and Nonzero Aperture Time
* Tomographic Reconstruction and Estimation Based on Multiscale Natural-Pixel Bases
* Unsupervised Image Restoration and Edge Location Using Compound Gauss-Markov Random-Fields and the MDL Principle
* Unsupervised Texture Classification Using Vector Quantization and Deterministic Relaxation Neural Network
* Variable Temporal-Length 3-D Discrete Cosine Transform Coding
* Vector Distribution Model and an Effective Nearest Neighbor Search Method for Image Vector Quantization, A
* Video Compression Scheme with Optimal Bit Allocation Among Segmentation, Motion, and Residual Error, A
* Video Orbits of the Projective Group: A Simple Approach to Featureless Estimation of Parameters
* View Generation for 3-Dimensional Scenes from Video Sequences
* Visibility of Wavelet Quantization Noise
* Wavelet Based Multiresolution Local Tomography
* Wavelet Transform Methods for Object Detection and Recovery
* Wavelet-Based Image Denoising Using a Markov Random-Field a-Priori Model
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