Index for kimm

Kimm, H.[Haklin] Co Author Listing * Comparative Evaluation of Edge Linking Methods Using Markov Chain and Regression Applied Heuristic

Kimm, M.A. Co Author Listing * Multi-Scale Investigation of Human Renal Tissue in Three Dimensions
* Revealing the Microscopic Structure of Human Renal Cell Carcinoma in Three Dimensions

Kimm, S.[Simon] Co Author Listing * Modeling for Stock Trends: A Study of Two-Stage Pattern Strategy

Kimme, C. Co Author Listing * Finding Circles by an Array of Accumulators

Kimmel, E. Co Author Listing * Machine identification of buds in images of plant shoots

Kimmel, R.[Ron] Co Author Listing * Home Page.
* email: Kimmel, R.[Ron]: ron AT cs technion ac il
* 3D Face Reconstruction by Learning from Synthetic Data
* 3D Shape Reconstruction from Autostereograms and Stereo
* 3D-color video camera
* accurate operator splitting scheme for nonlinear diffusion filtering, An
* Active Contours for Multi-region Image Segmentation with a Single Level Set Function
* Affine Differential Signatures for Gray Level Images of Planar Shapes
* Affine Invariant Geometry for Non-rigid Shapes
* Affine-invariant diffusion geometry for the analysis of deformable 3D shapes
* Affine-Invariant Photometric Heat Kernel Signatures
* Analysis of Two-Dimensional Non-Rigid Shapes
* Analyzing and Synthesizing Images by Evolving Curves with the Osher-Sethian Method
* Are MSER Features Really Interesting?
* Articulated Motion Segmentation Of Point Clouds by Group-Valued Regularization
* Behavior classification by eigendecomposition of periodic motions
* Bending Invariant Representations for Surfaces
* Classical Scaling Revisited
* Close-Range Photometric Stereo with Point Light Sources
* Color Elastica Model for Vector-Valued Image Regularization, A
* Combing porcupine via stereographic direction diffusion
* Computational caricaturization of surfaces
* Computational Surface Flattening: A Voxel-Based Approach
* Conformal Mapping with as Uniform as Possible Conformal Factor
* Consistent Discretization and Minimization of the L1 Norm on Manifolds
* Cortex Segmentation: A Fast Variational Geometric Approach
* Deep Accurate Solver for the Geodesic Problem
* Deep Eikonal Solvers
* Deep Isometric Maps
* Deformable Shape Retrieval by Learning Diffusion Kernels
* Demosaicing: Image Reconstruction from Color CCD Samples
* Diffusion symmetries of non-rigid shapes.
* Diffusions and Confusions in Signal and Image Processing
* DIMAL: Deep Isometric Manifold Learning Using Sparse Geodesic Sampling
* Direct Shape Recovery from Photometric Stereo with Shadows
* Do We Need Depth in State-Of-The-Art Face Authentication?
* Down-scaling for better transform compression
* Dynamism of a Dog on a Leash or Behavior Classification by Eigen-Decomposition of Periodic Motions
* Edge Integration Using Minimal Geodesics
* Efficient Beltrami Filtering of Color Images Via Vector Extrapolation
* Efficient Beltrami Flow in Patch-Space
* Efficient Beltrami Flow Using a Short Time Kernel
* Efficient Beltrami Image Filtering Via Vector Extrapolation Methods
* Efficient Computation of Adaptive Threshold Surfaces for Image Binarization
* Efficient Dilation, Erosion, Opening, and Closing Algorithms
* Efficient Inter-Geodesic Distance Computation and Fast Classical Scaling
* Elastica Models for Color Image Regularization
* Enhancing Images Painted on Manifolds
* Equi-Affine Invariant Geometries of Articulated Objects
* Equi-affine Invariant Geometry for Shape Analysis
* Expression-Invariant 3D Face Recognition
* Expression-Invariant Face Recognition via Spherical Embedding
* Expression-Invariant Representations of Faces
* Face Recognition from Facial Surface Metric
* Facetoface: An Isometric Model for Facial Animation
* Fast Blended Transformations for Partial Shape Registration
* Fast geodesic active contours
* Fast Marching the Global Minimum of Active Contours
* Fast Regularization of Matrix-Valued Images
* Finding Shortest Paths on Surfaces Using Level Sets Propagation
* Freehand Laser Scanning Using Mobile Phone
* From High Energy Physics to Low Level Vision
* Full and Partial Symmetries of Non-rigid Shapes
* FuseCap: Leveraging Large Language Models for Enriched Fused Image Captions
* Fusion of 2D and 3D data in three-dimensional face recognition
* General Framework for Low-Level Vision, A
* Geodesic Active Contours
* Geodesic Distance Descriptors
* Geometric Approach to Segmentation and Analysis of 3D Medical Images, A
* Geometric segmentation of 3D structures
* Geometric-Variational Approach for Color Image Enhancement and Segmentation
* Geometry motivated variational segmentation for color images
* Global Minimum for Active Contour Models: A Minimal Path Approach
* Global Minimum for Active Contour Models: A Minimum Path Approach
* Global Shape from Shading
* Graph Isomorphisms and Automorphisms via Spectral Signatures
* Gromov-Hausdorff Framework with Diffusion Geometry for Topologically-Robust Non-rigid Shape Matching, A
* Group-Valued Regularization for Analysis of Articulated Motion
* Group-Valued Regularization Framework for Motion Segmentation of Dynamic Non-rigid Shapes
* Hierarchical Matching of Non-rigid Shapes
* High Quality Facial Surface and Texture Synthesis via Generative Adversarial Networks
* Image editing using level set trees
* Images as Embedded Maps and Minimal Surfaces: Movies, Color, Texture, and Volumetric Medical Images
* Images as Embedding Maps and Minimal Surfaces: A Unified Approach for Image Diffusion
* Images as Embedding Maps and Minimal Surfaces: Movies, Color, and Volumetric Medical Images
* Implementing continuous-scale morphology via curve evolution
* Improving 3D Facial Action Unit Detection with Intrinsic Normalization
* Intel® RealSense™ SR300 Coded Light Depth Camera
* Intrinsic Local Symmetries: A Computational Framework
* Intrinsic Scale Space for Images on Surfaces: The Geodesic Curvature Flow
* Isometric Embedding of Facial Surfaces into S3
* Iterative Closest Spectral Kernel Maps
* Laplace-Beltrami Operator: A Ubiquitous Tool for Image and Shape Processing, The
* Learning Detailed Face Reconstruction from a Single Image
* Learning Differential Invariants of Planar Curves
* LIMP: Learning Latent Shape Representations with Metric Preservation Priors
* Low Bit-Rate Compression of Facial Images
* Matching shapes by eigendecomposition of the Laplace-Beltrami operator
* Matching Two-Dimensional Articulated Shapes Using Generalized Multidimensional Scaling
* Measuring Geodesic Distances via the Uniformization Theorem
* Minimal Surfaces: A Three-Dimensional Segmentation Approach
* Minimal-Surfaces Based Object Segmentation
* Momenet: Flavor the Moments in Learning to Classify Shapes
* Multi-Region Active Contours with a Single Level Set Function
* Multimodal Colored Point Cloud to Image Alignment
* Multiplicative Operator Splittings in Nonlinear Diffusion: From Spatial Splitting to Multiple Timesteps
* Multivalued Distance Maps for Motion Planning on Surfaces with Moving Obstacles
* Near Field Photometric Stereo with Point Light Sources
* Nonlinear Dimensionality Reduction by Topologically Constrained Isometric Embedding
* Numerical Geometry of Images: Theory, Algorithms, and Applications
* Numerical Geometry of Non-Rigid Shapes
* On bending invariant signatures for surfaces
* On convex relaxation of graph isomorphism
* On reconstruction of non-rigid shapes with intrinsic regularization
* On Scene Segmentation and Histograms-Based Curve Evolution
* On Semi-implicit Splitting Schemes for the Beltrami Color Flow
* On Semi-implicit Splitting Schemes for the Beltrami Color Image Filtering
* On Similarity-Invariant Fairness Measures
* On the Optimality of Shape and Data Representation in the Spectral Domain
* Optimal Algorithm for Shape from Shading and Path Planning
* Orientation Diffusion or How to Comb a Porcupine
* Over-Parameterized Optical Flow Using a Stereoscopic Constraint
* Over-Parameterized Variational Optical Flow
* Paretian Similarity for Partial Comparison of Non-rigid Objects
* Partial Shape Similarity by Multi-Metric Hamiltonian Spectra Matching
* Partial Similarity of Objects, or How to Compare a Centaur to a Horse
* Perspective Photometric Stereo with Shadows
* Photometric Heat Kernel Signatures
* Planar Shape Enhancement and Exaggeration
* Provably Approximated Point Cloud Registration
* Real-Time Depth Refinement for Specular Objects
* Reduced complexity Retinex algorithm via the variational approach
* Regularized Laplacian Zero Crossings as Optimal Edge Integrators
* Representation Analysis and Synthesis of Lip Images Using Dimensionality Reduction
* RGBD-fusion: Real-time high precision depth recovery
* Robust Expression-Invariant Face Recognition from Partially Missing Data
* Rock, Paper, and Scissors: Extrinsic vs. intrinsic similarity of non-rigid shapes
* Role of optics in the accuracy of depth-from-defocus systems
* Rule of thumb: Deep derotation for improved fingertip detection
* Scale Invariant Geometry for Nonrigid Shapes
* Schrödinger Diffusion for Shape Analysis with Texture
* Segmentation of Thin Structures in Volumetric Medical Images
* Self Functional Maps
* Shape from Shading: Level Set Propagation and Viscosity Solutions
* Shape offsets via level sets
* Short- Time Beltrami Kernel for Smoothing Images and Manifolds, A
* SHREC'10 Track: Correspondence Finding
* Skeletonization via Distance Maps and Level Sets
* Space-Dependent Color Gamut Mapping: A Variational Approach
* Sparse Approximation of 3D Meshes Using the Spectral Geometry of the Hamiltonian Operator
* Sparse Modeling of Shape from Structured Light
* Special issue for the 5th International Conference on Scale-Space and PDE Methods in Computer Vision
* Spectral Generalized Multi-dimensional Scaling
* Spectral gradient fields embedding for nonrigid shape matching
* Spectral multidimensional scaling
* Spectral Perspective on Shapes, A
* Specular-to-Diffuse Translation for Multi-view Reconstruction
* Sub-Pixel Distance Maps and Weighted Distance Transforms
* Symmetries of non-rigid shapes
* Texture Mapping via Spherical Multi-dimensional Scaling
* Three Dimensional Object Modeling via Minimal Surfaces
* Three-Dimensional Face Recognition
* Topologically Constrained Isometric Embedding
* Topology-Invariant Similarity of Nonrigid Shapes
* Towards Precise Completion of Deformable Shapes
* Tracking Level Sets by Level Sets: A Method for Solving the Shape from Shading Problem
* Unrestricted Facial Geometry Reconstruction Using Image-to-Image Translation
* Unsupervised High-Fidelity Facial Texture Generation and Reconstruction
* Unsupervised Learning of Dense Shape Correspondence
* Using Beltrami Framework for Orientation Diffusion in Image Processing
* Using multi-layer distance maps for motion planning on surfaces with moving obstacles
* Variational Framework for Retinex, A
* Variational Restoration and Edge Detection for Color Images
* Virtual exertions: A user interface combining visual information, kinesthetics and biofeedback for virtual object manipulation
* Volumetric heat kernel signatures
Includes: Kimmel, R.[Ron] Kimmel, R. Kimmel, R.[Ryan]
175 for Kimmel, R.

Kimmel, S.C. Co Author Listing * Current US Federal Policy Framework for Self-Driving Vehicles: Opportunities and Challenges

Kimmerle, S.[Stefan] Co Author Listing * Hierarchy Accelerated Stochastic Collision Detection
* Multilayered Wrinkle Textures from Strain

Kimmo Co Author Listing * Geometric test field calibration of digital photogrammetric sensors

Index for "k"

Last update:18-Jul-24 21:13:19
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