Journals starting with mva0

MVA00 * *MVA
* Real-Time Facial Feature Detection for Person Identification System

MVA02 * *MVA
* Reconstruction of Outdoor Sculptures from Silhouettes under Approximate Circular Motion of an Uncalibrated Hand-Held Camera

MVA05 * *MVA
* Road and Traffic Sign Color Detection and Segmentation: A Fuzzy Approach
* Traffic Signs Color Detection and Segmentation in Poor Light Conditions

MVA07 * *MVA

MVA09 * *MVA
* 1000 fps Visual Feedback Control of an Active Vision System over a High-Load Network
* 3.2 kHz, Stereo Sensing Module Using Two Profile Sensors, A
* 3D Object Pose Estimation with Dense Sample Images Discussions about Limitation of Parameter Estimation Ability by the Linear Regressions
* 3D Porous Media Liquid-Solid Interaction Simulation Using SPH Modeling and Tomographic Images
* Abnormal Spatial Event Detection and Video Content Searching in a Multi-Camera Surveillance System
* Active Appearance Model with a Derivative-Free Optimization, An
* Algorithmic Considerations for Real-Time Stereo Vision Applications
* Appearance Based Fast Linear Pose Estimation, An
* Application of Co-Occurrence Frequency Image
* AR GIS on a Physical Map Based on Map Image Retrieval Using LLAH Tracking
* Automatic Analysis of Fish Behaviors and Abnormality Detection
* Automatic Extraction of Droppers in Catenary Scenes
* Automatic Extraction of Layer Structure for Retina in OCT Image Using Morphological Operation and Active Net
* Automatic Gigapixel Mosaicing in Large Scale Unstructured Underground Environments
* Automatic GIS Updating from High Resolution Satellite Images
* Behavior Recognition with HMM and Feature Analysis using a Wide-view Camera and a PTZ camera
* Block Matching Technique Using Unit Gradient Vectors, A
* Building a Multi-Touch Display Based on Computer Vision Techniques
* Carbon Nanotube Detection by Scanning Electron Microscopy
* Chromosome Image Recognition with Local Band Patterns
* Classification of In-Vivo Endomicroscopic Images of the Alveolar Respiratory System
* Classification of Spectators' State in Video Sequences by Voting of Facial Expressions and Face Directions
* Classification of Wet/Dry Area Based on the Mahalanobis Distance of Feature from Time Space Image Analysis
* Cloth Detection Method Based on Image Wrinkle Feature for Daily Assistive Robots, A
* Color Image Classification Using Locally Linear Manifolds and Learning
* Comparative Study of Hierarchical Matching Algorithms for Face Recognition, A
* Comparison of Conventional US and Spatial Compound Imaging in Diagnostic Performances of Computer Aided Diagnosis System
* Design and Evaluation of Features That Best Define Text in Complex Scene Images
* Design of Feature Extraction Operators for Use on Biologically Motivated Hexagonal Image Structures
* Detection of Abnormal Objects in a Scene Based on Local Features
* Detection of Approaching Pedestrians from a Distance Using Temporal Intensity Patterns
* Development of System for Comprehensively Measuring Driving Ability for Elderly Safe Driving
* Easy Technique for Fisheye Camera Calibration, An
* Exploitation of 3D Information for Directing Visual Attention and Object Recognition
* Extracting 3D Polyhedral Building Models from Aerial Images Using a Featureless and Direct Approach
* Extracting Appearance Information inside the Pupil for Cataract Screening
* Eye Blink Based Fatigue Detection for Prevention of Computer Vision Syndrome
* Eye Detection Using Intensity and Appearance Information
* Face Blurring for Privacy in Street-level Geoviewers Combining Face, Body and Skin Detectors
* Face Recognition by Combining Complementary Matchings of Single Image and Sequential Images
* Feature Level Clustering of Large Biometric Database
* Fitting Curves on Riemannian Manifolds Using Energy Minimization
* Focal Stack Photography: High-Performance Photography with a Conventional Camera
* Free Space Detection for Autonomous Navigation in Daytime Foggy Weather
* Generation of Overhead View Images by Estimating Intrinsic and Extrinsic Camera Parameters of Multiple Fish-Eye Cameras
* Hand Shape Recognition Based on Kernel Orthogonal Mutual Subspace Method
* Hardware Accelerator with Variable Pixel Representation & Skip Mode Prediction for Feature Point Detection Part of SIFT Algorithm, A
* Human Behavior Analysis Using Multiple 2D Features and Multicategory Support Vector Machine
* Human Fall Detection System Using an Omni-Directional Camera in Practical Environments for Health Care Applications, A
* Human Head Tracking Based on Inheritance and Evolution Concept
* Hybrid Model for Multiple Object Category Detection and Localization, A
* Image Based Search System Using Hierarchical Object Category Recognition Technique
* Image Based View Localization System Retrieving from a Panorama Database by SURF
* Image Forgery Detection Based on Quantization Table Estimation
* Image Processing Architecture for Real-Time Micro- and Nanohandling Applications
* Image Processing in Retinal Angiography: Extracting Angiographical Features without the Requirement of Contrast Agents
* Image Rectification for Robust Matching of Car-mounted Camera Images
* Improved Matching Accuracy in Traffic Sign Recognition by Using Different Feature Subspaces
* Improvement of Particle Filtering for Intersection of Targets with Similar Patterns
* Incident Detection Based on Dynamic Background Modeling and Statistical Learning Using Spatio-Temporal Features
* Indoor Map Display Method Using Mixed Reality
* Integration of Earth Observation Data: Challenge of GEOSS (Global Earth Observation System of Systems)
* Intelligent Night Vision System for Automobiles, An
* Inter Mode Decision Algorithm For Advanced Video Coding
* Intrinsic Color Acquisition By Active Color Lighting
* Investigation of OCT Images Descriptions on the Base of Representational MDL Principle
* Keypoint Extraction and Selection for Object Recognition
* Large Area Video Surveillance System with Handoff Scheme among Multiple Cameras
* Large Scale Image Search
* Large-Scale Stereo for Improvement of 3D Measurement Accuracy in Gaze-Observation
* Lavatube: A Software Framework for Computer Vision Research and Development
* Machine Vision for Excess Gluing Inspection in Spindle Motor Assembly
* Measuring Conicity from Shape Boundaries
* Medial Features for Superpixel Segmentation
* Model-Based 3D Object Tracking with Online Texture Update
* Motion Segmentation Using Divisive Graph Cuts
* Multicamera Vision System Supporting the Development of Wide-Area Exertainment Applications, A
* Multiple Object Detection for Pick-and-Place Applications
* Multiple-Person Tracking for a Mobile Robot Using Stereo
* New Approach for In-Vehicle Camera Traffic Sign Detection and Recognition, A
* New Flat Pattern Oriented Order Statistic Filter for Impulse Noise Reduction from Highly Corrupted Images, A
* New Method for Projector Calibration Based on Visual Servoing, A
* New System Implementation on SIMD Processor for Reliable Fingerprint Singularity Detection by Singular Candidate Method
* Novel Transducer: From Lip Motion to Voice Message, A
* Object Pose Estimation Using Patch-Duplet/SIFT Hybrids
* OCR Based Thresholding
* On a Technique for Evaluating Performance of Wipers Based on Forward Visibility
* On Face Recognition Using Hierarchical Self-Organized Gabor Features
* Optical Video Cryptosystem with Adaptive Steganography, An
* Overlap Vehicle Detection by Tracking Horizontal Lines
* People Re-Identification by Means of a Camera Network Using a Graph-Based Approach
* Predicting Attainable Region of Vehicle Using Trajectory Clustering
* Probabilistic BPRRC: Robust Change Detection against Illumination Changes and Background Movements
* Probabilistic-Based Semantic Image Feature Using Visual Words
* Proposal of Exaggeration Method Based on Shape and Positional Relations of Automotive Parts
* Real-time Motion-based Gesture Recognition Using the GPU
* Real-Time Uncharacteristic-Part Tracking Based on Points Tracking
* Recognition of Lung Cancers on CT Using 3-D Object Models of Different Classes
* Recognition of Road Markings from In-Vehicle Camera Images by a Generative Learning Method
* Robust Background Segmentation Using Background Models for Surveillance Application
* Robust Vision-Based Target Tracking Control System for an Unmanned Helicopter Using Feature Fusion
* Scallop Detection from Gravel-Seabed Images for Fishery Investigation
* Scene Classification Using Generalized Local Correlation
* Segmentation of Femoral Head from CT after Femoral Neck Fracture
* Self Image Rectification for Uncalibrated Stereo Video with Varying Camera Motions and Zooming Effects
* Semi-Supervised Spectral Mapping for Enhancing Separation between Classes
* Sensor Based Navigation Algorithm for Moving Obstacles Assuring Convergence Property, A
* Shape Measurement System of Foot Sole Surface from Flatbed Scanner Image
* Static Estimation of the Meteorological Visibility Distance in Night Fog with Imagery
* Statistical Reach Feature Method and Its Application to Template Matching
* Stereo Vision: A Java-Based Online Platform
* Study of Early Screening Method of Dementia and Its Systemization
* Synchronization of Full-View Image and GPS Data for Route Map Building
* Texture Overlay onto Flexible Object with PCA of Silhouettes and K-Means Method for Search into Database
* Unsupervised Abnormal Behavior Detection for Real-Time Surveillance Using Observed History
* Unsupervised Learning of Characteristic Object Parts from Videos
* Unsupervised Material Classification of Printed Circuit Boards Using Dimension-Reduced Spectral Information
* Video Retrieval System Using Handwriting Sketch
* Video Watermarking Algorithm Based on Pseudo 3D DCT and Quantization Index Modulation
* Video-Based Face Recognition Using a Probabilistic Graphical Model
* Vision Based Tangent Point Detection Algorithm, Evaluation and Validation
* Vision-Based Real-Time Monitoring on the Behavior of Fish School
* Voting Based Video Classification Using Clustering and Learning
* Worker Behavior and Intension Modeling in Production Process
125 for MVA09

Index for "m"

Last update:18-Jul-24 21:26:25
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