SPMag( Vol No. )
* *IEEE Signal Processing Magazine
* Blind Deconvolution via Cumulant Extrema
* Blind Image Deconvolution
* Blind Image Deconvolution Revisited
* Superresolution Array-Processing in SAR
* Content-Based Indexing and Retrieval of Visual Information
* Digital Image Restoration
* Magnetic-Resonance-Imaging
* Medical Imaging Modalities
* MPEG Digital Audio-Coding and Video-Coding Standards
* MPEG Digital Video Coding Standards: Delivering Picture-Perfect Compression for Storage, Transmission, and Multimedia Applications
* Positron emission tomography
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* Past, Present, and Future of Image and Multidimensional Signal-Processing, The
* 3D Structure from 2D Motion
* Correspondence estimation in image pairs
* Encoding and reconstruction of multiview video objects
* Multi-camera systems
* Object-based coding of stereoscopic and 3D image sequences
* Stereoscopic and autostereoscopic display systems
* Error resilient video coding techniques
* Super-resolution image reconstruction: a technical overview
* Digital Color Halftoning
* Privacy in video surveillance
* Reproducible research in signal processing
* 3GPP Mobile Multimedia Streaming Standards
* Bayesian Tracking for Video Analytics
* Calibration challenges for future radio telescopes
* Chameleon-Like Vision System, The
* Compression of Medical Sensor Data
* Crowd Analysis Using Computer Vision Techniques
* Curvelet Transform, The
* Digital Topology in Brain Imaging
* Higher-Order Singular Value Decomposition: Theory and an Application, The
* Image Processing on Multicore x86 Architectures
* Image reconstruction in optical interferometry
* L1-L2 Optimization in Signal and Image Processing
* Machine Learning in Medical Imaging
* MATLAB for Signal Processing on Multiprocessors and Multicores
* Model-Based Image Reconstruction for MRI
* Multicore Image Processing with OpenMP
* Multidimensional image reconstruction in astronomy
* Nonrigid Registration of Medical Images: Theory, Methods, and Applications
* Parallel MRI Using Phased Array Coils
* Perceptual Quality Measurement: Towards a More Efficient Process for Validating Objective Models
* Probing Waveform Synthesis and Receiver Filter Design
* Reconfigurable Video Coding Standard, The
* Robust Visual Behavior Recognition
* Roles of Signal Processing in Medical Imaging, The
* Signal Processing and 3DTV
* State-of-the-art image sensors and signal processing in NASA's space telescopes
* Survey of Medical Image Registration on Multicore and the GPU, A
* Synthetic Aperture Radar Processing with GPGPU
* Synthetic aperture radio telescopes
* TechWare: Speaker and Spoken Language Recognition Resources
* Three-Dimensional Tissue Deformation Recovery and Tracking
* Tomographic Reconstruction in the 21st Century
* Trends In Video Surveillance Give DSP an Apps Boost
* Utilizing Hierarchical Multiprocessing for Medical Image Registration
* Video Analysis in Pan-Tilt-Zoom Camera Networks
* Video Analytics for Surveillance: Theory and Practice
* Video Anomaly Identification
* Video Coding on Multicore Graphics Processors
* Wide-Area Motion Imagery
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* Aesthetics and Emotions in Images
* Applications of Objective Image Quality Assessment Methods
* Assessing Visual Quality of 3-D Polygonal Models
* Audiovisual Quality Components
* Can an Algorithm Recognize Montage Portraits as Human Faces?
* Challenge of Estimating Video Quality in Video Communication Applications, The
* Colorizing a Masterpiece
* Conversation Scene Analysis
* Dimensionality Reduction for Data Visualization
* Distributed and Decentralized Multicamera Tracking
* Distributed Camera Networks
* Distributed Computer Vision Algorithms
* Distributed Image Processing
* Focus on Compressive Sensing
* Free-Viewpoint TV
* Immersive Visual Communication
* Improving Immersive Experiences in Telecommunication with Motion Parallax
* IP-Based Mobile and Fixed Network Audiovisual Media Services
* Mobile Visual Location Recognition
* Mobile Visual Search
* Modeling Social Perception of Faces
* MPEG-M: Multimedia Service Platform Technologies
* Multimedia Quality Assessment
* Multimedia Quality Assessment Standards in ITU-T SG12
* Multimodal Telepresence Systems
* On the Eigenstructure of DFT Matrices
* Parallel Hyperspectral Image and Signal Processing
* Quality of Multimedia: Challenges and Trends, The
* Reduced- and No-Reference Image Quality Assessment
* Reducing FFT Scalloping Loss Errors Without Multiplication
* Telepresence: Virtual Reality in the Real World
* Three-Dimensional Research Adds New Dimensions
* Video is a Cube
* Visual Attention in Quality Assessment
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* Cell Segmentation: 50 Years Down the Road
* Computational Prediction of Important Regions in Protein Sequences
* Divide-and-Conquer Strategies for Hyperspectral Image Processing: A Review of Their Benefits and Advantages
* Fighting the Curse of Dimensionality: Compressive Sensing in Exploration Seismology
* Fundamental Technologies in Modern Speech Recognition
* Fuzzy Clustering of Seismic Sequences: Segmentation of Time-Frequency Representations
* Geometry of Bandpass Sampling: A Simple and Safe Approach, The
* Graphical Models and Inference on Graphs in Genomics: Challenges of high-throughput data analysis
* Inquiry-Based Learning Through Image Processing
* JPSearch: Metadata Interoperability During Image Exchange
* Large-Vocabulary Continuous Speech Recognition Systems: A Look at Some Recent Advances
* Methodology of the Maximum Likelihood Approach: Estimation, Detection, and Exploration of Seismic Events, The
* Multicomponent Signal Processing for Rayleigh Wave Ellipticity Estimation : Application to Seismic Hazard Assessment
* Nuclear Test Ban Treaty Verification: Improving Test Ban Monitoring with Empirical and Model-Based Signal Processing
* Robust Estimation in Signal Processing: A Tutorial-Style Treatment of Fundamental Concepts
* Seismic Coherency Measures in Case of Interfering Events: A Focus on the Most Promising Candidates of Higher-Resolution Algorithms
* Seismic Migration: A Digital Filtering Process Reducing Oil Exploration Risks
* Select Trends in Image, Video, and Multidimensional Signal Processing
* Source Separation on Seismic Data: Application in a Geophysical Setting
* Spike Sorting: The First Step in Decoding the Brain
* Understanding the Basis of the Kalman Filter Via a Simple and Intuitive Derivation
* Unmanned Drones are Flying High in the Military/Aerospace Sector
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* Advances in Electroencephalography Signal Processing
* Car Makers See Opportunities in Infotainment, Driver-Assistance Systems
* Emerging Field of Signal Processing on Graphs: Extending High-Dimensional Data Analysis to Networks and Other Irregular Domains, The
* End-To-End Security for Video Distribution: The Combination of Encryption, Watermarking, and Video Adaptation
* Flatten a Curved Space by Kernel
* High Efficiency Video Coding: The Next Frontier in Video Compression
* Kinect Development Kit: A Toolkit for Gesture- and Speech-Based Human-Machine Interaction
* Privacy-Preserving Biometric Identification Using Secure Multiparty Computation: An Overview and Recent Trends
* Researchers Push Speech Recognition Toward the Mainstream
* Secure Biometrics: Concepts, Authentication Architectures, and Challenges
* Secure Watermarking for Multimedia Content Protection: A Review of its Benefits and Open Issues
* Subpixel Rendering: From Font Rendering to Image Subsampling
* Temporal Psychovisual Modulation: A New Paradigm of Information Display
* Tour of Modern Image Filtering: New Insights and Methods, Both Practical and Theoretical, A
* Video Surveillance: Past, Present, and Now the Future
* Visible/Infrared Imaging on the Rise
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* Accelerating Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance Imaging: Signal Processing Meets Nuclear Spins
* Advanced Digital Signal Processing and Coding for Multi-Tb/s Optical Transport
* Advances in Hyperspectral Image Classification: Earth Monitoring with Statistical Learning Methods
* Audiovisual Speech Source Separation: An overview of key methodologies
* Collaborative Bike Sensing for Automatic Geographic Enrichment: Geoannotation of road/terrain type by multimodal bike sensing
* Contextual Information-Based Multichannel Synthetic Aperture Radar Interferometry: Addressing DEM reconstruction using contextual information
* Convexity in Source Separation: Models, geometry, and algorithms
* Detection Algorithms in Hyperspectral Imaging Systems: An Overview of Practical Algorithms
* Diversity in Independent Component and Vector Analyses: Identifiability, algorithms, and applications in medical imaging
* Effective Feature Extraction and Data Reduction in Remote Sensing Using Hyperspectral Imaging
* Endmember Variability in Hyperspectral Analysis: Addressing Spectral Variability During Spectral Unmixing
* Exploiting Patch Similarity for SAR Image Processing: The nonlocal paradigm
* From Blind to Guided Audio Source Separation: How models and side information can improve the separation of sound
* Hopping Discrete Fourier Transform, The
* Hyperspectral Target Detection : An Overview of Current and Future Challenges
* Image Inpainting: Overview and Recent Advances
* Joint Matrices Decompositions and Blind Source Separation: A survey of methods, identification, and applications
* Long-Wave Infrared Hyperspectral Remote Sensing of Chemical Clouds: A focus on signal processing approaches
* Looking at Machine Vision
* Manifold-Learning-Based Feature Extraction for Classification of Hyperspectral Data: A Review of Advances in Manifold Learning
* Melody Extraction from Polyphonic Music Signals: Approaches, applications, and challenges
* Modeling and Interpretation of Scattering Mechanisms in Polarimetric Synthetic Aperture Radar: Advances and perspectives
* Multipath Exploitation and Suppression for SAR Imaging of Building Interiors: An overview of recent advances
* Nonlinear Unmixing of Hyperspectral Images: Models and Algorithms
* Nonnegative Matrix and Tensor Factorizations: An algorithmic perspective
* Optimal Multiuser Transmit Beamforming: A Difficult Problem with a Simple Solution Structure
* Optimization and Estimation of Complex-Valued Signals: Theory and applications in filtering and blind source separation
* Physical Layer Service Integration in Wireless Networks: Signal processing challenges
* Putting Nonnegative Matrix Factorization to the Test: A tutorial derivation of pertinent Cramer-Rao bounds and performance benchmarking
* Recent Advances in Radar Imaging [From the Guest Editors]
* Recent Developments in the Sparse Fourier Transform: A compressed Fourier transform for big data
* Royalty-Free Video Coding Standards in MPEG
* SAR Imaging Algorithms and Some Unconventional Applications: A unified mathematical overview
* Score-Informed Source Separation for Musical Audio Recordings: An overview
* Signal and Image Processing in Hyperspectral Remote Sensing
* Signal Processing Leads a Photographic and Imaging Revolution
* Signal Processing Perspective on Hyperspectral Unmixing: Insights from Remote Sensing, A
* Signal Processing: On the Edge of Astronomy's New Frontier
* Sparse Representation for Brain Signal Processing: A tutorial on methods and applications
* Sparsity and Structure in Hyperspectral Imaging: Sensing, Reconstruction, and Target Detection
* Sparsity-Driven Synthetic Aperture Radar Imaging: Reconstruction, autofocusing, moving targets, and compressed sensing
* Static and Dynamic Source Separation Using Nonnegative Factorizations: A unified view
* Superresolving SAR Tomography for Multidimensional Imaging of Urban Areas: Compressive sensing-based TomoSAR inversion
* Teleimmersive Audio-Visual Communication Using Commodity Hardware
* Tensors: A brief introduction
* Time-Reversal Technique for SAR Focusing of Buried Targets: Theoretical improvements and practical limitations, The
* Tomographic Processing of Interferometric SAR Data: Developments, applications, and future research perspectives
* Ultra-High-Definition Television (Rec. ITU-R BT.2020): A Generational Leap in the Evolution of Television
* Wide-Angle Synthetic Aperture Radar Imaging: Models and algorithms for anisotropic scattering
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* 3-D Registration of Biological Images and Models: Registration of microscopic images and its uses in segmentation and annotation
* Accuracy, Apps Advance Speech Recognition
* Acoustic Scene Classification: Classifying environments from the sounds they produce
* Adversarial Biometric Recognition: A review on biometric system security from the adversarial machine-learning perspective
* Ancient Coin Classification Using Reverse Motif Recognition: Image-based classification of Roman Republican coins
* Assisted Listening Using a Headset: Enhancing audio perception in real, augmented, and virtual environments
* Automated Histology Analysis: Opportunities for signal processing
* Automatic Thread-Level Canvas Analysis: A machine-learning approach to analyzing the canvas of paintings
* AVS2: Making Video Coding Smarter
* Biometric Feature-Type Transformation: Making templates compatible for secret protection
* Biometric Template Protection: Bridging the performance gap between theory and practice
* Biometrics Security and Privacy Protection, From the Guest Editors
* Biometrics Systems Under Spoofing Attack: An evaluation methodology and lessons learned
* Brain-Source Imaging: From sparse to tensor models
* Cancelable Biometrics: A review
* Challenges in Content-Based Image Indexing of Cultural Heritage Collections: Support vector machine active learning with applications to text classification
* Compositional Models for Audio Processing: Uncovering the structure of sound mixtures
* Computerized Face Recognition in Renaissance Portrait Art: A quantitative measure for identifying uncertain subjects in ancient portraits
* Cramer-Rao Bound Analog of Bayes' Rule
* Deep Learning for Acoustic Modeling in Parametric Speech Generation: A systematic review of existing techniques and future trends
* Digital Image Processing of The Ghent Altarpiece: Supporting the painting's study and conservation treatment
* Fast, Accurate, and Guaranteed Stable Sliding Discrete Fourier Transform
* High Efficiency Image File Format Standard, The
* Human-Machine Interfacing by Decoding the Surface Electromyogram
* Hunting for Paper Moldmates Among Rembrandt's Prints: Chain-line pattern matching
* Image Analysis: The New Bottleneck in Plant Phenotyping
* Image Processing and Analysis for Single-Molecule Localization Microscopy: Computation for nanoscale imaging
* Impact of EU Privacy Legislation on Biometric System Deployment: Protecting citizens but constraining applications, The
* Iris Biometric Security Challenges and Possible Solutions: For your eyes only? Using the iris as a key
* Multichannel Signal Enhancement Algorithms for Assisted Listening Devices: Exploiting spatial diversity using multiple microphones
* Multimedia Analysis and Access of Ancient Maya Epigraphy: Tools to support scholars on Maya hieroglyphics
* Multiscale Anisotropic Texture Analysis and Classification of Photographic Prints: Art scholarship meets image processing algorithms
* Natural Sound Rendering for Headphones: Integration of signal processing techniques
* New Approach to Precipitation Monitoring: A critical survey of existing technologies and challenges, A
* Objective Quality and Intelligibility Prediction for Users of Assistive Listening Devices: Advantages and limitations of existing tools
* On the Intrinsic Relationship Between the Least Mean Square and Kalman Filters
* Optical and Optoacoustic Model-Based Tomography: Theory and current challenges for deep tissue imaging of optical contrast
* Optimizing Speech Intelligibility in a Noisy Environment: A unified view
* Parametric Spatial Sound Processing: A flexible and efficient solution to sound scene acquisition, modification, and reproduction
* PDE-Based Graph Signal Processing for 3-D Color Point Clouds: Opportunities for cultural herihe arts and found promising.
* Personal Sound Zones: Delivering interface-free audio to multiple listeners
* Phase Processing for Single-Channel Speech Enhancement: History and recent advances
* Phase Retrieval with Application to Optical Imaging: A contemporary overview
* Practical and Useful Tips on Discrete Wavelet Transforms
* Privacy Protection in Biometric-Based Recognition Systems: A marriage between cryptography and signal processing
* Projection-Based Wavelet Denoising
* Quantitative Aspects of Single-Molecule Microscopy: Information-theoretic analysis of single-molecule data
* Quantitative Bioimaging: Signal Processing in Light Microscopy
* Quantitative Canvas Weave Analysis Using 2-D Synchrosqueezed Transforms: Application of time-frequency analysis to art investigation
* Resampling Methods for Particle Filtering: Classification, implementation, and strategies
* Signal Processing Challenges in Quantitative 3-D Cell Morphology: More than meets the eye
* Signal Processing Drives a Medical Sensor Revolution
* Signal Processing Opens New Views on Imaging
* Signal Processing Techniques for Assisted Listening
* Snakes on a Plane: A perfect snap for bioimage analysis
* Sound Coding in Cochlear Implants: From electric pulses to hearing
* Speaker Recognition by Machines and Humans: A tutorial review
* Toward a Morphodynamic Model of the Cell: Signal processing for cell modeling
* Toward Discovery of the Artist's Style: Learning to recognize artists by their artworks
* Video Quality Assessment: Subjective testing of entertainment scenes
* Visual Domain Adaptation: A survey of recent advances
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* Bayesian Machine Learning: EEG/MEG signal processing measurements
* Capturing Computational Appearance: More than meets the eye
* Combinations of Adaptive Filters: Performance and convergence properties
* Compressive Covariance Sensing: Structure-based compressive sensing beyond sparsity
* Computational Imaging for Cultural Heritage: Recent developments in spectral imaging, 3-D surface measurement, image relighting, and X-ray mapping
* Computational Millimeter Wave Imaging: Problems, progress, and prospects
* Computational Snapshot Multispectral Cameras: Toward dynamic capture of the spectral world
* Continuous User Authentication on Mobile Devices: Recent progress and remaining challenges
* Conversational In-Vehicle Dialog Systems: The past, present, and future
* Coordination of Cooperative Autonomous Vehicles: Toward safer and more efficient road transportation
* Device-Free Radio Vision for Assisted Living: Leveraging wireless channel quality information for human sensing
* Driver Status Monitoring Systems for Smart Vehicles Using Physiological Sensors: A safety enhancement system from automobile manufacturers
* Driver-Behavior Modeling Using On-Road Driving Data: A new application for behavior signal processing
* Efficient Adjoint Computation for Wavelet and Convolution Operators
* Enhanced Compressive Imaging Using Model-Based Acquisition: Smarter sampling by incorporating domain knowledge
* Factored Displays: Improving resolution, dynamic range, color reproduction, and light field characteristics with advanced signal processing
* Gaze-Contingent Computational Displays: Boosting perceptual fidelity
* High-Accuracy Localization for Assisted Living: 5G systems will turn multipath channels from foe to friend
* Improving FIR Filters by Using Cascade Techniques Tips & Tricks
* Indoor Global Positioning System with Centimeter Accuracy Using Wi-Fi
* Inertial Measurement Unit-Based Wearable Computers for Assisted Living Applications: A signal processing perspective
* JPEG XT: A Compression Standard for HDR and WCG Images
* Lensless Imaging: A computational renaissance
* Mapping Brain Anatomical Connectivity Using Diffusion Magnetic Resonance Imaging: Structural connectivity of the human brain
* Monitoring Activities of Daily Living in Smart Homes: Understanding human behavior
* MPEG Internet Video-Coding Standard, The
* Narrowband Notch Filter Using Feedback Structure Tips & Tricks
* Next-Generation Broadcast Television: ATSC 3.0
* Practical High Dynamic Range Imaging of Everyday Scenes: Photographing the world as we see it with our own eyes
* Principles of Light Field Imaging: Briefly revisiting 25 years of research
* Promise of Hybrid PET/MRI: Technical advances and clinical applications, The
* Race to Improve Radar Imagery: An overview of recent progress in statistical sparsity-based techniques, The
* Radar Signal Processing for Elderly Fall Detection: The future for in-home monitoring
* Recent Advances in Phase Retrieval
* Sensors in Assisted Living: A survey of signal and image processing methods
* Signal Processing at the Heart of a Health-Care Renaissance: As people live longer, new technologies promise better and less costly diagnostic services
* Signal Processing Brings Fresh Capabilities to Digital Imaging: Research is leading to more sophisticated and useful imaging techniques
* Signal Processing for Assisted Living: Developments and Open Problems
* Signal processing for computational photography and displays
* Signal Processing for Smart Vehicle Technologies
* Signal Processing for Time-of-Flight Imaging Sensors: An introduction to inverse problems in computational 3-D imaging
* Smart Driver Monitoring: When Signal Processing Meets Human Factors: In the driver's seat
* Smartphone and Mobile Image Processing for Assisted Living: Health-monitoring apps powered by advanced mobile imaging algorithms
* Survey of Computational Photography in the Small: Creating intelligent cameras for the next wave of miniature devices, A
* Time-Varying Brain Connectivity in fMRI Data: Whole-brain data-driven approaches for capturing and characterizing dynamic states
* Ultrasound Imaging with Microbubbles
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* Accurate and Stable Sliding DFT Computed by a Modified CIC Filter, An
* Advances in Automotive Radar: A framework on computationally efficient high-resolution frequency estimation
* Advances in Signal Processing for GNSSs
* Automotive Radars: A review of signal processing techniques
* Compressive Video Sensing: Algorithms, architectures, and applications
* Computational Depth Sensing: Toward high-performance commodity depth cameras
* Convolutional Neural Networks for Inverse Problems in Imaging: A Review
* Deep Convolutional Neural Models for Picture-Quality Prediction: Challenges and Solutions to Data-Driven Image Quality Assessment
* Deep Learning for Image-to-Text Generation: A Technical Overview
* Deep Learning for Visual Understanding
* Deep Metric Learning for Visual Understanding: An Overview of Recent Advances
* Deep Multimodal Learning: A Survey on Recent Advances and Trends
* Deep Reinforcement Learning: A Brief Survey
* Deep-Learning Systems for Domain Adaptation in Computer Vision: Learning Transferable Feature Representations
* Direct Position Estimation of GNSS Receivers: Analyzing main results, architectures, enhancements, and challenges
* Driver Modeling for Detection and Assessment of Driver Distraction: Examples from the UTDrive Test Bed
* DSP Applications in Engine Control and Onboard Diagnostics: Enabling greener automobiles
* Future of Automotive Localization Algorithms: Available, reliable, and scalable localization: Anywhere and anytime, The
* High Dynamic Range Imaging Technology
* High Sensitivity and Fast Acquisition Signal Processing Techniques for GNSS Receivers: From fundamentals to state-of-the-art GNSS acquisition technologies
* I Hear, Therefore I Know Where I Am: Compensating for GNSS Limitations with Cellular Signals
* Image Aesthetic Assessment: An experimental survey
* Image Restoration: From Sparse and Low-Rank Priors to Deep Priors
* Innovative Sensors Promise Longer and Healthier Lives: Signal processing leads to devices that provide faster and more insightful monitoring and diagnoses
* Intelligent Interactive Displays in Vehicles with Intent Prediction: A Bayesian framework
* Medical optical imaging: Signal processing leads to new methods of detecting life-threatening situations
* Microsoft Indoor Localization Competition: Experiences and Lessons Learned, The
* Monitoring and Mitigation of Ionospheric Anomalies for GNSS-Based Safety Critical Systems: A review of up-to-date signal processing techniques
* New Directions in Navigation and Positioning: Signal processing-enabled technologies pinpoint people, places, and things
* No Need for Speed: More Signal Processing Innovation Is Required Before Adopting Automated Vehicles
* Performance Bounds for Parameter Estimation under Misspecified Models: Fundamental Findings and Applications
* Processing Cost of Doppler Search in GNSS Signal Acquisition: Measuring Doppler shift in navigation satellite signals
* Robustness of Deep Networks: A Geometrical Perspective, The
* Signal Multiplexing Techniques for GNSS: The Principle, Progress, and Challenges Within a Uniform Framework
* Signal Processing Challenges in Cellular-Assisted Vehicular Communications: Efforts and developments within 3GPP LTE and beyond
* Signal Processing for Smart Vehicle Technologies: Part 2
* Signal Structure-Based Authentication for Civil GNSSs: Recent Solutions and Perspectives
* Sliding Windowed Infinite Fourier Transform, The
* Smart Driver Monitoring: When Signal Processing Meets Human Factors: In the driver's seat
* Time-Frequency Analysis for GNSSs: From interference mitigation to system monitoring
* Unambiguous Techniques Modernized GNSS Signals: Surveying the solutions
* Velocity Estimation in Medical Ultrasound [Life Sciences]
* Visual Question Answering: A Tutorial
* Weakly Supervised Learning with Deep Convolutional Neural Networks for Semantic Segmentation: Understanding Semantic Layout of Images with Minimum Human Supervision
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* Advanced Deep-Learning Techniques for Salient and Category-Specific Object Detection: A Survey
* Advances in Seismic Data Compression via Learning from Data: Compression for Seismic Data Acquisition
* Approximate Representation of the Fourier Spectra of Irregularly Sampled Multidimensional Functions: A Cost-Effective, Memory-Saving Algorithm, An
* Array Processing in Microseismic Monitoring: Detection, Enhancement, and Localization of Induced Seismicity
* Cognitive Radars: On the Road to Reality: Progress Thus Far and Possibilities for the Future
* Conditional Random Fields Meet Deep Neural Networks for Semantic Segmentation: Combining Probabilistic Graphical Models with Deep Learning for Structured Prediction
* Deep Learning for Image-to-Text Generation: A Technical Overview
* Deep Learning for Understanding Faces: Machines May Be Just as Good, or Better, than Humans
* Deep Learning for Visual Understanding: Part 2
* Deep Regression Bayesian Network and Its Applications: Probabilistic Deep Learning for Computer Vision, The
* Digital Rock Physics: Using CT Scans to Compute Rock Properties
* Electroencephalography Source Connectivity: Aiming for High Resolution of Brain Networks in Time and Space
* Forensic Camera Model Identification: Highlights from the IEEE Signal Processing Cup 2018 Student Competition [SP Competitions]
* Generative Adversarial Networks: An Overview
* Improving Sparse Multichannel Blind Deconvolution with Correlated Seismic Data: Foundations and Further Results
* Machine Learning for Volcano-Seismic Signals: Challenges and Perspectives
* Microlocation for Smart Buildings in the Era of the Internet of Things: A Survey of Technologies, Techniques, and Approaches
* Model Compression and Acceleration for Deep Neural Networks: The Principles, Progress, and Challenges
* Observer-Based Recursive Sliding Discrete Fourier Transform
* On Hypothesis Testing for Comparing Image Quality Assessment Metrics
* Privacy-Aware Smart Metering: Progress and Challenges
* Recent Advances in Zero-Shot Recognition: Toward Data-Efficient Understanding of Visual Content
* Reconstruction of a Signal from the Real Part of Its Discrete Fourier Transform
* Seismic Shift in Scalable Acquisition Demands New Processing: Fiber-Optic Seismic Signal Retrieval in Urban Areas with Unsupervised Learning for Coherent Noise Removal, A
* Sliding Discrete Fourier Transform with Kernel Windowing
* Something to Talk About: Signal Processing in Speech and Audiology Research: Promising Investigations Explore New Opportunities in Human Communication
* Sparse Representation for Wireless Communications: A Compressive Sensing Approach
* Sub-Nyquist Radar Systems: Temporal, Spectral, and Spatial Compression
* Subsurface Structure Analysis Using Computational Interpretation and Learning: A Visual Signal Processing Perspective
* Survey on Smart Homes for Aging in Place: Toward Solutions to the Specific Needs of the Elderly, A
* Traffic Signs in the Wild: Highlights from the IEEE Video and Image Processing Cup 2017 Student Competition
* Using Deep Neural Networks for Inverse Problems in Imaging: Beyond Analytical Methods
* Well-Log and Seismic Data Integration for Reservoir Characterization: A Signal Processing and Machine-Learning Perspective
* Wireless Digital Communication Technologies for Drilling: Communication in the Bits/s Regime
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* Advanced Signal Processing Methods for Ground-Penetrating Radar: Applications to civil engineering
* Applying Ground-Penetrating Radar and Microwave Tomography Data Processing in Cultural Heritage: State of the art and future trends
* Audiovisual Analysis of Music Performances: Overview of an Emerging Field
* Automatic Music Transcription: An Overview
* Autonomous Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Filming In Dynamic Unstructured Outdoor Environments
* Compact Ground-Based Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar: Short-range structural monitoring
* Computational Deglutition: Using Signal- and Image-Processing Methods to Understand Swallowing and Associated Disorders
* Cross-Modal Music Retrieval and Applications: An Overview of Key Methodologies
* Deep Learning for Audio-Based Music Classification and Tagging: Teaching Computers to Distinguish Rock from Bach
* Event-Driven Sensing for Efficient Perception: Vision and Audition Algorithms
* From Handcrafted to Deep-Learning-Based Cancer Radiomics: Challenges and opportunities
* High-Performance Automotive Radar: A review of signal processing algorithms and modulation schemes
* Images of the Athenian Sun: Highlights From ICIP 2018 in Greece
* Interference in Automotive Radar Systems: Characteristics, mitigation techniques, and current and future research
* Introduction to Signal Processing for Singing-Voice Analysis: High Notes in the Effort to Automate the Understanding of Vocals in Music, An
* Making Music More Accessible for Cochlear Implant Listeners: Recent Developments
* Model-Based Digital Pianos: From Physics to Sound Synthesis
* Music Interfaces Based on Automatic Music Signal Analysis: New Ways to Create and Listen to Music
* Musical Source Separation: An Introduction
* Nonnegative Matrix Factorization for Signal and Data Analytics: Identifiability, Algorithms, and Applications
* On the Safe Road Toward Autonomous Driving: Phase noise monitoring in radar sensors for functional safety compliance
* Open-Source Practices for Music Signal Processing Research: Recommendations for Transparent, Sustainable, and Reproducible Audio Research
* Perspectives in Autonomous Systems Research
* Principles of Biological Echolocation Applied to Radar Sensing: Applying biomimetic sensors to achieve autonomous navigation
* Radar Signal Processing for Sensing in Assisted Living: The challenges associated with real-time implementation of emerging algorithms
* Radar-Based Human-Motion Recognition With Deep Learning: Promising applications for indoor monitoring
* Radar-on-Chip/in-Package in Autonomous Driving Vehicles and Intelligent Transport Systems: Opportunities and Challenges
* Recent Advances in Music Signal Processing
* Rise of Radar for Autonomous Vehicles: Signal processing solutions and future research directions, The
* Signal Processing for High-Throughput Satellites: Challenges in new interference-limited scenarios
* Signal Processing Improves Autonomous Vehicle Navigation Accuracy: Guidance Innovations Promise Safer and More Reliable Autonomous Vehicle Operation
* Signal Processing Perspective of Monitoring Active Volcanoes, A
* Speech-to-Singing Voice Conversion: The Challenges and Strategies for Improving Vocal Conversion Processes
* Tomographic Approach to Ground-Penetrating Radar for Underground Exploration and Monitoring: A more user-friendly and unconventional method for subsurface investigation, The
* Vehicular Applications of Signal Processing
* Video-Based Point-Cloud-Compression Standard in MPEG: From Evidence Collection to Committee Draft
* Weather Radar Data Processing and Atmospheric Applications: An overview of tools for monitoring clouds and detecting wind shear
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* Accelerated Dynamic Magnetic Resonance Imaging Using Learned Representations: A New Frontier in Biomedical Imaging
* Advances in Single-Photon Lidar for Autonomous Vehicles: Working Principles, Challenges, and Recent Advances
* Automated Vehicular Safety Systems: Robust Function and Sensor Design
* Autonomous Driving: Part 1-Sensing and Perception
* Challenge: From MPEG Intellectual Property Rights Ontologies to Smart Contracts and Blockchains, The
* Communications and Sensing: An Opportunity for Automotive Systems
* Compressed Sensing: From Research to Clinical Practice With Deep Neural Networks: Shortening Scan Times for Magnetic Resonance Imaging
* Computational MRI With Physics-Based Constraints: Application to Multicontrast and Quantitative Imaging
* Computational MRI: Compressive Sensing and Beyond
* Deep Magnetic Resonance Image Reconstruction: Inverse Problems Meet Neural Networks
* Deep-Learning Methods for Parallel Magnetic Resonance Imaging Reconstruction: A Survey of the Current Approaches, Trends, and Issues
* Delivering Standards to Industries: The MPEG Case
* Demystifying the Coherence Index in Compressive Sensing
* Event-Based Neuromorphic Vision for Autonomous Driving: A Paradigm Shift for Bio-Inspired Visual Sensing and Perception
* Graphs, Convolutions, and Neural Networks: From Graph Filters to Graph Neural Networks
* Joint Radar-Communication Strategies for Autonomous Vehicles: Combining Two Key Automotive Technologies
* Lidar for Autonomous Driving: The Principles, Challenges, and Trends for Automotive Lidar and Perception Systems
* Linear Predictability in Magnetic Resonance Imaging Reconstruction: Leveraging Shift-Invariant Fourier Structure for Faster and Better Imaging
* Mathematical Models for Magnetic Resonance Imaging Reconstruction: An Overview of the Approaches, Problems, and Future Research Areas
* MIMO Radar for Advanced Driver-Assistance Systems and Autonomous Driving: Advantages and Challenges
* Nonconvex Structured Phase Retrieval: A Focus on Provably Correct Approaches
* Optimization Methods for Magnetic Resonance Image Reconstruction: Key Models and Optimization Algorithms
* Overview of the MPEG-5 Essential Video Coding Standard, An
* Photo and Video Technologies Target New Frontiers: Innovative Imaging Research Enabled by Signal Processing Is Making Cameras More Powerful and Versatile
* Plug-and-Play Methods for Magnetic Resonance Imaging: Using Denoisers for Image Recovery
* Privacy as a Feature for Body-Worn Cameras
* Privacy-Aware Human Activity Recognition From a Wearable Camera: Highlights From the IEEE Video And Image Processing Cup 2019 Student Competition [SP Competitions]
* Radar Interference Mitigation for Automated Driving: Exploring Proactive Strategies
* Robotics Rolls Into High Gear With Signal Processing: A robotics revolution promises to transform global industries and services, and signal processing is at the forefront
* Structured Low-Rank Algorithms: Theory, Magnetic Resonance Applications, and Links to Machine Learning
* Three New Imaging Technologies That Are Worth a Look: Aided by Signal Processing, Advanced Imaging Research Projects Are Opening Doors to New Vistas
* Toward Robust Sensing for Autonomous Vehicles: An Adversarial Perspective
* Transform Learning for Magnetic Resonance Image Reconstruction: From Model-Based Learning to Building Neural Networks
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* 3D Point Cloud Processing and Learning for Autonomous Driving: Impacting Map Creation, Localization, and Perception
* Affects in Groups: A review on automated affect processing and estimation in groups
* Algorithm Unrolling: Interpretable, Efficient Deep Learning for Signal and Image Processing
* Artificial Intelligence Internet of Things for the Elderly: From Assisted Living to Health-Care Monitoring
* Audio-Based Musical Version Identification: Elements and challenges
* Autonomous Driving: Part 2-Learning and Cognition
* Deep Inverse Reinforcement Learning for Behavior Prediction in Autonomous Driving: Accurate Forecasts of Vehicle Motion
* Deep Learning for Mobile Mental Health: Challenges and recent advances
* Deep Learning for Seismic Inverse Problems: Toward the Acceleration of Geophysical Analysis Workflows
* Diagnosis/Prognosis of COVID-19 Chest Images via Machine Learning and Hypersignal Processing: Challenges, opportunities, and applications
* Efficient Algorithm for Maneuvering Target Tracking, An
* Electroencephalography-Based Auditory Attention Decoding: Toward Neurosteered Hearing Devices
* Emotion Recognition From Multiple Modalities: Fundamentals and methodologies
* Facial-Video-Based Physiological Signal Measurement: Recent advances and affective applications
* Hitchhiker's Guide to Bias and Fairness in Facial Affective Signal Processing: Overview and techniques, The
* Human Machine Interfaces in Upper-Limb Prosthesis Control: A Survey of Techniques for Preprocessing and Processing of Biosignals
* Improvements to the Sliding Discrete Fourier Transform Algorithm
* Integrating Psychometrics and Computing Perspectives on Bias and Fairness in Affective Computing: A case study of automated video interviews
* Interpreting Volitional Movement Intent From Biological Signals: A Review
* Machine Learning for the Control of Prosthetic Arms: Using Electromyographic Signals for Improved Performance
* Miniaturized Advanced Driver Assistance Systems: A Low-Cost Educational Platform for Advanced Driver Assistance Systems and Autonomous Driving
* Music Emotion Recognition: Toward new, robust standards in personalized and context-sensitive applications
* Novel Arithmetics in Deep Neural Networks Signal Processing for Autonomous Driving: Challenges and Opportunities
* Object Detection Under Rainy Conditions for Autonomous Vehicles: A Review of State-of-the-Art and Emerging Techniques
* Reinforcement Learning in Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Spaces: Enabling Continuous Brain-Machine Interface Adaptation
* Self-Supervised Learning for Autonomous Vehicles Perception: A Conciliation Between Analytical and Learning Methods
* Signal Processing Advances the Quest for Better and Safer Medical Imaging: Imaging Breakthroughs Are Saving Lives By Giving Radiologists and Physicians Sharper and Safer Views Inside the Human Body
* Signal Processing for Neurorehabilitation and Assistive Technologies
* Signal Processing Plays a Key Role in Environmental Research Projects: Keeping People and Ecosystems Alive and Healthy Is Perhaps the 21st Century's Biggest Challenge
* Simplifying Single-Bin Discrete Fourier Transform Computations
* Simulating the Autonomous Future: A Look at Virtual Vehicle Environments and How to Validate Simulation Using Public Data Sets
* Smart Home Technologies Are Saving Money and Lives: Reaching out in new directions, signal processing-supported smart technologies are rapidly changing - and improving - everyday life
* Snapshot Compressive Imaging: Theory, Algorithms, and Applications
* Vulnerability of Semantic Segmentation Networks to Adversarial Attacks in Autonomous Driving: Enhancing Extensive Environment Sensing, The
* Wearables-Fashion With a Purpose: A New Generation of Wearable Devices Uses Signal Processing to Make Life Easier, Healthier, and More Secure [Special Reports]
* With Signal Processing Support, Prosthetics Are Becoming Safer, More Natural, and Increasingly Sensitive: Ongoing Prosthetics Research Is Leading to Systems That Adapt to Users Rather Than Forcing Users to Accommodate the Prosthesis [Special Reports]
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* Algorithm-Driven Advances for Scientific CT Instruments: From Model-Based to Deep Learning-Based Approaches
* Applying Signal Processing to Opposite Sides of Imaging: Separate European research projects are focusing on aspects of completely real and entirely fake images
* Corrections and Comments on An Efficient Algorithm for Maneuvering Target Tracking
* Deep Learning for Object Detection in Materials-Science Images: A Tutorial
* Deep Learning in Neuroimaging: Promises and challenges
* Deep Unrolled Recovery in Sparse Biological Imaging: Achieving fast, accurate results
* Explainability of Methods for Critical Information Extraction From Clinical Documents: A survey of representative works
* Explainable Artificial Intelligence for Magnetic Resonance Imaging Aging Brainprints: Grounds and challenges
* Explaining Artificial Intelligence Generation and Creativity: Human interpretability for novel ideas and artifacts
* Explanatory Paradigms in Neural Networks: Towards relevant and contextual explanations
* In Situ Transmission Electron Microscopy: Signal processing challenges and examples
* Interpreting Brain Biomarkers: Challenges and solutions in interpreting machine learning-based predictive neuroimaging
* Lensless X-Ray Nanoimaging: Revolutions and opportunities
* Light-Field Microscopy for the Optical Imaging of Neuronal Activity: When model-based methods meet data-driven approaches
* More Real Than Real: A Study on Human Visual Perception of Synthetic Faces
* Physics-Informed Neural Network for Quantifying the Microstructural Properties of Polycrystalline Nickel Using Ultrasound Data: A promising approach for solving inverse problems, A
* Post Hoc Explainability for Time Series Classification: Toward a signal processing perspective
* Practical Guide to Supervised Deep Learning for Bioimage Analysis: Challenges and good practices, A
* Privacy-Preserving in-Bed Human Pose Estimation: Highlights from the IEEE Video and Image Processing Cup 2021 Student Competition [SP Competitions]
* Robust Explainability: A tutorial on gradient-based attribution methods for deep neural networks
* Signal Processing and Machine Learning Techniques for Terahertz Sensing: An overview
* Surfing Virtual Waves to Thermal Tomography: From model- to deep learning-based reconstructions
* Toward Enabling Next-Generation Societal Virtual Reality Applications for Virtual Human Teleportation: A novel future system concept and computation-communication-signal representation trade-offs
* Toward Explainable Artificial Intelligence for Regression Models: A methodological perspective
* Toward Open-World Electroencephalogram Decoding Via Deep Learning: A comprehensive survey
* Unsupervised Deep Learning Methods for Biological Image Reconstruction and Enhancement: An overview from a signal processing perspective
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* Bayesian Deep Learning for Image Reconstruction: From structured sparsity to uncertainty estimation
* Deep Optical Coding Design in Computational Imaging: A data-driven framework
* Discrete Cosine Transform and Its Impact on Visual Compression: Fifty Years From Its Invention, The
* Fourier Analysis: A new computing approach
* Generative Models for Inverse Imaging Problems: From mathematical foundations to physics-driven applications
* High-Dimensional MR Spatiospectral Imaging by Integrating Physics-Based Modeling and Data-Driven Machine Learning: Current progress and future directions
* Imaging With Equivariant Deep Learning: From unrolled network design to fully unsupervised learning
* Integration of Physics-Based and Data-Driven Models for Hyperspectral Image Unmixing: A summary of current methods
* Learned Reconstruction Methods With Convergence Guarantees: A survey of concepts and applications
* Learning Nonlocal Sparse and Low-Rank Models for Image Compressive Sensing: Nonlocal sparse and low-rank modeling
* Phase Retrieval: From Computational Imaging to Machine Learning: A tutorial
* Physics-/Model-Based and Data-Driven Methods for Low-Dose Computed Tomography: A survey
* Physics-Driven Deep Learning for Computational Magnetic Resonance Imaging: Combining physics and machine learning for improved medical imaging
* Physics-Driven Deep Learning Methods for Fast Quantitative Magnetic Resonance Imaging: Performance improvements through integration with deep neural networks
* Physics-Driven Machine Learning for Computational Imaging: Part 2
* Physics-Driven Synthetic Data Learning for Biomedical Magnetic Resonance: The imaging physics-based data synthesis paradigm for artificial intelligence
* Physics-Embedded Machine Learning for Electromagnetic Data Imaging: Examining three types of data-driven imaging methods
* Physics-Guided Data-Driven Seismic Inversion: Recent progress and future opportunities in full-waveform inversion
* Physics-Guided Terahertz Computational Imaging: A tutorial on state-of-the-art techniques
* Physics-Inspired Compressive Sensing: Beyond deep unrolling
* Plug-and-Play Methods for Integrating Physical and Learned Models in Computational Imaging: Theory, algorithms, and applications
* Quaternions in Signal and Image Processing: A comprehensive and objective overview
* Signal Processing for Brain-Computer Interfaces: A review and current perspectives
* Superresolution Image Reconstruction: Selective milestones and open problems
* Synthetic Image Detection: Highlights from the IEEE Video and Image Processing Cup 2022 Student Competition [SP Competitions]
* Understanding the Basis of Graph Convolutional Neural Networks via an Intuitive Matched Filtering Approach
* Unfolding-Aided Bootstrapped Phase Retrieval in Optical Imaging: Explainable AI reveals new imaging frontiers
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* Deep Hypercomplex Networks for Spatiotemporal Data Processing: Parameter efficiency and superior performance
* Efficient Deconvolution With the Discrete Fourier Transform
* Holistic Processing of Color Images Using Novel Quaternion-Valued Wavelets on the Plane: A promising transformative tool
* How to Design a Cheap Music Detection System Using a Simple Multilayer Perceptron With Temporal Integration
* Hypercomplex Processing of Vector Field Seismic Data: Toward vector-valued signal processing
* Hypercomplex Signal and Image Processing: Part 2
* Hypercomplex Signal Processing in Digital Twin of the Ocean: Theory and application
* Hypercomplex Techniques in Signal and Image Processing Using Network Graph Theory: Identifying core research directions
* Invitation to Hypercomplex Phase Retrieval: Theory and applications, An
* Quaternion-Based Arithmetic in Quantum Information Processing: A promising approach for efficient color quantum imaging
* Split-Quaternions for Perceptual White Balance: A quantum information-based chromatic adaptation transform
* Tutorial on Single-Shot 3D Surface Imaging Techniques, A
* Understanding Vector-Valued Neural Networks and Their Relationship With Real and Hypercomplex-Valued Neural Networks: Incorporating intercorrelation between features into neural networks
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* Wavelets and Signal Processing