* *Embedded Computer Vision
* Binary histogram based split/merge object detection using FPGAs
* census-based stereo vision algorithm using modified Semi-Global Matching and plane fitting to improve matching quality, A
* Comparison of FPGA and GPU implementations of real-time stereo vision
* Dynamically reconfigurable architecture for real time adaptation of H264/AVC-SVC video streams
* Efficient planar features matching for robot localization using GPU
* Fast locally consistent dense stereo on multicore
* FPGA-based robust ellipse estimation for circular road sign detection
* FPGA-GPU architecture for kernel SVM pedestrian detection
* GPU computing with orientation maps for extracting local invariant features
* High-speed vision systems and projectors for real-time perception of the world
* Indoor-outdoor detector for mobile phone cameras using gentle boosting
* Mobile panoramic imaging system
* Mobile photo collage
* real-time pedestrian classification method for event-based dynamic stereo vision, A
* Real-time Semi-Global Matching on the CPU
16 for ECVW10
* *Embedded Computer Vision
* Accelerating neuromorphic vision on FPGAs
* Acceleration of an improved Retinex algorithm
* Adapting algorithms for hardware implementation
* Efficient reconfigurable entropy coder for embedded multi-standards video adaptation
* Ego-motion compensated face detection on a mobile device
* Embedded face and biometric technologies for national and border security
* Embedded neuromorphic vision for humanoid robots
* Energy-Efficient Foreground Object Detection on Embedded Smart Cameras by Hardware-Level Operations
* Energy-optimized mapping of application to smartphone platform: A case study of mobile face recognition
* Event-driven stereo vision for fall detection
* Fast block based local motion estimation for video stabilization
* Fast boosting trees for classification, pose detection, and boundary detection on a GPU
* FPGA implementation of Naive Bayes classifier for visual object recognition
* Implementation and evaluation of FAST corner detection on the massively parallel embedded processor MX-G
* Low-power and efficient ambient assistive care system for elders
* motion based real-time foveation control loop for rapid and relevant 3D laser scanning, A
* Near real-time Fast Bilateral Stereo on the GPU
* NeuFlow: A runtime reconfigurable dataflow processor for vision
* optimized Silicon Retina stereo matching algorithm using time-space correlation, An
* optimized vision library approach for embedded systems, An
* Pedestrian detection using GPU-accelerated multiple cue computation
* Photorealistic 3D face modeling on a smartphone
* Rapid reconstruction of small objects on mobile phones
* real-time embedded solution for skew correction in banknote analysis, A
* Real-time license plate localisation on FPGA
* Robust airlight estimation for haze removal from a single image
* Stereo and IMU assisted visual odometry on an OMAP3530 for small robots
28 for ECVW11
* *Embedded Computer Vision
* challenge of putting vision algorithms into a car, The
* CPU-GPU hybrid people counting system for real-world airport scenarios using arbitrary oblique view cameras, A
* Embedded fall detection with a neural network and bio-inspired stereo vision
* Embedded smart sensor for outdoor parking lot lighting control
* Event-driven embodied system for feature extraction and object recognition in robotic applications
* Feature detection and matching on an SIMD/MIMD hybrid embedded processor
* GPU accelerated Fast Directional Chamfer Matching algorithm and a detailed comparison with a highly optimized CPU implementation, A
* Head-tracking virtual 3-D display for mobile devices
* High-speed line-scan camera with multi-line CMOS color sensor
* Real-time body motion analysis for dance pattern recognition
* Single-view obstacle detection for smart back-up camera systems
* Spatiotemporal multiple persons tracking using Dynamic Vision Sensor
* Stereo Vision embedded system for Augmented Reality
* SURF cascade face detection acceleration on Sandy Bridge processor
15 for ECVW12
* *Embedded Computer Vision
* Efficient GPU-Based Graph Cuts for Stereo Matching
* Embedded Vision Services Framework for Heterogeneous Accelerators, An
* FPGA-Based Real-Time Pedestrian Detection on High-Resolution Images
* GPU-Accelerated Human Detection Using Fast Directional Chamfer Matching
* GPU-SHOT: Parallel Optimization for Real-Time 3D Local Description
* Ground Truth Evaluation for Event-Based Silicon Retina Stereo Data
* Next Generation FPGAs and SOCs: How Embedded Systems Can Profit
* Pedestrian Detection at Warp Speed: Exceeding 500 Detections per Second
* Scalable Frame to Block Based Automatic Converter for Efficient Embedded Vision Processing
* Stereo Vision Algorithms for FPGAs
* Vision-Based Lane Analysis: Exploration of Issues and Approaches for Embedded Realization
12 for ECVW13
* *Embedded Computer Vision
* 240 G-ops/s Mobile Coprocessor for Deep Neural Networks, A
* Addressing System-Level Optimization with OpenVX Graphs
* Brain-Inspired Classroom Occupancy Monitoring on a Low-Power Mobile Platform
* Compute-Efficient Algorithm for Robust Eyebrow Detection, A
* Efficient Lane and Vehicle Detection with Integrated Synergies (ELVIS)
* Embedded Solution to Visual Mapping for Consumer Drones, An
* Exploiting Traffic Scene Disparity Statistics for Stereo Vision
* Fast LBP Face Detection on Low-Power SIMD Architectures
* FPGA-Based Fast Response Image Analysis for Autonomous or Semi-autonomous Indoor Flight
* Gesture Recognition in Ego-centric Videos Using Dense Trajectories and Hand Segmentation
* High-Performance Hardware Architecture for a Frameless Stereo Vision Algorithm Implemented on a FPGA Platform, A
* Sightfield: Visualizing Computer Vision, and Seeing Its Capacity to See, The
* Surround View Camera Solution for Embedded Systems, A
* Towards Autonomous Navigation of Miniature UAV
* Train Station Surveillance System: Challenges and Solutions, A
16 for ECVW14
* *Embedded Computer Vision
* FPGA acceleration for feature based processing applications
* FPGA-based pedestrian detection under strong distortions
* Guidance: A visual sensing platform for robotic applications
* Locally non-rigid registration for mobile HDR photography
* Off-the-shelf sensor integration for mono-SLAM on smart devices
* On-board real-time tracking of pedestrians on a UAV
* Real-time embedded age and gender classification in unconstrained video
* real-time high dynamic range HD video camera, A
* Recursive edge-aware filters for stereo matching
* Retrieving gray-level information from a Binary Sensor and its application to gesture detection
11 for ECVW15
* *Embedded Computer Vision
* 3DCapture: 3D Reconstruction for a Smartphone
* Approximated Prediction Strategy for Reducing Power Consumption of Convolutional Neural Network Processor
* Diverse Low Cost High Performance Platform for Advanced Driver Assistance System (ADAS) Applications, A
* Embedded Computing Framework for Vision-Based Real-Time Surround Threat Analysis and Driver Assistance
* Embedded Motion Detection via Neural Response Mixture Background Modeling
* Embedded Vision System for Atmospheric Turbulence Mitigation
* Real-Time, Embedded Scene Invariant Crowd Counting Using Scale-Normalized Histogram of Moving Gradients (HoMG)
* Scalable High-Performance Hardware Architecture for Real-Time Stereo Vision by Semi-Global Matching, A
* Vision Based Autonomous Orientational Control for Aerial Manipulation via On-board FPGA
* Visual Attention Algorithm Designed for Coupled Oscillator Acceleration, A
* Visual Monocular Obstacle Avoidance for Small Unmanned Vehicles
12 for ECVW16
* *Embedded Computer Vision
* Binarized Convolutional Neural Networks with Separable Filters for Efficient Hardware Acceleration
* Diagnostic Mechanism and Robustness of Safety Relevant Automotive Deep Convolutional Networks
* Embedded Robust Visual Obstacle Detection on Autonomous Lawn Mowers
* Even More Confident Predictions with Deep Machine-Learning
* Fast, Accurate Thin-Structure Obstacle Detection for Autonomous Mobile Robots
* Hand Gesture Based Region Marking for Tele-Support Using Wearables
* Image-Based Visual Perception and Representation for Collision Avoidance
* Improved Cooperative Stereo Matching for Dynamic Vision Sensors with Ground Truth Evaluation
* Joint Mobile-Cloud Video Stabilization
* LCDet: Low-Complexity Fully-Convolutional Neural Networks for Object Detection in Embedded Systems
* Low-Complexity Global Motion Estimation for Aerial Vehicles
* Pruning ConvNets Online for Efficient Specialist Models
* Real-Time Driver Drowsiness Detection for Embedded System Using Model Compression of Deep Neural Networks
* Reconstructing Intensity Images from Binary Spatial Gradient Cameras
* Sparse, Quantized, Full Frame CNN for Low Power Embedded Devices
* SqueezeDet: Unified, Small, Low Power Fully Convolutional Neural Networks for Real-Time Object Detection for Autonomous Driving
* SqueezeMap: Fast Pedestrian Detection on a Low-Power Automotive Processor Using Efficient Convolutional Neural Networks
* Training Sparse Neural Networks
19 for ECVW17
* *Embedded Computer Vision
* Analysis of Efficient CNN Design Techniques for Semantic Segmentation
* Comparative Study of Real-Time Semantic Segmentation for Autonomous Driving, A
* Design of a Reconfigurable 3D Pixel-Parallel Neuromorphic Architecture for Smart Image Sensor
* Efficient Semantic Segmentation Using Gradual Grouping
* GPU Based Video Object Tracking on PTZ Cameras
* IFQ-Net: Integrated Fixed-Point Quantization Networks for Embedded Vision
* Interpolation-Based Object Detection Using Motion Vectors for Embedded Real-time Tracking Systems
* KCNN: Extremely-Efficient Hardware Keypoint Detection with a Compact Convolutional Neural Network
* Light Field Depth Estimation on Off-the-Shelf Mobile GPU
* Onboard Stereo Vision for Drone Pursuit or Sense and Avoid
* Pseudo-Labels for Supervised Learning on Dynamic Vision Sensor Data, Applied to Object Detection Under Ego-Motion
12 for ECVW18
* *Embedded Computer Vision
* Content-aware Input Scaling and Deep Learning Computation Offloading for Low-Latency Embedded Vision
* Dedicated Inference Engine and Binary-Weight Neural Networks for Lightweight Instance Segmentation
* ED-DCFNet: an unsupervised encoder-decoder neural model for event-driven feature extraction and object tracking
* Efficient Video Stabilization via Partial Block Phase Correlation on Edge GPUs
* Lightweight Maize Disease Detection through Post-Training Quantization with Similarity Preservation
* Multi-bit, Black-box Watermarking of Deep Neural Networks in Embedded Applications
* Multi-resolution Rescored ByteTrack for Video Object Detection on Ultra-low-power Embedded Systems
* Neuromorphic Lip-Reading with Signed Spiking Gated Recurrent Units
* Prune Efficiently by Soft Pruning
* Pruning as a Binarization Technique
* RAVN: Reinforcement Aided Adaptive Vector Quantization of Deep Neural Networks
* SciFlow: Empowering Lightweight Optical Flow Models with Self-Cleaning Iterations
* Structured Sparse Back-propagation for Lightweight On-Device Continual Learning on Microcontroller Units
14 for ECVW24