Update Dates 0207

0207 * 3-D wavelet compression and progressive inverse wavelet synthesis rendering of concentric mosaic
* 3D reconstruction methods based on the rational function model
* Active Regions for Unsupervised Texture Segmentation Integrating Region and Boundary Information
* Adaptive Approach to Offline Handwritten Word Recognition, An
* Adaptive approximate nearest neighbor search for fractal image compression
* Adaptive wavelet graph model for bayesian tomographic reconstruction
* Analyzing the Layout of Composite Textures
* application of passive human-robot interaction: Human tracking based on attention distraction, An
* Application of snakes and dynamic programming optimisation technique in modeling of buildings in informal settlement areas
* Applications of video-content analysis and retrieval
* Artificial vision in road vehicles
* Auto Calibration in Multiple-Camera Surveillance Environment
* Automatic image orientation detection
* Automatic segmentation and skeletonization of neurons from confocal microscopy images based on the 3-d wavelet transform
* BioSig: An Imaging Bioinformatic System for Studying Phenomics
* Capture and Synthesis of 3D Surface Texture
* Classifying materials from images: to cluster or not to cluster?
* Color Texture Classification with Color Histograms and Local Binary Patterns
* Complete System for Interpretation of Color Maps, A
* Continuous Probabilistic Framework for Image Matching, A
* Cooperation of color pixel classification schemes and color watershed: a study for microscopic images
* Critique of Structure-from-Motion Algorithms, A
* Curvature of n-dimensional space curves in grey-value images
* Curvelet Transform for Image Denoising, The
* Detecting Moving Objects and their Shadows: An Evaluation with the PETS2002 Dataset
* Diffuse Reflectance Models for Rough Surfaces: A Geometrical Study for Shape-from-Shading
* Digital Curves in 3D Space and a Linear-Time Length Estimation Algorithm
* Digital surface model generation from CORONA satellite images
* Discrete Mixtures Colour Texture Model, A
* Efficient k-Means Clustering Algorithm: Analysis and Implementation, An
* Efficient parallel algorithms for distance maps of 2-d binary images using an optical bus
* Empirical Evaluation of MPEG-7 Texture Descriptors with A Large-Scale Experiment
* Enhancing image watermarking methods with/without reference images by optimization on second-order statistics
* Estimating relative lidar accuracy information from overlapping flight lines
* Evaluation of the Softposit Model-to-image Registration Algorithm
* Event-based Activity Analysis in Live Video using a Generic Object Tracker
* Exploring Artificial Intelligence in the New Millennium
* First steps of robotic perception: the turning point of the 1990s
* Forward-and-backward diffusion processes for adaptive image enhancement and denoising
* From Cluster Tracking to People Counting
* From morphlet to Takagi scheme: definitions and back process
* fuzzy image metric with application to fractal coding, A
* General Scheme of Region Competition Based on Scale Space
* Graphical user interfaces for computer vision systems
* Hamilton-Jacobi Skeletons
* hierarchical context-based textured image segmentation algorithm for aerial images, A
* Hierarchical watermarking for secure image authentication with localization
* High-speed sensory-motor fusion based on dynamics matching
* Hyperplane Approximation for Template Matching
* Hyperspectral edge filtering for measuring homogeneity of surface cover types
* Illuminant Rotation Invariant Classification of 3D Surface Textures using Lissajous`s Ellipses
* Image Compression with Adaptive Local Cosines: A Comparative Study
* Image Engineering and Related Publications
* Image Restoration Based on Generalized Finite Automata Encoded Edge Preserving Regularization
* Image-based Skin Analysis
* Integrating perceptual and cognitive modeling for adaptive and intelligent human-computer interaction
* Integration of classification methods for improvement of land-cover map accuracy
* Invariant Texture Classification Using Group Averaging with Relational Kernel Functions
* Large-Area Land-Cover Mapping through Scene-Based Classification Compositing
* Learning and vision machines
* Learning in Gibbsian Fields: How Accurate and How Fast Can It Be?
* LP-Multiresolution Analysis: How to Reduce Ringing and Sparsify the Error
* Measurement of Color Texture
* Method and system of scanning
* Methods and apparatus for zooming during capture and reproduction of 3-dimensional images
* Model-Based Object Recognition Using Geometric Invariants of Points and Lines
* Motion vector detection apparatus, method of the same, and image processing apparatus
* Multi-Frame Correspondence Estimation Using Subspace Constraints
* Multiresolution feature detection using a family of isotropic bandpass filters
* Multiresolution Gray-Scale and Rotation Invariant Texture Classification with Local Binary Patterns
* New Texture Signatures and Their Use in Rotation Invariant Texture Classification
* Object-oriented Bsp Tree Algorithm For Hidden Surface Removal, An
* Omnivergent Stereo
* On optimal linear filtering for edge detection
* On the efficiency of image and video processing programs on instruction level parallel processors
* On the reconstruction of height functions and terrain maps from dense range data
* Open Development Environment for Evaluation of Video Surveillance Systems, An
* Optical fingerprint security verification using separate target and reference planes and a uniqueness comparison scheme
* Optimization and implementation of the integer wavelet transform for image coding
* Parallel asynchronous computations for image analysis
* Parallel Composite Texture Synthesis
* Performance Metrics and Methods for Tracking in Surveillance
* Periodic Textures as Distinguished Regions for Wide-Baseline Stereo Correspondence
* Physical Explanation for Natural Image Statistics, A
* Predicting Surface Texture when Seen from Different Distances
* Promise and Perils of Near-Regular Texture, The
* Pupil-Centric Model of Image Formation, A
* pyramid-based front-end processor for dynamic vision applications, A
* Real-time multitarget tracking by a cooperative distributed vision system
* Real-Time Visual Tracking of Complex Structures
* Reconfigurable computing systems
* Reconstruction Based Recognition of Scenes with Multiple Repeated Components
* Recovering Facade Texture and Microstructure from Real-World Images
* Region Tracking via Level Set PDEs without Motion Computation
* Rigorous Technique for Forensic Measurement of Surveillance Video Footage, A
* RKHS Interpolator-Based Graph Matching Algorithm, A
* Robot visual servoing with iterative learning control
* Robust Estimation of Orientation for Texture Analysis
* Robust Object Matching Using A Modified Version Of The Hausdorff Measure
* Rotation and Scale Invariant Texture Classification using Gabor Wavelets
* Scanning the issue: Special issue on technology and tools for visual perception
* Selforganized Clustering of Mixture Models for Combined Color and Texture Segmentation
* Shape-based Image Retrieval Applied To Trademark Images
* Similarity measures between feature maps: Application to texture comparison
* Simple Multispectral Multiresolution Markov Texture Model, A
* Simultaneous Localization and Map-Building Using Active Vision
* Smart Sensor: An On-board Image Processing System For Real-time Remote Sensing
* Spatio-temporal Segmentation of Video by Hierarchical Mean Shift Analysis
* Statistical Analysis of 3d Modeling From Monocular Video Streams
* Synthesis and Analysis of Solid Texture: Application in Medical Imaging
* System and method of animal identification and animal transaction authorization using iris patterns
* Systematic Methods for the Computation of the Directional Fields and Singular Points of Fingerprints
* Textural and Contextual Land-Cover Classification Using Single and Multiple Classifier Systems
* Texture Analysis and Synthesis: Theories and Practice
* Texture Anaysis of Machined Surfaces using a new Hough Transform
* Texture Recognition through Modal Analysis of Spectral Peak Patterns
* Texture segmentation via a diffusion-segmentation scheme in the Gabor feature space
* Texture Synthesis Through Level Sets
* Theoretical and Experimental Analysis of a Two-Stage System for Classification
* Toward visual microprocessors
* Towards an Automatic Approach for View-Dependent Geometry
* Tracking and Counting Multiple Interacting People in Indoor Scenes
* Tracking People with Probabilistic Appearance Models
* Tree-structured method for LUT inverse halftoning and for image halftoning
* True Orthophoto Generation of Built-Up Areas Using Multi-View Images
* Two stage principal component analysis of color
* Updating solutions of the rational function model using additional control information
* Using fuzzy methods to model nearest neighbor rules
* Vision and the Atmosphere
* Visual space-time geometry: A tool for perception and the imagination
* Weak Homogeneity for Shape from Texture
* Weighted median image sharpeners for the world wide web
132 for 0207

Index for "0"

Last update:20-Jan-25 12:09:31
Use price@usc.edu for comments.