* Topological and geometrical reconstruction of complex objects on irregular isothetic grids
* *IAPR International Conference Discrete Geometry for Computer Imagery
* 3D Image Topological Structuring with an Oriented Boundary Graph for Split and Merge Segmentation
* About the Frequencies of Some Patterns in Digital Planes: Application to Area Estimators
* Adaptive Morphological Filtering Using Similarities Based on Geodesic Time
* Advances in Constrained Connectivity
* Approximating hv-Convex Binary Matrices and Images from Discrete Projections
* Binomial Convolutions and Derivatives Estimation from Noisy Discretizations
* Book Scanner Dewarping with Weak 3d Measurements and a Simplified Surface Model
* Cancellation of Critical Points in 2D and 3D Morse and Morse-Smale Complexes
* Characterizing and Detecting Toric Loops in n-Dimensional Discrete Toric Spaces
* Combinatorial View of Digital Convexity
* Continued Fractions and Digital Lines with Irrational Slopes
* Decomposition and Construction of Neighbourhood Operations Using Linear Algebra
* Determining Whether a Simplicial 3-Complex Collapses to a 1-Complex Is NP-Complete
* Digital Geometry Processing with Topological Guarantees
* Digital Planar Surface Segmentation Using Local Geometric Patterns
* Digitally Continuous Multivalued Functions
* Directional Structures Detection Based on Morphological Line-Segment and Orientation Functions
* Discrete Complex Structure on Surfel Surfaces
* Discrete Modelling of Soil Fragments Transport by Runoff, A
* Distance Transformation on Two-Dimensional Irregular Isothetic Grids
* Efficient and Quasi Linear Worst-Case Time Algorithm for Digital Plane Recognition, An
* Euclidean Eccentricity Transform by Discrete Arc Paving
* Exact, Non-iterative Mojette Inversion Technique Utilising Ghosts, An
* First Look into a Formal and Constructive Approach for Discrete Geometry Using Nonstandard Analysis, A
* First Results for 3D Image Segmentation with Topological Map
* Generation and Recognition of Digital Planes Using Multi-dimensional Continued Fractions
* Geometric Feature Estimators for Noisy Discrete Surfaces
* Gift-Wrapping Based Preimage Computation Algorithm
* Insertion and Expansion Operations for n-Dimensional Generalized Maps
* Medial Axis LUT Computation for Chamfer Norms Using HH-Polytopes
* Minimal Simple Pairs in the Cubic Grid
* New Characterizations of Simple Points, Minimal Non-simple Sets and P-Simple Points in 2D, 3D and 4D Discrete Spaces
* New Fuzzy Connectivity Class Application to Structural Recognition in Images, A
* Normals and Curvature Estimation for Digital Surfaces Based on Convolutions
* On Minimal Moment of Inertia Polyominoes
* On Watershed Cuts and Thinnings
* Optimal Difference Operator Selection
* Predicting Corresponding Region in a Third View Using Discrete Epipolar Lines
* Reconstructing Binary Matrices with Neighborhood Constraints: An NP-hard Problem
* Robust Estimation of Curvature along Digital Contours with Global Optimization
* Segmenting Simplified Surface Skeletons
* Selection of Local Thresholds for Tomogram Segmentation by Projection Distance Minimization
* Self-similar Discrete Rotation Configurations and Interlaced Sturmian Words
* Statistical Template Matching under Geometric Transformations
* Tangential Cover for Thick Digital Curves
* Weak Rational Computing for Digital Geometry
* Weighted Neighbourhood Sequences in Non-Standard Three-Dimensional Grids: Metricity and Algorithms
* What Can We Learn from Discrete Images about the Continuous World?
49 for DGCI08
* *IAPR International Conference Discrete Geometry for Computer Imagery
* 1-Color Problem and the Brylawski Model, The
* 3,4,5) Curvilinear Skeleton, The
* Affine Connections, and Midpoint Formation
* Appearance Radii in Medial Axis Test Mask for Small Planar Chamfer Norms
* Arithmetic Discrete Planes Are Quasicrystals
* Arithmetization of a Circular Arc
* Border Operator for Generalized Maps
* Characterization of Simple Closed Surfaces in Z3: A New Proposition with a Graph-Theoretical Approach
* Christoffel and Fibonacci Tiles
* Computing Homology: A Global Reduction Approach
* Convergence of Binomial-Based Derivative Estimation for C2 Noisy Discretized Curves
* Decomposing Cavities in Digital Volumes into Products of Cycles
* Digital Deformable Model Simulating Active Contours
* Discrete lambda-Medial Axis, A
* Discrete Versions of Stokes' Theorem Based on Families of Weights on Hypercubes
* Distances on Lozenge Tilings
* Efficient Lattice Width Computation in Arbitrary Dimension
* Ellipse Detection with Elemental Subsets
* Exact, Scaled Image Rotation Using the Finite Radon Transform
* Fully Parallel 3D Thinning Algorithms Based on Sufficient Conditions for Topology Preservation
* Grey Level Estimation for Discrete Tomography
* Improved Coordinate System for Point Correspondences of 2D Articulated Shapes, An
* Jordan Curve Theorems with Respect to Certain Pretopologies on Z2
* Linear Time and Space Algorithm for Detecting Path Intersection, A
* Lower and Upper Bounds for Scaling Factors Used for Integer Approximation of 3D Anisotropic Chamfer Distance Operator
* Marching Triangle Polygonization for Efficient Surface Reconstruction from Its Distance Transform
* Mathematics in Atmospheric Sciences: An Overview
* Minimal Offsets That Guarantee Maximal or Minimal Connectivity of Digital Curves in nD
* Multi-Label Simple Points Definition for 3D Images Digital Deformable Model
* Multiscale Discrete Geometry
* Multivariate Watershed Segmentation of Compositional Data
* Novel Algorithm for Distance Transformation on Irregular Isothetic Grids, A
* On the Connecting Thickness of Arithmetical Discrete Planes
* On Three Constrained Versions of the Digital Circular Arc Recognition Problem
* Optimal Partial Tiling of Manhattan Polyominoes
* Patterns in Discretized Parabolas and Length Estimation
* Pixel Approximation Errors in Common Watershed Algorithms
* Quasi-Affine Transformation in Higher Dimension
* Solving Some Instances of the 2-Color Problem
* Surface Sketching with a Voxel-Based Skeleton
* Thinning Algorithms as Multivalued NN -Retractions
* Topology-Preserving Thinning in 2-D Pseudomanifolds
* Two Linear-Time Algorithms for Computing the Minimum Length Polygon of a Digital Contour
* Universal Spaces for (k,kbar)-Surfaces
* Vanishing Point Detection with an Intersection Point Neighborhood
46 for DGCI09
* *IAPR International Conference Discrete Geometry for Computer Imagery
* ACCORD: With Approximate Covering of Convex Orthogonal Decomposition
* Analytical Description of Digital Circles
* Another Definition for Digital Tangents
* Approximate Shortest Paths in Simple Polyhedra
* Arithmetic and Combinatorial Approach to Three-Dimensional Discrete Lines, An
* Associating Cell Complexes to Four Dimensional Digital Objects
* Ball-Based Shape Processing
* Bounds on the Difference between Reconstructions in Binary Tomography
* Characterization of {-1,0,+1} Valued Functions in Discrete Tomography under Sets of Four Directions
* Circular Arc Reconstruction of Digital Contours with Chosen Hausdorff Error
* Completions and Simplicial Complexes
* Computing the Characteristics of a SubSegment of a Digital Straight Line in Logarithmic Time
* Delaunay Properties of Digital Straight Segments
* Distance between Separating Circles and Points
* Efficient Robust Digital Hyperplane Fitting with Bounded Error
* Error Bounded Tangent Estimator for Digitized Elliptic Curves, An
* Estimation of the Derivatives of a Digital Function with a Convergent Bounded Error
* Growth of Discrete Projection Ghosts Created by Iteration
* Hierarchic Euclidean Skeletons in Cubical Complexes
* Hierarchies and Optima
* Image Denoising with a Constrained Discrete Total Variation Scale Space
* Improved Riemannian Metric Approximation for Graph Cuts, An
* Introduction to Digital Level Layers
* Isthmus-Based 6-Directional Parallel Thinning Algorithms
* Mathematical Morphology on Hypergraphs: Preliminary Definitions and Results
* Measures for Surface Comparison on Unstructured Grids with Different Density
* Metric Bases for Polyhedral Gauges
* Near-Linear Time Guaranteed Algorithm for Digital Curve Simplification Under the Fréchet Distance, A
* Optimal Consensus Set for Annulus Fitting
* Path-Based Distance with Varying Weights and Neighborhood Sequences
* Probabilistic Grouping Principle to Go from Pixels to Visual Structures, A
* Properties and Applications of the Simplified Generalized Perpendicular Bisector
* Properties of Minimal Ghosts
* Quasi-Linear Transformations, Numeration Systems and Fractals
* Recursive Calculation of Relative Convex Hulls
* Selection of Relevant Nodes from Component-Trees in Linear Time
* Smale-Like Decomposition and Forman Theory for Discrete Scalar Fields
* Smooth 2D Coordinate Systems on Discrete Surfaces
* Some Morphological Operators on Simplicial Complex Spaces
* Sparse Object Representations by Digital Distance Functions
* Tiling the Plane with Permutations
* Unified Topological Framework for Digital Imaging, A
* Well-Composed Cell Complexes
44 for DGCI11
* *IAPR International Conference Discrete Geometry for Computer Imagery
* 3D Curvilinear Skeletonization Algorithm with Application to Path Tracing, A
* Arc Recognition on Irregular Isothetic Grids and Its Application to Reconstruction of Noisy Digital Contours
* Asymptotic Analysis and Random Sampling of Digitally Convex Polyominoes
* Comparison of Point Clouds Acquired by 3D Scanner
* Concurrency Relations between Digital Planes
* Convergence of Level-Wise Convolution Differential Estimators
* Critical Connectedness of Thin Arithmetical Discrete Planes
* Digital Distances and Integer Sequences
* Efficient Robust Digital Annulus Fitting with Bounded Error
* Fast Algorithm for Liver Surgery Planning, A
* From the Zones of Influence of Skeleton Branch Points to Meaningful Object Parts
* Generalized Simple Surface Points
* How to Decompose a Binary Matrix into Three hv-convex Polyominoes
* Integral Based Curvature Estimators in Digital Geometry
* Knot Segmentation in Noisy 3D Images of Wood
* Merging Faces: A New Orthogonal Simplification of Solid Models
* Method for Feature Detection in Binary Tomography, A
* Multi-resolution Cell Complexes Based on Homology-Preserving Euler Operators
* Multigrid Convergent Curvature Estimator
* New Structures Based on Completions
* O(n 3logn) Time Complexity for the Optimal Consensus Set Computation for 4-Connected Digital Circles
* On Dimension Partitions in Discrete Metric Spaces
* On the Degree Sequences of Uniform Hypergraphs
* On the Non-additive Sets of Uniqueness in a Finite Grid
* Optimal Covering of a Straight Line Applied to Discrete Convexity
* Parallel Thinning Algorithm for Grayscale Images, A
* Persistence Space in Multidimensional Persistent Homology, The
* Persistent Patterns in Integer Discrete Circles
* Reconstruction of Quantitative Properties from X-Rays
* Scale Filtered Euclidean Medial Axis
* Skeleton Extraction of Vertex Sets Lying on Arbitrary Triangulated 3D Meshes
* Study of Monodromy in the Computation of Multidimensional Persistence, A
* Sufficient Conditions for Topological Invariance of 2D Images under Rigid Transformations
* Walking in the Farey Fan to Compute the Characteristics of a Discrete Straight Line Subsegment
35 for DGCI13
* *IAPR International Conference Discrete Geometry for Computer Imagery
* 2D Subquadratic Separable Distance Transformation for Path-Based Norms
* 2D Topological Map Isomorphism for Multi-Label Simple Transformation Definition
* About Multigrid Convergence of Some Length Estimators
* About the Maximum Cardinality of the Digital Cover of a Curve with a Given Length
* Adaptive Grid Refinement for Discrete Tomography
* Algorithms for Fast Digital Straight Segments Union
* Anti-Aliased Euclidean Distance Transform on 3D Sampling Lattices
* Arithmetical Characterization of the Convex Hull of Digital Straight Segments, An
* Back-Projection Filtration Inversion of Discrete Projections
* Binary Pictures with Excluded Patterns
* Completions and Simple Homotopy
* Determination of Length and Width of a Line-Segment by Using a Hough Transform
* Digital Geometry from a Geometric Algebra Perspective
* Discrete Curve Evolution on Arbitrary Triangulated 3D Mesh
* Discrete Tomography Reconstruction Algorithms for Images with a Blocking Component
* Efficient Computation of the Outer Hull of a Discrete Path
* Efficient Neighbourhood Computing for Discrete Rigid Transformation Graph Search
* Entropic Perturbation Approach to TV-Minimization for Limited-Data Tomography, An
* Exact Evaluation of Stochastic Watersheds: From Trees to General Graphs
* Facet Connectedness of Discrete Hyperplanes with Zero Intercept: The General Case
* Fourier Inversion of the Mojette Transform
* Freeman Digitization and Tangent Word Based Estimators
* Implicit Digital Surfaces in Arbitrary Dimensions
* Isthmus-Based Parallel and Asymmetric 3D Thinning Algorithms
* Minimum Barrier Distance: Stability to Seed Point Position, The
* Non-additive Bounded Sets of Uniqueness in Z_n
* On Finding Spherical Geodesic Paths and Circles in Z3
* On Making nD Images Well-Composed by a Self-dual Local Interpolation
* Parameter-Free and Multigrid Convergent Digital Curvature Estimators
* Segmentation of 3D Articulated Components by Slice-Based Vertex-Weighted Reeb Graph
* Stable Shape Comparison of Surfaces via Reeb Graphs
* Taylor Optimal Kernel for Derivative Etimation
* Uniqueness Regions under Sets of Generic Projections in Discrete Tomography
* Voronoi-Based Geometry Estimator for 3D Digital Surfaces
35 for DGCI14
* *IAPR International Conference Discrete Geometry for Computer Imagery
* Adaptive Tangential Cover for Noisy Digital Contours
* Bijective Rigid Motions of the 2D Cartesian Grid
* Centerlines of Tubular Volumes Based on Orthogonal Plane Estimation
* Comparison of Some Methods for Direct 2D Reconstruction from Discrete Projected Views, A
* Computation of the Normal Vector to a Digital Plane by Sampling Significant Points
* Construction of Digital Ellipse by Recursive Integer Intervals
* Convergent Geometric Estimators with Digital Volume and Surface Integrals
* Curve Digitization Variability
* Digital Disks by Weighted Distances in the Triangular Grid
* Digital Surfaces of Revolution Made Simple
* Digitization of Partitions and Tessellations
* Discrete Calculus, Optimisation and Inverse Problems in Imaging
* Discretizations of Isometries
* Encoding Specific 3D Polyhedral Complexes Using 3D Binary Images
* Finding Shortest Triangular Path in a Digital Object
* Generation of Digital Planes Using Generalized Continued-Fractions Algorithms
* Geometrical Characterization of the Uniqueness Regions Under Special Sets of Three Directions in Discrete Tomography
* Homotopic Thinning in 2D and 3D Cubical Complexes Based on Critical Kernels
* Interactive Curvature Tensor Visualization on Digital Surfaces
* Measure of Q-Convexity, A
* Minimal Paths by Sum of Distance Transforms
* nD Quasi-Affine Transformations
* Number of Words Characterizing Digital Balls on the Triangular Tiling
* On Functionality of Quadraginta Octants of Naive Sphere with Application to Circle Drawing
* On Weighted Distances on the Khalimsky Grid
* P-Simple Points and General-Simple Deletion Rules
* Parallelization Strategy for Elementary Morphological Operators on Graphs
* Recognition of Digital Polyhedra with a Fixed Number of Faces
* Representation of Imprecise Digital Objects
* Shape Classification According to LBP Persistence of Critical Points
* Signature of a Shape Based on Its Pixel Coverage Representation
* Symmetric Masks for In-fill Pixel Interpolation on Discrete p:q Lattices
* Tomographical Interpretation of a Sufficient Condition on h-Graphical Sequences, A
* Two Measures for the Homology Groups of Binary Volumes
35 for DGCI16
* *IAPR International Conference Discrete Geometry for Computer Imagery
* Algorithmic Construction of Acyclic Partial Matchings for Multidimensional Persistence
* Ambiguity Results in the Characterization of hv-convex Polyominoes from Projections
* Boolean Map Distance: Theory and Efficient Computation, The
* Collaborating with an Artist in Digital Geometry
* Convexity-Preserving Rigid Motions of 2D Digital Objects
* Digital Primitives Defined by Weighted Focal Set
* Digital Surface Regularization by Normal Vector Field Alignment
* Efficiently Updating Feasible Regions for Fitting Discrete Polynomial Curve
* Euclidean and Geodesic Distance Profiles
* Fast and Efficient Incremental Algorithms for Circular and Spherical Propagation in Integer Space
* Freeform Architecture and Discrete Differential Geometry
* Fuzzy Directional Enlacement Landscapes
* Greyscale Image Vectorization from Geometric Digital Contour Representations
* Guided Tour of Connective Morphology: Concepts, Algorithms, and Applications, A
* Heat Kernel Laplace-Beltrami Operator on Digital Surfaces
* High-Level Algorithm Prototyping: An Example Extending the TVR-DART Algorithm
* Honeycomb Geometry: Rigid Motions on the Hexagonal Grid
* Integer Programming Approach to Characterize Digital Disks on the Triangular Grid, An
* Introduction to Gamma-Convergence for Spectral Clustering, An
* Large Families of Grey Arrays with Perfect Auto-correlation and Optimal Cross-Correlation
* Maximal N-Ghosts and Minimal Information Recovery from N Projected Views of an Array
* Minimum Barrier Distance: A Summary of Recent Advances, The
* Mojette Transform on Densest Lattices in 2D and 3D
* New Shape Descriptor Based on a Q-convexity Measure, A
* Opening Holes in Discrete Objects with Digital Homotopy
* Parametric Level-Set Method for Partially Discrete Tomography, A
* Recognition of Digital Polyhedra with a Fixed Number of Faces Is Decidable in Dimension 3
* Reconstructions of Noisy Digital Contours with Maximal Primitives Based on Multi-scale/Irregular Geometric Representation and Generalized Linear Programming
* Study on the Digitization Dual Combinatorics and Convex Case
* Weighted Distances on the Trihexagonal Grid
* Well-Composedness in Alexandrov Spaces Implies Digital Well-Composedness in Zn
32 for DGCI17
* *IAPR International Conference Discrete Geometry for Computer Imagery
* Average Curve of n Digital Curves
* Common Object Discovery as Local Search for Maximum Weight Cliques in a Global Object Similarity Graph
* Compact Packings of the Plane with Three Sizes of Discs
* Convex Aggregation Problems in Z2
* Convex and Concave Vertices on a Simple Closed Curve in the Triangular Grid
* Digital Curvature Evolution Model for Image Segmentation
* Digital Plane Recognition with Fewer Probes
* Digital Two-Dimensional Bijective Reflection and Associated Rotation
* Discrete Bisector Function Based on Annulus, A
* Distance Transform Based on Weight Sequences
* Dual Approaches for Elliptic Hough Transform: Eccentricity/Orientation vs Center Based
* Efficient Algorithms to Test Digital Convexity
* Facet Connectedness of Arithmetic Discrete Hyperplanes with Non-Zero Shift
* Filtration Simplification for Persistent Homology via Edge Contraction
* Graph-Based Segmentation with Local Band Constraints
* Local Turn-Boundedness: A Curvature Control for a Good Digitization
* Minimal Component-Hypertrees
* Morphological Networks for Image De-Raining
* New Entropy for Hypergraphs, A
* Non-centered Voronoi Skeletons
* On the Degree Sequence of 3-Uniform Hypergraph: A New Sufficient Condition
* On the Space Between Critical Points
* One More Step Towards Well-Composedness of Cell Complexes over nD Pictures
* Optimization of Max-Norm Objective Functions in Image Processing and Computer Vision
* Polygon Approximations of the Euclidean Circles on the Square Grid by Broadcasting Sequences
* Propagated Skeleton: A Robust Detail-Preserving Approach, The
* Recognizing Hierarchical Watersheds
* Reconstruction of the Crossing Type of a Point Set from the Compatible Exchange Graph of Noncrossing Spanning Trees
* Rhombic Dodecahedron Grid: Coordinate System and 3D Digital Object Definitions
* Rigid Motions in the Cubic Grid: A Discussion on Topological Issues
* Role of Optimum Connectivity in Image Segmentation: Can the Algorithm Learn Object Information During the Process?, The
* Single Scan Granulometry Estimation from an Asymmetric Distance Map
* Spatial Convexity Descriptor for Object Enlacement, A
* Stochastic Distance Transform
* Straight Line Reconstruction for Fully Materialized Table Extraction in Degraded Document Images
* Study of Observation Scales Based on Felzenswalb-Huttenlocher Dissimilarity Measure for Hierarchical Segmentation, A
* Unfolding Level 1 Menger Polycubes of Arbitrary Size With Help of Outer Faces
* Vector-Based Morphological Operations on Polygons Using Straight Skeletons for Digital Pathology
39 for DGCI19