Journals starting with inri

INRIA-Sophia Antipolis * *INRIA
* On the Motion of 3D Curves and Its Relationship to Optical Flow

* 3-D Reconstructions of Urban Scenes from Sequence of Images
* 3-D Scene Representation as a Collection of Images and Fundamental Matrices
* a contrario decision framework for motion detection, An
* About optimal use of color points of interest for content-based image retrieval
* Accurate Corner Detection: An Analytical Study
* Activation Detection and Characterisation in Brain fMRI Sequences. Application to the study of monkey vision
* Active Unsupervised Texture Segmentation on a Diffusion Based Feature Space
* Adaptive Regularization: Towards Self-Calibrated Surface Reconstruction
* Adaptive Satellite Images Segmentation by Level Set Multiregion Competition
* All-Purpose Texture Sprites
* Analyse de texture hyperspectrale par modélisation markovien
* Analyse intra-urbaine à partir d'images satellitaires par une approche de fusion de données sur la ville de Mexico
* Anisotropic Polygonal Remeshing
* Apparent Diffusion Coefficients from High Angular Resolution Diffusion Images: Estimation and Applications
* Applications of Non-Metric Vision to Some Visually-Guided Robotics Tasks
* Approximations of shape metrics and application to shape warping and empirical shape statistics
* Automated Piecewise Affine Registration of Biological Images
* Automatic 3D land register extraction from altimetric data in dense urban areas
* Automatic calculation of chamfer mask coefficients for large masks and anisotropic images pages.
* binary tree-structured MRF model for multispectral satellite image segmentation, A
* Biologically plausible regularization mechanisms
* Building Detection by Markov Object processes and a MCMC Algorithm
* Building Extraction from Digital Elevation Model
* Calibration of a stereo-vision system by the non-linear optimization of the motion of a calibration object
* Calibration of Digital Amateur Cameras
* Camera Calibration Using Silhouettes
* Camera calibration: estimation, validation and software
* Camera Self-Calibration Using the Kruppa Equations and the SVD of the Fundamental Matrix: The Case of Varying Intrinsic Parameters
* Camera Self-Calibration Using the Singular Value Decomposition of the Fundamental Matrix: From Point Correspondences to 3D Measurements
* Cerebral blood flow recorded at high sensitivity in two dimensions using high resolution optical imaging
* Classical Mechanics and Road Detection in SPOT Images
* Comparative Study of Point Processes for Line Network Extraction i, A
* Computing Differential Properties of 3D Shapes from Stereoscopic Images without 3D Models
* Computing the Diameter of a Point Set
* Computing the topology of three-dimensional algebraic curves
* Contrast Invariant Detection of Good Continuations, Corners and Terminators
* Control Theory and Fast Marching Methods for Brain Connectivity Mapping
* Could early visual processes be sufficient to label motions?
* Coupling Dense and Landmark-Based Approaches for Non Rigid Registration
* Delaunay Triangulation Based Surface Reconstruction: A short survey
* Delaunay Triangulation Based Surface Reconstruction: Ideas and Algorithms
* Dense Disparity Map Estimation Respecting Image Discontinuities: A PDE and Scale-Space Based Approach
* Design of a Library for Dense Matching
* Determination of Moment Invariants and Their Application to Visual Servoing
* Dictionary-Based Stochastic Expectation-Maximization for SAR Amplitude Probability Density Function Estimation
* DTI Segmentation by Statistical Surface Evolution
* EEG-fMRI fusion of non-triggered data using Kalman filtering
* Effective Condition for Sampling Surfaces with Guarantees, An
* Euclidean Bundle Adjustment Independent on Camera Intrinsic Parameters
* Explicit Reconstruction for Image Inpainting
* Extracting Meaningful Curves from Images
* Finite Element Method Applied to New Active Contour Models and 3D Reconstruction from Cross Sections, A
* Free-form-deformation parameterization for multilevel 3D shape optimization in aerodynamics
* Fusion of autoradiographies with an MR volume using 2-D and 3-D linear transformations
* Fusion of Multi-View Silhouette Cues Using a Space Occupancy Grid
* Gamma-convergence of discrete functionals with non convex perturbation for image classification
* Gaussman-Caylay Algebra for Modeling Systems of Cameras and the Algebraic Equations of the Manifold of Trifocal Tensors
* general criterion for image similarity detection, A
* Generic Calibration of Axial Cameras
* Geodesic Active Regions for Motion Estimation and Tracking
* Geodesic Active Regions for Texture Segmentation
* Global and local parameter estimation of a model of the electrical activity of the heart
* Higher Order Active Contours
* How to deal with point correspondences and tangential velocities in the level set framework
* Human Retinotopic Mapping Using fMRI
* Hybrid Hyperquadric Model for 2-D and 3-D Data Fitting, A
* Hyperfeatures: Multilevel Local Coding for Visual Recognition
* Image decomposition: application to textured images and SAR images
* Image Denoising using Stochastic Differential Equations
* Image Matching with Scale Adjustment
* Image Retrieval by Range Query Composition of Region Categories
* Image Sequence Restoration: A PDE-Based Coupled Method for Image Restoration and Motion Segmentation
* Image-Based Rendering from a Single Image
* Improved RJMCMC point process sampler for object detection on images by simulated annealing
* Incremental Model-Based Estimation Using Geometric Consistency Constraints
* Initialization of Particle Filter and Posterior Cramér-Rao Bound for Bearings-Only Tracking in Modified Polar Coordinate System
* Integral Formulations for the EEG Problem
* Inverse EEG and MEG Problems: The Adjoint State Approach I: The Continuous Case, The
* Isotropic Remeshing of Surfaces: A Local Parameterization Approach
* Iterative Point Matching for Registration of Free-Form Curves
* Labelling the Behaviour of Local Descriptors for Selective Video Content Retrieval
* Local Approach for Inter-individual Functional Registration, A
* Local Features and Kernels for Classification of Texture and Object Categories: An In-Depth Study
* Marked Point Process of Rectangles and Segments for Automatic Analysis of Digital Elevation Models, A
* mathematical and algorithmic study of the Lambertian SFS problem for orthographic and pinhole cameras, A
* Mathematical Statement to One Dimensional Phase Unwrapping: A Variational Approach
* Meshing Volumes Bounded by Smooth Surfaces
* Methodology and Practice of the Evaluation of Image Retrieval Systems and Segmentation Methods toutes les pages., The
* Minimax Optimization of Continuous Search Efforts for the Detection of a Target
* model based method for characterization and location of curved image features, A
* Modeling very oscillating signals. Application to image processing
* Modelling Dynamic Scenes by Registering Multi-View Image Sequences
* Models of the Unimodal and Multimodal Statistics of Adaptive Wavelet Packet Coefficients
* Motion Panoramas
* Multiple-Camera Tracking of Rigid Objects
* Multiresolution Approach for Shape from Shading Coupling Deterministic and Stochastic Optimization, A
* Nearest neighbor classification in infinite dimension
* New Formulation for Non-Linear Camera Calibration Using Virtual Visual Servoing, A
* Non Parametric Statistical Analysis of Scene Activity for Motion-Based Video Indexing and Retrieval
* Non-Bayesian Model for Tree Crown Extraction using Marked Point Processes, A
* Non-Maximal Suppression Method for Edge Detection with Sub-Pixel Accuracy, A
* Non-rigid Motion without Relying on Local Features: A Surface Model Applied to Vortex Tracking
* novel family of geometrical transformations: Polyrigid transformations. Application to the registration of histological slices, A
* Object Class Recognition Using Discriminative Local Features
* On Bayesian Estimation in Manifolds
* On Determining the Fundamental Matrix: Analysis of Different Methods and Experimental Results
* On the Geometry and Algebra of the Point and Line Correspondences between N Images
* Optical Flow and Phase Portrait Methods for Environmental Satellite Image Sequences
* Parallel Stereo Algorithm That Produces Dense Depth Maps and Preserves Image Features, A
* Parameter estimation efficiency using nonlinear models in fMRI
* Parametric Model for Automatic 3D Building Reconstruction from High Resolution Satellite Images, A
* Performance Analysis of two Sequential Monte Carlo Methods and Posterior Cramér-Rao Bounds for Multi-Target Tracking
* Point processes in forestry: an application to tree crown detection
* Probabilistic Framework for Adaptive Texture Description, A
* Procedural Approach to Style for NPR Line Drawing from 3D model, A
* Quality Assessment of Electromagnetic Localizers in the Context of 3D Ultrasound
* Real-Time Gaze Control
* Recent Advances in Compression of 3D Meshes
* Reconstruction of Coronary Arteries from One Rotational X-Ray Projection Sequence
* Reconstruction of Digital Terrain Model with a Lake
* Recovering and Characterizing Image Features Using an Efficient Model Based Approach
* Region Tracking Through Image Sequences
* Regularization in Image Non-Rigid Registration: I. Trade-off between Smoothness and Intensity Similarity
* Regularization Methods in Non-Rigid Registration: II. Isotropic Energies, Filters and Splines
* Retinotopic mapping in awake monkeys suggests a different functional organization for dorsal and ventral V4
* Ridges and the medial axis: Smooth surfaces, umbilics, lines of curvatures, foliations: a concise overview
* Rigid Point-Surface Registration using Oriented Points and an EM Variant of ICP for Computer Guided Oral Implantology
* rigorous and realistic shape from shading method and some of its applications, A
* Robust Multiple Hypothesis Approach to Monocular Human Motion Tracking, A
* Robust Registration of Multi-Modal Medical Images: Towards Real-Time Clinical Applications
* Robust Technique for Matching Two Uncalibrated Images Through the Recovery of the Unknown Epipolar Geometry, A
* Robust Technique to Recognize Objects in Images, and the DB Problems it Raises, A
* SAR Amplitude Probability Density Function Estimation Based on a Generalized Gaussian Model
* Scale-Invariance of Support Vector Machines based on the Triangular Kernel
* Segmentation of Discrete Curves into Fuzzy Segments
* Segmentation of Textured Satellite and Aerial Images by Bayesian Inference
* Shape and Reflectance Recovery using Multiple Images with Known Illumination Conditions
* Shape from Shading and Viscosity Solutions
* Shape from Shading: A Well-Posed Problem?
* Signed distance functions and viscosity solutions of discontinuous Hamilton-Jacobi Equations
* Simplex Meshes: a General Representation for 3D Shape Reconstruction
* Soft Shadow Maps: Efficient Sampling of Light Source Visibility
* Specifications of the software videomatch 1.1
* Statistics on Multivariate Normal Distributions: A Geometric Approach and its Application to Diffusion Tensor MRI
* Supervised classification for textured images
* Supervision of Perception Tasks for Autonomous Systems: The OCAPI Approach
* Surface Reconstruction: GNCs and MFA
* Theory of Shape Identification, A
* Three New Algorithms for Projective Bundle Adjustment with Minimum Parameters
* Token Tracking in a Cluttered Scene
* Toward Segmentation of 3D Probability Density Fields by Surface Evolution: Application to Diffusion MRI
* Towards Free-Hand 3-D Ultrasound
* Tracking Multiple Objects with Particle Filtering
* Tracking Points on Deformables Objects
* Unified Texture Management for Arbitrary Meshes
* Unsupervised Segmentation Incorporating Colour, Texture, and Motion
* Variational Approach to Multi-Modal Image Matching, A
* Variational-Principles, Surface Evolution, PDEs, Level Set Methods, and the Stereo Problem
* Vector-Valued Image Regularization with PDEs: A Common Framework for Different Applications
* Velocity Estimation on the Bayesian Occupancy Filter for Multi-Target Tracking
* viscosity method for Shape-from-Shading without boundary data, A
* Visual Data Fusion: Application to Objects Localization and Exploration
* Visual Servoing from Lines
* Volumetric Reconstruction Method from Multiple Calibrated Views using Global Graph Cut Optimization, A
* Voronoi Diagram of Convex Objects in the Plane, The
* Watermarking 3D triangle meshes for authentication and integrity
* Well-posedness of eight problems of multi-modal statistical image-matching
168 for INRIA

Index for "i"

Last update:20-Jan-25 12:05:33
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