Update Dates 9811

9811 * *ACM International Multimedia Conference
* *ACM International Multimedia Conference
* 3-D Image Reconstruction from Averaged Fourier Transform Magnitude by Parameter Estimation
* 3D area matching with arbitrary multiview geometry
* Acquisition of sharp depth map from multiple cameras
* Advanced Video-Based Surveillance Systems
* Affine Invariant Texture Segmentation and Shape from Texture by Variational Methods
* Algorithm to Determine the Feasibilities and Weights of Two-Layer Perceptrons for Partitioning and Classification, An
* Alternatives to Variable Duration HMM in Handwriting Recognition
* Analog Computation for Phase-Based Disparity Estimation: Continuous and Discrete Models
* Analysis of Speckle Noise Contribution on Wavelet Decomposition of SAR Images
* Analytic Solution for the Pose Determination of Human Faces from a Monocular Image, An
* Apparatus and method for searching motion vector
* Are Multilayer Perceptrons Adequate for Pattern-Recognition and Verification
* Ascender System: Automated Site Modeling from Multiple Aerial Images, The
* Automated Delineation of Individual Tree Crowns in High Spatial Resolution Aerial Images by Multiple Scale Analysis
* Automatic Building Extraction from Aerial Images
* Automatic Face Recognition in a Heterogeneous Population
* Automatic Method for the Removal of Unwanted, Non-periodic Patterns from Forensic Images, An
* Autostereoscopic 3D display systems with observer tracking
* Bayesian Approaches to Gaussian Mixture Modeling
* Building Detection and Description from a Single Intensity Image
* Building Detection and Reconstruction from Mid- and High-resolution Aerial Imagery
* CCD Camera Calibration Based on Natural Landmarks
* Characteristics of disparity-compensated stereo image pair residuals
* Characterization of image degradation caused by scanning
* Computing the Kantorovich Distance for Images
* Connectivity on Complete Lattices
* Convexity of sets of lines
* Deformable Object Modeling Using the Time-Dependent Finite Element Method
* DEM Generation by Means of ERS Tandem Data
* Detection of shoreline changes for tideland areas using multi-temporal satellite images
* Discontinuity-Preserving Vector Smoothing of Multivariate MR Images Using Vector Mean Field Annealing
* Disparity map coding based on adaptive triangular surface modelling
* Dynamic Programming Generation of Curves on Brain Surfaces
* Edge Detection and Ridge Detection with Automatic Scale Selection
* Effect of Digital Elevation Model Resolution on Topographic Correction of Airborne SAR
* Effect of noise on generalisation in massively parallel fuzzy systems
* Efficient and Accurate Collision Detection for Granular Flow Simulation
* Efficient determination of shape from multiple images containing partial information
* Efficient Rotation Invariant Texture Features for Content-Based Image Retrieval
* Efficiently Computing the Closest Point to a Query Line
* Emerging JBIG2 Standard, The
* Engraved area volume measurement system and method using pixel data
* Error Resilience Support in H.263+
* Evaluating Image Processing Algorithms that Predict Regions of Interest
* Evolution of stereoscopic and three-dimensional video
* Extracting Buildings from Aerial Images Using Hierarchical Aggregation in 2D and 3D
* Face detection using templates
* Faster point set pattern matching in 3-D
* Feature Detection with Automatic Scale Selection
* Flexible 3D Motion Estimation and Tracking for Multiview Image Sequence Coding
* Fractal Engine: An Affine Video Processor Core for Multimedia Applications
* Fractal Vector Quantizer for Image Coding, A
* Fractional Fourier and Radon-Wigner Transforms Of Periodic Signals
* From Shape from Shading to Object Recognition
* Fuzzy-Based Rate Control For Real-Time MPEG Video
* General Coding Scheme for Families of Digital Curve Segments, A
* Generalization to Novel Views: Universal, Class-Based, and Model-Based Processing
* Gradient-Based Learning applied to Document Recognition
* Graph Matching with a Dual-Step EM Algorithm
* gray-level transformation-based method for image enhancement, A
* H.263+: Video Coding at Low Bit Rates
* Handheld iris imaging apparatus and method
* High-resolution Planetary Imaging via Spotlight-mode Synthetic Aperture Radar
* Holographic Representations of Images
* Image and Video Coding: Emerging Standards and Beyond
* Image pickup apparatus with interpolation and edge enhancement of pickup signal varying with zoom magnification
* Image processing method and apparatus using separate processing for pseudohalf tone area
* Image recognition method
* Image reconstruction using symmetric convolution and discrete trigonometric transforms
* Image Sequence Analysis for Emerging Interactive Multimedia Services: The European COST 211 Framework
* Image Sequence Macroblock Classification Using Neural Networks
* Image signal processing apparatus and recording/reproducing apparatus
* Improving Backpropagation Learning Under Limited Precision
* Improving Phase Unwrapping Techniques by the Use of Local Frequency Estimates
* Improving the k-NCN classification rule through heuristic modifications
* In-flight calibration of the Modular Optoelectronic Scanner (MOS)
* Inference of Integrated Surface, Curve, and Junction Descriptions from Sparse 3D Data
* Intensity-Based and Gradient-Based Stereo Matching Using Hierarchical Gaussian Basis Functions
* Interpretation of Urban Surface Models Using 2d Building Information
* Introduction of neighborhood information in evidence theory and application to data fusion of radar and optical images with partial cloud cover
* Iris imaging telephone security module and method
* Level-Set Approach to 3D Reconstruction from Range Data, A
* Linear Scale-Space Theory from Physical Principles
* Local Topological Parameters in a Tetrahedral Representation
* M-band Nonlinear Subband Decompositions with Perfect Reconstruction
* Maximum-likelihood estimation of an astronomical image from a sequence at low photon levels
* Method and apparatus for creating a searchable digital video library and a system and method of using such a library
* Method and apparatus for motion estimation in a video signal
* Method of recognizing images of faces or general images using fuzzy combination of multiple resolutions
* Model of Saliency-Based Visual Attention for Rapid Scene Analysis, A
* Modeling and Classifying Symmetries Using a Multiscale Opponent-Color Representation
* Modified Multiscale Error Diffusion Technique for Digital Halftoning, A
* Moire interferometry system and method with extended imaging depth
* Monothetic Clustering Method, A
* morphological operator for corner detection, A
* Motion Prediction of Moving Objects Based on Autoregressive Model
* Multi-Level Dynamic Programming Method for Line Segment Matching in Axial Motion Stereo, A
* Multibody Factorization Method for Independently Moving-Objects, A
* Multidimensional Interval Filter: A New Indexing Method for Subpicture Query of Image Retrieval
* Multiresolution Dynamic Image Representation with Uniform and Foveal Spiral Scan Data
* New Method for Polygonal Approximation Using Genetic Algorithms, A
* New vector quantization image coding algorithm based on the extension of the bound for Minkowski metric
* Noise tolerance of moment invariants in pattern recognition
* Noisy Fingerprints Classification with Directional FFT Based Features Using MLP
* Novel scene generation, merging and stitching views using the 2D affine space
* On The Importance Of Being Asymmetric In Stereopsis: Or Why We Should Use Skewed Parallel Cameras
* On the stability of thresholding SAR images
* On-line handwriting recognition using physics-based shape metamorphosis
* One-dimensional digital processing of images for straight-line detection
* Optical system for single camera stereo video
* Optimal Quadtree-based Motion Estimation and Motion-compensated Interpolation Scheme for Video Compression, An
* Orthographic approach to representing 3-D images and interpolating light rays for 3-D image communication and virtual environment
* Panoramic optics assembly having an initial flat reflective element
* Parsing Multi-Agent Interactions
* Pattern classification using genetic algorithms: Determination of H
* Perceptual Correction for Color Grading Using Sensor Transformations and Metameric Data
* Piecewise linear classifiers with an appropriate number of hyperplanes
* Polarimetric SAR Imaging of Buried Landmines
* Primitive Features by Steering, Quadrature, and Scale
* Quantitative Comparison of the Performance of SAR Segmentation Algorithms
* Real-time computation of two-dimensional moments on binary images using image block representation
* realtime hardware system for stereoscopic videoconferencing with viewpoint adaptation, A
* Recovering Colors in an Image with Chromatic Illuminant
* Remarks on the Unsubsampled Wavelet Transform and the Lifting Scheme
* RGF Pandemonium: A Low-Level Representational Model for Images, The
* RIEVL: Recursive Induction Learning in Hand Gesture Recognition
* Robust Affine Structure Matching for 3d Object Recognition
* Robust-Coded Pattern Projection for Dynamic 3D Scene Measurement, A
* Role of Color Attributes and Similarity Grouping in 3-D Building Reconstruction, The
* Scene Classification by Fuzzy Local Moments
* segmentation algorithm for noisy images: Design and evaluation, A
* Segmented snake for contour detection
* Semivariogram in Comparison to the Co-Occurrence Matrix for Classification of Image Texture, The
* Shape Evolution with Structural and Topological Changes Using Blending
* Signal and image feature extraction from local maxima of generalised correlation
* single filter for edge detection, A
* Size-invariant four-scan Euclidean distance transformation
* Software-Based MPEG-4 Video Encoder Using Parallel Processing, A
* Special Issue on Representation and Coding of Images and Video I
* Speeding up chinese character recognition in an automatic document reading system
* Stereoscopic image coding: Effect of disparate image-quality in left- and right-eye views
* Structural Recognition for Table-Form Documents using Relaxation Techniques
* Study of Remote-Sensing Image Texture Analysis and Classification Using Wavelet
* Symbolic graph matching with the EM algorithm
* System For A New 2-Dimensional Code: Secure 2D Code, A
* Texture classification using non-separable two-dimensional wavelets
* Texture Information in Run-length Matrices
* Texture Periodicity Detection: Features, Properties, and Comparisons
* Texture Synthesis-by-analysis with Hard-limited Gaussian Processes
* Three-dimensional model construction from multiview range images: Survey with new results
* Topological Numbers and Singularities in Scalar Images: Scale-Space Evolution Properties
* Towards the Recovery of Extrinsic Camera Parameters from Video Records of Sewer Surveys
* Unified Theory of Uncalibrated Stereo for Both Perspective and Affine Cameras
* Vectorization of hand-drawn image using piecewise cubic Bezier curves fitting
* Vertex-based hierarchical shape representation and coding method and apparatus
* Vision-Guided Navigation Using SHOSLIF
* VLSI Implementations of Image and Video Multimedia Processing Systems
* Wavelet Networks for Sensor Signal Classification in Flank Wear Assessment
* Wavelet-based Multiresolution Statistical Model for Texture, A
161 for 9811

Index for "9"

Last update:20-Jan-25 12:09:31
Use price@usc.edu for comments.