Update Dates 7800

7800 * *Computer Vision Systems
* 3D Representation for Computer Graphics and Computer Vision
* Adaptive Image Segmentation Using Prototype Similarity
* Advances in Shape Description with Application to Three-Dimensional Aircraft Recognition
* Analysis and Discussion of a Coarseness Detector
* Analysis of a Cooperative Stereo Algorithm
* Analysis of Moving Granules in a Pancreatic Cell by Digital Moving Image Processing, The
* Analysis of Probabilistic Relaxation Labeling Processes
* Analysis System for Scenes Containing Objects with Substructure, An
* Analysis Techniques for Image Sequences
* Analysis, synthesis, and Evaluation of Local Measures for Discrimination and Segmentation of Textured Regions, The
* Application of C-Calculus to Texture Analysis: C-Transforms, An
* Application of the Generalized Chain Coding Scheme to Map Data Processing
* Applications of Digital Signal Processing
* Approach to Knowledge-Directed Scene Analysis, An
* Approach to Spatial Pattern Recognition of Solid Objects, An
* ARGOS Image Understanding System, The
* Arrangements, Homomorphisms, and Discrete Relaxation
* Artificial Intelligence Concepts Applied to Navigation Using Passively Sensed Images
* Automatic Movement Analysis for Classification of Moving Objects
* Characterization and Requirements of Computer vision Systems
* Characterization of Binary Relation Homomorphisms, The
* Color Edge Detection
* Combining Backtrack and Relaxation: Extended Preclusion
* Comments on A New Shape Factor
* Comments on Nonstationary Assumptions for Gaussian Models of Images
* Comparison of Line Thinning Algorithms from Digital Geometry Viewpoint, A
* Computation of Locally Parallel Structure
* Computer Analysis of Network Pictures
* Computer Matching of Areas in Stereo Imagery
* Computing Relative Depth Relationships from Occlusion Cues
* Conceptference: A System That Develops Concepts and Infers on Pictorial Data
* Conceptual and Visual Focusing in the Recognition Process as Induced by Queries
* Connectivity in Lattices and Mosaics
* Convex Hull of a Finite Set of Points in Two Dimensions
* Correspondence Process in Motion Perception, The
* Criteria for Evaluating Hough Transform Performance
* Curve Formation Using Transforms for Pictures Governed by Differential Equations
* Determining Compatibility Coefficients for Curve Enhancement Relaxation Processes
* Digital Image Processing: Papers
* Distribution of Runs in Binary Words
* Edge Point Linking Using Convergent Evidence
* Edge/Border Coincidence as an Aid in Edge Extraction
* Efficient Computation and Data Structures for Graphics
* Elements of a Structural Model of Texture
* Equal Probability Quantizing and Texture Analysis of Radiographic Images
* Estimating the Dimension of a Model
* Expanding Picture Components to Natural Density Boundaries by Propagation Methods. The Notions of Fall-Set and Fall-Distance
* Facial Action Coding System: A Technique for the Measurement of Facial Movement, The
* Fast Convex Hull Algorithm, A
* Feature Based Scene Analysis and Model Matching
* Finding the Intersection of Two Convex Polyhedra
* Future Directions of Industrial Applications
* Future Directions of Industrial Applications
* Future Directions of Industrial Applications of Pattern Recognition
* General Spatial Data Structure, A
* Generalized Chain Codes for Planar Curves
* Generalizing the Hough Transform
* Hierarchical Relaxation for Shape Analysis
* Hierarchical Relaxation for Waveform Parsing
* Hierarchical Relaxation System for Line Labeling and Grouping, A
* Identification of Human Face Profiles by Computer
* Identification of Object Symmetry from Multiple Views
* Image Acquisition Device for Minicomputers, An
* Image Registration: Simlarity Measure and Processing Method Comparisons
* Image Restoration of Space-Variant Blurs by Sectional Methods
* Image Segmentation and Feature Extraction
* Image Segmentation and Recognition by Texture Discrimination: A Syntactic Approach
* Image Segmentation by Pixel Classification in (gray level, edge value) space
* Image Segmentation Using a Local Extrema Texture Measure
* Image Understanding Systems
* Improved Algorithm to Check for Polygon Similarity, An
* Information Theoretic approach to Image Partitioning, An
* Intensity Clustering by Relaxation
* Interactive Image Modeling and Tracing System for Moving Pictures, An
* Interpretation of Imperfect Object Contours
* Interpretation of Imperfect Object Contours for Identification and Tracking
* Iterative Histogram Modification
* Iterative Histogram Modification
* Iterative Methods in Image Analysis
* Knowledge-Based Computer Vision System, A
* Linear Feature Mapping
* Locating Straight Line Edge Segments in Outdoor Scenes
* Machine Recognition and Plotting of Hand-Sketched Line Figures
* Matched Filtering Technique for Corner Detection, A
* Maximum Likelihood Framework for Boundary Estimation, A
* Measure of Scene Content, A
* Measurement of Biological Shape and Shape Change, The
* Method for Picture Segmentation by Parts: Split and Group with Linking, A
* More Efficient Convex Hull Algorithm, A
* Neighborhood Coding of Binary Images for Fast Contour Following and General Binary Array Processing
* Noise Cleaning by Iterated Local Averaging
* Note on a Modified Gradient Method for Image Analysis
* Note on the Use of Local Min and Max Operations in Digital Image Processing, A
* Note on the Use of Second-Order Gray Level Statistics for Threshold Selection, A
* Numerical Computations of Moment Invariants for Scene Analysis
* Object/Background Segmentation in FLIR Imagery
* On a Complexity and Segregation of Line Drawings
* On a Motion Analysis Process for Image Sequences of Real World Scenes
* On Fingerprint Pattern Recognition
* On Perceptual Analyzers Underlying Visual Texture Discrimination: Part I
* On Perceptual Analyzers Underlying Visual Texture Discrimination: Part II
* On the Analysis of Dynamic Map Data
* On the Compactness of Subsets of Digital Pictures
* On the Limits of Fourier Decompositions in Visual Texture Perception
* On the Representation of Natural Scenes
* On the Sequential Approach to Medial Line Transformation
* Partially Ordered World Model and Natural Outdoor Scenes, A
* Pattern Recognition: Ideas in Practice
* Perception of Depth Surfaces in Random-Dot Stereograms: A Neural Model
* Picture Decomposition, Tree Data-Structures, and identifying Directional Symmetries as Node Combinations
* Positional, Rotational and Scale Invariant Optical Correlation Method and Apparatus
* Pragmatic Aspects of Machine Vision
* Procedural Model of Recognition for Machine Perception, A
* Program for Describing Complex Three-Dimensional Objects Using Generalized Cylinders as Primitives, A
* Progress Report on a Model Based Vision System
* Quantitative Analysis of Line Drawings of Polyhedral Scenes
* Questions of Uniqueness and Resolution in Reconstruction from Projections
* Random Mosaic Models for Textures
* Range Resolution of Targets using Automatic Detection
* Recent Advance in 3-D Scene Analysis
* Recent Advances in Syntactic Pattern Recognition
* Recovering Intrinsic Scene Characteristics from Images
* Reevaluation of an Efficient Algorithm for Determining the Convex Hull of a Finite Planar Set, A
* Region Segmentation and Classification by Textural Features
* Regular Hierarchical Image and Processing Structures in Machine Vision
* Relaxation Processes for Scene Labeling
* Remote Sensing: The Quantitative Approach
* Reply to Comments on A New Shape Factor
* Representation and Recognition of the Spatial Organization of Three-Dimensional Shapes
* Road Tracking and Anomaly Detection in Aerial Imagery
* Rotationally Invariant Image Operators
* Scene Matching with Invariant Moments
* Scene Representation Using the Adjacency Matrix and Sampled Shapes of Regions
* Scene Segmentation and Segment Clustering Experiments
* Searching Images
* Segmentation and Classification of Targets in FLIR Imagery
* Segmentation by Texture Using a Split-and-Merge Algorithm
* Segmentation of Natural Scenes
* Segmentation Using Convergent Evidence
* Sequential Hierarchical Scene Matching
* Sequential Shape Feature Extraction from Line Drawings
* Shape Description using Weighted Symmetric Axis Features
* Shape Description via the Use of Critical Points
* Shaper Characterization by the Method of Roving Line-Segment Scanning
* Size and Position Invariance in the Visual System
* Some Matching Problems for Bipartite Graphs
* Some Thoughts on Future Directions of Industrial Applications
* SRI Road Expert: An Overview, The
* Structural Description and matching of a Line Drawing
* Structural Pattern Recognition, Homomorphisms, and Arrangements
* Surface Curvature and Applications of the Dual Representation
* Surface Perception from Local Analysis of Texture and Contour
* Survey of the Hough Transform and Its Extensions for Curve Detection, A
* Symbolic Matching and Analysis with Substantial Changes in Orientation
* Symmetry in Visual Symbol Sets
* Syntactic Pattern Recognition: An Introduction
* Target/Background Segmentation and Classification in FLIR Imagery
* Texture Characterization and Texture-Based Image Partitioning Using Two-Dimensional Linear Estimation Techniques
* Threshold Evaluation Techniques
* To Extract a Connected Object of Arbitrary Shape from its Background by Decision Tree Method
* Topoglyphs
* Towards Design of a Natural Picture Description Language
* Transform Method of Curve Detection for Textured Image Data
* Two Dimensional Autoregressive Models for Images: Parameter Estimation and Choice of Neighbors
* Use of Nuclear Texture Parameters in the Automatic Analysis of Leukocytes, The
* Vertical and Horizontal Processes in Low Level Vision
* Vision Research Strategy: Black Magic, Metaphors, Mechanisms, Miniworlds, and Maps
* VISIONS: A computer System for Interpreting Scenes
* Visual Discrimination of Stochastic Texture Fields
* Web Representation of Image Data
* What a Histogram Can Really Tell the Classifier
172 for 7800

Index for "7"

Last update:18-Jul-24 21:30:26
Use price@usc.edu for comments.