Update Dates 8000

8000 * *Map Data Processing
* 3-D Shape Input and Processing by Moire Technique
* 3D Complex Object Recognition Using Programmed Illumination
* Adaptive Segmentation of Unique Objects
* Algebraic Reconstruction Techniques for Texture Synthesis
* Analog Relaxation Processor, An
* Analysis of Time-Varying Imagery Through the Representation of Position and Shape Changes
* Analysis-by-Synthesis Search for Semantic Segmentation Applied to Workpiece Recognition
* Analytical Design of Multispectral Sensors
* Application of Knowledge Base for Image Analysis, An
* Approach to Understanding Geometrical Configurations by Computer, An
* Atmospheric Modelling for the Generation of Albedo Images
* Automated Inspection Using Gray-Scale Statistics
* Automated TV Tracking of Moving Objects: The DFVLR Tracker and Related Approaches
* Automatic Inspection and Orientation of External Screws
* Automatic Inspection System for Printed Wiring Board Masks, An
* Automatic Visual Inspection of LSI Photomasks
* Automatic Visual Sorting Method of Compressors with Stamped Marks
* Automation of Chromosome Analysis
* Autoregressive Modeling with Conditional Expectations for Texture Synthesis
* Bayes factors and choice criteria for linear models
* Bayesian Approach to Edge Detection in Images, A
* Bootstrap Stereo
* Boundary Detection in Range Pictures
* Combination of Statistical and Syntactical Pattern Recognition Applied to Classification of Unconstrained Handwritten Numerals, A
* Comments on a Lower Bound for Convex Hull Determination
* Comparative Study of Optical-Digital vs. All-Digital Techniques in Textural Pattern Recognition
* Comparison of Some Segmentation Algorithms for Cytology, A
* Component-Wise Edge Detection by Laplacian Operator Masks
* Computational Anatomy and Functional Architecture of Striate Cortex: A Spatial Mapping Approach to Perceptual Coding
* Computer Analysis of Speckle Shearing Images
* Computer Measurement of Particle Diameters in Cell Membranes from Electron Micrographs
* Conclusions from the Commodity Expert Project
* Contour Processing in Visual Pattern Recognition. Application in Robotics
* Correct Preprocessing Algorithm for Boyer-Moore String-Searching, A
* Decomposition of Image Sequnces of Overlapping Homogeneous Transparent Radiating Objects
* Description of Texture Using the General Operator Approach
* Detecting Small Variations in Shape
* Development of a Spectral-Spatial Classifier for Earth Observational Data, The
* Discrimination of Winter Wheat Using a Growth-State Signature, The
* Edge Based Segmentation and Texture Separation
* Edge-Based Stereo Correlation
* Effects of Variability on Estimating Scale Change Using Texture, The
* Ego Motion and a Relative Depth Map from Optical Flow
* Elector-Optical Technology for Autonomous Vehicles
* Experience with the Generalized Hough Transform
* Experiments in Schema-Driven Interpretation of a Natural Scene
* Exponential Radon Transform, The
* Extraction of Vanishing Point and Its Application to Scene Analysis Based on Image Sequence
* Fast Algorithms for Two Maximal Distance Problems with Applications to Image Analysis
* Fast Hierarchical Correlations with Gaussian-Like Kernels
* Fast Matching of Non-Stationary Images with False Fix Protection
* Feature Value Smoothing as an Aid in Texture Analysis
* Fourier Domain Design of Line and Edge Detectors
* Further comments on Bykat's Convex Hull Algorithm
* Gabor's Expansion of a Signal into Gaussian Elementary Signals
* Gaussian Sphere: A Unifying Representation of Surface Orientation, The
* Generalized Blob Model for 3D Object Representation, A
* Graph Monomorphism Algorithms
* Handwritten Arabic character recognition by the IRAC system
* Hierarchical Graphs in Pattern Analysis
* Hierarchical Representations for serial Section Images
* Hierarchical Shape Description Based upon Convex Hulls of Concavities
* Hierarchical Smoothing of Grey Tone Images with Adaptive Region Merging Capability
* How to Describe Pure Form and How to Measure Differences in Shapes Using Shape Numbers
* Human Movement Understanding: A Variety of Perspectives
* Image Modeling: The Continuity Assumption and Tracking
* Image Understanding via Geometric Models
* Integration of Multi-Sensor Data for Threat Assessment, The
* Intensity Signal Processing of Images for Optical to Radar Scene Matching
* Interactive System for Hand-Written Numeral Classification Based on Fourier Descriptors
* Interference Detection and Collision Avoidance Among Three Dimensional Objects
* Interpretation of a Moving Retinal Image, The
* Interpretive Vision
* Introduction to Radar Systems
* Invariant Factors and Natural Transformations of Image Categories
* Knowledge-Mediated Perception
* Labeling Evaluation in Probabilistic Networks
* Manual of Photogrammetry
* Map-Guided Interpretation of Remotely-Sensed Imagery
* Matching of Natural Terrain Scenes
* Matching Symbolic Descriptions for 3D Reconstruction of Simple Moving Objects
* Measurement of Two Phase Flow Velocities Using Image Correlation
* Method for Construction of Complete Invariant Systems of Features for Scene Analysis, A
* Method for the Analysis of Gaussian-Like Clusters, A
* Minimal Conditions for the Visual Detection of Structure and Motion in Three Dimensions
* Model for Texture Edges, A
* Motion Analysis in Natural Scenes Picked up by a Moving Optical Sensor
* Motion Analysis of Image Sequences for Object Grouping and Reconstruction
* Multivariant Techniques for Multiclass Pattern Recognition
* Neighbor Gray Levels as Features in Pixel Classification
* New Proof of the Linearity of the Boyer-Moore String Searching Algorithm, A
* Non-Correlation Approach to Image-Based Velocity Determination, A
* Note on Finding Convex Hulls via Maximal Vectors, A
* Object Detection and Measurement Using Stereo Vision
* Object Detection in Image Sequences
* Object Guided Segmentation of Aerial Images
* Obstacle Avoidance and Navigation in the Real World by a Seeing Robot Rover
* On an inverse boundary value problem
* On the Dominance of Non-Parametric Bayes Rule Discriminant Algorithms in High Dimensions
* On the Freeman's Conjecture About the Chain Code of a Line
* On the O(n log n) Lower Bound for Convex Hull and Maximal Vector Determination
* On the visual discrimination between small objects and large textured patterns
* On-line Cursive Script Recognition: A Structural Approach
* On-Line Recognition of Handprinted Kanji Characters
* Optical Flow Field: The Foundation of Vision, The
* Optimal Computation of Image Gradients Using Eignevector Techniques and 3X3 Neighborhoods
* Optimal Worst-Case Algorithm for Reporting Intersections of Rectangles, An
* Optimization Approach for Using Contextual Information in Computer Vision, An
* Overcoming Accuracy Deterioration in Pixel Relaxation Labeling
* Parallel Algorithm For Constructing Minimum Spanning Trees, A
* Parallel Isometric Context-Free Array Grammar Normal Forms
* Parallel Recognition of Classes of Graphs, The
* Pattern Recognition and Geometrical Complexity
* Perception of Surface Slant and Edge Labels from Optical Flow: A Computational Approach
* Perceptual Reasoning in a Hostile Environment
* Peripheral Processes in Machine Perception of Motion
* Photogrammetry
* Photometric Invariants Related to Solid Shape
* Piecewise Linear Detection of Boundaries in Chest Radiographs
* Point Pattern Matching by Relaxation
* Probability Distribution of the Conditional Classification Error, The
* Progressive Transmission of Grey Scale and B/W Images by Simple, Efficient and Lossless Encoding Schemes
* Propagation Algorithms for Framing Rectangle Construction
* Psychology of Vision, The
* Quadtrees and Pyramids for Pattern Recognition and Image Processing
* Quanmtitative Model of the Functional Architecture of Human Striate Cortex with Application to Vision Illusion and Cortical Texture Analysis, A
* Random Processes Models and Estimation Theory for Digital Image Registration
* Range Image Processing: Planar Surface Extraction
* Rapid Texture Identification
* Real Time Display of Textures
* Refined Vertex Codes and Vertex Partitioning Methodology for Graph Isomorphism Testing
* Representation and Recognition of Cartographic Data
* Representing and Reasoning about Partially Specified Scenes
* Scene Labeling: An Optimization Approach
* Scene Matching with Translation Invariant Transforms
* Seeing: Illusion, Brain and Mind
* Separation of Overlapping Particles by Iterative Method
* Shape Descriptions for Labeling Concavity Trees
* Shape Discrimination with Walsh Descriptors
* Shape Encoding and Subjective Contours
* Shape from Texture
* Shrinking of RC-Coded Binary Patterns
* Signal Reconstruction from Phase or Magnitude
* Solving for the Parameters of Object Models from Image Descriptions
* Some aspects of motion perception
* Some Methods for the Analysis of Sharply Bounded Clusters
* Some New Image Smoothing Techniques
* Some Relaxation Experiments Using Triples of Pixels
* Some Uses of Pyramids in Image Processing and Segmentation
* Spatial and Qualitative Aspects of Reasoning about Motion
* Spatial Clustering Procedures for Region Analysis
* Spatial Data Structure, A
* Spatial Nonlinearities in the Instantaneous Perception of Textures with Identical Power Spectra
* Spatial Processor Model for Object dolor Perception, A
* Statistical Pattern Classification Using Contextual Information
* Sticks, Plates, and Blobs: Three-Dimensional Object Representation for Scene Analysis
* Storage Representation for Efficient Access to Large Multi-Dimensional Arrays, A
* Strip Detection Using Relaxation
* Structural Analysis of Complex Aerial Photographs, A
* Structural Description of Natural Textures
* Structural Encoding of Linear Outline in Scene Analysis
* Structured Computer Vision: Machine Perception through Hierarchical Computational Structures
* Study or a Model for Description Classification and Identification of Bidimensional Contour Edges
* Syntactic-Statistical Approach to Recognition of Industrial Objects, A
* Taxonomy and Segmentation of Textured Images
* Texture Analysis: A Survey
* Texture Classification Using Gray Level Co-Occurrence Based on Edge Maxima
* Texture Discrimination Using Digital Deconvolution Filters
* Texture Primitive Extraction Using an Edge-Based Approach
* Theoretical Analysis of Various Heuristics for the Graph Isomorphism Problem, A
* Theory of Edge Detection
* There Goes the Neighborhood: An ALIEN Identification Approach to Recognition in Partially Exposed Environments
* Three-Dimensional Moment Invariants
* Three-Dimensional Scene Analysis
* Toward a Theory of Multiple-Window Algorithms for Fast Adaptive Boundary Finding in Computer Vision
* Toward the Recognition of Cultural Features
* Two Algorithms for Constructing a Delaunay Triangulation
* Two-dimensional spectral analysis of cortical receptive field profiles
* Using Context in the Global Recognition of a Set of Objects: An Optimization Approach
* Using the Creation Machine to Locate Airplanes on Aerial Photos
* vector identity for the Dirichlet tessellation, A
* Visual Discrimination of Stochastic Texture Fields Based upon Their Second Order Statistics
* Visual Information Processing: The Structure and Creation of Visual Representations
* Visual Inspection of Metal Surfaces
* Visual perception based on biological filtering of spatial information
* What is a Good Data Structure for 2-D Points?
* What Should be Computed In Low Level Vision Systems
188 for 8000

Index for "8"

Last update:20-Jan-25 12:09:31
Use price@usc.edu for comments.