Kittaka, T.
Co Author Listing * Real-Time Registration of RGB-D Image Pair for See-Through System
Kittaneh, O.[Omar]
Co Author Listing * Deriving scale normalisation factors for a GLoG detector
Kittel, C.M.M.[Cecile M.M.]
Co Author Listing * Optical and SAR Based Fusion Approach for Mapping Surface Water Dynamics over Mainland China, An
Kittenplon, Y.[Yair]
Co Author Listing * FlowStep3D: Model Unrolling for Self-Supervised Scene Flow Estimation
* Question Aware Vision Transformer for Multimodal Reasoning
* Towards Models that Can See and Read
* Towards Weakly-Supervised Text Spotting using a Multi-Task Transformer
Kittens, N.[Nicholas]
Co Author Listing * Part Segmentation of Visual Hull for 3D Human Pose Estimation
Kittipanya Ngam, P.
Co Author Listing * Comparing Variations on the Active Appearance Model Algorithm
* effect of texture representations on AAM performance, The
* HOG-Based Descriptors on Rotation Invariant Human Detection
Includes: Kittipanya Ngam, P. Kittipanya-Ngam, P. Kittipanya-Ngam, P.[Panachit]
Kittisuwan, P.
Co Author Listing * Textural Image Denoising Using Gumbel Random Vectors in Gaussian Noise
* Textural Region Denoising: Application in Agriculture
Includes: Kittisuwan, P. Kittisuwan, P.[Pichid]
Kittitornkun, S.
Co Author Listing * Blocking Artifact Free Inverse Discrete Cosine Transform
* Frame-level pipelined motion estimation array processor
* PAMELA: Pattern Matching Engine with Limited-Time Update for NIDS/NIPS
Includes: Kittitornkun, S. Kittitornkun, S.[Surin]
Kittle, D.[David]
Co Author Listing * Coded Hyperspectral Imaging and Blind Compressive Sensing
Kittler, H.
Co Author Listing * Automated melanoma recognition
Kittler, J.V.[Josef V.]
Co Author Listing * Home Page.
* email: Kittler, J.V.[Josef V.]: J Kittler AT surrey ac uk
* 2D face pose normalisation using a 3D morphable model
* 2D progressive fusion module for action recognition
* 3-D assisted generative model for facial texture super-resolution, A
* 3D Assisted Face Recognition: A Survey of 3D Imaging, Modelling and Recognition Approaches
* 3D Morphable Face Models and Their Applications
* 3D Morphable Models as Spatial Transformer Networks
* 3D-Assisted Facial Texture Super-resolution
* Absorption Edge Detector, An
* accelerated correlation filter tracker, An
* Accurate Face Localisation for Faces under Active Near-IR Illumination
* Accurate line parameter estimation using a Hough transform algorithm and focus of attention
* Accurate Line Parameters from an Optimising Hough Transform for Vanishing Point Detection
* Action Probability Calibration for Efficient Naturalistic Driving Action Localization
* active mesh based tracker for improved feature correspondences, An
* Adaptive Channel Selection for Robust Visual Object Tracking with Discriminative Correlation Filters
* Adaptive client-impostor centric score normalization: A case study in fingerprint verification
* Adaptive Context-Aware Discriminative Correlation Filters for Robust Visual Object Tracking
* Adaptive Estimation of Hysteresis Thresholds
* Adaptive Hough Transform, The
* Adaptive Subspace Map for Texture Segmentation, The
* Adaptive texture representation methods for automatic target recognition
* Adaptive Transductive Transfer Machine
* Advances in the statistical methodology for the selection of image descriptors for visual pattern representation and classification
* Affine-invariant face detection and localization using GMM-based feature detector and enhanced appearance model
* Algorithm to estimate biometric performance change over time
* All Pairs Shortest Path Formulation for Multiple Object Tracking with Application to Tennis Video Analysis
* Ambient Illumination Variation Removal by Active Near-IR Imaging
* Analysis of Straight Homogeneous Generalized Cylinders under Perspective Projection
* Analysis of the Max-Min Approach to Feature Selection and Ordering, An
* analytical algorithm for determining the generalized optimal set of discriminant vectors, An
* Angular Sparsemax for Face Recognition
* Application of Characteristic Function Method in Target Detection
* Articulated motion and deformable objects
* Audio Assisted Robust Visual Tracking With Adaptive Particle Filtering
* Audio-Visual Person Verification
* Augmented Kernel Matrix vs Classifier Fusion for Object Recognition
* Automatic annotation of court games with structured output learning
* Automatic annotation of tennis games: An integration of audio, vision, and learning
* Automatic face annotation by multilinear AAM with Missing Values
* Automatic Grading of Textured Ceramic Tiles
* Automatic inspection by lots in the presence of classification errors
* Automatic Machine Learning of Decision Rules for Classification Problems in Image Analysis
* Automatic Registration of Aerial Photographs and Digitised Maps
* Automatic sports classification
* Automatic Thresholding Algorithm and Its Performance, An
* Automatic Thresholding for Grey Level Corner Detectors
* Automatic Watershed Segmentation of Randomly Textured Color Images
* Averaging Edge Detector, An
* Ball event recognition using hmm for automatic tennis annotation
* BANCA Database and Evaluation Protocol, The
* Bayesian and Neural Networks for Geographic Information-Processing
* Bayesian Interpretation for the Hopfield Network, A
* BeamECOC: A local search for the optimization of the ECOC matrix
* Biometric Menagerie Index for Characterising Template/Model-Specific Variation, A
* Blur kernel estimation to improve recognition of blurred faces
* C2C: Component-to-Composition Learning for Zero-shot Compositional Action Recognition
* Cascaded Collaborative Regression for Robust Facial Landmark Detection Trained Using a Mixture of Synthetic and Real Images With Dynamic Weighting
* Challenges and Research Directions for Adaptive Biometric Recognition Systems
* Choosing an Optimal Neural Network Size to aid a Search Through a Large Image Database
* Classification of Sets of Mixed Pixels with the Hypothesis-Testing Hough Transform
* Client-specific anomaly detection for face presentation attack detection
* Color Texture Analysis Using Color Histogram
* Color-Based Object Recognition under Spectrally Nonuniform Illumination
* Colour Image Retrieval and Object Recognition Using the Multimodal Neighbourhood Signature
* Colour Texture Classification Using Features from Colour Histogram
* Colour-based model pruning for efficient ARG object recognition
* Colour-based object recognition for video annotation
* Colour-Based Semantic Line Labelling
* Combining Classifiers
* Combining Classifiers: A Theoretical Framework
* Combining Evidence in Dictionary Based Probabilistic Relaxation
* Combining Evidence in Personal Identity Verification Systems
* Combining Evidence in Probabilistic Relaxation
* Combining face verification experts
* Combining multiple classifiers by averaging or by multiplying?
* Combining symbolic with numeric attributes in multi-class object recognition problems
* Comments on single-link characteristics of a mode-seeking clustering algorithm
* Comparative Study of Automatic Face Verification Algorithms on the BANCA Database, A
* Comparative Study of Different Segmentation Approaches for Audio Track Indexing, A
* Comparative Study of Face Representations in the Frequency Domain, A
* Comparative Study of Hough Transform Methods for Circle Finding
* comparative study of two object recognition methods, A
* Comparison of Color Texture Attributes Selected by Statistical Feature Selection and Neural Network Methods, A
* Comparison of Face Verification Results on the XM2VTS Database
* comparison of photometric normalisation algorithms for face verification, A
* Compatibility and Support Functions in Probabilistic Relaxation
* Compensation of the Systematic Errors of the CCD Camera
* Complementary Discriminative Correlation Filters Based on Collaborative Representation for Visual Object Tracking
* Complex Feedback Strategies for Hypothesis Generation and Verification
* Complexity analysis of RBF networks for Pattern Recognition
* Component-based LDA face description for image retrieval and MPEG-7 standardisation
* Component-based LDA Face Descriptor for Image Retrieval
* Composite Support Vector Machines with Extended Discriminative Features for Accurate Face Detection
* Confidence Based Gating of Multiple Face Authentication Experts
* Constrained Structure Learning for Scene Graph Generation
* Constraining probabilistic relaxation with symbolic attributes
* Contextual Classification of Multispectral Pixel Data
* Contextual Decision Rule for Image Analysis
* Contextual Decision Rules for Objects in Lattice Configurations
* Contextual Junction Finder
* Contextual Postprocessing for Line Detection
* Coping with 3D Artifacts in Video Sequences
* Covariance descriptors on a Gaussian manifold and their application to image set classification
* Curvature Scale Space Image in Shape Similarity Retrieval
* Data and Decision Level Fusion of Temporal Information for Automatic Target Recognition
* Database Size Effects on Performance on a Smart Card Face Verification System
* decision cognizant Kullback-Leibler divergence, A
* Decision Fusion for Face Authentication
* Decision Making in the LDA Space: Generalised Gradient Direction Metric
* Deep Metric Learning on the SPD Manifold for Image Set Classification
* Deep Order-Preserving Learning With Adaptive Optimal Transport Distance
* Defect Detection in Random Color Textures
* Defining Quantisation Strategies and a Perceptual Similarity Measure for Texture-based Annotation and Retrieval
* Depth Data Segmentation Using Robust Estimation in a Hierarchical Data Structure
* Design and Fusion of Pose-Invariant Face-Identification Experts
* Designing a smart-card-based face verification system: Empirical investigation
* Detecting Partially Occluded Ellipses Using the Hough Transform
* Detection and description of human running behaviour in sports video multimedia database
* Detection of Defects in Colour Texture Surfaces
* Detection of Specified Class of Cover in Landsat Imagery Using Features from Colour Histogram
* Developing a generic framework for anomaly detection
* Differentiable neural architecture learning for efficient neural networks
* Differential Edit Distance: A Metric for Scene Segmentation Evaluation
* differential method for simultaneous estimation of rotation, change of scale and translation, A
* Discrete Relaxation
* Discriminant Analysis by Locally Linear Transformations
* Discriminative block-diagonal covariance descriptors for image set classification
* Discriminative Learning and Recognition of Image Set Classes Using Canonical Correlations
* discriminative parametric approach to video-based score-level fusion for biometric authentication, A
* Discriminative Supervised Hashing for Cross-Modal Similarity Search
* Distillation, Ensemble and Selection for Building a Better and Faster Siamese Based Tracker
* Distribution Cognisant Loss for Cross-Database Facial Age Estimation With Sensitivity Analysis
* Divergence Based Feature-Selection for Multimodal Class Densities
* Domain Anomaly Detection in Machine Perception: A System Architecture and Taxonomy
* DreamNet: A Deep Riemannian Manifold Network for SPD Matrix Learning
* Dual Attention MobDenseNet(DAMDNet) for Robust 3D Face Alignment
* Dynamic Attention-Controlled Cascaded Shape Regression Exploiting Training Data Augmentation and Fuzzy-Set Sample Weighting
* Dynamic information enhancement for video classification
* Dynamic Texture Recognition Using Multiscale Binarized Statistical Image Features
* Edge Postprocessing Using Probabilistic Relaxation
* Edge-Labeling Using Dictionary-Based Relaxation
* Edwin Hancock
* Effect of Pixel Correlations on Class Separability, The
* Effective Implementation of Linear Discriminant Analysis for Face Recognition and Verification
* Efficient 3D morphable face model fitting
* efficient estimator of pattern recognition system error probability, An
* Efficient Few-shot Action Recognition via Multi-level Post-reasoning
* Elastic transformation of the image pixel grid for similarity based face identification
* Empirical evaluation of a calibration chart detector
* Energy Normalization for Pose-Invariant Face Recognition Based on MRF Model Image Matching
* Enhancing CSS-based shape retrieval for objects with shallow concavities
* Entropy-Based Approach to the Hierarchical Acquisition of Perception-Action Capabilities, An
* Error Guided Design of a 3D Vision System
* Error propagation analysis for edge postprocessing
* Error Propagation for 2D-to-3D Matching with Application to Underwater Navigation
* Error sensitivity analysis of Delta divergence-a novel measure for classifier incongruence detection
* Error Sensitivity Assessment of Vision Algorithms
* Error Sensitivity Assessment of Vision Algorithms Based on Direct Error Propagation
* Estimating Angles and Curvature Features in Grey Scale Images
* Estimation of Complex Multimodal Motion: An Approach Based on Robust Statistics and Hough Transform
* Estimation of curvature and tangent direction by median filtered differencing
* Estimation of Missing Values in Multimodal Biometric Fusion
* evaluation of bags-of-words and spatio-temporal shapes for action recognition, An
* Evaluation of Dense 3D Reconstruction from 2D Face Images in the Wild
* Evaluation of face recognition system in heterogeneous environments (visible vs NIR)
* Evaluation of point localisation and similarity fusion methods for gabor jet-based face verification
* Experimental Evaluation of Expert Fusion Strategies
* Exploiting Temporal Context in Vision-Based Navigation
* Face Authentication Competition on the BANCA Database
* Face authentication test on the BANCA database
* Face description based on decomposition and combining of a facial space with LDA
* Face Detection, Bounding Box Aggregation and Pose Estimation for Robust Facial Landmark Localisation in the Wild
* Face Identification and Verification via ECOC
* Face Recognition Using a Unified 3D Morphable Model
* Face Recognition Using Active Near-IR Illumination
* Face Recognition Using Angular LDA and SVM Ensembles
* Face recognition using multi-scale local phase quantisation and Linear Regression Classifier
* Face Recognition with LWIR Imagery Using Local Binary Patterns
* Face spoofing detection ensemble via multistage optimisation and pruning
* Face Verification Competition on the XM2VTS Database
* Face verification system architecture using smart cards
* Face Verification Using Colour Kernels
* Face Verification Using Error Correcting Output Codes
* Face Verification via ECOC
* Face Verification Via Error Correcting Output Codes
* Face Video Competition
* family of methods for quality-based multimodal biometric fusion using generative classifiers, A
* Fast Branch & Bound Algorithms for Optimal Feature Selection
* Fast Discrete Cross-Modal Hashing Based on Label Relaxation and Matrix Factorization
* Fast exhaustive robust matching
* Fast Face Localisation and Verification
* Fast pose invariant face recognition using super coupled multiresolution Markov Random Fields on a GPU
* Fast robust correlation
* Fast Self-Guided Multi-View Subspace Clustering
* Fast Unit Selection Algorithm for Neural Network Design
* Feature condensing algorithm for feature selection
* Feature enhancement and coarse-to-fine detection for RGB-D tracking
* Feature Selection and Extraction
* Feature Selection Based on Divergence for Empirical Class Densities
* Feature Selection Based on the Approximation of Class Densities by Finite Mixtures of Special Type
* Feature selection based on the training set manipulation
* Feature-Based Affine-Invariant Localization of Faces
* Feedback Control Strategies for Object Recognition
* Fitting 3D Morphable Face Models using local features
* Flatter Loss for Bias Mitigation in Cross-dataset Facial Age Estimation, A
* Floating Search Methods for Feature Selection with Nonmonotonic Criterion Functions
* Floating Search Methods in Feature-Selection
* Formal Definition of the Hough Transform: Properties and Relationships, A
* Full ranking as local descriptor for visual recognition: A comparison of distance metrics on S_n
* Fusion of visible and synthesised near infrared information for face authentication
* Fuzzy Non-Iterative ARG Labeling with Multiple Interpretations
* Gaussian mixture 3D morphable face model
* General Pose Face Recognition Using Frontal Face Model
* Generalised Hough Transform in Object Recognition
* Generating commentaries for tennis videos
* Generation of Semantic Cues for Sports Video Annotation
* Generation, Verification and Localisation of Object Hypotheses based on Colour
* Genetic Optimization of the Image Feature-Extraction Process
* Gesture spotting for low-resolution sports video annotation
* Gesture Spotting in Low-Quality Video with Features Based on Curvature Scale Space
* GMML is All You Need
* Gradient based progressive probabilistic Hough transform
* Gradient-Based Method For General Motion Estimation And Segmentation, A
* Graph Embedding Multi-Kernel Metric Learning for Image Set Classification With Grassmannian Manifold-Valued Features
* Graph2Net: Perceptually-Enriched Graph Learning for Skeleton-Based Action Recognition
* Grey Level Edge Thinning: A New Method
* Group Masked Model Learning for General Audio Representation
* Group-specific score normalization for biometric systems
* HEp-2 fluorescence pattern classification
* Heuristically Guided Polygon Finding
* Hierarchical Approach to Line Extraction Based on the Hough Transform, A
* Hierarchical Approach to Line Extraction, A
* Hierarchical decision making scheme for sports video categorisation with temporal post-processing
* Hierarchical Evidence Combining Edge Detection, A
* Hierarchical Image Matching for Pose-invariant Face Recognition
* Histogram Based Segmentation in a Perceptually Uniform Color Space
* Hough Transform Algorithm with a 2D Hypothesis-Testing Kernel, A
* How many more images do we need? Performance prediction of bootstrapping for image classification
* hybrid codec for very low bit rate video coding, A
* Hypotheses-Driven Affine Invariant Localization of Faces in Verification Systems
* Hypothesis Selection for Scene Interpretation Using Grammatical Models of Scene Evolution
* Hypothesis Testing: A Framework for Analysing and Optimising Hough Transform Performance
* Hypothesis Testing: A Framework for Analysing and Optimizing Hough Transform Performance
* Identification of Fringe Minima in Electronic Speckle Pattern Images
* Illumination Insensitive Representation for Face Verification in the Frequency Domain, An
* Illumination Invariant Colour Recognition
* Illumination Invariant Face Recognition: A Survey
* Image Feature Localization by Multiple Hypothesis Testing of Gabor Features
* Importance Weighted Structure Learning for Scene Graph Generation
* Improved JPEG Coding for Remote Sensing
* Improving Biometric Device Interoperability by Likelihood Ratio-based Quality Dependent Score Normalization
* Improving human activity detection by combining multi-dimensional motion descriptors with boosting
* Improving Stability of Feature Selection Methods
* Improving the Performance of the Product Fusion Strategy
* Incremental Learning of Locally Orthogonal Subspaces for Set-based Object Recognition
* Incremental Linear Discriminant Analysis Using Sufficient Spanning Set Approximations
* Incremental Linear Discriminant Analysis Using Sufficient Spanning Sets and Its Applications
* Independent component analysis in a facial local residue space
* Independent component analysis in a local facial residue space for face recognition
* Influence of compression on 3D face recognition
* Information Fusion for Local Gabor Features Based Frontal Face Verification
* Infrared and Visible Image Fusion using a Deep Learning Framework
* Intentional Control of Camera Look Direction and Viewpoint in an Active Vision System
* Interest Operator Based on Perceptual Grouping, An
* intrinsic coordinate system for 3D face registration, An
* Introduction to the Special Issue on Biometrics: Progress and Directions
* Inverse random under sampling for class imbalance problem and its application to multi-label classification
* Iterative Morphology for Fault Detection in Stochastic Textures
* Joint Group Feature Selection and Discriminative Filter Learning for Robust Visual Object Tracking
* Junction Detection Using Probabilistic Relaxation
* Keep an eye on faces: Robust face detection with heatmap-Assisted spatial attention and scale-Aware layer attention
* Label Error Process for Discrete Relaxation, A
* Labelling 2-D Geometric Primitives Using Probabilistic Relaxation: Reducing the Computational Requirements
* Lattice-Based Anomaly Rectification for Sport Video Annotation
* Layered Data Association Using Graph-Theoretic Formulation with Application to Tennis Ball Tracking in Monocular Sequences
* Learning About A Scene Using an Active Vision System
* Learning Adaptive Discriminative Correlation Filters via Temporal Consistency Preserving Spatial Feature Selection for Robust Visual Object Tracking
* Learning Alternating Deep-Layer Cascaded Representation
* Learning Discriminative Canonical Correlations for Object Recognition with Image Sets
* Learning Feature Restoration Transformer for Robust Dehazing Visual Object Tracking
* Learning Low-Rank and Sparse Discriminative Correlation Filters for Coarse-to-Fine Visual Object Tracking
* Learning Salient Features For Real-Time Face Verification
* Learning Support Vectors for Face Verification and Recognition
* Lightweight Multiperson Pose Estimation With Staggered Alignment Self-Distillation
* linear-complexity reparameterisation strategy for the hierarchical bootstrapping of capabilities within perception-action architectures, A
* Lip Contour Segmentation Using Kernel Methods and Level Sets
* Local ordered grey levels as an aid to corner detection
* Locally Linear Discriminant Analysis for Multimodally Distributed Classes for Face Recognition with a Single Model Image
* Locally Optimized RANSAC
* locally sensitive method for cluster analysis, A
* Location of Objects in a Cluttered Scene Using Probabilistic Relaxation
* Low-Level Grouping of Straight Line Segments
* LP norm multiple kernel Fisher discriminant analysis for object and image categorisation
* LRRNet: A Novel Representation Learning Guided Fusion Network for Infrared and Visible Images
* M-adapter: Multi-level image-to-video adaptation for video action recognition
* Magnitude Accuracy of the Template Edge Detector, The
* Markov Random Field Approach for Interpreting Thermochromic Paint, A
* Masked Momentum Contrastive Learning for Semantic Understanding by Observation
* Matching and Recognition of Road Networks from Aerial Images
* Matching of Road Segments Using Probabilistic Relaxation: A Hierarchical Approach
* Matching of Road Segments Using Probabilistic Relaxation: Reducing the Computational Requirements
* Maximum A Posteriori Probability Viterbi Data Association Algorithm for Ball Tracking in Sports Video, A
* MDLatLRR: A Novel Decomposition Method for Infrared and Visible Image Fusion
* Mean-Shift and Sparse Sampling-Based SMC-PHD Filtering for Audio Informed Visual Speaker Tracking
* Memory Architecture and Contextual Reasoning Framework for Cognitive Vision, A
* Method for Estimating Authentication Performance over Time, with Applications to Face Biometrics, A
* MFT Based Discrete Relaxation for Matching High Order Relational Structures
* Minimum Complexity PDF Estimation for Correlated Data
* Minimum Error Thresholding
* Mining Hard Augmented Samples for Robust Facial Landmark Localization With CNNs
* Mixed Pixel Classification in Remote Sensing
* Mixed Pixel Classification with Robust Statistics
* Mixed Pixel Classification with the Randomized Hough Transform
* Mixture-Models with Higher-Order Moments
* MMDG-DTI: Drug-target interaction prediction via multimodal feature fusion and domain generalization
* Model and Score Adaptation for Biometric Systems: Coping With Device Interoperability and Changing Acquisition Conditions
* Model Complexity Validation for PDF Estimation Using Gaussian Mixtures
* Modelling and segmentation of lip area in face images
* Modelling Compatibility Coefficient Distributions for Probabilistic Feature-Labelling Schemes
* Modified product fusion
* MOON: Multi-hash codes joint learning for cross-media retrieval
* More About Covariance Descriptors for Image Set Coding: Log-Euclidean Framework Based Kernel Matrix Representation
* Morphological Approach to the Generalised 2-Stage Stock-Cutting Problem, A
* Morphologically Optimal Strategy for Classifier Combinaton: Multiple Expert Fusion as a Tomographic Process, A
* Mosaics from Arbitrary Stereo Video Sequences
* Motion Based Image Segmentation for Video Coding
* Motion Compensation for Face Recognition Based on Active Differential Imaging
* Motion Compensation: The Selection of Optimal Motion Estimation Technique and Quantization Levels
* Motion Complement and Temporal Multifocusing for Skeleton-Based Action Recognition
* Multi-modal region selection approach for training object detectors
* Multi-modal video search by examples: A video quality impact analysis
* Multi-pass Feedback Control for Object Recognition
* Multi-scale Local Binary Pattern Histograms for Face Recognition
* Multilabel classification using heterogeneous ensemble of multi-label classifiers
* Multilevel Chinese Takeaway Process and Label-Based Processes for Rule Induction in the Context of Automated Sports Video Annotation
* Multimedia System Architecture for Automatic Annotation of Sports Videos, A
* multimodal biometric test bed for quality-dependent, cost-sensitive and client-specific score-level fusion algorithms, A
* Multimodal Neighborhood Signature for Modeling Object Color Appearance and Applications in Object Recognition and Image Retrieval, The
* Multimodal Signature Method: An Efficiency and Sensitivity Study, The
* Multiple classifier combination for face-based identity verification
* Multiple Classifier System Approach to Affine Invariant Object Recognition, A
* Multiple Classifier System Approach to Model Pruning in Object Recognition
* Multiple Manifolds Metric Learning with Application to Image Set Classification
* Multiresolution Edge Labelling Using Hierarchical Relaxation
* Multiresolution Motion Segmentation
* Multiscale Local Phase Quantization for Robust Component-Based Face Recognition Using Kernel Fusion of Multiple Descriptors
* Multiscale) Local Phase Quantisation histogram discriminant analysis with score normalisation for robust face recognition
* Multiscenario Multienvironment BioSecure Multimodal Database (BMDB), The
* Multispectral Local Binary Pattern Histogram for Component-based Color Face Verification
* Multistage Pattern Recognition with Reject Option
* Neural Belief Propagation for Scene Graph Generation
* New Algorithm for Probabilistic Relaxation Based on the Baum Eagon Theorem, A
* new approach to computation of curvature scale space image for shape similarity retrieval, A
* new approach to feature selection based on the Karhunen-Loeve expansion, A
* new direct LDA (D-LDA) algorithm for feature extraction in face recognition, A
* New Kernel Direct Discriminant Analysis (KDDA) Algorithm for Face Recognition, A
* Ninth Visual Object Tracking VOT2021 Challenge Results, The
* Noise-robust dictionary learning with slack block-Diagonal structure for face recognition
* Non-Iterative Contextual Correspondence Matching
* Non-negative Subspace Representation Learning Scheme for Correlation Filter Based Tracking
* Noniterative Probabilistic Method for Contextual Correspondence Matching, A
* Nonlinear Motion Estimation Using The Supercoupling Approach
* Novel Data Association Algorithm for Object Tracking in Clutter with Application to Tennis Video Analysis, A
* Novel Ground Metric for Optimal Transport-Based Chronological Age Estimation, A
* Novel Markov Logic Rule Induction Strategy for Characterizing Sports Video Footage, A
* NPT-Loss: Demystifying Face Recognition Losses With Nearest Proxies Triplet
* Object Evidence Extraction Using Simple Gabor Features and Statistical Ranking
* Object Localisation Using Generative Probability Model for Spatial Constellation and Local Image Features
* Object recognition by symmetrised graph matching using relaxation labelling with an inhibitory mechanism
* Object Recognition Using a Tag
* Object Recognition using the Invariant Pixel-Set Signature
* On Accurate and Robust Estimation of Fundamental Matrix
* On Camera Calibration for Scene Model Acquisition and Maintenance Using an Active Vision System
* On Combining Classifiers
* On Combining Local DCT with Preprocessing Sequence for Face Recognition under Varying Lighting Conditions
* On Combining the Hough Transform and Multiresolution MRFs for Robust Analysis of Complex Motion
* On Compatibility and Support Functions in Probabilistic Relaxation
* On Computing the Next Look Camera Parameters in Active Vision
* On design and optimization of face verification systems that are smart-card based
* On Local Linear Transform and Gabor Filter Representation of Texture
* On Matching Algorithms for the Recognition of Objects in Cluttered Background
* On Matching Scores for LDA-based Face Verification
* On Optimisation of Smart Card Face Verification Systems
* On Representation and Matching of Multi-Coloured Objects
* On the Accuracy of the Sobel Edge Detector
* On the Correspondence Problem for Wide Angular Separation of Noncoplanar Points
* On the Foundations of Probabilistic Relaxation with Product Support
* On the generalised stock-cutting problem
* On the Results of the First Mobile Biometry (MOBIO) Face and Speaker Verification Evaluation
* On the Use of Log-Likelihood Ratio Based Model-Specific Score Normalisation in Biometric Authentication
* On Threshold Selection Using Clustering Criteria
* On using error bounds to optimize cost-sensitive multimodal biometric authentication
* On-line Learning of Mutually Orthogonal Subspaces for Face Recognition by Image Sets
* One-pass View-unaligned Clustering
* Optimal Edge Detectors for Ramp Edges
* Optimality of reassignment rules in dynamic clustering
* Optimisation Approach to Improving the Accuracy of the Hough Transform: Plane Orientations from Skew Symmetry, An
* Optimizing Line Finder Using a Hough Transform Algorithm, An
* Orientation Correlation
* Particle Swarm and Pattern Search Optimisation of An Ensemble of Face Anomaly Detectors
* Pattern Recognition Theory and Applications
* Pattern Recognition: A Statistical Approach
* Performance Characterisation of Face Recognition Algorithms and Their Sensitivity to Severe Illumination Changes
* Performance Measure for Boundary Detection Algorithms, A
* Performance versus Computational Complexity Trade-Off in Face Verification
* Periodic human motion description for sports video databases
* Person Re-Identification with Vision and Language
* Photometric Normalisation for Component-based Face Verification
* Photometric Normalisation for Face Verification
* Pose-Invariant Face Matching Using MRF Energy Minimization Framework
* Pose-invariant face recognition by matching on multi-resolution MRFs linked by supercoupling transform
* Predicting Biometric Authentication System Performance Across Different Application Conditions: A Bootstrap Enhanced Parametric Approach
* Probabilistic Feature-Labeling Schemes: Modeling Compatibility Coefficient Distributions
* Probabilistic PCA and ICA Subspace Mixture Models for Image Segmentation
* Probabilistic relaxation and the Hough transform
* Probabilistic Relaxation as an Optimiser
* Probabilistic Relaxation for Matching Problems in Computer Vision
* Probability Distribution of the Conditional Classification Error, The
* Progressive Probabilistic Hough Transform
* Progressive Probabilistic Hough Transform for Line Detection
* Projective Geometry Based Image Reconstruction: Limitations and Applicability Constraints
* Quality Controlled Multimodal Fusion of Biometric Experts
* Quality-Based Score Normalization With Device Qualitative Information for Multimodal Biometric Fusion
* RAgE: Robust Age Estimation Through Subject Anchoring With Consistency Regularisation
* Random Cascaded-Regression Copse for Robust Facial Landmark Detection
* Real Time Segmentation of Lip Pixels for Lip Tracker Initialization
* Real-Time 3D Face Fitting and Texture Fusion on In-the-Wild Videos
* Recognising human running behaviour in sports video sequences
* Recognition of Cylindrical Objects Using Occluding Boundaries Obtained from Colour Based Segmentation
* Recognition of Polyhedral Objects Using Triangle Pair Features
* Recognition of polyhedral objects using triplets of projected spatial edges based on a single perspective image
* Recognition of two dimensional objects based on a novel generalized Hough transform method
* Recognition Using Labelled Objects
* Recognizing polyhedral objects from a single perspective view
* Rectified Wing Loss for Efficient and Robust Facial Landmark Localisation with Convolutional Neural Networks
* Region Growing: A New Approach
* Region-Based Object Recognition: Pruning Multiple Representations and Hypotheses
* Relaxation Labelling Algorithms: A Review
* Relaxational Refinement of Intensity Ridges
* Reliable Classification of Chrysanthemum Leaves Through Curvature Scale Space
* Report on the FG 2015 Video Person Recognition Evaluation
* Resolution-Aware 3D Morphable Model
* Riemannian kernel based Nyström method for approximate infinite-dimensional covariance descriptors with application to image set classification
* Robust and Efficient Shape Indexing through Curvature Scale Space
* Robust and Scalable Visual Category and Action Recognition System Using Kernel Discriminant Analysis With Spectral Regression, A
* Robust Detection of Lines Using the Progressive Probabilistic Hough Transform
* Robust estimation of shape parameters
* Robust Line-Segment Extraction Using Genetic Algorithms
* Robust Method of Edge Detection
* Robust Motion Analysis
* Robust Motion Estimation and Multistage VQ for Sequence Compression
* Robust Multi-Speaker Tracking via Dictionary Learning and Identity Modeling
* Robust Pedestrian Detection for Semi-automatic Construction of a Crowded Person Re-Identification Dataset
* Robust Player Gesture Spotting and Recognition in Low-Resolution Sports Video
* Robust Skeletonisation and Object Recognition from Grey Images
* Robust Statistical Estimation Applied to Automatic Lip Segmentation
* Robust Unmixing of Large Sets of Mixed Pixels
* Robust Visual Object Tracking Via Adaptive Attribute-Aware Discriminative Correlation Filters
* SALIC: Social Active Learning for Image Classification
* Saliency-Based Robust Correlation for Real-time Face Registration and Verification
* Scenario Based Performance Optimisation in Face Verification Using Smart Cards
* Scene adaptive mechanism for action recognition
* Scene Interpretation Module For An Active Vision System, A
* Segmentation of Lip Pixels for Lip Tracker Initialisation
* Selection and Fusion of Similarity Measure Based Classifiers Using Support Vector Machines
* Selection of Speaker Independent Feature for a Speaker Verification System
* Self-supervised learning for RGB-D object tracking
* Semi-supervised Adversarial Learning to Generate Photorealistic Face Images of New Identities from 3D Morphable Model
* Semi-supervised Hashing for Semi-Paired Cross-View Retrieval
* Seventh Visual Object Tracking VOT2019 Challenge Results, The
* Shape representation and recognition based on invariant unary and binary relations
* Shape Similarity Retrieval Using a Height Adjustment Curvature Scale Space Image
* Simultaneous Learning of Decision Rules and Important Attributes for Classification Problems in Image-Analysis
* Sixth Visual Object Tracking VOT2018 Challenge Results, The
* sparse regularized nuclear norm based matrix regression for face recognition with contiguous occlusion, A
* Sparse representation of (Multiscale) histograms for face recognition robust to registration and illumination problems
* Sparse subspace clustering via smoothed LP minimization
* Spatial and feature space clustering: Applications in image analysis
* Spatial clustering of pixels in the mouth area of face images
* Spatial Residual Layer and Dense Connection Block Enhanced Spatial Temporal Graph Convolutional Network for Skeleton-Based Action Recognition
* Spatio-Temporal Robust Tracker with Spatial-Channel Transformer and Jitter Suppression, A
* Special section: CIARP 2015
* Spectral and Rank Order Approaches to Texture Analysis
* SS-CXR: Self-Supervised Pretraining Using Chest X-Rays Towards A Domain Specific Foundation Model
* Stacking Ensemble for Anomaly Based Client-Specific Face Spoofing Detection, A
* Statistical Properties of Error Estimators in Performance Assessment of Recognition Systems
* Stereo Correspondence from Junctions
* Strategies for Combining Classifiers Employing Shared and Distinct Pattern Representations
* Strategies for Weighted Combination of Classifiers Employing Shared and Distinct Pattern Representations
* Structural Matching in Computer Vision Using Probabilistic Relaxation
* Subspace Clustering via Joint Unsupervised Feature Selection
* Subsurface scattering deconvolution for improved NIR-visible facial image correlation
* Sum versus vote fusion in multiple classifier systems
* Supervised Segmentation Using a Multiresolution Data Representation
* Support object classifiers with rigid and elastic kernel functions for face identification
* Support Vector Machines for Face Authentication
* Survey of Cross-Modal Visual Content Generation, A
* Survey of the Hough Transform, A
* SVM-Based Selection of Colour Space Experts for Face Authentication
* Target-Cognisant Siamese Network for Robust Visual Object Tracking
* Techniques for the Interpretation of Thermal Paint Coated Samples
* Tennis Ball Tracking Algorithm for Automatic Annotation of Tennis Match, A
* Tenth Visual Object Tracking VOT2022 Challenge Results, The
* Texture and shape in fluorescence pattern identification for auto-immune disease diagnosis
* Texture Crack Detection
* Texture Defect Detection: A Review
* Threshold Selection Based on a Simple Image Statistic
* Toward Robust Visual Object Tracking With Independent Target-Agnostic Detection and Effective Siamese Cross-Task Interaction
* Towards Optimal Zoom for Automatic Target Recognition
* Transductive transfer learning for action recognition in tennis games
* Transductive Transfer Machine
* Two-Stage Supervised Discrete Hashing for Cross-Modal Retrieval
* Unified Framework for Biometric Expert Fusion Incorporating Quality Measures, A
* UniMod1K: Towards a More Universal Large-Scale Dataset and Benchmark for Multi-modal Learning
* University of Surrey Visual Concept Detection System at ImageCLEF@ICPR: Working Notes, The
* Unsupervised Symbol Grounding and Cognitive Bootstrapping in Cognitive Vision
* user-specific and selective multimodal biometric fusion strategy by ranking subjects, A
* Using a pictorial dictionary as a high level user interface for visual information retrieval
* Using background memory for efficient video coding
* Using contextual information for image retrieval
* Using Focus of Attention with the Hough Transform for Accurate Line Parameter-Estimation
* Using Gradient Information to Enhance the Progressive Probabilistic Hough Transform
* Using Grammars for Scene Interpretation
* Using relaxation technique for region-based object recognition
* Vanishing Point Detection
* Variable Block Size Video Coding with Motion Prediction and Motion Segmentation
* Video Coding Using Affine Motion Compensated Prediction
* Video Shot Cut Detection using Adaptive Thresholding
* VisDrone-SOT2019: The Vision Meets Drone Single Object Tracking Challenge Results
* Visual Bootstrapping for Unsupervised Symbol Grounding
* Visual category recognition using Spectral Regression and Kernel Discriminant Analysis
* Visual Semantic Information Pursuit: A Survey
* Weighted Combination of Classifiers Employing Shared and Distinct Representations, A
* Weighting Factors in Multiple Expert Fusion
* When Face Recognition Meets with Deep Learning: An Evaluation of Convolutional Neural Networks for Face Recognition
* Wing Loss for Robust Facial Landmark Localisation with Convolutional Neural Networks
* XM2VTSDB: The Extended M2VTS Database
Includes: Kittler, J.V.[Josef V.] Kittler, J.V. Kittler, J.V.[Joseph V.]
539 for Kittler, J.V.
Kittlerb, J.V.[Josef V.]
Co Author Listing * Investigating Self-Supervised Methods for Label-Efficient Learning
Kitts, B.[Brendan]
Co Author Listing * Large-scale Mining, Discovery and Visualization of WWW User Clickpaths
Kittur, P.[Priyanka]
Co Author Listing * Review on Anti-Spoofing: Face Manipulation and Liveness Detection, A