Journals starting with jivp

JIVP( Vol No. ) * *EURASIP Journal on Image and Video Processing

JIVP(2007) * Adaptation of Zerotrees Using Signed Binary Digit Representations for 3D Image Coding
* Automatic Eye Winks Interpretation System for Human-Machine Interface
* Biomedical Image Sequence Analysis with Application to Automatic Quantitative Assessment of Facial Paralysis
* Block-Based Adaptive Vector Lifting Schemes for Multichannel Image Coding
* Center of Mass-Based Adaptive Fast Block Motion Estimation
* Color Targets: Fiducials to Help Visually Impaired People Find Their Way by Camera Phone
* Combined PMHT and IMM Approach to Multiple-Point Target Tracking in Infrared Image Sequence, A
* Content-Adaptive Packetization and Streaming of Wavelet Video over IP Networks
* Costs and Advantages of Object-Based Image Coding with Shape-Adaptive Wavelet Transform
* Cued Speech Gesture Recognition: A First Prototype Based on Early Reduction
* Edge-Sensing Predictor in Wavelet Lifting Structures for Lossless Image Coding, An
* Enabling Seamless Access to Digital Graphical Contents for Visually Impaired Individuals via Semantic-Aware Processing
* Energy-Efficient Transmission of Wavelet-Based Images in Wireless Sensor Networks
* Facial Image Processing
* Fusion of Appearance Image and Passive Stereo Depth Map for Face Recognition Based on the Bilateral 2DLDA
* Image and Video Indexing Using Networks of Operators
* Image and Video Processing for Visually Handicapped People
* Image Resolution Enhancement via Data-Driven Parametric Models in the Wavelet Space
* Indexing of Fictional Video Content for Event Detection and Summarisation
* Joint Source-Channel Coding for Wavelet-Based Scalable Video Transmission Using an Adaptive Turbo Code
* JPEG2000 Compatible Lossless Coding of Floating-Point Data
* JPEG2000-Compatible Scalable Scheme for Wavelet-Based Video Coding
* Localized versus Locality-Preserving Subspace Projections for Face Recognition
* Models for Gaze Tracking Systems
* Motion-Compensated Overcomplete Temporal Decomposition for Multiple Description Scalable Video Coding, A
* Multifunctional Reading Assistant for the Visually Impaired, A
* Multiple Description Coding with Redundant Expansions and Application to Image Communications
* Multispace Behavioral Model for Face-Based Affective Social Agents
* Omnidirectional Stereo Vision-Based Smart Wheelchair, An
* Ordinal Co-occurrence Matrix Framework for Texture Retrieval, An
* Overview on Wavelets in Source Coding, Communications, and Networks, An
* Perceptual Image Representation
* Progressive Image Transmission Based on Joint Source-Channel Decoding Using Adaptive Sum-Product Algorithm
* Quadratic Interpolation and Linear Lifting Design
* Quality Variation Control for Three-Dimensional Wavelet-Based Video Coders
* Real-Time 3D Face Acquisition Using Reconfigurable Hybrid Architecture
* Robust Feature Detection for Facial Expression Recognition
* Scalable Multiple-Description Image Coding Based on Embedded Quantization
* Telescopic Vector Composition and Polar Accumulated Motion Residuals for Feature Extraction in Arabic Sign Language Recognition
* Transforming 3D Coloured Pixels into Musical Instrument Notes for Vision Substitution Applications
* Video Coding Using 3D Dual-Tree Wavelet Transform
* Video Summarization Based on Camera Motion and a Subjective Evaluation Method
* View Influence Analysis and Optimization for Multiview Face Recognition
43 for JIVP(2007)

JIVP(2008) * 3D Shape-Encoded Particle Filter for Object Tracking and Its Application to Human Body Tracking
* Activity Representation Using 3D Shape Models
* Anthropocentric Video Analysis: Tools and Applications
* Anthropocentric Video Segmentation for Lecture Webcasts
* Are the Wavelet Transforms the Best Filter Banks for Image Compression?
* Color Image Coding by Colorization Approach
* Color in Image and Video Processing
* Color in Image and Video Processing: Most Recent Trends and Future Research Directions
* Color Topographic Map Based on the Dichromatic Reflectance Model, A
* Color-Based Image Retrieval Using Perceptually Modified Hausdorff Distance
* Colour Vision Model-Based Approach for Segmentation of Traffic Signs
* Combination of Accumulated Motion and Color Segmentation for Human Activity Analysis
* Comparative Study of Contour Detection Evaluation Criteria Based on Dissimilarity Measures
* Comparison of Image Transform-Based Features for Visual Speech Recognition in Clean and Corrupted Videos
* Compression of Human Motion Animation Using the Reduction of Interjoint Correlation
* Demosaicking Based on Optimization and Projection in Different Frequency Bands
* Detection and Tracking of Humans and Faces
* Edge-Detected Guided Morphological Filter for Image Sharpening
* Efficient Adaptive Combination of Histograms for Real-Time Tracking
* Evaluating Multiple Object Tracking Performance: The CLEAR MOT Metrics
* Fast Macroblock Mode Selection Algorithm for Multiview Video Coding
* Feature Classification for Robust Shape-Based Collaborative Tracking and Model Updating
* Fuzzy Color-Based Approach for Understanding Animated Movies Content in the Indexing Task, A
* Fuzzy Mode Enhancement and Detection for Color Image Segmentation
* Human Posture Tracking and Classification through Stereo Vision and 3D Model Matching
* Hybrid Modeling of Intra-DCT Coefficients for Real-Time Video Encoding
* Improved Motion Estimation Using Early Zero-Block Detection
* Improving the Quality of Color Colonoscopy Videos
* Integrated Detection, Tracking, and Recognition of Faces with Omnivideo Array in Intelligent Environments
* Iterative Object Localization Algorithm Using Visual Images with a Reference Coordinate
* Monocular 3D Tracking of Articulated Human Motion in Silhouette and Pose Manifolds
* Motion-Adaptive Deinterlacer via Hybrid Motion Detection and Edge-Pattern Recognition, A
* Multiple Human Tracking Using Particle Filter with Gaussian Process Dynamical Model
* Multiview Trajectory Mapping Using Homography with Lens Distortion Correction
* Multiview-Based Cooperative Tracking of Multiple Human Objects
* New Structured Illumination Technique for the Inspection of High-Reflective Surfaces: Application for the Detection of Structural Defects without any Calibration Procedures
* Nonlinear Decision-Based Algorithm for Removal of Strip Lines, Drop Lines, Blotches, Band Missing and Impulses in Images and Videos
* Occlusion-Aware View Interpolation
* Optimal Features Subset Selection and Classification for Iris Recognition
* Optimization-Based Image Segmentation by Genetic Algorithms
* Quality Assessment of Stereoscopic Images
* Quantification and Standardized Description of Color Vision Deficiency Caused by Anomalous Trichromats: Part I: Simulation and Measurement
* Quantification and Standardized Description of Color Vision Deficiency Caused by Anomalous Trichromats: Part II: Modeling and Color Compensation
* Review and Comparison of Measures for Automatic Video Surveillance Systems, A
* Robust and Scalable Transmission of Arbitrary 3D Models over Wireless Networks
* Robust Approach to Segment Desired Object Based on Salient Colors, A
* Robust Color Image Superresolution: An Adaptive M-Estimation Framework
* Robust Real-Time 3D Object Tracking with Interfering Background Visual Projections
* Scalable Clustered Camera System for Multiple Object Tracking, A
* Three-Dimensional Image and Video Processing, Intro
* Three-Dimensional SPIHT Coding of Volume Images with Random Access and Resolution Scalability
* Track and Cut: Simultaneous Tracking and Segmentation of Multiple Objects with Graph Cuts
* Tracking of Moving Objects in Video Through Invariant Features in Their Graph Representation
* Unsupervised Video Shot Detection Using Clustering Ensemble with a Color Global Scale-Invariant Feature Transform Descriptor
* Video Analysis of Human Gait and Posture to Determine Neurological Disorders
* View Synthesis for Advanced 3D Video Systems
56 for JIVP(2008)

JIVP(2009) * Adapted Active Appearance Models
* Adaptive Edge-Oriented Shot Boundary Detection
* Augmented Reality for Art, Design and Cultural Heritage: System Design and Evaluation
* Boosting Discriminant Learners for Gait Recognition Using MPCA Features
* Building Local Features from Pattern-Based Approximations of Patches: Discussion on Moments and Hough Transform
* Context-Based Defading of Archive Photographs
* Contextual Classification of Image Patches with Latent Aspect Models
* Continuous Learning of a Multilayered Network Topology in a Video Camera Network
* Distributed Video Coding: Trends and Perspectives
* Dynamic Quality Control for Transform Domain Wyner-Ziv Video Coding
* Error Resilience in Current Distributed Video Coding Architectures
* Fast Graph Partitioning Active Contours for Image Segmentation Using Histograms
* Human Motion Analysis via Statistical Motion Processing and Sequential Change Detection
* Identification of Sparse Audio Tampering Using Distributed Source Coding and Compressive Sensing Techniques
* Image and Video Processing for Cultural Heritage
* Image Segmentation Method Using Thresholds Automatically Determined from Picture Contents
* Improved Side Information Generation for Distributed Video Coding by Exploiting Spatial and Temporal Correlations
* Iterative Multiview Side Information for Enhanced Reconstruction in Distributed Video Coding
* Model-Based Hand Tracking by Chamfer Distance and Adaptive Color Learning Using Particle Filter
* Modeling and Visualization of Human Activities for Multicamera Networks
* Models for Patch-Based Image Restoration
* Multichannel Texture Segmentation Using Bamberger Pyramids
* Multimedia in Cultural Heritage Manuscripts: Integrating Description, Transcription, and Image Content
* Multispectral Acquisition of Large-Sized Pictorial Surfaces
* New Denoising System for SONAR Images, A
* New Technique for the Digitization and Restoration of Deteriorated Photographic Negatives, A
* On Parsing Visual Sequences with the Hidden Markov Model
* Optical Music Recognition for Scores Written in White Mensural Notation
* Parity Bit Replenishment for JPEG 2000-Based Video Streaming
* Patch-Based Structural Masking Model with an Application to Compression, A
* Patches in Vision Introduction
* Procedural Modeling for Digital Cultural Heritage
* Profile-Based Focused Crawling for Social Media-Sharing Websites
* Rendering-Oriented Decoding for a Distributed Multiview Coding System Using a Coset Code
* Resistivity Probability Tomography Imaging at the Castle of Zena, Italy
* Robust Subpixel Motion Estimation Algorithm Using HOS in the Parametric Domain, A
* RVM-Based Human Action Classification in Crowd through Projection and Star Skeletonization
* Side-Information Generation for Temporally and Spatially Scalable Wyner-Ziv Codecs
* Smooth Adaptation by Sigmoid Shrinkage
* Spatial-Aided Low-Delay Wyner-Ziv Video Coding
* Spatiotemporal Region Enhancement and Merging for Unsupervized Object Segmentation
* Texture Classification for 3D Urban Map
* Triangular Wavelets: An Isotropic Image Representation with Hexagonal Symmetry
* Unequal Error Protection Techniques Based on Wyner-Ziv Coding
* Unsupervised Modeling of Objects and Their Hierarchical Contextual Interactions
* Viewpoint Manifolds for Action Recognition
46 for JIVP(2009)

JIVP(2010) * Acquiring Multiview C-Arm Images to Assist Cardiac Ablation Procedures
* Automatic Level Control for Video Cameras towards HDR Techniques
* Automatic Segmentation and Inpainting of Specular Highlights for Endoscopic Imaging
* Characterization of Necking Phenomena in High-Speed Experiments by Using a Single Camera
* Chroma Noise Reduction in DCT Domain Using Soft-Thresholding
* Design and Optimization of the VideoWeb Wireless Camera Network
* Design of Vertically Aligned Binocular Omnistereo Vision Sensor
* Detailed Performance and Waiting-Time Predictability Analysis of Scheduling Options in On-Demand Video Streaming
* Edge Adaptive Color Demosaicking Based on the Spatial Correlation of the Bayer Color Difference
* Emerging Methods for Color Image and Video Quality Enhancement
* Error Evaluation in a Stereovision-Based 3D Reconstruction System
* Exploiting Textons Distributions on Spatial Hierarchy for Scene Classification
* Fast and Robust Methods for Multiple-View Vision
* Feature-Based Image Comparison for Semantic Neighbor Selection in Resource-Constrained Visual Sensor Networks
* Framework for the Assessment of Temporal Artifacts in Medium Frame-Rate Binary Video Halftones, A
* From 2D Silhouettes to 3D Object Retrieval: Contributions and Benchmarking
* Generating the Depth Map from the Motion Information of H.264-Encoded 2D Video Sequence
* Handling Occlusions for Robust Augmented Reality Systems
* HDR Image Quality Enhancement Based on Spatially Variant Retinal Response
* High-Definition 3D Stereoscopic Microscope Display System for Biomedical Applications
* Iterative Surface Evolution Algorithm for Multiview Stereo, An
* Joint Rendering and Segmentation of Free-Viewpoint Video
* Multicamera Information Processing: Acquisition, Collaboration, Interpretation, and Production
* Multidirectional Scratch Detection and Restoration in Digitized Old Images
* Multimodal Constellation Model for Object Image Classification, A
* Multiplicative Noise Removal via a Novel Variational Model
* Natural Enhancement of Color Image
* Per-Sample Multiple Kernel Approach for Visual Concept Learning
* Perceptually Motivated Automatic Color Contrast Enhancement Based on Color Constancy Estimation
* Rate Control Performance under End-User's Perspective: A Test Tool
* Real-Time Multiple Moving Targets Detection from Airborne IR Imagery by Dynamic Gabor Filter and Dynamic Gaussian Detector
* Real-Time Multiview Recognition of Human Gestures by Distributed Image Processing
* Red-Eyes Removal through Cluster-Based Boosting on Gray Codes
* Rigid Registration of Renal Perfusion Images Using a Neurobiology-Based Visual Saliency Model
* Robust, Real-Time 3D Face Tracking from a Monocular View
* Selected Papers from MultiMedia Modeling Conference 2009
* Towards Video Quality Metrics Based on Colour Fractal Geometry
* Unsupervised Action Classification Using Space-Time Link Analysis
* Using Adaptive Tone Mapping to Enhance Edge-Preserving Color Image Automatically
* Video Enhancement from Multiple Compressed Copies in Transform Domain
40 for JIVP(2010)

JIVP(2011) * 3D Objects Localization Using Fuzzy Approach and Hierarchical Belief Propagation: Application at Level Crossings
* Advanced Video-Based Surveillance
* AUTO GMM-SAMT: An Automatic Object Tracking System for Video Surveillance in Traffic Scenarios
* Automatic Reasoning about Causal Events in Surveillance Video
* Background Subtraction via Robust Dictionary Learning
* Behavioural Analysis with Movement Cluster Model for Concurrent Actions
* BigBackground-Based Illumination Compensation for Surveillance Video
* Camera Network Coverage Improving by Particle Swarm Optimization
* Co-Occurrence of Local Binary Patterns Features for Frontal Face Detection in Surveillance Applications
* Combined Data Association and Evolving Particle Filter for Tracking of Multiple Articulated Objects
* Comparing apples and oranges: assessment of the relative video quality in the presence of different types of distortions
* Contextual Information and Covariance Descriptors for People Surveillance: An Application for Safety of Construction Workers
* Efficient bitstream switching for streaming of H.264/AVC coded video
* Efficient scan mask techniques for connected components labeling algorithm
* Enhanced computation method of topological smoothing on shared memory parallel machines
* Exploiting Speech for Automatic TV Delinearization: From Streams to Cross-Media Semantic Navigation
* Extended-OPQ Method for User-Centered Quality of Experience Evaluation: A Study for Mobile 3D Video Broadcasting over DVB-H, The
* Face Recognition from Still Images to Video Sequences: A Local-Feature-Based Framework
* Fast correlation technique for glacier flow monitoring by digital camera and space-borne SAR images
* FPGA-based processing pipeline for high-definition stereo video, An
* Gradient Ascent Subjective Multimedia Quality Testing
* Impairment-Factor-Based Audiovisual Quality Model for IPTV: Influence of Video Resolution, Degradation Type, and Content Type
* Integrating the Projective Transform with Particle Filtering for Visual Tracking
* Invariant representation for spectral reflectance images and its application
* Joint redundant motion vector and intra macroblock refreshment for video transmission
* Low-Complexity Algorithm for Static Background Estimation from Cluttered Image Sequences in Surveillance Contexts, A
* Motion Pattern Extraction and Event Detection for Automatic Visual Surveillance
* Moving object detection using keypoints reference model
* No-reference image blur assessment using multiscale gradient
* Novel data storage for H.264 motion compensation: System Architecture and Hardware Implementation
* novel simultaneous dynamic range compression and local contrast enhancement algorithm for digital video cameras, A
* packet-layer video quality assessment model with spatiotemporal complexity estimation, A
* Performance analysis of massively parallel embedded hardware architectures for retinal image processing
* Pipeline synthesis and optimization of FPGA-based video processing applications with CAL
* Quality of Experience for Large Ultra-High-Resolution Tiled Displays with Synchronization Mismatch
* Real-time stereo matching architecture based on 2D MRF model: A Memory-Efficient Systolic Array
* Real-time stereo vision system using adaptive weight cost aggregation approach
* Rician nonlocal means denoising for MR images using nonparametric principal component analysis
* Similarity-Based Approach for Audiovisual Document Classification Using Temporal Relation Analysis, A
* Simulation of ultrasound nonlinear propagation on GPU using a generalized angular spectrum method
* Static Object Detection Based on a Dual Background Model and a Finite-State Machine
* study of artificial speech quality assessors of VoIP calls subject to limited bursty packet losses, A
* Subjective Quality Assessment of H.264/AVC Video Streaming with Packet Losses
* Three Novell Analog-Domain Algorithms for Motion Detection in Video Surveillance
44 for JIVP(2011)

JIVP(2012) * Active contours with neighborhood-extending and noise-smoothing gradient vector flow external force
* biorthogonal wavelets that are redundant-free and nearly shift-insensitive, The
* closed form unwrapping method for a spherical omnidirectional view sensor, A
* Color image segmentation using multi-level thresholding approach and data fusion techniques: application in the breast cancer cells images
* Condensed anisotropic diffusion for speckle reducton and enhancement in ultrasonography
* Content-based obscene video recognition by combining 3D spatiotemporal and motion-based features
* CU splitting early termination based on weighted SVM
* Digital video stabilizer by adaptive fuzzy filtering
* empirical comparison of real-time dense stereo approaches for use in the automotive environment, An
* Face recognition using color local binary pattern from mutually independent color channels
* framework for measuring sharpness in natural images captured by digital cameras based on reference image and local areas, A
* Gauss-Laguerre wavelet textural feature fusion with geometrical information for facial expression identification
* Image fusion-based contrast enhancement
* Image segmentation algorithm by piecewise smooth approximation
* Infrared-Based Facial Points Tracking and Action Units Detection in Context of Car Driving Simulator
* Novel coarse-to-fine dual scale technique for tuberculosis cavity detection in chest radiographs
* novel early SKIP mode detection method for coarse grain quality in H.264/SVC, A
* Optic disc localization in retinal images using histogram matching
* Optimal SP Frame Selection and Bit Budget Allocation for Mobile H.264 Video Streaming
* Prediction error preprocessing for perceptual color image compression
* Quality of multimedia experience
* Real-time tone mapping on GPU and FPGA
* Remotely sensed image retrieval based on region-level semantic mining
* Robust gait-based gender classification using depth cameras
* Robust multiple-vehicle tracking via adaptive integration of multiple visual features
* Screenshot identification by analysis of directional inequality of interlaced video
* Shadow removal with background difference method based on shadow position and edges attributes
* Similarity measure for image resizing using SIFT feature
* Sparse Bayesian blind image deconvolution with parameter estimation
* Weighted gradient domain image processing problems and their iterative solutions
30 for JIVP(2012)

JIVP(2013) * 2D and 3D analysis of animal locomotion from biplanar X-ray videos using augmented active appearance models
* Absolute joint moments: a novel image similarity measure
* adaptive bandwidth nonlocal means image denoising in wavelet domain, An
* Adaptive distributed video coding with motion vectors through a back channel
* Adaptive local binary pattern with oriented standard deviation (ALBPS) for texture classification
* Analysis of colour constancy algorithms using the knowledge of variation of correlated colour temperature of daylight with solar elevation
* Analysis of Single Image Defogging Methods using a Color Ellipsoid Framework, An
* Automated Chimpanzee Identification System Using Face Detection and Recognition, An
* Automated detection of elephants in wildlife video
* Automated identification of animal species in camera trap images
* Automated quantification of the schooling behaviour of sticklebacks
* Automatic Cryptosporidium and Giardia viability detection in treated water
* Automatic landmark point detection and tracking for human facial expressions
* Background initialization and foreground segmentation for bootstrapping video sequences
* Comparative Study of Face Landmarking Techniques, A
* Comparison of two 3D tracking paradigms for freely flying insects
* Counter-forensics of SIFT-based copy-move detection by means of keypoint classification
* Data feature selection based on Artificial Bee Colony algorithm
* Depth-image-based rendering with spatial and temporal texture synthesis for 3DTV
* Design and FPGA implementation of a wireless hyperchaotic communication system for secure real-time image transmission
* Detecting and tracking honeybees in 3D at the beehive entrance using stereo vision
* Detection and tracking of moving objects in a maritime environment using level set with shape priors
* efficient approach for robust multimodal retinal image registration based on UR-SIFT features and PIIFD descriptors, An
* Efficient Estimation of Disparity Statistics and their Use as a Predictor for Perceived 3D Video Scene Quality
* Efficient face detection method with eye region judgment
* Efficient registering of color and range images
* Evaluation of noise robustness for local binary pattern descriptors in texture classification
* Event detection in consumer videos using GMM supervectors and SVMs
* Fast CAVLD of H.264/AVC on bitstream decoding processor
* Fast intermode decision algorithm based on general and local residual complexity in H.264/AVC
* Fast restoration of natural images corrupted by high-density impulse noise
* Fault diagnosis of induction motors utilizing local binary pattern-based texture analysis
* GRAB: Generalized Region Assigned to Binary
* Handling missing weak classifiers in boosted cascade: application to multiview and occluded face detection
* hierarchical graph model for object cosegmentation, A
* Human recognition based on retinal images and using new similarity function
* human-computer collaborative workflow for the acquisition and analysis of terrestrial insect movement in behavioral field studies, A
* Integer fast lapped transforms based on direct-lifting of DCTs for lossy-to-lossless image coding
* LBP-based periocular recognition on challenging face datasets
* LBPV descriptors-based automatic ACR/BIRADS classification approach
* multi-cue spatio-temporal framework for automatic frontal face clustering in video sequences., A
* Multi-level contrast filtering in image difference metrics
* Multimedia content analysis for emotional characterization of music video clips
* mutual GrabCut method to solve co-segmentation, A
* new efficient active contour model without local initializations for salient object detection, A
* Performing scalable lossy compression on pixel encrypted images
* Real-time lane departure warning system based on a single FPGA
* Real-time single-pass connected components analysis algorithm
* Robust c-prototypes algorithms for color image segmentation
* Selecting scenes for 2D and 3D subjective video quality tests
* statistical approach for person verification using human behavioral patterns, A
* Stereoscopic 3D video quality assessment based on depth maps and video motion
* Supporting visual quality assessment with machine learning
* Transition effect detection for extracting highlights in baseball videos
* two-fly tracker that solves occlusions by dynamic programming: computational analysis of Drosophila courtship behaviour, A
* unified framework for spatiotemporal salient region detection, A
* Variational segmentation model for images with intensity inhomogeneity and Poisson noise
57 for JIVP(2013)

JIVP(2014) * Automatic image-based segmentation of the heart from CT scans
* Automatic prediction of age, gender, and nationality in offline handwriting
* Biometric quality: a review of fingerprint, iris, and face
* Classification of extreme facial events in sign language videos
* Complementary feature sets for optimal face recognition
* Computer-assisted analysis of painting brushstrokes: digital image processing for unsupervised extraction of visible features from van Gogh's works
* Concave-convex local binary features for automatic target recognition in infrared imagery
* context-adaptive SPN predictor for trustworthy source camera identification, A
* Efficient Robust Image Interpolation and Surface Properties using Polynomial Texture Mapping
* Error concealment algorithm using inter-view correlation for multi-view video
* Explore semantic pixel sets based local patterns with information entropy for face recognition
* Face liveness detection using dynamic texture
* Full-reference video quality metric assisted the development of no-reference bitstream video quality metrics for real-time network monitoring
* genetic optimized neural network for image retrieval in telemedicine, A
* High-performance hardware architectures for multi-level lifting-based discrete wavelet transform
* Implementation of fast HEVC encoder based on SIMD and data-level parallelism
* Integrating clustering with level set method for piecewise constant Mumford-Shah model
* Local spatiotemporal features for dynamic texture synthesis
* Locating moving objects in car-driving sequences
* Low-complexity background subtraction based on spatial similarity
* Magnitude-phase of the dual-tree quaternionic wavelet transform for multispectral satellite image denoising
* Micro-crack detection of multicrystalline solar cells featuring an improved anisotropic diffusion filter and image segmentation technique
* Modeling of SSIM-based end-to-end distortion for error-resilient video coding
* Multiscale texture retrieval based on low-dimensional and rotation-invariant features of curvelet transform
* No reference quality assessment for MPEG video delivery over IP
* No-reference image and video quality assessment: A classification and review of recent approaches
* no-reference objective image quality metric based on perceptually weighted local noise, A
* Noise reduction of continuous wave radar and pulse radar using matched filter and wavelets
* novel framework for semantic analysis of an illumination-variant soccer video, A
* novel method for straightening curved text-lines in stylistic documents, A
* On required accuracy of mixed noise parameter estimation for image enhancement via denoising
* Parallelization of the optical flow computation in sequences from moving cameras
* Power-optimized log-based image processing system
* Probabilistic motion pixel detection for the reduction of ghost artifacts in high dynamic range images from multiple exposures
* Quantifying the importance of cyclopean view and binocular rivalry-related features for objective quality assessment of mobile 3D video
* Real-time video stabilization without phantom movements for micro aerial vehicles
* Review of vision-based steel surface inspection systems
* robust adaptive algorithm of moving object detection for video surveillance, A
* Robust fuzzy scheme for Gaussian denoising of 3D color video
* Saliency detection in complex scenes
* Shadow extraction and application in pedestrian detection
* Soft computing-based colour quantisation
* Some fast projection methods based on Chan-Vese model for image segmentation
* Structure-based level set method for automatic retinal vasculature segmentation
* Subjective assessment of HDTV with superresolution function
* Thermal spatio-temporal data for stress recognition
* Three-dimensional face recognition under expression variation
* Tumor segmentation in brain MRI using a fuzzy approach with class center priors
* Two-way partitioning of a recursive Gaussian filter in CUDA
* Using weighted dynamic range for histogram equalization to improve the image contrast
* Vehicle classification framework: a comparative study
* Vehicle color classification using manifold learning methods from urban surveillance videos
* VISTA: achieving cumulative VIsion through energy efficient Silhouette recognition of mobile Targets through collAboration of visual sensor nodes
53 for JIVP(2014)

JIVP(2015) * Adaptive dualISO HDR reconstruction
* Automated classification for HEp-2 cells based on linear local distance coding framework
* Backward compatible HDR stereo matching: A hybrid tone-mapping-based framework
* Bayesian face recognition using 2D Gaussian-Hermite moments
* Benchmarking of objective quality metrics for HDR image quality assessment
* Bilateral image denoising in the Laplacian subbands
* Block-iterative Richardson-Lucy methods for image deblurring
* combined total variation and bilateral filter approach for image robust super resolution, A
* comprehensive survey of handwritten document benchmarks: Structure, usage and evaluation, A
* Connected component-based technique for automatic extraction of road centerline in high resolution satellite images
* Distributed video coding supporting hierarchical GOP structures with transmitted motion vectors
* Early search termination for fast motion estimation
* Epidermis segmentation in skin histopathological images based on thickness measurement and k-means algorithm
* Feature exploration for biometric recognition using millimetre wave body images
* High-performance on-road vehicle detection with non-biased cascade classifier by weight-balanced training
* Image enhancement using local intensity distribution equalization
* Implementation of computation-reduced DCT using a novel method
* Improving SVD-based image watermarking via block-by-block optimization on singular values
* Large-scale geo-facial image analysis
* Large-scale learning for media understanding
* Low-complexity depth map compression in HEVC-based 3D video coding
* Melanoma recognition using extended set of descriptors and classifiers
* multi-frame super-resolution method based on the variable-exponent nonlinear diffusion regularizer, A
* Multifractal characterisation and classification of bread crumb digital images
* new nonlocal variational bi-regularized image restoration model via split Bregman method, A
* On the optical flow model selection through metaheuristics
* Oriented relative fuzzy connectedness: theory, algorithms, and its applications in hybrid image segmentation methods
* Patch-based local histograms and contour estimation for static foreground classification
* Quality assessment of image-based biometric information
* Recaptured video detection based on sensor pattern noise
* resolution enhancement algorithm for an asymmetric resolution stereo video, A
* Robust monocular visual odometry for road vehicles using uncertain perspective projection
* Robust surface normal estimation via greedy sparse regression
* robust SVM classification framework using PSM for multi-class recognition, A
* Rotation update on manifold in probabilistic NRSFM for robust 3D face modeling
* Screen reflections impact on HDR video tone mapping for mobile devices: an evaluation study
* Segmentation and size estimation of tomatoes from sequences of paired images
* semi-supervised learning algorithm for relevance feedback and collaborative image retrieval, A
* simplified nonlinear regression method for human height estimation in video surveillance, A
* Simplified spiking neural network architecture and STDP learning algorithm applied to image classification
* Soft-biometrics evaluation for people re-identification in uncontrolled multi-camera environments
* Special issue on animal and insect behaviour understanding in image sequences
* study on different experimental configurations for age, race, and gender estimation problems, A
* Suboptimal threshold estimation for detection of point-like objects in radar images
* Superpixel-based image noise variance estimation with local statistical assessment
45 for JIVP(2015)

JIVP(2016) * Driver head pose estimation using efficient descriptor fusion
* High-capacity watermarking of high dynamic range images
* novel approach for handedness detection from off-line handwriting using fuzzy conceptual reduction, A
* review on dark channel prior based image dehazing algorithms, A

Index for "j"

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