Journals starting with iwci

IWCIA04 * *Combinatorial Image Analysis
* 2D Shape Recognition Using Discrete Wavelet Descriptor Under Similitude Transform
* 3D Topological Thinning by Identifying Non-simple Voxels
* Adaptive Local Binarization Method for Recognition of Vehicle License Plates
* Algorithms in Digital Geometry Based on Cellular Topology
* Automatic Face Recognition by Support Vector Machines
* Binary Matrices Under the Microscope: A Tomographical Problem
* Binary Tomography by Iterating Linear Programs from Noisy Projections
* Blur Identification and Image Restoration Based on Evolutionary Multiple Object Segmentation for Digital Auto-focusing
* Calculating Distance with Neighborhood Sequences in the Hexagonal Grid
* Characterization of Bijective Discretized Rotations
* Combinatorial Transparent Surface Modeling from Polarization Images, A
* Comparison of Nonparametric Transformations and Bit Vector Matching for Stereo Correlation
* Comparison of Property Estimators in Stereology and Digital Geometry, A
* Convex Functions on Discrete Sets
* Convex Hulls in a 3-Dimensional Space
* Corner Detection and Curve Partitioning Using Arc-Chord Distance
* Curve Tracking by Hypothesis Propagation and Voting-Based Verification
* Curves, Hypersurfaces, and Good Pairs of Adjacency Relations
* Discrete Surfaces Segmentation into Discrete Planes
* Efficient Euclidean Distance Transform, An
* Equivalence Between Regular n-G-Maps and n-Surfaces
* Exact Optimization of Discrete Constrained Total Variation Minimization Problems
* Fast Segmentation of High-Resolution Satellite Images Using Watershed Transform Combined with an Efficient Region Merging Approach
* Geometric Algebra for Pose Estimation and Surface Morphing in Human Motion Estimation
* Hexagonal Pattern Languages
* How to Find a Khalimsky-Continuous Approximation of a Real-Valued Function
* Integral Trees: Subtree Depth and Diameter
* Joint Non-rigid Motion Estimation and Segmentation
* Jordan Surfaces in Discrete Antimatroid Topologies
* Junction and Corner Detection Through the Extraction and Analysis of Line Segments
* Magnification in Digital Topology
* Maximum Set of (26,6)-Connected Digital Surfaces, A
* Minimal Non-simple Sets in 4-Dimensional Binary Images with (8,80)-Adjacency
* Minimum-Length Polygon of a Simple Cube-Curve in 3D Space
* Near-linear Time Algorithm for Binarization of Fingerprint Images Using Distance Transform, A
* On Correcting the Unevenness of Angle Distributions Arising from Integer Ratios Lying in Restricted Portions of the Farey Plane
* On Recognizable Infinite Array Languages
* On the Language of Standard Discrete Planes and Surfaces
* On the Number of Digitizations of a Disc Depending on Its Position
* On the Reconstruction of Crystals Through Discrete Tomography
* Performance Evaluation of Binarizations of Scanned Insect Footprints
* Practical Region-Based Matching for Stereo Vision
* Sequential Probabilistic Grass Field Segmentation of Soccer Video Images
* Shape Preserving Sampling and Reconstruction of Grayscale Images
* Simple Points and Generic Axiomatized Digital Surface-Structures
* Sketch-Based Shape Retrieval Using Length and Curvature of 2D Digital Contours
* Study on Supervised Classification of Remote Sensing Satellite Image by Bayesian Algorithm Using Average Fuzzy Intracluster Distance, A
* Supercover of Non-square and Non-cubic Grids
* Surface Smoothing for Enhancement of 3D Data Using Curvature-Based Adaptive Regularization
* Tensor Algebra: A Combinatorial Approach to the Projective Geometry of Figures
* Texture Feature Extraction and Selection for Classification of Images in a Sequence
* Thinning by Curvature Flow
* Tree Species Recognition with Fuzzy Texture Parameters
* Two-Dimensional Discrete Morphing
* Video Cataloging System for Real-Time Scene Change Detection of News Video
* Video Program Clustering Indexing Based on Face Recognition Hybrid Model of Hidden Markov Model and Support Vector Machine
* Which Stereo Matching Algorithm for Accurate 3D Face Creation?
* Z-Tilings of Polyominoes and Standard Basis
59 for IWCIA04

IWCIA06 * *Combinatorial Image Analysis
* Additive Subsets
* Approximating Euclidean Distance Using Distances Based on Neighbourhood Sequences in Non-standard Three-Dimensional Grids
* Binary Tomography with Deblurring
* Branch Voxels and Junctions in 3D Skeletons
* Combinatorial Properties of Scale Space Singular Points
* Comparison of Shape Matching Methods for Contour Based Pose Estimation, A
* Computational Aspects of Digital Plane and Hyperplane Recognition
* Cooperating Basic Puzzle Grammar Systems
* Counting Gaps in Binary Pictures
* Digital Line Recognition, Convex Hull, Thickness, a Unified and Logarithmic Technique
* Discrete Homotopy of a Closed k-Surface
* Efficient Reconstruction of 2D-Tiling with t1,2, t2,1, t1,1 Tiles, An
* Exact Lattice Width of Planar Sets and Minimal Arithmetical Thickness, The
* Extended Mumford-Shah Regularization in Bayesian Estimation for Blind Image Deconvolution and Segmentation
* Feature Based Defuzzification at Increased Spatial Resolution
* Fuzzy Distance Based Hierarchical Clustering Calculated Using the A? Algorithm
* Grayscale Watersheds on Perfect Fusion Graphs
* Hierarchical Tree of Image Derived by Diffusion Filtering
* Incremental and Transitive Discrete Rotations
* Linear Algorithm for Polygonal Representations of Digital Sets, A
* Linear Discrete Line Recognition and Reconstruction Based on a Generalized Preimage
* Matching of the Multi-channel Images with Improved Nonparametric Transformations and Weighted Binary Distance Measures
* Monogenic Curvature Scale-Space, The
* Neural Network Approach to Real-Time Discrete Tomography, A
* New 2D Parallel Thinning Algorithms Based on Critical Kernels
* New Sub-pixel Map for Image Analysis, A
* Novel Automated Hand-Based Personal Identification, A
* Object Tracking Using Genetic Evolution Based Kernel Particle Filter
* On the Notion of Dimension in Digital Spaces
* Polygonal Approximation of Point Sets
* Quasi-isometric and Quasi-conformal Development of Triangulated Surfaces for Computerized Tomography
* Relevance Criteria for Data Mining Using Error-Tolerant Graph Matching
* Shortest Paths in a Cuboidal World
* Size and Shape Measure of Particles by Image Analysis
* Surface Registration Markers from Range Scan Data
* Topological Map: An Efficient Tool to Compute Incrementally Topological Features on 3D Images
* Topology Preserving Digitization with FCC and BCC Grids
* Two-Dimensional Discrete Shape Matching and Recognition
39 for IWCIA06

IWCIA08 * *Combinatorial Image Analysis
* Branch and Bound Algorithm for Medical Image Registration, A
* Comparison of Local and Global Region Merging in the Topological Map
* Computing Admissible Rotation Angles from Rotated Digital Images
* Computing Homology Generators for Volumes Using Minimal Generalized Maps
* Connectivity Preserving Voxel Transformation
* Convergence Proof for the Horn-Schunck Optical-Flow Computation Scheme Using Neighborhood Decomposition, A
* Detecting the Most Unusual Part of a Digital Image
* Deterministic Turing Machine for Context Sensitive Translation of Braille Codes to Urdu Text, A
* Digital Segments and Hausdorff Discretization
* Discrete Approach for Supervised Pattern Recognition, A
* Experimental Comparison of Continuous and Discrete Tangent Estimators Along Digital Curves
* Finding the Orthogonal Hull of a Digital Object: A Combinatorial Approach
* Global Optimization for First Order Markov Random Fields with Submodular Priors
* Image Registration Using Markov Random Coefficient Fields
* Label Space: A Multi-object Shape Representation
* Labeling Irregular Graphs with Belief Propagation
* Linear Boundary and Corner Detection Using Limited Number of Sensor Rows
* Memetic Algorithm for Binary Image Reconstruction, A
* Min-Cost-Max-Flow Based Algorithm for Reconstructing Binary Image from Two Projections Using Similar Images, A
* MRF Labeling with a Graph-Shifts Algorithm
* New Image Segmentation Technique Using Maximum Spanning Tree, A
* Novel Edge Detector
* On the Number of hv -Convex Discrete Sets
* Personal Identification Based on Weighting Key Point Scheme for Hand Image
* Polyhedral Surface Approximation of Non-convex Voxel Sets through the Modification of Convex Hulls
* Pure 2D Picture Grammars (P2DPG) and P2DPG with Regular Control
* Reasoning Framework for Solving Nonograms, A
* Reconstructing a Matrix with a Given List of Coefficients and Prescribed Row and Column Sums Is NP-Hard
* Reducing the Coefficients of a Two-Dimensional Integer Linear Constraint
* Rewriting P Systems Generating Iso-picture Languages
* Robust Decomposition of Thick Digital Shapes
* Scaling of Plane Figures That Assures Faithful Digitization
* Secret Sharing Scheme for Digital Images Based on Two-Dimensional Linear Cellular Automata, A
* Segmentation of Noisy Discrete Surfaces
* Thinning on Quadratic, Triangular, and Hexagonal Cell Complexes
* Topologically Correct 3D Surface Reconstruction and Segmentation from Noisy Samples
* Transformation Polytopes for Line Correspondences in Digital Images
* Weighted Neighborhood Sequences in Non-standard Three-Dimensional Grids: Parameter Optimization
39 for IWCIA08

IWCIA09 * *Combinatorial Image Analysis
* About the Complexity of Timetables and 3-Dimensional Discrete Tomography: A Short Proof of NP-Hardness
* Adaptive Pixel Resizing for Multiscale Recognition and Reconstruction
* Blurred Segments in Gray Level Images for Interactive Line Extraction
* Collapses and Watersheds in Pseudomanifolds
* Connected Viscous Filters
* Contour Reconstruction for Multiple 2D Regions Based on Adaptive Boundary Samples
* Convenient Closure Operators on Z2
* Digital Circularity and Its Applications
* Ego-Vehicle Corridors for Vision-Based Driver Assistance
* Farey Sequences and the Planar Euclidean Medial Axis Test Mask
* General Bayesian Markov Random Field Model for Probabilistic Image Segmentation, A
* Hierarchical Discrete Medial Axis for Sphere-Tree Construction
* Hinge Angles for 3D Discrete Rotations
* Inscribed Square Conjecture in the Digital Plane, The
* Multi-primitive Analysis of Digital Curves
* Multi-scale Analysis of Discrete Contours for Unsupervised Noise Detection
* Neighborhood Sequences in the Diamond Grid: Algorithms with Four Neighbors
* Neighborhood Sequences on nD Hexagonal/Face-Centered-Cubic Grids
* Omega-Arithmetization: A Discrete Multi-resolution Representation of Real Functions
* On the Convex Hull of the Integer Points in a Bi-circular Region
* Order-Independent Sequential Thinning Algorithm, An
* Parallel Contextual Hexagonal Array Grammars and Languages
* PCIF: An Algorithm for Lossless True Color Image Compression
* Phase-Correlation Guided Search for Realtime Stereo Vision
* Quasi-Affine Transformation in 3-D: Theory and Algorithms
* Reconstruction of Canonical hv-Convex Discrete Sets from Horizontal and Vertical Projections
* Signatures of Combinatorial Maps
* Sub-pixel Segmentation with the Image Foresting Transform
* Surface Thinning in 3D Cubical Complexes
* Theoretical Issues of Cluster Pattern Interfaces
* Tree-Based Encoding for Cancellations on Morse Complexes
* Using Membrane Computing for Obtaining Homology Groups of Binary 2D Digital Images
* What Does Digital Straightness Tell about Digital Convexity?
34 for IWCIA09

IWCIA11 * *Combinatorial Image Analysis
* Accurate Curvature Estimation along Digital Contours with Maximal Digital Circular Arcs
* Approximating Bicolored Images from Discrete Projections
* BCIF: Another Algorithm for Lossless True Color Image Compression
* Binary Images, M -Vectors, and Ambiguity
* Boar Spermatozoa Classification Using Longitudinal and Transversal Profiles (LTP) Descriptor in Digital Images
* Combining Topological Maps, Multi-Label Simple Points, and Minimum-Length Polygons for Efficient Digital Partition Model
* Community Detection for Hierarchical Image Segmentation
* Complexity and Approximability Issues in Combinatorial Image Analysis
* Computational Methods for the Prediction of Protein-Protein Interactions
* Construction of 3D Orthogonal Cover of a Digital Object
* Convex-Set Perimeter Estimation from Its Two Projections
* Cup Products on Polyhedral Approximations of 3D Digital Images
* Discrete Q-Convex Sets Reconstruction from Discrete Point X-Rays
* Discrete Tomography Reconstruction Based on the Multi-well Potential
* Distance Measures between Digital Fuzzy Objects and Their Applicability in Image Processing
* Dynamic Minimum Length Polygon
* Ellipse Constraints for Improved Wide-Baseline Feature Matching and Reconstruction
* Entropy-Based Technique for Nonrigid Medical Image Alignment, An
* Family of Topology-Preserving 3D Parallel 6: Subiteration Thinning Algorithms, A
* Intelligent Image Analysis of Diffusion Weighted Data Sets: A New Tool for Functional Imaging
* Isoperimetrically Optimal Polygons in the Triangular Grid
* Jordan Curve Theorem in the Digital Plane, A
* Maximal Planes and Multiscale Tangential Cover of 3D Digital Objects
* Nonlinear Dynamical Analysis of Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy Data
* Number of Khalimsky-Continuous Functions between Two Points, The
* On Some Classes of 2D Languages and Their Relations
* On Topology Preservation for Hexagonal Parallel Thinning Algorithms
* Optimized Algorithm for the Evaluation of Local Singularity Exponents in Digital Signals, An
* Petri Net Generating Hexagonal Arrays
* Planar Configurations Induced by Exact Polyominoes
* Precipitates Segmentation from Scanning Electron Microscope Images through Machine Learning Techniques
* Recognition of Digital Hyperplanes and Level Layers with Forbidden Points
* Recognition of Human Activities
* Reconstruction of Concurrent Lines from Leaning Points
* Shared Parameter Model for Gesture and Sub-gesture Analysis, A
* Shuffle on Trajectories over Finite Array Languages
* Simple and Flexible Mesh Parameterization Method, A
* Skeleton Path Based Approach for Nonrigid 3D Shape Analysis and Retrieval
* Solving the Two Color Problem: An Heuristic Algorithm
* Support Vector Machine Approach to Cardiac SPECT Diagnosis
* Topology-Preserving Registration: A Solution via Graph Cuts
* Unsupervised Polygonal Reconstruction of Noisy Contours by a Discrete Irregular Approach
43 for IWCIA11

IWCIA12 * *Combinatorial Image Analysis
* Adjacencies for Structuring the Digital Plane
* Binary Image Reconstruction from Two Projections and Skeletal Information
* Cellular Topology on the Triangular Grid
* Combinatorial Properties of 2D Discrete Rigid Transformations under Pixel-Invariance Constraints
* Digital Curvatures Applied to 3D Object Analysis and Recognition: A Case Study
* Discrete Polynomial Curve Fitting to Noisy Data
* Energy-Minimization Based Discrete Tomography Reconstruction Method for Images on Triangular Grid
* Fast Combinatorial Algorithm for Tightly Separating Hyperplanes
* Fast Level-Wise Convolution
* Fast Slicing of Orthogonal Covers Using DCEL
* Incremental Learning of the Model for Watershed-Based Image Segmentation
* New Framework for Connected Components Labeling of Binary Images, A
* Novel Morphological Algorithms for Dominating Sets on Graphs with Applications to Image Analysis
* On Finding Shortest Isothetic Path inside a Digital Object
* On Topology Preservation for Triangular Thinning Algorithms
* P System Model for Contextual Array Languages, A
* Partial Commutation on Array Languages
* Probabilistic Measure of Circularity, A
* Rectangular Arrays and Petri Nets
* Regional Hexagonal Tile Rewriting Grammars
* Segmentation by a Local and Global Fuzzy Gaussian Distribution Energy Minimization of an Active Contour Model
* Skin Lesion Feature Vector Space with a Metric to Model Geometric Structures of Malignancy for Classification
* Small Work Space Algorithms for Some Basic Problems on Binary Images
24 for IWCIA12

IWCIA14 * *Combinatorial Image Analysis
* Boundary Extraction for Imperfectly Segmented Nuclei in Breast Histopathology Images: A Convex Edge Grouping Approach
* Calibrationless Sensor Fusion Using Linear Optimization for Depth Matching
* Combinatorial Technique for Construction of Triangular Covers of Digital Objects, A
* Comparison of 3D Texture-Based Image Descriptors in Fluorescence Microscopy
* Decomposition of a Bunch of Objects in Digital Images
* Discovering Features Contexts from Images Using Random Indexing
* Efficient Algorithm for the Generation of Z-Convex Polyominoes, An
* Equivalent 2D Sequential and Parallel Thinning Algorithms
* Human Body Model Movement Support: Automatic Muscle Control Curves Computation
* Long-Bone Fracture Detection in Digital X-ray Images Based on Concavity Index
* Noise Adaptive Fuzzy Equalization Method with Variable Neighborhood for Processing of High Dynamic Range Images in Solar Corona Research, A
* On Intersection Graphs of Convex Polygons
* Optimal RGB Light-Mixing for Image Acquisition Using Random Search and Robust Parameter Design
* Parallel Algorithms for Combinatorial Pattern Matching
* Role of Image Processing in Solar Coronal Research
* Smoothing Filters in the DART Algorithm
* Speed Comparison of Segmentation Evaluation Methods
* Splitting of Overlapping Cells in Peripheral Blood Smear Images by Concavity Analysis
* Sufficient Conditions for General 2D Operators to Preserve Topology
* Superiorization for Image Analysis
* Using a Topological Descriptor to Investigate Structures of Virus Particles
* Variant of Pure Two-Dimensional Context-Free Grammars Generating Picture Languages, A
* Weighted Distances on a Triangular Grid
24 for IWCIA14

IWCIA15 * *Combinatorial Image Analysis
* Accepting H Iso-Array System
* Analysis and Performance Evaluation of ICA-Based Architectures for Face Recognition
* Character Segmentation of Hindi Unconstrained Handwritten Words
* Characterization and Construction of Rational Circles on the Integer Plane
* Combinatorial Exemplar-Based Image Inpainting
* Construction of 3D Orthogonal Convex Hull of a Digital Object
* Construction of Perfect Auto-correlation Arrays and Zero Cross-correlation Arrays from Discrete Projections
* Construction of Sandwich Cover of Digital Objects
* Digital Analytical Geometry: How Do I Define a Digital Analytical Object?
* Efficient Dominant Point Detection Based on Discrete Curve Structure
* Equivalent Sequential and Parallel Subiteration-Based Surface-Thinning Algorithms
* Fuzzy Connectedness Segmentation: A Brief Presentation of the Literature
* Incremental Updating of 3D Topological Maps to Describe Videos
* Knot Detection from Accumulation Map by Polar Scan
* Number of Shortest Paths in Triangular Grid for 1- and 2-Neighborhoods
* On the Connectivity and Smoothness of Discrete Spherical Circles
* Optimal Consensus Set for nD Fixed Width Annulus Fitting
* Optimization of Low-Dose Tomography via Binary Sensing Matrices
* Parallel Strip Segment Recognition and Application to Metallic Tubular Object Measure
* Picture Array Generation Using Pure 2D Context-Free Grammar Rules
* Reconstruction of Bicolored Images
* Relative Convex Hull Determination from Convex Hulls in the Plane
* Retinal Blood Vessel Segmentation and Bifurcation Point Detection
* Scanning Pictures the Boustrophedon Way
* Spatiotemporal Barcodes for Image Sequence Analysis
* Thoughts on 3D Digital Subplane Recognition and Minimum-Maximum of a Bilinear Congruence Sequence
27 for IWCIA15

IWCIA17 * *Combinatorial Image Analysis
* 3D Curve Skeletonization Method, A
* Algorithms for Stable Matching and Clustering in a Grid
* Construction of Persistent Voronoi Diagram on 3D Digital Plane
* Construction of Thinnest Digital Ellipsoid Using Inverse Projection and Recursive Integer Intervals
* Distance Between Vector-Valued Representations of Objects in Images with Application in Object Detection and Classification
* Extension of a One-Dimensional Convexity Measure to Two Dimensions
* Gradient and Graph Cuts Based Method for Multi-level Discrete Tomography
* Greedy Algorithm for Reconstructing Binary Matrices with Adjacent 1s, A
* Image Segmentation via Weighted Carving Decompositions
* Image Texture Analysis Method for Minority Language Identification, An
* Inscribing Convex Polygons in Star-Shaped Objects
* JPEG Quantization Table Optimization by Guided Fireworks Algorithm
* On Characterization and Decomposition of Isothetic Distance Functions for 2-Manifolds
* On Sets of Line Segments Featuring a Cactus Structure
* On the Chamfer Polygons on the Triangular Grid
* Parallel Contextual Array Insertion Deletion P System
* Polynomial Time Algorithm for Inferring Subclasses of Parallel Internal Column Contextual Array Languages
* Reconstruction of Nearly Convex Colored Images
* Relational Generalization of the Khalimsky Topology, A
* Shape Matching for Rigid Objects by Aligning Sequences Based on Boundary Change Points
* Simplifier Points in 2D Binary Images
* Statistical-Topological Feature Combination for Recognition of Isolated Hand Gestures from Kinect Based Depth Images, A
* Template-Based Pattern Matching in Two-Dimensional Arrays
* Topological Data Analysis for Self-organization of Biological Tissues
* Toward Parallel Computation of Dense Homotopy Skeletons for nD Digital Objects
* Trajectories and Traces on Non-traditional Regular Tessellations of the Plane
* Verification of Hypotheses Generated by Case-Based Reasoning Object Matching
28 for IWCIA17

IWCIA20 * *Combinatorial Image Analysis
* 3d-array Token Petri Nets Generating Tetrahedral Picture Languages
* 4d Counter-example Showing that DWCNess Does Not Imply CWCness in nD, A
* Atomic Super-resolution Tomography
* Characterizations of Simple Points on the Body-centered Cubic Grid
* Dealing with Noise in Cluster Pattern Interface
* Digital Hyperplane Fitting
* Euler Well-composedness
* Finding the Maximum Empty Axis-parallel Rectangular Annulus
* Fuzzy Metaheuristic Algorithm for Copy-Move Forgery Detection in Image
* Graph Cuts Based Tomography Enhanced by Shape Orientation
* Grayscale Uncertainty of Projection Geometries and Projections Sets
* k-attempt Thinning
* Local Q-convexity Histograms for Shape Analysis
* Micrant: Towards Regression Task Oriented Annotation Tool for Microscopic Images
* On Connectedness of Discretized Sets
* Parallel Contextual Array Insertion Deletion Grammar and (context-free:context-free) Matrix Grammar
* Persistent Homology as Stopping-criterion for Voronoi Interpolation
* Repairing Binary Images Through the 2d Diamond Grid
* Simulating Parallel Internal Column Contextual Array Grammars Using Two-dimensional Parallel Restarting Automata with Multiple Windows
* Transmission Based Adaptive Automatic Tube Voltage Selection for Computed Tomography
21 for IWCIA20

IWCIA22 * *Combinatorial Image Analysis
* 2D Oxide Picture Languages and Their Properties
* Adjunct Partial Array Token Petri Net Structure
* Algebraic Properties of Parikh q-Matrices on Two-Dimensional Words
* Characterization and Reconstruction of Hypergraphic Pattern Sequences
* Curvature-Based Denoising of Vector-Valued Images
* Extractive Text Summarization Using Topological Features
* Face Characterization Using Convex Surface Decomposition
* Generalized Microscopic Image Reconstruction Problem for Hypergraphs, The
* Instance Segmentation with BoundaryNet
* Largest Area Parallelogram Inside a Digital Object in a Triangular Grid
* Lyndon Partial Words and Arrays with Applications
* Myhill-Nerode Theorem for Finite State Matrix Automata and Finite Matrix Languages, A
* Non-traditional 2D Grids in Combinatorial Imaging: Advances and Challenges
* On Density Extrema for Digital Discs
* On the Construction of Planar Embedding for a Class of Orthogonal Polyhedra
* On the Number of 0-Tandems in Simple nD Digital 0-Connected Curves
* Rectangularization of Digital Objects and Its Relation with Straight Skeletons
* Sufficient Conditions for Topology-Preserving Parallel Reductions on the BCC Grid
* Tomography Reconstruction Based on Null Space Search
* Weighted Three Directions OTA and Weighted Hexapolic Picture Automata
21 for IWCIA22

Index for "i"

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