Mose, J.[John]
Co Author Listing * SIMBA: Split Inference: mechanisms, Benchmarks and Attacks
Mosebach, A.[Alina]
Co Author Listing * Domain Adaptation for Unknown Image Distortions in Instance Segmentation
Mosegaard, J.[Jesper]
Co Author Listing * Interactive directional subsurface scattering and transport of emergent light
Mosegui, A.[Alexa]
Co Author Listing * Context-Aware Personality Inference in Dyadic Scenarios: Introducing the UDIVA Dataset
Includes: Mosegui, A.[Alexa] Moseguí, A.[Alexa]
Mosekilde, L.
Co Author Listing * Reliability of an image analysis system for quantifying the radiographic trabecular pattern
Moseley, B.[Ben]
Co Author Listing * Extreme Low-Light Environment-Driven Image Denoising over Permanently Shadowed Lunar Regions with a Physical Noise Model
Moseley, M.[Michael]
Co Author Listing * Multi-task Deep Learning for Cerebrovascular Disease Classification and MRI-to-PET Translation
Moseley, M.E.
Co Author Listing * Auto-Calibrated Parallel Imaging Reconstruction for Arbitrary Trajectories Using k-Space Sparse Matrices (kSPA)
Moseley, M.J.
Co Author Listing * Maximum likelihood estimation of vessel parameters from scale space analysis
Moseley, R.R.[Richard R.]
Co Author Listing * Autostereoscopic 3D display systems with observer tracking
Mosella Montoro, A.
Co Author Listing * Residual Attention Graph Convolutional Network for Geometric 3D Scene Classification
* SkinningNet: Two-Stream Graph Convolutional Neural Network for Skinning Prediction of Synthetic Characters
Includes: Mosella Montoro, A. Mosella-Montoro, A. Mosella-Montoro, A.[Albert]
Mosella Montoro, F.V.C.A.[Francisco Vicente Carrasco Albert]
Co Author Listing * Generalizable Human Gaussians for Sparse View Synthesis
Includes: Mosella Montoro, F.V.C.A.[Francisco Vicente Carrasco Albert] Mosella-Montoro, F.V.C.A.[Francisco Vicente Carrasco Albert]
Mosely, K.[Kene]
Co Author Listing * Integrating SAR, Optical, and Machine Learning for Enhanced Coastal Mangrove Monitoring in Guyana
Mosenlechner, L.
Co Author Listing * Cognition-Enabled Autonomous Robot Control for the Realization of Home Chore Task Intelligence
Moser, A.
Co Author Listing * Clinical Valid Pain Database with Biomarker and Visual Information for Pain Level Analysis
Moser, B.
Co Author Listing * Denoising techniques for raw 3D data of TOF cameras based on clustering and wavelets
* Discrepancy Norm as Fitness Function for Defect Detection on Regularly Textured Surfaces
* Image processing for three-dimensional scans generated by time-of-flight range cameras
* Less is More: Proxy Datasets in NAS approaches
* Trifocal system for high-quality inter-camera mapping and virtual view synthesis
Includes: Moser, B. Moser, B.[Bernhard] Moser, B.[Brian]
Moser, B.A.
Co Author Listing * Similarity Measure for Image and Volumetric Data Based on Hermann Weyl's Discrepancy, A
Moser, B.B.[Brian B.]
Co Author Listing * Hitchhiker's Guide to Super-Resolution: Introduction and Recent Advances
Moser, C.[Christophe]
Co Author Listing * Digital confocal microscopy through a multimode fiber
Moser, E.[Ewald]
Co Author Listing * Explorative signal processing in functional MR imaging
Moser, G.[Gabriele]
Co Author Listing * Assessment of hyperspectral MIVIS sensor capability for heterogeneous landscape classification
* Causal Markov Mesh Hierarchical Modeling for the Contextual Classification of Multiresolution Satellite Images
* Change detection with synthetic aperture radar images by Wilcoxon statistic likelihood ratio test
* Clustering Approach to Heterogeneous Change Detection, A
* Combining Support Vector Machines and Markov Random Fields in an Integrated Framework for Contextual Image Classification
* Conditional Copulas for Change Detection in Heterogeneous Remote Sensing Images
* Contextual multi-scale image classification on quadtree
* Crater Detection and Registration of Planetary Images Through Marked Point Processes, Multiscale Decomposition, and Region-Based Analysis
* Decision Fusion With Multiple Spatial Supports by Conditional Random Fields
* Deep Image Translation With an Affinity-Based Change Prior for Unsupervised Multimodal Change Detection
* Dictionary-Based Stochastic Expectation-Maximization for SAR Amplitude Probability Density Function Estimation
* Extraction of Spectral Channels From Hyperspectral Images for Classification Purposes
* False discovery rate approach to image change detection
* False Discovery Rate Approach to Unsupervised Image Change Detection
* Fully Convolutional and Feedforward Networks for The Semantic Segmentation of Remotely Sensed Images
* Generalized Minimum-Error Thresholding for Unsupervised Change Detection From SAR Amplitude Imagery
* goal-driven unsupervised image segmentation method combining graph-based processing and Markov random fields, A
* Information Extraction From Remote Sensing Images for Flood Monitoring and Damage Evaluation
* Land-Cover Mapping by Markov Modeling of Spatial-Contextual Information in Very-High-Resolution Remote Sensing Images
* Markovian Approach to Unsupervised Change Detection with Multiresolution and Multimodality SAR Data, A
* Monitoring the Recovery after 2016 Hurricane Matthew in Haiti via Markovian Multitemporal Region-Based Modeling
* Multimodal Classification of Remote Sensing Images: A Review and Future Directions
* Multimodal Fusion of Mobility Demand Data and Remote Sensing Imagery for Urban Land-Use and Land-Cover Mapping
* Multiresolution Supervised Classification of Panchromatic and Multispectral Images by Markov Random Fields and Graph Cuts
* Multisensor and Multiresolution Remote Sensing Image Classification through a Causal Hierarchical Markov Framework and Decision Tree Ensembles
* New cascade model for hierarchical joint classification of multitemporal, multiresolution and multisensor remote sensing data
* New Cascade Model for the Hierarchical Joint Classification of Multitemporal and Multiresolution Remote Sensing Data, A
* On the Method of Logarithmic Cumulants for Parametric Probability Density Function Estimation
* Partially Supervised Classification of Remote Sensing Images Through SVM-Based Probability Density Estimation
* Polarimetric SAR Change Detection With the Complex Hotelling-Lawley Trace Statistic
* Registration of Multisensor Images through a Conditional Generative Adversarial Network and a Correlation-Type Similarity Measure
* SAR Amplitude Probability Density Function Estimation Based on a Generalized Gaussian Model
* Supervised Classification of Multisensor and Multiresolution Remote Sensing Images With a Hierarchical Copula-Based Approach
* Textural-Contextual Model for Unsupervised Segmentation of Multipolarization Synthetic Aperture Radar Images, A
* Unsupervised Change Detection From Multichannel SAR Data by Markovian Data Fusion
* Unsupervised Image Regression for Heterogeneous Change Detection
* Weight Parameter Optimization by the Ho-Kashyap Algorithm in MRF Models for Supervised Image Classification
Includes: Moser, G.[Gabriele] Moser, G.
37 for Moser, G.
Moser, J.[Julia]
Co Author Listing * Assessing Façade Visibility in 3D City Models for City Marketing
* Beyond Visualisation: 3D GIS Analyses for Virtual City Models
Moser, L.[Linda]
Co Author Listing * Monitoring of the Lac Bam Wetland Extent Using Dual-Polarized X-Band SAR Data
Moser, M.
Co Author Listing * Documentation Challenges In An International And Interdisciplinary Research Project
* Documentation of cultural heritage; techniques, potentials, and constraints
* Enhanced Potential for the Analysis of Archaeological Finds Based on 3D Modeling
* GIS-Based Surface Analysis of Archaeological Finds
* Historic photos and TLS data fusion for the 3D reconstruction of a monastery altar ensemble
* Scanning of Antonio Gaudi's original images of his draft for a church in Barcelona
Includes: Moser, M. Moser, M.[Michael]
Moser, N.[Nicolas]
Co Author Listing * Pedestrian Behavior Prediction for Automated Driving: Requirements, Metrics, and Relevant Features
Includes: Moser, N.[Nicolas] Möser, N.[Nicolas] (Maybe also Moeser, N.)
Moser, R.
Co Author Listing * Recording, Processing, and Analysis of Digital High-Speed Sequences in Glottography
Moser, R.D.
Co Author Listing * Patient-Specific Characterization of Breast Cancer Hemodynamics Using Image-Guided Computational Fluid Dynamics
Moser, S.
Co Author Listing * Out-Of-Core topologically constrained simplification for city modeling from Digital Surface Models
Moser, U.
Co Author Listing * In-Bore Receiver for Magnetic Resonance Imaging, An
Moser, V.
Co Author Listing * Assessment of Algorithms to Estimate Respiratory Rate from the Remote Photoplethysmogram, An
Moses, C.[Cherith]
Co Author Listing * Predictive Modelling of Land Cover Changes in the Greater Amanzule Peatlands Using Multi-Source Remote Sensing and Machine Learning Techniques
Moses, D.[Daniel]
Co Author Listing * Using Convolutional Neural Networks and Transfer Learning for Bone Age Classification
* Vertebral Compression Fracture detection using Multiple Instance Learning and Majority Voting
Moses, D.A.
Co Author Listing * Semi-Quantitative Analysis Model with Parabolic Modelling for DCE-MRI Sequences of Prostate, A
Moses, R.L.[Randy L.]
Co Author Listing * email: Moses, R.L.[Randy L.]: randy AT ee eng ohio-state edu
* Application of Model-Based Change Detection to Airborne VNIR/SWIR Hyperspectral Imagery
* Attributed Scattering Centers for SAR ATR
* Detecting Changes in Hyperspectral Imagery Using a Model-Based Approach
* Enhancement of Coupled Multichannel Images Using Sparsity Constraints
* Feature Extraction using Attributed Scattering Center Models for Model-Based Automatic Target Recognition
* Model-based Bayesian feature matching with application to synthetic aperture radar target recognition
* Motion measurement errors and autofocus in bistatic SAR
* Parametric Attributed Scattering Center Model for SAR Automatic Target Recognition
* Parametric model for Synthetic Aperature Radar Measurements, A
* Performance estimation of model-based automatic target recognition using attributed scattering center features
* Three-dimensional surface reconstruction from multistatic SAR images
* Through-the-Wall SAR Attributed Scattering Center Feature Estimation
Includes: Moses, R.L.[Randy L.] Moses, R.L. Moses, R.L.[Randloph L.] Moses, R.L.[Randolph L.]
13 for Moses, R.L.
Moses, S.[Skip]
Co Author Listing * Graph Learning From Signals With Smoothness Superimposed by Regressors
Moses, W.[Wesley]
Co Author Listing * Future Retrievals of Water Column Bio-Optical Properties using the Hyperspectral Infrared Imager (HyspIRI)
Moses, W.J.[Wesley J.]
Co Author Listing * Application of a PLS-Augmented ANN Model for Retrieving Chlorophyll-a from Hyperspectral Data in Case 2 Waters of the Western Basin of Lake Erie
* Editorial for the Special Issue Remote Sensing of Water Quality
Moses, Y.[Yael]
Co Author Listing * email: Moses, Y.[Yael]: yael AT wisdom weizmann ac il
* 3D Shape Recovery of Smooth Surfaces: Dropping the Fixed-Viewpoint Assumption
* Centralized and Distributed Multi-view Correspondence
* Centralized and Distributed Multi-view Correspondence
* Detecting moving regions in CrowdCam images
* Efficient Sliding Window Computation for NN-Based Template Matching
* Estimating the Number of Correct Matches Using Only Spatial Order
* Face Recognition: The Problem of Compensating for Changes in Illumination Direction
* Generalization across Changes in Illumination and Viewing Position in Upright and Inverted Faces
* Generalization to Novel Views: Universal, Class-Based, and Model-Based Processing
* Geometrically consistent stereo seam carving
* Homography based multiple camera detection and tracking of people in a dense crowd
* Limitations of Non Model-Based Recognition Schemes
* Multi-strand Graph for a PTZ Tracker, The
* Multi-view Scene Flow Estimation: A View Centered Variational Approach
* Photo Sequencing
* Piecewise-consistent color mappings of images acquired under various conditions
* Probabilistic Multi-view Correspondence in a Distributed Setting with No Central Server
* Probabilistic Multi-view Correspondence in a Distributed Setting with No Central Server
* Robust Real Time Tracking and Classification of Facial Expressions
* Shape Reconstruction of 3D Bilaterally Symmetric Surfaces
* Space-Time Tradeoffs in Photo Sequencing
* Stereo Seam Carving a Geometrically Consistent Approach
* Temporal Epipolar Regions
* Tracking in a Dense Crowd Using Multiple Cameras
* Transitivity-based Removal of Correspondence Outliers for Motion Analysis
* Using Spatial Order to Boost the Elimination of Incorrect Feature Matches
* Video Synchronization Using Temporal Signals from Epipolar Lines
* Viewpoint-independent book spine segmentation
* When is it Possible to Identify 3D Objects From Single Images Using Class Constraints?
Includes: Moses, Y.[Yael] Moses, Y.[Yoram] Moses, Y.
30 for Moses, Y.