Journals starting with icig

ICIG11 * *International Conference on Image and Graphics
* 3D Object Presentation Mapping
* Abnormal Behavior Detection via Sparse Reconstruction Analysis of Trajectory
* Abnormal Event Recognition in Crowd Scene, An
* Accelerating Vehicle Detection in Low-Altitude Airborne Urban Video
* Accurate Foreground Segmentation without Pre-learning
* Adaptive Background Model for Arbitrary-Long Stationary Target
* Adaptive Bilateral Filter Considering Local Characteristics
* Aerial Video Images Registration Based on Optimal Derivative Filters with Scene-Adaptive Corners
* Affective Video Classification Based on Spatio-temporal Feature Fusion
* Algorithm of Planar Coded Pattern Recognition for Camera Calibration, An
* Ancient Porcelain Shards Classifications Based on Color Features
* Automatic Bridge Extraction for Optical Images
* Automatic Classification of Ultraviolet Aurora Images Based on Texture and Shape Features
* Automatic Matching Algorithm Based on SIFT Descriptors for Remote Sensing Ship Image, An
* Bag-of-Feature Model for Video Semantic Annotation, A
* Bag-of-Features Based Classification of Breast Parenchymal Tissue in the Mammogram via Jointly Selecting and Weighting Visual Words
* Bilateral Filtering Based User-Controllable Multi-exemplars Texture Synthesis
* Boosted Learning of Visual Word Weighting Factors for Bag-of-Features Based Medical Image Retrieval
* Brain MR Image Tumor Segmentation with Ventricular Deformation
* Cascade-Based License Plate Localization with Line Segment Features and Haar-Like Features
* Change Detection Method for Man-Made Objects in SAR Images Based on Curvelet and Level Set, A
* Classification Algorithm to Distinguish Image as Haze or Non-haze, A
* Classification of Driving Postures by Support Vector Machines
* Classification of Vehicle Make by Combined Features and Random Subspace Ensemble
* Codebook Reconstruction with Word Correlation Feedback Mechanism
* Combining Mean-Shift and Particle Filter for Object Tracking
* Compounded Regularization and Fast Algorithm for Compressive Sensing Deconvolution
* Content-Based Design Patent Image Retrieval Using Structured Features and Multiple Feature Fusion
* ContextRank: Personalized Tourism Recommendation by Exploiting Context Information of Geotagged Web Photos
* Covariance Matching for PDE-based Contour Tracking
* D-Note: Computer-Aided Digital Note Taking System on Physical Book
* Depth Based View Synthesis with Artifacts Removal for FTV
* Detecting Motion Patterns in Dynamic Crowd Scenes
* Discriminative Features for Image Classification and Retrieval
* Discriminative Human Pose Estimation Based on the Bandelet2 Image Descriptor
* Distribution-Based Active Contour Model for Medical Image Segmentation
* Diversifying the Image Relevance Reranking with Absorbing Random Walks
* Double Compression Detection Based on Markov Model of the First Digits of DCT Coefficients
* Double-Layer Model for Foreground Detection from Video Sequence, A
* Dynamic Background Subtraction Using Spatial-Color Binary Patterns
* Dynamic Video Segmentation via a Novel Recursive Kernel Density Estimation
* Edge Saliency Map Detection with Texture Suppression
* Effective Classification Approach for EEG-based BCI System, An
* Effective Image Retrieval Technique Based on Color Perception, An
* Efficient Authorship Protection Scheme for Shared Multimedia Content, An
* Efficient Image Denoising by MRF Approximation with Uniform-Sampled Multi-spanning-tree
* Efficient Multi-resolution Histogram Matching for Bag-of-Features
* Error Resilient Coding Based on Reversible Data Hiding and Redundant Slice
* Exemplar-Based Image Inpainting with Collaborative Filtering
* Face Recognition Using Nonlinear Regression
* Face Recognition with Multi-feature Joint Representation
* Face Sketch-Photo Synthesis under Multi-dictionary Sparse Representation Framework
* Fast Alternating Minimization Method for Compressive Sensing MRI under Wavelet Sparsity and TV Sparsity
* Fast Exact Euclidean Distance Transform Algorithm, A
* Fast Local Scale Control Based Blur Edge Detection
* Fast Pedestrian Detection with Laser and Image Data Fusion
* Feature-Based Object Tracking Method Using Online Template Switching and Feature Adaptation, A
* Fusion Algorithm for Infrared-Visual Image Sequences
* Fusion of Object and Scene Based on IHS Transform and SFIM
* Gabor Texture Information for Face Recognition Using the Generalized Gaussian Model
* Gabor-LBP Based Region Covariance Descriptor for Person Re-identification
* Geometric Motion Flow (GMF): A New Feature for Traffic Surveillance
* Global Trajectory Construction across Multi-cameras via Graph Matching
* GPU Based Implementation of 3DTV System
* Graph Partition Based Bundle Adjustment for Structured Dataset
* Hand Detection Using Robust Color Correction and Gaussian Mixture Model
* Hardware Coprocessor Integrated with OpenCV for Edge Detection Using Cellular Neural Networks, A
* Hierarchical Joint Bilateral Filtering for Depth Post-Processing
* Image Annotation with Multiple Quantization
* Image Class Segmentation via Conditional Random Field over Weighted Histogram Classifier
* Image Interpolation Using Autoregressive Model and Gauss-Seidel Optimization
* Improved Non-local Iterative Back-Projection Method for Image Super-Resolution
* Improvement of Virtual View Rendering Based on Depth Image
* Integrating Boundary Cue with Superpixel for Image Segmentation
* Integrating kAS and SIFT-like Descriptor for Image Description
* Integrating Low-level and Semantic Features for Object Consistent Segmentation
* Inter-view Coding Correlation Based Error Concealment for Stereoscopic Video Transmission
* Intervertebral Disc Shape Analysis with Geodesic Metric in Shape Space
* Invariant Image Recognition Using Radial Jacobi Moment Invariants
* Inverse-degree Sampling for Spectral Clustering
* K-means: Clustering by gradual data transformation
* KLT Feature Based Vehicle Detection and Tracking in Airborne Videos
* Lane Detection Based on Visual Attention
* Lane Detection Using Steerable Filters and FPGA-based Implementation
* Lattice Boltzmann Method of Active Contour for Image Segmentation
* Learning Based Adaptive Denoising Approach for Image Interpolation
* LIDAR-based Long Range Road Intersection Detection
* Local Dominant Orientation Based Mutual Information for Multisensor Template Matching
* Local Regression Model for Automatic Face Sketch Generation
* Local Semantic Classification of Natural Image Based on Spatial Context
* Locally Adaptive Shearlet Denoising Based on Bayesian MAP Estimate
* Low Bit Rate Compression for SAR Image Based on Blocks Reordering and 3D Wavelet Transform
* Matching Triangle Chain Codes
* MCF Model: Utilizing Multiple Colors for Face Recognition, The
* Measurement Matrix of Compressive Sensing Based on Gram-Schmidt Orthogonalization
* Measurement of Safe Driving Distance Based on Stereo Vision
* Medial Axis Extraction Algorithm for the Processing of Combustion Flame Images, A
* Method for Detection and Classification of Glass Defects in Low Resolution Images, A
* Metrics for Objective Evaluation of Background Subtraction Algorithms
* Minimum Spanning Tree Hierarchically Fusing Multi-feature Points and High-Dimensional Features for Medical Image Registration
* Modification Based on Butterfly Subdivision Scheme, A
* Motion Capture of Hand Movements Using Stereo Vision for Minimally Invasive Vascular Interventions
* Multi-focus Image Fusion by Nonsubsampled Shearlet Transform
* Multi-scale and Multi-orientation Local Feature Extraction for Lane Detection Using High-Level Information
* Multilevel Parallel Intra Coding for H.264/AVC Based on CUDA, A
* Multiview Approach to Robust Detection in the Presence of Cast Shadows, A
* Near Infrared Face Image Quality Assessment System of Video Sequences
* New Graph Constructor for Semi-supervised Discriminant Analysis via Group Sparsity, A
* New Image Super-Resolution Method in the Wavelet Domain, A
* New Method for Passive Millimeter Wave Image Registration by Applying Super Resolution, A
* New Method of Image Classification Based on Local Appearance and Context Information, A
* New Super-resolution Reconstruction Method Combining Narrow Quantization Constraint Set and Motion Estimation for H.264 Compressed Video, A
* New Tree Structure for Weighted Dynamic Programming Based Stereo Algorithm, A
* New Two-Dimensional Direction Histogram Based Entropic Thresholding, A
* Novel Algorithm for Ship Detection Based on Dynamic Fusion Model of Multi-feature and Support Vector Machine, A
* Novel Cued-recall Graphical Password Scheme, A
* Novel Robust Algorithm for Image Segmentation, A
* Novel Robust Laser Tracking System with Automatic Environment Adaptation and Keystone Correction, A
* Novel Ship Detection Method Based on Sea State Analysis from Optical Imagery, A
* Novel Smile Feature Extraction Algorithm Using Improved Gabor for Mobile Phone Platform
* On-line Signature Verification Using Graph Representation
* Optical Flow with Harmonic Constraint and Oriented Smoothness
* Optimized-SSIM Based Quantization in Optical Remote Sensing Image Compression
* Packed Dense Interest Points for Scene Image Retrieval
* Perceptual Saliency Driven Total Variation for Image Denoising Using Tensor Voting
* Performance Evaluation for IR Small Target Tracking Algorithm
* PFT Visual Attention Detection Model Using Bayesian Framework, A
* Photographic Composite Detection Using Two Circles
* Porous Media Precise Reconstruction and Porosity Fluid Animated Simulation
* QR Iterative Subspace Identification and Its Application in Image Denoising
* Quantitative Comparison of Segmentation Results from ADS40 Images in Swiss NFI
* Quasi-convex Optimization of Metrics in Biometric Score Fusion
* Query by Virtual Example: Video Retrieval Using Example Shots Created by Virtual Reality Techniques
* Real-Time Isoline Tracing Algorithm Based on CUDA, A
* Real-Time Long-Range Lane Detection and Tracking for Intelligent Vehicle
* Real-Time Multiple Vehicles Tracking with Occlusion Handling
* Rectangle Detection Method for Real-Time Extraction of Large Panel Edge, A
* Research of Algorithm for Handwritten Character Recognition in Correcting Assignment System, The
* Research on License Plate Detection Based on Salient Feature under Complex Background
* Reverse Seam Carving
* Robust and Compact Descriptor Based on Center-Symmetric LBP, A
* Robust Approach for Anti-jamming Target Tracking in Forward Looking Infrared Imagery, A
* Robust Face Recognition by Sparse Local Features from a Single Image under Occlusion
* Robust Moving Cast Shadows Detection and Removal with Reliability Checking of the Color Property
* Robust Sparse Tensor Decomposition by Probabilistic Latent Semantic Analysis
* Robust Traffic Sign Recognition System for Intelligent Vehicles, A
* Robust Visual Tracking by Integrating Lucas-Kanade into Mean-Shift
* RSEM: An Accelerated Algorithm on Repeated EM
* Saliency Detection: A Self-Adaption Sparse Representation Approach
* Saliency Modulated High Dynamic Range Image Tone Mapping
* Segmentation Based on Routing Image Algorithms
* Segmenting the Subthalamic Nucleus Using Narrow Band Limited Variational Level Set Method
* Semi-automatic Method for Vascular Image Segmentation, A
* Semi-supervised Classification via Low Rank Graph
* Shader Based Polygon Stitching and Its Application in Deformable Terrain Simulation
* Shape Matching Using Points Co-Occurrence Pattern
* Single Image Multi-focusing Based on Local Blur Estimation
* Single Image Super Resolution Method Based on Edge Preservation
* Single-Image Super-Resolution via Sparse Coding Regression
* Smile Expression Classification Using the Improved BIF Feature
* Space Target Recognition Method Based on Compressive Sensing, A
* Sparse Feature Learning for Visual Tracking by Least Absolute Shrinkage and Selection Operator
* Spherical Cover Algorithm to Reconstruct 3D Face Model, A
* Spontaneous Facial Expression Recognition Based on Feature Point Tracking
* Structure-Aware Image Completion with Texture Propagation
* Subjective Quality Optimized Intra Mode Selection for H.264 I Frame Coding Based on SSIM
* Supervised Sparse Patch Coding towards Misalignment-Robust Face Recognition
* Target Tracking Based on Wavelet Features in the Dynamic Image Sequence
* Tensor Recovery via Multi-linear Augmented Lagrange Multiplier Method
* Texture Transfer in Frequency Domain
* Three Dimensional Saliency Calculation Using Splatting
* Tracking Based on SURF and Superpixel
* Tree-Structured MRF Based Image Segmentation Combined with Advanced Means Shift Mode Detection
* Unified Method Based on Wavelet Transform and C-V Model for Crack Segmentation of 3D Industrial CT Images, A
* Video Reshuffling with Narratives toward Effective Video Browsing
* Vision-Related MLS Image Deformation Using Saliency Map
* Visual Object Localization in Image Collections
* Visual Saliency Based Aerial Video Summarization by Online Scene Classification
* Visual Word Pairs for Similar Image Search
* Visualization and Analysis of Information for Checkin in LBS Mode
* Visualization Three-Dimensional Geological Modeling Using CUDA
* Watershed Transformation Based Identification of the Combustion Region in an Oxy-coal Flame Image
* Weighted Local Binary Pattern Infrared Face Recognition Based on Weber's Law
184 for ICIG11

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