Journals starting with gbrp

GbRPR07 * *Graph Based Representation for Pattern Recognition
* Approximating TSP Solution by MST Based Graph Pyramid
* Assessing the Performance of a Graph-Based Clustering Algorithm
* Bipartite Graph Matching for Computing the Edit Distance of Graphs
* Bound for Non-subgraph Isomorphism, A
* Comparing Sets of 3D Digital Shapes Through Topological Structures
* Computing Homology Group Generators of Images Using Irregular Graph Pyramids
* Constellations and the Unsupervised Learning of Graphs
* Construction of Bounded Irregular Pyramids with a Union-Find Decimation Process, The
* Continuous-Based Approach for Partial Clique Enumeration, A
* Correspondence Measure for Graph Matching Using the Discrete Quantum Walk, A
* Deducing Local Influence Neighbourhoods with Application to Edge-Preserving Image Denoising
* Efficient Ontology-Based Expert Peering System, An
* Extending the Notion of AT-Model for Integer Homology Computation
* Fast Construction of the Distance Graph Used for the Classification of Heterogeneous Electron Microscopic Projections, A
* Generalized vs Set Median Strings for Histogram-Based Distances: Algorithms and Classification Results in the Image Domain
* Graph Based Shapes Representation and Recognition
* Graph Classification Approach Using a Multi-objective Genetic Algorithm Application to Symbol Recognition, A
* Graph Embedding in Vector Spaces by Means of Prototype Selection
* Graph Embedding Using Quantum Commute Times
* Graph Spectral Image Smoothing
* Graph-Based Methods for Retinal Mosaicing and Vascular Characterization
* Graph-Based Multilevel Temporal Segmentation of Scripted Content Videos
* Graph-Based Perceptual Segmentation of Stereo Vision 3D Images at Multiple Abstraction Levels
* Grouping Using Factor Graphs: An Approach for Finding Text with a Camera Phone
* Hierarchy Construction Schemes Within the Scale Set Framework
* Image Classification Using Marginalized Kernels for Graphs
* Local Reasoning in Fuzzy Attribute Graphs for Optimizing Sequential Segmentation
* Matching of Tree Structures for Registration of Medical Images
* Morphological Operators for Flooding, Leveling and Filtering Images Using Graphs
* New Contour Filling Algorithm Based on 2D Topological Map, A
* New Greedy Algorithm for Improving b-Coloring Clustering, A
* On the Relation Between the Median and the Maximum Common Subgraph of a Set of Graphs
* Probabilistic Relaxation Labeling by Fokker-Planck Diffusion on a Graph
* Quadratic Programming Approach to the Graph Edit Distance Problem, A
* Qualitative Spatial Relationships for Image Interpretation by Using Semantic Graph
* Separation of the Retinal Vascular Graph in Arteries and Veins
* Stereo Vision for Obstacle Detection: A Graph-Based Approach
38 for GbRPR07

GbRPR09 * *Graph Based Representation for Pattern Recognition
* 3D Topological Map Extraction from Oriented Boundary Graph
* Annotated Contraction Kernels for Interactive Image Segmentation
* Arc-Consistency Checking with Bilevel Constraints: An Optimization
* Cell AT-Models for Digital Volumes
* Characteristic Polynomial Analysis on Matrix Representations of Graphs
* Coarse-to-Fine Matching of Shapes Using Disconnected Skeletons by Learning Class-Specific Boundary Deformations
* Comparison of Perceptual Grouping Criteria within an Integrated Hierarchical Framework
* Computing and Visualizing a Graph-Based Decomposition for Non-manifold Shapes
* Edition within a Graph Kernel Framework for Shape Recognition
* Efficient Suboptimal Graph Isomorphism
* Electric Field Theory Motivated Graph Construction for Optimal Medical Image Segmentation
* First Step toward Combinatorial Pyramids in n-D Spaces, A
* Flow Complexity: Fast Polytopal Graph Complexity and 3D Object Clustering
* From Random to Hierarchical Data through an Irregular Pyramidal Structure
* Graph Based Data Model for Graphics Interpretation, A
* Graph Matching Based on Node Signatures
* Graph Regularisation Using Gaussian Curvature
* Graph-Based Analysis of Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma with Bayesian Network Learning Methods
* Graph-Based Registration of Partial Images of City Maps Using Geometric Hashing
* Graph-Based Representation of Symbolic Musical Data
* Homeomorphic Alignment of Edge-Weighted Trees
* Image Segmentation Using Graph Representations and Local Appearance and Shape Models
* Improving Graph Classification by Isomap
* Inexact Matching of Large and Sparse Graphs Using Laplacian Eigenvectors
* Irregular Graph Pyramids and Representative Cocycles of Cohomology Generators
* Irregular Pyramid for Multi-scale Analysis of Objects and Their Parts, An
* Learning Algorithm for the Optimum-Path Forest Classifier, A
* Matching Hierarchies of Deformable Shapes
* Object Detection by Keygraph Classification
* On Computing Canonical Subsets of Graph-Based Behavioral Representations
* Optimisation-Based Approach to Mesh Smoothing: Reformulation and Extensions, An
* Pairwise Similarity Propagation Based Graph Clustering for Scalable Object Indexing and Retrieval
* Polynomial Algorithm for Submap Isomorphism: Application to Searching Patterns in Images, A
* Recursive Embedding Approach to Median Graph Computation, A
* Structural and Semantic Probabilistic Model for Matching and Representing a Set of Graphs, A
* Texture Segmentation by Contractive Decomposition and Planar Grouping
* Tracking Objects beyond Rigid Motion
38 for GbRPR09

GbRPR11 * *Graph Based Representation for Pattern Recognition
* Aggregated Search in Graph Databases: Preliminary Results
* Automatic Labeling of Handwritten Mathematical Symbols via Expression Matching
* Automatic Learning of Edit Costs Based on Interactive and Adaptive Graph Recognition
* Automatic Street Graph Construction in Sketch Maps
* Classification of Graph Sequences Utilizing the Eigenvalues of the Distance Matrices and Hidden Markov Models
* Convexity Grouping of Salient Contours
* Dimensionality Reduction for Graph of Words Embedding
* Entropy versus Heterogeneity for Graphs
* Exploration of the Labelling Space Given Graph Edit Distance Costs
* Generalized Learning Graph Quantization
* Global Method for Reducing Multidimensional Size Graphs, A
* Graph Descriptors from B-Matrix Representation
* Graph Matching Based on Dot Product Representation of Graphs
* Graph Transduction as a Non-cooperative Game
* Graph-Based Approach to Feature Selection, A
* Hierarchical Interactive Image Segmentation Using Irregular Pyramids
* Indexing with Well-Founded Total Order for Faster Subgraph Isomorphism Detection
* Information-Geometric Graph Indexing from Bags of Partial Node Coverages
* Keygraphs for Sign Detection in Indoor Environments by Mobile Phones
* Learning Generative Graph Prototypes Using Simplified von Neumann Entropy
* Maximum Likelihood for Gaussians on Graphs
* Measuring the Distance of Generalized Maps
* Parallel Graduated Assignment Algorithm for Multiple Graph Matching Based on a Common Labelling
* People Re-identification by Graph Kernels Methods
* Segmentation of Similar Images Using Graph Matching and Community Detection
* Semi-supervised Segmentation of 3D Surfaces Using a Weighted Graph Representation
* Smooth Simultaneous Structural Graph Matching and Point-Set Registration
* Spatio-Temporal Extraction of Articulated Models in a Graph Pyramid
* Speeding Up Graph Edit Distance Computation through Fast Bipartite Matching
* Structure-Based Evaluation Methodology for Curvilinear Structure Detection Algorithms
* Tiled Top-Down Pyramids and Segmentation of Large Histological Images
* Towards Performance Evaluation of Graph-Based Representation
* Two New Graph Kernels and Applications to Chemoinformatics
* Using Kernels on Hierarchical Graphs in Automatic Classification of Designs
35 for GbRPR11

GbRPR15 * *Graph Based Representation for Pattern Recognition
* Approximate Graph Edit Distance Computation Combining Bipartite Matching and Exact Neighborhood Substructure Distance
* Approximation of Graph Edit Distance in Quadratic Time
* Attributed Relational Graph Matching with Sparse Relaxation and Bistochastic Normalization
* Causal Video Segmentation Using Superseeds and Graph Matching
* Comic Retrieval System Based on Multilayer Graph Representation and Graph Mining, A
* Consensus of Two Graph Correspondences Through a Generalisation of the Bipartite Graph Matching
* Coupled-Feature Hypergraph Representation for Feature Selection
* Data Graph Formulation as the Minimum-Weight Maximum-Entropy Problem
* Density Based Cluster Extension and Dominant Sets Clustering
* Entropic Edge Assortativity Measure, An
* Fast Minimum Spanning Tree Based Clustering Algorithms on Local Neighborhood Graph
* First Step Towards Exact Graph Edit Distance Using Bipartite Graph Matching, A
* From Bags to Graphs of Stereo Subgraphs in Order to Predict Molecule'S Properties
* GEM++: A Tool for Solving Substitution-Tolerant Subgraph Isomorphism
* Graph Based Lymphatic Vessel Wall Localisation and Tracking
* Graph Database Repository and Performance Evaluation Metrics for Graph Edit Distance, A
* Hypergraph Matching Framework for Refining Multi-source Feature Correspondences, A
* Improving Hausdorff Edit Distance Using Structural Node Context
* Incremental Embedding Within a Dissimilarity-Based Framework
* Isometric Mapping Hashing
* Kite Recognition by Means of Graph Matching
* Large-Scale Graph Indexing Using Binary Embeddings of Node Contexts
* Learning Graph Model for Different Dimensions Image Matching
* Learning High-Order Structures for Texture Retrieval
* Mixed Weisfeiler-Lehman Graph Kernel, A
* Multi-layer Tree Matching Using HSTs
* On the Influence of Node Centralities on Graph Edit Distance for Graph Classification
* Quantum Jensen-Shannon Graph Kernel Using Discrete-Time Quantum Walks, A
* Reeb Graphs Through Local Binary Patterns
* Report on the First Contest on Graph Matching Algorithms for Pattern Search in Biological Databases
* Revisiting Volgenant-Jonker for Approximating Graph Edit Distance
* Salient Object Segmentation from Stereoscopic Images
* Skeletal Graphs from Schrödinger Magnitude and Phase
* Subpath Kernel for Learning Hierarchical Image Representations, A
* Thermodynamics of Time Evolving Networks
* VF2 Plus: An Improved version of VF2 for Biological Graphs
37 for GbRPR15

GbRPR17 * *Graph Based Representation for Pattern Recognition
* Adaptive Feature Selection Based on the Most Informative Graph-Based Features
* Density Normalization in Density Peak Based Clustering
* Detecting Alzheimer's Disease Using Directed Graphs
* Edit Distance Between Graph Correspondences, An
* Error-Tolerant Coarse-to-Fine Matching Model for Hierarchical Graphs
* Exact Computation of Graph Edit Distance for Uniform and Non-uniform Metric Edit Costs
* Fast Nearest Neighbors Search in Graph Space Based on a Branch-and-Bound Strategy
* GERoMe: A Novel Graph Extraction Robustness Measure
* Hungarian Algorithm for Error-Correcting Graph Matching, A
* Improved Graph Edit Distance Approximation with Simulated Annealing
* Introducing VF3: A New Algorithm for Subgraph Isomorphism
* Learning from Diffusion-Weighted Magnetic Resonance Images Using Graph Kernels
* Learning Graph Matching with a Graph-Based Perceptron in a Classification Context
* Measuring Vertex Centrality Using the Holevo Quantity
* Minimising Entropy Changes in Dynamic Network Evolution
* Mining Frequent Patterns in 2D+t Grid Graphs for Cellular Automata Analysis
* Nested Alignment Graph Kernel Through the Dynamic Time Warping Framework, A
* Node Matching Computation Between Two Large Graphs in Linear Computational Cost
* On the Interplay Between Strong Regularity and Graph Densification
* Reeb Graphs of Piecewise Linear Functions
* Saliency Detection via A Graph Based Diffusion Model
* Shape Simplification Through Graph Sparsification
* Speeding-Up Graph-Based Keyword Spotting in Historical Handwritten Documents
* Survey on Applications of Bipartite Graph Edit Distance, A
* Synchronization Over the Birkhoff Polytope for Multi-graph Matching
26 for GbRPR17

Index for "g"

Last update:20-Jan-25 12:05:33
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