Index for niel

Niel, A. Standard Author Listing
     with: Burgstaller, M.: Robotic Three-Dimensional Measurement System for Comp...
     with: Deutschl, E.: Defect detection on rail surfaces by a vision based system
     with: Gasser, C.: Defect detection on rail surfaces by a vision based system
     with: Gasser, C.: Image Processing Based Calibration of High Precision Laser...
     with: Gurschler, C.: Image Processing Based Calibration of High Precision La...
     with: Kolpl, S.H.: Robotic Three-Dimensional Measurement System for Complex ...
     with: Kulcke, A.: Image Processing Based Calibration of High Precision Laser...
     with: Parziale, G.: Fingerprint Matching Using Minutiae Triangulation, A
     with: Werschonig, J.: Defect detection on rail surfaces by a vision based sy...
9 for Niel, A.

Niels, R. Standard Author Listing
     with: van Gerven, M.A.J.: Iconic and multi-stroke gesture recognition
     with: Vuurpijl, L.: Dynamic time warping applied to Tamil character recognit...
     with: Vuurpijl, L.: Generating Copybooks from Consistent Handwriting Styles
     with: Vuurpijl, L.: Iconic and multi-stroke gesture recognition
     with: Willems, D.: Iconic and multi-stroke gesture recognition

Niels, R.M.J. Standard Author Listing
     with: Brink, A.A.: Towards robust writer verification by correcting unnatura...
     with: Schomaker, L.R.B.: Towards robust writer verification by correcting un...
     with: van Batenburg, R.A.: Towards robust writer verification by correcting ...
     with: van den Heuvel, C.E.: Towards robust writer verification by correcting...

Nielsen Englyst, P. Standard Author Listing
     with: Alerskans, E.: Optimal Estimation of Sea Surface Temperature from AMSR-E
     with: Block, T.: Optimal Estimation of Sea Surface Temperature from AMSR-E
     with: Donlon, C.: Optimal Estimation of Sea Surface Temperature from AMSR-E
     with: Gentemann, C.L.: Optimal Estimation of Sea Surface Temperature from AM...
     with: Hoyer, J.L.: Optimal Estimation of Sea Surface Temperature from AMSR-E
     with: Pedersen, L.T.: Optimal Estimation of Sea Surface Temperature from AMS...

Nielsen, A.A. Standard Author Listing
     with: Aanæs, H.: Model-Based Satellite Image Fusion
     with: Andersen, O.B.: Change Detection in the 1996-1997 AVHRR Oceans Pathfin...
     with: Andersen, O.B.: Greenland inland ice melt-off: Analysis of global grav...
     with: Arngren, M.: Kernel Based Subspace Projection of Near Infrared Hypersp...
     with: Benediktsson, J.A.: Model-Based Satellite Image Fusion
     with: Bovith, T.: Model-Based Satellite Image Fusion
     with: Buus Hinkler, J.: Convolutional Neural Network Architecture for Sentin...
     with: Camps Valls, G.: Statistical retrieval of atmospheric profiles with de...
     with: Canty, M.: Short-Term Change Detection in Wetlands Using Sentinel-1 Ti...
     with: Canty, M.J.: Change detection in a series of Sentinel-1 SAR data
     with: Canty, M.J.: Statistical Analysis of Changes in Sentinel-1 Time Series...
     with: Canty, M.J.: Wishart-Based Adaptive Temporal Filtering of Polarimetric...
     with: Conradsen, K.: CFAR edge detector for polarimetric SAR images
     with: Conradsen, K.: Change detection in a series of Sentinel-1 SAR data
     with: Conradsen, K.: Change Detection in the 1996-1997 AVHRR Oceans Pathfind...
     with: Conradsen, K.: Determining the Points of Change in Time Series of Pola...
     with: Conradsen, K.: Polarimetric Synthetic Aperture Radar Data and the Comp...
     with: Conradsen, K.: Short-Term Change Detection in Wetlands Using Sentinel-...
     with: Conradsen, K.: Statistical Analysis of Changes in Sentinel-1 Time Seri...
     with: Conradsen, K.: test statistic in the complex Wishart distribution and ...
     with: Conradsen, K.: Wishart-Based Adaptive Temporal Filtering of Polarimetr...
     with: Flesche, H.: Sensitivity Study of a Semi-automatic Supervised Classifi...
     with: Flesche, H.: Sensitivity study of a semi-automatic training set genera...
     with: Hansen, P.W.: Kernel Based Subspace Projection of Near Infrared Hypers...
     with: Hilger, K.B.: Aspects of Remote Sensing in the GEOid and Sea level of ...
     with: Hilger, K.B.: Scheme for Initial Exploratory Data Analysis of Multivar...
     with: Huttich, C.: Short-Term Change Detection in Wetlands Using Sentinel-1 ...
     with: Knudsen, P.: Aspects of Remote Sensing in the GEOid and Sea level of t...
     with: Krane, K.H.: Convolutional Neural Network Architecture for Sentinel-1 ...
     with: Kreiner, M.B.: Convolutional Neural Network Architecture for Sentinel-...
     with: Laparra, V.: Statistical retrieval of atmospheric profiles with deep c...
     with: Larsen, R.: Canonical Analysis of Sentinel-1 Radar and Sentinel-2 Opti...
     with: Larsen, R.: Kernel Based Subspace Projection of Near Infrared Hyperspe...
     with: Larsen, R.: Scheme for Initial Exploratory Data Analysis of Multivaria...
     with: Larsen, R.: Sensitivity Study of a Semi-automatic Supervised Classifie...
     with: Larsen, R.: Sensitivity study of a semi-automatic training set generator
     with: Lavelle, J.: Convolutional Neural Network Architecture for Sentinel-1 ...
     with: Malmgren Hansen, D.: Convolutional Neural Network Architecture for Sen...
     with: Malmgren Hansen, D.: Statistical retrieval of atmospheric profiles wit...
     with: Menz, G.: Short-Term Change Detection in Wetlands Using Sentinel-1 Tim...
     with: Muro, J.: Short-Term Change Detection in Wetlands Using Sentinel-1 Tim...
     with: Pedersen, L.T.: Convolutional Neural Network Architecture for Sentinel...
     with: Reinartz, P.: Improving Change Detection in Forest Areas Based on Ster...
     with: Remy, F.: Short-Term Change Detection in Wetlands Using Sentinel-1 Tim...
     with: Saldo, R.: Convolutional Neural Network Architecture for Sentinel-1 an...
     with: Schou, J.: CFAR edge detector for polarimetric SAR images
     with: Schou, J.: test statistic in the complex Wishart distribution and its ...
     with: Skriver, H.: CFAR edge detector for polarimetric SAR images
     with: Skriver, H.: Change detection in a series of Sentinel-1 SAR data
     with: Skriver, H.: Convolutional Neural Network Architecture for Sentinel-1 ...
     with: Skriver, H.: Determining the Points of Change in Time Series of Polari...
     with: Skriver, H.: Polarimetric Synthetic Aperture Radar Data and the Comple...
     with: Skriver, H.: Short-Term Change Detection in Wetlands Using Sentinel-1 ...
     with: Skriver, H.: Statistical Analysis of Changes in Sentinel-1 Time Series...
     with: Skriver, H.: test statistic in the complex Wishart distribution and it...
     with: Skriver, H.: Wishart-Based Adaptive Temporal Filtering of Polarimetric...
     with: Strauch, A.: Short-Term Change Detection in Wetlands Using Sentinel-1 ...
     with: Sveinsson, J.R.: Model-Based Satellite Image Fusion
     with: Svendsen, P.L.: Greenland inland ice melt-off: Analysis of global grav...
     with: Thonfeld, F.: Short-Term Change Detection in Wetlands Using Sentinel-1...
     with: Tian, J.: Improving Change Detection in Forest Areas Based on Stereo P...
     with: Vestergaard, J.S.: Canonical information analysis
     with: Vestergaard, J.S.: Change detection in bi-temporal data by canonical i...
63 for Nielsen, A.A.

Nielsen, A.H. Standard Author Listing
     with: Jacobs, K.: Coherent radiance capture of scenes under changing illumin...
     with: Loscos, C.: Coherent radiance capture of scenes under changing illumin...
     with: Vesterbaek, J.: Coherent radiance capture of scenes under changing ill...

Nielsen, B. Standard Author Listing
     with: Albregtsen, F.: Adaptive Gray Level Run Length Features from Class Dis...
     with: Albregtsen, F.: Fractal dimension, only a fraction of the truth?
     with: Albregtsen, F.: Low Dimensional Adaptive Texture Feature Vectors From ...
     with: Danielsen, H.E.: Adaptive Gray Level Run Length Features from Class Di...
     with: Danielsen, H.E.: Low Dimensional Adaptive Texture Feature Vectors From...
     with: Yogesan, K.: Fractal dimension, only a fraction of the truth?

Nielsen, B.F. Standard Author Listing
     with: Grottum, P.: Computing Ischemic Regions in the Heart With the Bidomain...
     with: Lysaker, M.: Computing Ischemic Regions in the Heart With the Bidomain...

Nielsen, C.F. Standard Author Listing
     with: Passmore, P.J.: Achieving Accurate Colour Image Segmentation in 2D and...
     with: Passmore, P.J.: Solution to the Problem of Segmentation Near Edges Usi...

Nielsen, D.C. Standard Author Listing
     with: Cohen, J.: Increasing the Accuracy and Automation of Fractional Vegeta...
     with: Coy, A.: Increasing the Accuracy and Automation of Fractional Vegetati...
     with: Rankine, D.: Increasing the Accuracy and Automation of Fractional Vege...
     with: Taylor, M.: Increasing the Accuracy and Automation of Fractional Veget...

Nielsen, E. Standard Author Listing
     with: Biccari, D.: VENUS subsurface ionosphere radar sounder: VENSiS
     with: Calabrese, D.: VENUS subsurface ionosphere radar sounder: VENSiS
     with: Galatioto, F.: City-wide emissions modelling using fleet probe vehicles
     with: Gurnett, D.: VENUS subsurface ionosphere radar sounder: VENSiS
     with: Huff, R.: VENUS subsurface ionosphere radar sounder: VENSiS
     with: Jordan, R.: VENUS subsurface ionosphere radar sounder: VENSiS
     with: Marinangeli, L.: VENUS subsurface ionosphere radar sounder: VENSiS
     with: Ori, G.G.: VENUS subsurface ionosphere radar sounder: VENSiS
     with: Picardi, G.: VENUS subsurface ionosphere radar sounder: VENSiS
     with: Plaut, J.: VENUS subsurface ionosphere radar sounder: VENSiS
     with: Provvedi, F.: VENUS subsurface ionosphere radar sounder: VENSiS
     with: Rushton, C.: City-wide emissions modelling using fleet probe vehicles
     with: Seu, R.: VENUS subsurface ionosphere radar sounder: VENSiS
     with: Tsotskas, C.: City-wide emissions modelling using fleet probe vehicles
     with: Wright, J.: City-wide emissions modelling using fleet probe vehicles
     with: Zampolini, E.: VENUS subsurface ionosphere radar sounder: VENSiS
16 for Nielsen, E.

Nielsen, F. Standard Author Listing
     with: Ali, W.B.H.: Biomedical Images Classification by Universal Nearest Nei...
     with: Ali, W.B.H.: Boosting k-NN for Categorization of Natural Scenes
     with: Ali, W.B.H.: Gentle Nearest Neighbors Boosting over Proper Scoring Rules
     with: Ali, W.B.H.: Multi-class Leveraged k-NN for Image Classification
     with: Amari, S.I.: Shape Retrieval Using Hierarchical Total Bregman Soft Clu...
     with: Amari, S.I.: Total Bregman Divergence and Its Applications to DTI Anal...
     with: Amari, S.I.: Total Bregman divergence and its applications to shape re...
     with: Andre, A.: Real-Time Spherical Videos from a Fast Rotating Camera
     with: Barlaud, M.: Biomedical Images Classification by Universal Nearest Nei...
     with: Barlaud, M.: Boosting Bayesian MAP Classification
     with: Barlaud, M.: Boosting k-NN for Categorization of Natural Scenes
     with: Barlaud, M.: Gentle Nearest Neighbors Boosting over Proper Scoring Rules
     with: Barlaud, M.: K-nearest neighbor search: Fast GPU-based implementations...
     with: Barlaud, M.: Multi-class Leveraged k-NN for Image Classification
     with: Berthoumieu, Y.: k-MLE for mixtures of generalized Gaussians
     with: Boltz, S.: Bhattacharyya Clustering with Applications to Mixture Simpl...
     with: Boltz, S.: Earth Mover Distance on superpixels
     with: Boltz, S.: Randomized motion estimation
     with: Boltz, S.: Texture Regimes for Entropy-Based Multiscale Image Analysis
     with: d'Ambrosio, R.: Biomedical Images Classification by Universal Nearest ...
     with: d'Ambrosio, R.: Gentle Nearest Neighbors Boosting over Proper Scoring ...
     with: Debreuve, E.: K-nearest neighbor search: Fast GPU-based implementation...
     with: Garcia, V.: K-nearest neighbor search: Fast GPU-based implementations ...
     with: Garcia, V.: Levels of Details for Gaussian Mixture Models
     with: Garcia, V.: Searching High-Dimensional Neighbours: CPU-Based Tailored ...
     with: Henry, C.: Soft memberships for spectral clustering, with application ...
     with: Houit, T.: Video Stippling
     with: Liu, M.Z.: Jensen divergence based SPD matrix means and applications
     with: Liu, M.Z.: Shape Retrieval Using Hierarchical Total Bregman Soft Clust...
     with: Liu, M.Z.: Total Bregman Divergence and Its Applications to DTI Analysis
     with: Liu, M.Z.: Total Bregman divergence and its applications to shape retr...
     with: Muzellec, B.: Classification with mixtures of curved Mahalanobis metrics
     with: Nock, R.: Biomedical Images Classification by Universal Nearest Neighb...
     with: Nock, R.: Boosting Bayesian MAP Classification
     with: Nock, R.: Boosting k-NN for Categorization of Natural Scenes
     with: Nock, R.: Bregman Divergences and Surrogates for Learning
     with: Nock, R.: Bregman sided and symmetrized centroids
     with: Nock, R.: Classification with mixtures of curved Mahalanobis metrics
     with: Nock, R.: Clustering Multivariate Normal Distributions
     with: Nock, R.: Consensus Region Merging for Image Segmentation
     with: Nock, R.: Entropies and cross-entropies of exponential families
     with: Nock, R.: Generalizing Skew Jensen Divergences and Bregman Divergences...
     with: Nock, R.: Gentle Nearest Neighbors Boosting over Proper Scoring Rules
     with: Nock, R.: Grouping with bias revisited
     with: Nock, R.: Improving clustering algorithms through constrained convex o...
     with: Nock, R.: Interactive Pinpoint Image Object Removal
     with: Nock, R.: Interactive Point-and-Click Segmentation for Object Removal ...
     with: Nock, R.: Intrinsic Geometries in Learning
     with: Nock, R.: Levels of Details for Gaussian Mixture Models
     with: Nock, R.: MaxEnt Upper Bounds for the Differential Entropy of Univaria...
     with: Nock, R.: Multi-class Leveraged k-NN for Image Classification
     with: Nock, R.: On region merging: the statistical soundness of fast sorting...
     with: Nock, R.: On the chi square and higher-order chi distances for approxi...
     with: Nock, R.: On the efficient minimization of convex surrogates in superv...
     with: Nock, R.: On Weighting Clustering
     with: Nock, R.: Optimal Interval Clustering: Application to Bregman Clusteri...
     with: Nock, R.: Semi-supervised statistical region refinement for color imag...
     with: Nock, R.: Soft memberships for spectral clustering, with application t...
     with: Nock, R.: Statistical Region Merging
     with: Owada, S.: Enumeration of Contour Correspondence
     with: Piro, P.: Boosting Bayesian MAP Classification
     with: Piro, P.: Boosting k-NN for Categorization of Natural Scenes
     with: Piro, P.: Multi-class Leveraged k-NN for Image Classification
     with: Schutz, A.J.: k-MLE for mixtures of generalized Gaussians
     with: Schwander, O.: Bhattacharyya Clustering with Applications to Mixture S...
     with: Schwander, O.: k-MLE for mixtures of generalized Gaussians
     with: Shinagawa, Y.: Enumeration of Contour Correspondence
     with: Soatto, S.: Earth Mover Distance on superpixels
     with: Soatto, S.: Texture Regimes for Entropy-Based Multiscale Image Analysis
     with: Soda, P.: Biomedical Images Classification by Universal Nearest Neighb...
     with: Sun, K.: Guaranteed Bounds on the Kullback-Leibler Divergence of Univa...
     with: Tajima, S.: Real-Time Spherical Videos from a Fast Rotating Camera
     with: Vaillant, P.: Soft memberships for spectral clustering, with applicati...
     with: Vemuri, B.C.: Jensen divergence based SPD matrix means and applications
     with: Vemuri, B.C.: Shape Retrieval Using Hierarchical Total Bregman Soft Cl...
     with: Vemuri, B.C.: Total Bregman Divergence and Its Applications to DTI Ana...
     with: Vemuri, B.C.: Total Bregman divergence and its applications to shape r...
     with: Yao, J.: SSSC-AM: A unified framework for video co-segmentation by str...
     with: Ye, X.J.: Jensen divergence based SPD matrix means and applications
79 for Nielsen, F.

Nielsen, F.A. Standard Author Listing
     with: Goutte, C.: Modeling the hemodynamic response in fMRI using smooth FIR...
     with: Hansen, K.H.: Modeling the hemodynamic response in fMRI using smooth F...

Nielsen, F.D. Standard Author Listing
     with: Aanæs, H.: Supercontinuum Light Sources for Hyperspectral Subsurface L...
     with: Carstensen, J.M.: Supercontinuum Light Sources for Hyperspectral Subsu...
     with: Dahl, A.L.: Supercontinuum Light Sources for Hyperspectral Subsurface ...
     with: Larsen, R.: Supercontinuum Light Sources for Hyperspectral Subsurface ...
     with: Moller, F.: Supercontinuum Light Sources for Hyperspectral Subsurface ...
     with: Nielsen, O.H.A.: Supercontinuum Light Sources for Hyperspectral Subsur...
     with: Thomsen, C.L.: Supercontinuum Light Sources for Hyperspectral Subsurfa...
7 for Nielsen, F.D.

Nielsen, G. Standard Author Listing
     with: Baldwin, M.W.: Subjective Sharpness of Simulated Color Television Pict...

Nielsen, H. Standard Author Listing
     with: Arnspang, J.: Using mirror cameras for estimating depth
     with: Bartholdy, N.J.: 3D Localisation from DSA Images using the Leksell Ste...
     with: Christensen, M.: Using mirror cameras for estimating depth
     with: Faber, P.: Estimation of 3D Position, Angle of Attitude and Orientatio...
     with: Haase, J.: 3D Localisation from DSA Images using the Leksell Stereotac...
     with: Henriksen, K.: Using mirror cameras for estimating depth
     with: Larsen, O.V.: 3D Localisation from DSA Images using the Leksell Stereo...
     with: Lind, J.: 3D Localisation from DSA Images using the Leksell Stereotact...
     with: Lundgren, B.: Estimation of 3D Position, Angle of Attitude and Orienta...
     with: Nielsen, R.: Estimation of 3D Position, Angle of Attitude and Orientat...
     with: Ostergaard, L.R.: 3D Localisation from DSA Images using the Leksell St...
11 for Nielsen, H.

Nielsen, I.E. Standard Author Listing
     with: Bouaynaya, N.C.: Robust Explainability: A tutorial on gradient-based a...
     with: Dera, D.: Robust Explainability: A tutorial on gradient-based attribut...
     with: Ramachandran, R.P.: Robust Explainability: A tutorial on gradient-base...
     with: Rasool, G.: Robust Explainability: A tutorial on gradient-based attrib...

Nielsen, J. Standard Author Listing
     with: Chakraborty, R.: Multiview Aerial Visual Recognition (MAVREC): Can Mul...
     with: Das, S.: Multiview Aerial Visual Recognition (MAVREC): Can Multi-View ...
     with: Dutta, A.: Multiview Aerial Visual Recognition (MAVREC): Can Multi-Vie...
     with: Fessler, J.A.: Dictionary-Free MRI PERK: Parameter Estimation via Regr...
     with: Lichti, D.: Vision-based Approaches for Quantifying Cracks In Concrete...
     with: Nataraj, G.: Dictionary-Free MRI PERK: Parameter Estimation via Regres...
     with: Olsen, S.I.: Thistle Detection
     with: Rasmussen, J.: Thistle Detection
     with: Scott, C.: Dictionary-Free MRI PERK: Parameter Estimation via Regressi...
     with: Shah, M.: Multiview Aerial Visual Recognition (MAVREC): Can Multi-View...
     with: Shahbazi, M.: Semantic Segmentation and 3D Reconstruction of Concrete ...
     with: Shahbazi, M.: Vision-based Approaches for Quantifying Cracks In Concre...
     with: Shokri, P.: Semantic Segmentation and 3D Reconstruction of Concrete Cr...
     with: Shokri, P.: Vision-based Approaches for Quantifying Cracks In Concrete...
14 for Nielsen, J.

Nielsen, J.B. Standard Author Listing
     with: Aanæs, H.: Image-Based Method for Objectively Assessing Injection Moul...
     with: Aanæs, H.: Variational Study on BRDF Reconstruction in a Structured Li...
     with: Dahl, A.B.: Variational Study on BRDF Reconstruction in a Structured L...
     with: Frisvad, J.R.: Variational Study on BRDF Reconstruction in a Structure...
     with: Hannemose, M.: Image-Based Method for Objectively Assessing Injection ...
     with: Herskindt, A.: Body Part Tracking of Infants
     with: Herskindt, A.: Model-Based Motion Tracking of Infants
     with: Herskindt, A.: Using Motion Tracking to Detect Spontaneous Movements i...
     with: Jensen, R.R.: Anatomically Correct Surface Recovery: A Statistical App...
     with: Larsen, R.: Anatomically Correct Surface Recovery: A Statistical Appro...
     with: Lyngby, R.A.: Variational Study on BRDF Reconstruction in a Structured...
     with: Olsen, M.D.: Body Part Tracking of Infants
     with: Olsen, M.D.: Model-Based Motion Tracking of Infants
     with: Olsen, M.D.: Using Motion Tracking to Detect Spontaneous Movements in ...
     with: Paulsen, R.R.: Anatomically Correct Surface Recovery: A Statistical Ap...
     with: Paulsen, R.R.: Body Part Tracking of Infants
     with: Paulsen, R.R.: Model-Based Motion Tracking of Infants
     with: Paulsen, R.R.: Using Motion Tracking to Detect Spontaneous Movements i...
     with: Stets, J.D.: Variational Study on BRDF Reconstruction in a Structured ...
     with: Zsiros, L.: Image-Based Method for Objectively Assessing Injection Mou...
20 for Nielsen, J.B.

Nielsen, J.F. Standard Author Listing
     with: Andersen, O.K.: Patient's Body Motion Study Using Multimodal RGBDT Vid...
     with: Arguissain, F.G.: Patient's Body Motion Study Using Multimodal RGBDT V...
     with: Brunner, I.: Patient's Body Motion Study Using Multimodal RGBDT Videos
     with: Fessier, J.A.: Model-based estimation of T2 maps with dual-echo steady...
     with: Fessler, J.A.: B-Spline Parameterized Joint Optimization of Reconstruc...
     with: Fessler, J.A.: Cross-validation and predicted risk estimation for nonl...
     with: Fessler, J.A.: Joint Design of Excitation k-Space Trajectory and RF Pu...
     with: Fessler, J.A.: Joint Design of RF and Gradient Waveforms via Auto-diff...
     with: Fessler, J.A.: Non-Cartesian MRI Reconstruction With Automatic Regular...
     with: Fessler, J.A.: Optimizing MR Scan Design for Model-Based T_1 , T_2 Est...
     with: Fessler, J.A.: Regularization Parameter Selection for Nonlinear Iterat...
     with: Fessler, J.A.: Separate Magnitude and Phase Regularization via Compres...
     with: Gonzalez Gomez, I.: noninvasive, multimodality approach based on MRS a...
     with: Hao, S.: Joint Design of Excitation k-Space Trajectory and RF Pulse fo...
     with: Haque, M.A.: Patient's Body Motion Study Using Multimodal RGBDT Videos
     with: Jorgensen, A.: Patient's Body Motion Study Using Multimodal RGBDT Videos
     with: Karapetyan, G.: noninvasive, multimodality approach based on MRS and M...
     with: Khankaldyyan, V.: noninvasive, multimodality approach based on MRS and...
     with: Kjeldsen, S.S.: Patient's Body Motion Study Using Multimodal RGBDT Vid...
     with: Laug, W.E.: noninvasive, multimodality approach based on MRS and MRI t...
     with: Liu, Z.: Regularization Parameter Selection for Nonlinear Iterative Im...
     with: Luo, T.R.: B-Spline Parameterized Joint Optimization of Reconstruction...
     with: Luo, T.R.: Joint Design of RF and Gradient Waveforms via Auto-differen...
     with: Moeslund, T.B.: Patient's Body Motion Study Using Multimodal RGBDT Vid...
     with: Nasrollahi, K.: Patient's Body Motion Study Using Multimodal RGBDT Vid...
     with: Nataraj, G.: Model-based estimation of T2 maps with dual-echo steady-s...
     with: Nataraj, G.: Optimizing MR Scan Design for Model-Based T_1 , T_2 Estim...
     with: Nayak, K.S.: Accelerating Dynamic Spiral MRI by Algebraic Reconstructi...
     with: Nelson, M.D.: noninvasive, multimodality approach based on MRS and MRI...
     with: Noll, D.C.: B-Spline Parameterized Joint Optimization of Reconstructio...
     with: Noll, D.C.: Joint Design of Excitation k-Space Trajectory and RF Pulse...
     with: Noll, D.C.: Joint Design of RF and Gradient Waveforms via Auto-differe...
     with: Noll, D.C.: Separate Magnitude and Phase Regularization via Compressed...
     with: Ramani, S.: Cross-validation and predicted risk estimation for nonline...
     with: Ramani, S.: Non-Cartesian MRI Reconstruction With Automatic Regulariza...
     with: Ramani, S.: Regularization Parameter Selection for Nonlinear Iterative...
     with: Rosen, J.: Regularization Parameter Selection for Nonlinear Iterative ...
     with: Saxena, V.: noninvasive, multimodality approach based on MRS and MRI t...
     with: Shin, T.: Accelerating Dynamic Spiral MRI by Algebraic Reconstruction ...
     with: Wang, G.H.: B-Spline Parameterized Joint Optimization of Reconstructio...
     with: Weller, D.S.: Non-Cartesian MRI Reconstruction With Automatic Regulari...
     with: Zhao, F.: Separate Magnitude and Phase Regularization via Compressed S...
42 for Nielsen, J.F.

Nielsen, J.K. Standard Author Listing
     with: Ho, S.P.: New Algorithm for the Retrieval of Atmospheric Profiles from...
     with: Kirchengast, G.: New Algorithm for the Retrieval of Atmospheric Profil...
     with: Li, Y.: New Algorithm for the Retrieval of Atmospheric Profiles from G...
     with: Scherllin Pirscher, B.: New Algorithm for the Retrieval of Atmospheric...
     with: Schwaerz, M.: New Algorithm for the Retrieval of Atmospheric Profiles ...
     with: Yuan, Y.B.: New Algorithm for the Retrieval of Atmospheric Profiles fr...

Nielsen, K. Standard Author Listing
     with: Ahmed, I.: Automatic Detection and Segmentation of Lentil Crop Breedin...
     with: Alikas, K.: Synergy between Satellite Altimetry and Optical Water Qual...
     with: Andersen, O.B.: Evaluation of a Statistical Approach for Extracting Sh...
     with: Andersen, O.B.: River Levels Derived with CryoSat-2 SAR Data Classific...
     with: Andersen, O.B.: Validation of Sentinel-3A Based Lake Level over US and...
     with: Ansper Toomsalu, A.: Synergy between Satellite Altimetry and Optical W...
     with: Bauer Gottwein, P.: Estimating Reservoir Release Using Multi-Source Sa...
     with: Bauer Gottwein, P.: Hydraulics of Time-Variable Water Surface Slope in...
     with: Bauer Gottwein, P.: On the Contribution of Satellite Altimetry-Derived...
     with: Bessler Etten, J.: Online Toolkit for Applications Featuring Collabora...
     with: Bett, K.: Automatic Detection and Segmentation of Lentil Crop Breeding...
     with: Bidard, C.: Online Toolkit for Applications Featuring Collaborative Ro...
     with: Boergens, E.: River Levels Derived with CryoSat-2 SAR Data Classificat...
     with: Christiansen, P.S.: Evaluation of a Statistical Approach for Extractin...
     with: Christoffersen, L.: Hydraulics of Time-Variable Water Surface Slope in...
     with: Dettmering, D.: River Levels Derived with CryoSat-2 SAR Data Classific...
     with: Druce, D.: Estimating Reservoir Release Using Multi-Source Satellite D...
     with: Duddu, H.S.: Automatic Detection and Segmentation of Lentil Crop Breed...
     with: Eramian, M.: Automatic Detection and Segmentation of Lentil Crop Breed...
     with: Fassi, I.: Online Toolkit for Applications Featuring Collaborative Rob...
     with: Frias, M.C.: Hydraulics of Time-Variable Water Surface Slope in Rivers...
     with: Guo, S.L.: On the Contribution of Satellite Altimetry-Derived Water Su...
     with: Jiang, L.: Estimating Reservoir Release Using Multi-Source Satellite D...
     with: Jiang, L.G.: On the Contribution of Satellite Altimetry-Derived Water ...
     with: Kangro, K.: Synergy between Satellite Altimetry and Optical Water Qual...
     with: Kliving, P.: Evaluation of a Statistical Approach for Extracting Shall...
     with: Lassen, A.B.: Online Toolkit for Applications Featuring Collaborative ...
     with: Liu, D.: Estimating Reservoir Release Using Multi-Source Satellite Dat...
     with: Liu, D.: On the Contribution of Satellite Altimetry-Derived Water Surf...
     with: Musaeus, A.: Hydraulics of Time-Variable Water Surface Slope in Rivers...
     with: Ovsyannikov, I.: Automatic Detection and Segmentation of Lentil Crop B...
     with: Paniti, I.: Online Toolkit for Applications Featuring Collaborative Ro...
     with: Prange Lasonder, G.B.: Online Toolkit for Applications Featuring Colla...
     with: Ranndal, H.: Evaluation of a Statistical Approach for Extracting Shall...
     with: Ranndal, H.: Validation of Sentinel-3A Based Lake Level over US and Ca...
     with: Rumali, A.: Automatic Detection and Segmentation of Lentil Crop Breedi...
     with: Saenz, J.: Online Toolkit for Applications Featuring Collaborative Rob...
     with: Seitz, F.: River Levels Derived with CryoSat-2 SAR Data Classification...
     with: Shen, Y.J.: Estimating Reservoir Release Using Multi-Source Satellite ...
     with: Shen, Y.J.: On the Contribution of Satellite Altimetry-Derived Water S...
     with: Shirtliffe, S.: Automatic Detection and Segmentation of Lentil Crop Br...
     with: Stuke, T.: Online Toolkit for Applications Featuring Collaborative Rob...
     with: Toth, A.: Online Toolkit for Applications Featuring Collaborative Robo...
     with: Tottrup, C.: Estimating Reservoir Release Using Multi-Source Satellite...
     with: Tuvikene, L.: Synergy between Satellite Altimetry and Optical Water Qu...
     with: Valori, M.: Online Toolkit for Applications Featuring Collaborative Ro...
     with: van der Kamp, W.: Automatic Detection and Segmentation of Lentil Crop ...
     with: Wang, J.: Estimating Reservoir Release Using Multi-Source Satellite Da...
     with: Wang, J.: On the Contribution of Satellite Altimetry-Derived Water Sur...
     with: Wrede, S.: Online Toolkit for Applications Featuring Collaborative Rob...
     with: Yin, J.: Estimating Reservoir Release Using Multi-Source Satellite Dat...
     with: Yin, J.B.: On the Contribution of Satellite Altimetry-Derived Water Su...
     with: Zhao, X.: Estimating Reservoir Release Using Multi-Source Satellite Da...
53 for Nielsen, K.

Nielsen, K.A. Standard Author Listing
     with: Becker, P.W.: Pattern Recognition Using Dynamic Pictorial Information

Nielsen, K.H. Standard Author Listing
     with: Christensen, N.J.: Real-Time Dynamic Radiosity Relighting of Virtual E...

Nielsen, L. Standard Author Listing
     with: Astrom, K.J.: Optimal Digitization of 2-D Images
     with: Felsberg, M.: Multi-sensor Traffic Scene Dataset with Omnidirectional ...
     with: Hansson, A.: Discontinuity Preserving Visual Reconstruction by Means o...
     with: Jury, E.I.: Optimal Digitization of 2-D Images
     with: Koschorrek, P.: Multi-sensor Traffic Scene Dataset with Omnidirectiona...
     with: Mester, R.: Multi-sensor Traffic Scene Dataset with Omnidirectional Vi...
     with: Oberg, P.: Multi-sensor Traffic Scene Dataset with Omnidirectional Vid...
     with: Olofsson, B.: Using Crash Databases to Predict Effectiveness of New Au...
     with: Piccini, T.: Multi-sensor Traffic Scene Dataset with Omnidirectional V...
     with: Sparr, G.: Discontinuity Preserving Visual Reconstruction by Means of ...
     with: Sparr, G.: Projective Area-Invariants as an Extension of the Cross-Ratio
     with: Sparr, G.: Shape and mutual cross-ratios with applications to exterior...
12 for Nielsen, L.

Nielsen, M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Almstrup, K.: Convolutional Neural Networks for Segmentation and Objec...
     with: Andersen, H.J.: Comparative Study of Disparity Estimations with Multi-...
     with: Andresen, P.R.: Feature displacement interpolation
     with: Arias Lorza, A.M.: Increasing Accuracy of Optimal Surfaces Using Min-M...
     with: Ashraf, H.: Texture-Based Analysis of COPD: A Data-Driven Approach
     with: Bille, P.: From a 2D Shape to a String Structure Using the Symmetry Set
     with: Bos, D.: Increasing Accuracy of Optimal Surfaces Using Min-Marginal En...
     with: Brandt, S.S.: Anatomically Oriented Breast Coordinate System for Mammo...
     with: Brandt, S.S.: Bayesian Framework for Automated Cardiovascular Risk Sco...
     with: Brandt, S.S.: Conditional Point Distribution Models
     with: Brandt, S.S.: Dense iterative contextual pixel classification using Kr...
     with: Brandt, S.S.: Static SMC Sampler on Shapes for the Automated Segmentat...
     with: Chen, C.: Bicycle chain shape models
     with: Chernoff, K.: Metric learning by directly minimizing the k-NN training...
     with: Chernoff, K.: Weighting of the k-Nearest-Neighbors
     with: Christensen, S.: HyperLeaf2024: A Hyperspectral Imaging Dataset for Cl...
     with: Christiansen, C.: Automatic Quantification of Tibio-Femoral Contact Ar...
     with: Conrad Hansen, L.A.: Quantizing Calcification in the Lumbar Aorta on 2...
     with: Crimi, A.: Bayesian Framework for Automated Cardiovascular Risk Scorin...
     with: Crimi, A.: Maximum a Posteriori Estimation of Linear Shape Variation W...
     with: Cuzol, A.: Field of Particle Filters for Image Inpainting
     with: Dahl, A.B.: HyperLeaf2024: A Hyperspectral Imaging Dataset for Classif...
     with: Dam, E.B.: Approximating Non-linear Diffusion
     with: Dam, E.B.: Automatic Quantification of Tibio-Femoral Contact Area and ...
     with: Dam, E.B.: Exploring nonlinear diffusion: the diffusion echo
     with: Dam, E.B.: Maximum a Posteriori Estimation of Linear Shape Variation W...
     with: Darkner, S.: Higher-Order Momentum Distributions and Locally Affine LD...
     with: Darkner, S.: Kernel Bundle Diffeomorphic Image Registration Using Stat...
     with: Darkner, S.: Stepwise Inverse Consistent Euler's Scheme for Diffeomorp...
     with: de Bruijne, M.: Bicycle chain shape models
     with: de Bruijne, M.: Geometries on Spaces of Treelike Shapes
     with: de Bruijne, M.: Image segmentation by shape particle filtering
     with: de Bruijne, M.: Increasing Accuracy of Optimal Surfaces Using Min-Marg...
     with: de Bruijne, M.: Maximum a Posteriori Estimation of Linear Shape Variat...
     with: de Bruijne, M.: Quantizing Calcification in the Lumbar Aorta on 2-D La...
     with: de Bruijne, M.: Special Issue on Tribute Workshop for Peter Johansen
     with: de Bruijne, M.: Texture-Based Analysis of COPD: A Data-Driven Approach
     with: de Bruijne, M.: Toward a Theory of Statistical Tree-Shape Analysis
     with: Deriche, R.: Binocular Dense Depth Reconstruction Using Isotropy Const...
     with: Deriche, R.: Regularization, Scale-Space, and Edge-Detection Filters
     with: Diao, P.: Unsupervised Deep Learning Applied to Breast Density Segment...
     with: du Plessis, A.: Geometry and Statistics: Manifolds and Stratified Spaces
     with: Duits, R.: On a Kernels, Lévy Processes, and Natural Image Statistics
     with: Duncan, J.S.: Multiscale Approach to Image Sequence-Analysis
     with: Faugeras, O.D.: Special Issue on the Second International Conference o...
     with: Feragen, A.: Fundamental Geodesic Deformations in Spaces of Treelike S...
     with: Feragen, A.: Geometries on Spaces of Treelike Shapes
     with: Feragen, A.: Geometry and Statistics: Manifolds and Stratified Spaces
     with: Feragen, A.: Means in spaces of tree-like shapes
     with: Feragen, A.: Toward a Theory of Statistical Tree-Shape Analysis
     with: Florack, L.M.J.: Binocular Stereo from Grey-Scale Images
     with: Florack, L.M.J.: Gaussian Scale-Space Theory
     with: Florack, L.M.J.: Intrinsic Structure of Optic Flow Incorporating Measu...
     with: Florack, L.M.J.: Multiscale Approach to Image Sequence-Analysis
     with: Florack, L.M.J.: On the Duality of Scalar and Density Flows
     with: Florack, L.M.J.: Regularization, Scale-Space, and Edge-Detection Filters
     with: Florack, L.M.J.: Scale-time kernels and models
     with: Frohlich, P.: multisensor platform for comprehensive detection of crop...
     with: Ganz, M.: Bayesian Framework for Automated Cardiovascular Risk Scoring...
     with: Ganz, M.: Dense iterative contextual pixel classification using Kriging
     with: Ghosh, A.: Maximum a Posteriori Estimation of Linear Shape Variation W...
     with: Giblin, P.J.: Alternative 2D Shape Representations using the Symmetry ...
     with: Giblin, P.J.: From a 2D Shape to a String Structure Using the Symmetry...
     with: Granum, E.: Comparative Study of Disparity Estimations with Multi-Came...
     with: Granum, E.: Procedure for Developing Intuitive and Ergonomic Gesture I...
     with: Gribonval, R.: Sparse decompositions in incoherent dictionaries
     with: Griffin, L.D.: Feature-Based Image Analysis
     with: Gustavsson, D.: Image Inpainting by Cooling and Heating
     with: Gustavsson, D.: On the Rate of Structural Change in Scale Spaces
     with: Hansen, J.P.: Eye typing using Markov and active appearance models
     with: Hansen, L.K.: Guest Editorial: Special Issue on Statistics of Shapes a...
     with: Hauberg, S.: Brownian Warps for Non-Rigid Registration
     with: Hauberg, S.: Manifold Valued Statistics, Exact Principal Geodesic Anal...
     with: Hauberg, S.: Means in spaces of tree-like shapes
     with: Hnida, C.: Reconstructing the Optical Thickness from Hoffman Modulatio...
     with: Holland, K.: Unsupervised Deep Learning Applied to Breast Density Segm...
     with: Igel, C.: Unsupervised Deep Learning Applied to Breast Density Segment...
     with: Jackson, A.D.: Brownian Warps for Non-Rigid Registration
     with: Jacobsen, C.R.: Investigation of the Effects of Data Collection on Vis...
     with: Jensen, E.B.V.: Geometry and Statistics: Manifolds and Stratified Spaces
     with: Jestel, C.: multisensor platform for comprehensive detection of crop s...
     with: Johansen, A.S.: Eye typing using Markov and active appearance models
     with: Johansen, P.: Branch Points in One-Dimensional Gaussian Scale Space
     with: Johansen, P.: Brownian Warps for Non-Rigid Registration
     with: Johansen, P.: Gaussian Scale-Space Theory
     with: Johansen, P.: Guest Editorial: Special Issue on Statistics of Shapes a...
     with: Johansen, P.: PDE Solution of Brownian Warping, A
     with: Jorgensen, C.: Special Issue on Tribute Workshop for Peter Johansen
     with: Joshi, S.: Mathematical Methods for Medical Imaging
     with: Jurgensen, D.R.: Bicycle chain shape models
     with: Kallenberg, M.: Unsupervised Deep Learning Applied to Breast Density S...
     with: Karemore, G.: Anatomically Oriented Breast Coordinate System for Mammo...
     with: Karssemeijer, N.: Anatomically Oriented Breast Coordinate System for M...
     with: Karssemeijer, N.: Unsupervised Deep Learning Applied to Breast Density...
     with: Keller, S.H.: Deinterlacing Using Variational Methods
     with: Keller, S.H.: Motion Compensated Video Super Resolution
     with: Keller, S.H.: Total Variation Motion Adaptive Deinterlacing Scheme, A
     with: Keller, S.H.: Video Super-Resolution Using Simultaneous Motion and Int...
     with: Kimia, B.B.: Exploring the representation capabilities of the HOG desc...
     with: Kjærulff, S.: Convolutional Neural Networks for Segmentation and Objec...
     with: Krause, O.: Convolutional Neural Networks for Segmentation and Object ...
     with: Kuijper, A.: Alternative 2D Shape Representations using the Symmetry Set
     with: Kuijper, A.: From a 2D Shape to a String Structure Using the Symmetry ...
     with: Kutuzova, S.: HyperLeaf2024: A Hyperspectral Imaging Dataset for Class...
     with: Laprade, W.M.: HyperLeaf2024: A Hyperspectral Imaging Dataset for Clas...
     with: Lautrup, B.: Brownian Warps for Non-Rigid Registration
     with: Lauze, F.: Bicycle chain shape models
     with: Lauze, F.: Curve Evolution in Subspaces
     with: Lauze, F.: Deinterlacing Using Variational Methods
     with: Lauze, F.: Exploring the representation capabilities of the HOG descri...
     with: Lauze, F.: From Inpainting to Active Contours
     with: Lauze, F.: Fundamental Geodesic Deformations in Spaces of Treelike Sha...
     with: Lauze, F.: Geometries on Spaces of Treelike Shapes
     with: Lauze, F.: Geometry and Statistics: Manifolds and Stratified Spaces
     with: Lauze, F.: Kernel Bundle EPDiff: Evolution Equations for Multi-scale D...
     with: Lauze, F.: Manifold Valued Statistics, Exact Principal Geodesic Analys...
     with: Lauze, F.: Means in spaces of tree-like shapes
     with: Lauze, F.: Motion Compensated Video Super Resolution
     with: Lauze, F.: On Restricting Planar Curve Evolution to Finite Dimensional...
     with: Lauze, F.: On the Rate of Structural Change in Scale Spaces
     with: Lauze, F.: Quantizing Calcification in the Lumbar Aorta on 2-D Lateral...
     with: Lauze, F.: Sparse Multi-Scale Diffeomorphic Registration: The Kernel B...
     with: Lauze, F.: Total Variation Motion Adaptive Deinterlacing Scheme, A
     with: Lauze, F.: Toward a Theory of Statistical Tree-Shape Analysis
     with: Lauze, F.: TV-L1 Optical Flow for Vector Valued Images
     with: Lauze, F.: Variational Algorithm For Motion Compensated Inpainting, A
     with: Lauze, F.: Video Super-Resolution Using Simultaneous Motion and Intens...
     with: Lillemark, L.: Bayesian Framework for Automated Cardiovascular Risk Sc...
     with: Lillholm, M.: Automatic Quantification of Tibio-Femoral Contact Area a...
     with: Lillholm, M.: Automatic Segmentation of Vertebrae from Radiographs: A ...
     with: Lillholm, M.: Feature-Based Image Analysis
     with: Lillholm, M.: Gaussian Scale Space from Insufficient Image Information
     with: Lillholm, M.: Maximum a Posteriori Estimation of Linear Shape Variatio...
     with: Lillholm, M.: unifying framework for automatic and semi-automatic segm...
     with: Lillholm, M.: Unsupervised Deep Learning Applied to Breast Density Seg...
     with: Lillholm, M.: What do features tell about images?
     with: Lo, P.: Geometries on Spaces of Treelike Shapes
     with: Lo, P.: Texture-Based Analysis of COPD: A Data-Driven Approach
     with: Lo, P.: Toward a Theory of Statistical Tree-Shape Analysis
     with: Loog, M.: Automated Effect-Specific Mammographic Pattern Measures
     with: Loog, M.: Bicycle chain shape models
     with: Loog, M.: Dense iterative contextual pixel classification using Kriging
     with: Loog, M.: Gaussian Scale Space from Insufficient Image Information
     with: Loog, M.: Metric learning by directly minimizing the k-NN training error
     with: Maas, R.: Binocular Stereo from Grey-Scale Images
     with: Maas, R.: On the Duality of Scalar and Density Flows
     with: Madsen, C.B.: Graph Cut Based Segmentation of Soft Shadows for Seamles...
     with: Madsen, C.B.: Segmentation of Soft Shadows Based on a Daylight- and Pe...
     with: Milella, A.: multisensor platform for comprehensive detection of crop ...
     with: Moeslund, T.B.: Procedure for Developing Intuitive and Ergonomic Gestu...
     with: Mogensen, I.D.O.: Tube Snake Models for 3D Reconstruction of Thin Elon...
     with: Mysling, P.: Automatic Segmentation of Vertebrae from Radiographs: A S...
     with: Mysling, P.: Bayesian Framework for Automated Cardiovascular Risk Scor...
     with: Mysling, P.: unifying framework for automatic and semi-automatic segme...
     with: Ng, A.Y.: Unsupervised Deep Learning Applied to Breast Density Segment...
     with: Nielsen, T.T.: Convolutional Neural Networks for Segmentation and Obje...
     with: Niessen, W.: Editorial, Papers from MMBIA
     with: Niessen, W.J.: Binocular Stereo from Grey-Scale Images
     with: Niessen, W.J.: Intrinsic Structure of Optic Flow Incorporating Measure...
     with: Niessen, W.J.: Multiscale Approach to Image Sequence-Analysis
     with: Niessen, W.J.: On the Duality of Scalar and Density Flows
     with: Nissen, M.S.: Convolutional Neural Networks for Segmentation and Objec...
     with: Olsen, N.H.: Detection and Localization of Random Signals
     with: Olsen, N.H.: Reconstructing the Optical Thickness from Hoffman Modulat...
     with: Olsen, O.F.: Alternative 2D Shape Representations using the Symmetry Set
     with: Olsen, O.F.: Approximating Non-linear Diffusion
     with: Olsen, O.F.: Branch Points in One-Dimensional Gaussian Scale Space
     with: Olsen, O.F.: Curve Evolution in Subspaces
     with: Olsen, O.F.: From a 2D Shape to a String Structure Using the Symmetry ...
     with: Olsen, O.F.: Generic Events for the Gradient Squared with Application ...
     with: Olsen, O.F.: Generic Structure of the Optic Flow Field, The
     with: Olsen, O.F.: Koenderink Corner Points
     with: Olsen, O.F.: Multi-scale gradient magnitude watershed segmentation
     with: Olsen, O.F.: Note on Differential Corner Measures, A
     with: Olsen, O.F.: Smoothing images creates corners
     with: Olsen, O.F.: structure of the optic flow field, The
     with: Olsen, S.I.: Special Issue on Tribute Workshop for Peter Johansen
     with: Pai, A.: Kernel Bundle Diffeomorphic Image Registration Using Stationa...
     with: Pai, A.: Stepwise Inverse Consistent Euler's Scheme for Diffeomorphic ...
     with: Pedersen, J.H.: Increasing Accuracy of Optimal Surfaces Using Min-Marg...
     with: Pedersen, J.H.: Texture-Based Analysis of COPD: A Data-Driven Approach
     with: Pedersen, K.S.: On the Rate of Structural Change in Scale Spaces
     with: Pedersen, K.S.: Special Issue on Tribute Workshop for Peter Johansen
     with: Pennec, X.: Higher-Order Momentum Distributions and Locally Affine LDD...
     with: Pennec, X.: Kernel Bundle EPDiff: Evolution Equations for Multi-scale ...
     with: Pennec, X.: Mathematical Methods for Medical Imaging
     with: Pennec, X.: Sparse Multi-Scale Diffeomorphic Registration: The Kernel ...
     with: Pennec, X.: Sparsity and scale: Compact representations of deformation...
     with: Perona, P.: Special Issue on the Second International Conference on Sc...
     with: Petersen, J.: Increasing Accuracy of Optimal Surfaces Using Min-Margin...
     with: Petersen, K.: Automatic Segmentation of Vertebrae from Radiographs: A ...
     with: Petersen, K.: Bayesian Framework for Automated Cardiovascular Risk Sco...
     with: Petersen, K.: Conditional Point Distribution Models
     with: Petersen, K.: Static SMC Sampler on Shapes for the Automated Segmentat...
     with: Petersen, K.: unifying framework for automatic and semi-automatic segm...
     with: Petersen, K.: Unsupervised Deep Learning Applied to Breast Density Seg...
     with: Pettersen, P.: Automated Effect-Specific Mammographic Pattern Measures
     with: Pieta, P.: HyperLeaf2024: A Hyperspectral Imaging Dataset for Classifi...
     with: Raket, L.L.: splitting algorithm for directional regularization and sp...
     with: Raket, L.L.: TV-L1 Optical Flow for Vector Valued Images
     with: Raundahl, J.: Automated Effect-Specific Mammographic Pattern Measures
     with: Reina, G.: multisensor platform for comprehensive detection of crop st...
     with: Rilling, S.: multisensor platform for comprehensive detection of crop ...
     with: Roholm, L.: TV-L1 Optical Flow for Vector Valued Images
     with: Sapiro, G.: Special Issue on the Second International Conference on Sc...
     with: Selvan, R.: Increasing Accuracy of Optimal Surfaces Using Min-Marginal...
     with: Sig, M.: Koenderink Corner Points
     with: Sigurd, M.: Koenderink Corner Points
     with: Sommer, S.: Bicycle chain shape models
     with: Sommer, S.: Higher-Order Momentum Distributions and Locally Affine LDD...
     with: Sommer, S.: Kernel Bundle Diffeomorphic Image Registration Using Stati...
     with: Sommer, S.: Kernel Bundle EPDiff: Evolution Equations for Multi-scale ...
     with: Sommer, S.: Manifold Valued Statistics, Exact Principal Geodesic Analy...
     with: Sommer, S.: On Restricting Planar Curve Evolution to Finite Dimensiona...
     with: Sommer, S.: Sparse Multi-Scale Diffeomorphic Registration: The Kernel ...
     with: Sommer, S.: Sparsity and scale: Compact representations of deformation...
     with: Sommer, S.: Stepwise Inverse Consistent Euler's Scheme for Diffeomorph...
     with: Sorensen, L.: Kernel Bundle Diffeomorphic Image Registration Using Sta...
     with: Sorensen, L.: Stepwise Inverse Consistent Euler's Scheme for Diffeomor...
     with: Sorensen, L.: Texture-Based Analysis of COPD: A Data-Driven Approach
     with: Sporring, J.: Detection and Localization of Random Signals
     with: Sporring, J.: Direct estimation of First Order Optic Flow
     with: Sporring, J.: Gaussian Scale-Space Theory
     with: Sporring, J.: Guest Editorial: Special Issue on Statistics of Shapes a...
     with: Sporring, J.: Kernel Bundle Diffeomorphic Image Registration Using Sta...
     with: Sporring, J.: Maximum a Posteriori Estimation of Linear Shape Variatio...
     with: Sporring, J.: Note on Differential Corner Measures, A
     with: Sporring, J.: Reconstructing the Optical Thickness from Hoffman Modula...
     with: Sporring, J.: Smoothing images creates corners
     with: Sporring, J.: Special Issue on Tribute Workshop for Peter Johansen
     with: Sporring, J.: Stepwise Inverse Consistent Euler's Scheme for Diffeomor...
     with: Steenstrup Pedersen, K.: Computing optic flow by scale-space integrati...
     with: Steenstrup Pedersen, K.: Field of Particle Filters for Image Inpainting
     with: Steenstrup Pedersen, K.: Hausdorff Dimension and Scale-Space Normalisa...
     with: Steenstrup Pedersen, K.: Hausdorff Dimension and Scale-Space Normaliza...
     with: Steenstrup Pedersen, K.: Image Inpainting by Cooling and Heating
     with: Steenstrup Pedersen, K.: On a Kernels, Lévy Processes, and Natural Ima...
     with: Storring, M.: Procedure for Developing Intuitive and Ergonomic Gesture...
     with: Tanko, L.B.: Automated Effect-Specific Mammographic Pattern Measures
     with: Tanko, L.B.: Quantizing Calcification in the Lumbar Aorta on 2-D Later...
     with: Tatu, A.: Bicycle chain shape models
     with: Tatu, A.: Curve Evolution in Subspaces
     with: Tatu, A.: Exploring the representation capabilities of the HOG descrip...
     with: Tatu, A.: On Restricting Planar Curve Evolution to Finite Dimensional ...
     with: ter Haar Romeny, B.M.: Binocular Stereo from Grey-Scale Images
     with: ter Haar Romeny, B.M.: Multiscale Approach to Image Sequence-Analysis
     with: ter Haar Romeny, B.M.: On the Duality of Scalar and Density Flows
     with: ter Haar Romeny, B.M.: Scale-time kernels and models
     with: ter Haar Romeny, B.M.: Special Issue on the Second International Confe...
     with: Tummala, S.: Automatic Quantification of Tibio-Femoral Contact Area an...
     with: Vachon, C.M.: Unsupervised Deep Learning Applied to Breast Density Seg...
     with: van der Lugt, A.: Increasing Accuracy of Optimal Surfaces Using Min-Ma...
     with: Viergever, M.A.: Gaussian Scale Space from Insufficient Image Informat...
     with: Viergever, M.A.: Multiscale Approach to Image Sequence-Analysis
     with: Weickert, J.: Note on Differential Corner Measures, A
     with: Weickert, J.: Smoothing images creates corners
     with: Westergaard, J.C.: HyperLeaf2024: A Hyperspectral Imaging Dataset for ...
     with: Westin, C.F.: Editorial, Papers from MMBIA
     with: Winkel, R.R.: Unsupervised Deep Learning Applied to Breast Density Seg...
     with: Witzner Hansen, D.: Eye typing using Markov and active appearance models
     with: Ziebe, S.: Reconstructing the Optical Thickness from Hoffman Modulatio...
263 for Nielsen, M.

Nielsen, M.E. Standard Author Listing
     with: Clemmensen, L.H.: Hyperspectral imaging based on diffused laser light ...
     with: Ersboll, B.K.: Hyperspectral imaging based on diffused laser light for...
     with: Frosch, S.: Hyperspectral imaging based on diffused laser light for pr...
     with: Ljungqvist, M.G.: Hyperspectral imaging based on diffused laser light ...
     with: Nielsen, O.H.A.: Hyperspectral imaging based on diffused laser light f...

Nielsen, M.M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Flindt, M.R.: Comparative Assessment of Five Machine Learning Algorith...
     with: Pawar, S.: Comparative Assessment of Five Machine Learning Algorithms ...
     with: Svane, N.: Comparative Assessment of Five Machine Learning Algorithms ...
     with: Thomasberger, A.: Comparative Assessment of Five Machine Learning Algo...

Nielsen, M.T. Standard Author Listing
     with: Kruger, N.: Spatial-Temporal Junction Extraction and Semantic Interpre...
     with: Pilz, F.: Spatial-Temporal Junction Extraction and Semantic Interpreta...
     with: Pugeault, N.: Spatial-Temporal Junction Extraction and Semantic Interp...
     with: Simonsen, K.B.: Spatial-Temporal Junction Extraction and Semantic Inte...

Nielsen, O.A. Standard Author Listing
     with: Bækgaard, P.: Is Not the Truth the Truth?: Analyzing the Impact of Use...
     with: Peled, I.: Is Not the Truth the Truth?: Analyzing the Impact of User V...
     with: Pereira, F.C.: Is Not the Truth the Truth?: Analyzing the Impact of Us...
     with: Persson, D.R.: Is Not the Truth the Truth?: Analyzing the Impact of Us...
     with: Servizi, V.: Is Not the Truth the Truth?: Analyzing the Impact of User...
     with: Villadsen, H.: Is Not the Truth the Truth?: Analyzing the Impact of Us...

Nielsen, O.H.A. Standard Author Listing
     with: Aanæs, H.: Supercontinuum Light Sources for Hyperspectral Subsurface L...
     with: Carstensen, J.M.: Supercontinuum Light Sources for Hyperspectral Subsu...
     with: Clemmensen, L.H.: Hyperspectral imaging based on diffused laser light ...
     with: Dahl, A.L.: Supercontinuum Light Sources for Hyperspectral Subsurface ...
     with: Ersboll, B.K.: Hyperspectral imaging based on diffused laser light for...
     with: Frosch, S.: Hyperspectral imaging based on diffused laser light for pr...
     with: Larsen, R.: Supercontinuum Light Sources for Hyperspectral Subsurface ...
     with: Ljungqvist, M.G.: Hyperspectral imaging based on diffused laser light ...
     with: Moller, F.: Supercontinuum Light Sources for Hyperspectral Subsurface ...
     with: Nielsen, F.D.: Supercontinuum Light Sources for Hyperspectral Subsurfa...
     with: Nielsen, M.E.: Hyperspectral imaging based on diffused laser light for...
     with: Thomsen, C.L.: Supercontinuum Light Sources for Hyperspectral Subsurfa...
12 for Nielsen, O.H.A.

Nielsen, O.K. Standard Author Listing
     with: Alves, R.: Quantifying Methane Emissions Using Satellite Data: Applica...
     with: Benavente, N.R.: Quantifying Methane Emissions Using Satellite Data: A...
     with: Gavidia Calderon, M.: Quantifying Methane Emissions Using Satellite Da...
     with: Karoff, C.: Quantifying Methane Emissions Using Satellite Data: Applic...
     with: Nascimento, J.P.: Quantifying Methane Emissions Using Satellite Data: ...
     with: Vara Vela, A.L.: Quantifying Methane Emissions Using Satellite Data: A...

Nielsen, P. Standard Author Listing
     with: Lee, S.: Facility Location-Allocation Problem for Emergency Medical Se...
     with: Moon, I.: Facility Location-Allocation Problem for Emergency Medical S...
     with: Park, Y.S.: Facility Location-Allocation Problem for Emergency Medical...
     with: Sung, I.: Facility Location-Allocation Problem for Emergency Medical S...

Nielsen, P.E. Standard Author Listing
     with: Boisgard, R.: Segmentation of Rodent Whole-Body Dynamic PET Images: An...
     with: Cathier, P.: Segmentation of Rodent Whole-Body Dynamic PET Images: An ...
     with: Comtat, C.: Segmentation of Rodent Whole-Body Dynamic PET Images: An U...
     with: Dolle, F.: Segmentation of Rodent Whole-Body Dynamic PET Images: An Un...
     with: Duchesnay, E.: Segmentation of Rodent Whole-Body Dynamic PET Images: A...
     with: Frouin, V.: Segmentation of Rodent Whole-Body Dynamic PET Images: An U...
     with: Maroy, R.: Segmentation of Rodent Whole-Body Dynamic PET Images: An Un...
     with: Tavitian, B.: Segmentation of Rodent Whole-Body Dynamic PET Images: An...
     with: Trebossen, R.: Segmentation of Rodent Whole-Body Dynamic PET Images: A...
9 for Nielsen, P.E.

Nielsen, P.M.F. Standard Author Listing
     with: Gamage, T.P.B.: 3D surface profiling using arbitrarily positioned came...
     with: Gamage, T.P.B.: FPGA implementation of 2D cross-correlation for real-t...
     with: Haji Rassouliha, A.: 3D surface profiling using arbitrarily positioned...
     with: Haji Rassouliha, A.: FPGA implementation of 2D cross-correlation for r...
     with: Haji Rassouliha, A.: Low-cost, hand-held stereoscopic device for measu...
     with: Haji Rassouliha, A.: Motion Correction Using Subpixel Image Registration
     with: HajiRassouliha, A.: Subpixel phase-based image registration using Savi...
     with: HajiRassouliha, A.: Suitability of recent hardware accelerators (DSPs,...
     with: Kmiecik, B.: Low-cost, hand-held stereoscopic device for measuring dyn...
     with: Nash, M.P.: 3D surface profiling using arbitrarily positioned cameras
     with: Nash, M.P.: FPGA implementation of 2D cross-correlation for real-time ...
     with: Nash, M.P.: Low-cost, hand-held stereoscopic device for measuring dyna...
     with: Nash, M.P.: Motion Correction Using Subpixel Image Registration
     with: Nash, M.P.: Subpixel phase-based image registration using Savitzky-Gol...
     with: Nash, M.P.: Suitability of recent hardware accelerators (DSPs, FPGAs, ...
     with: Parker, M.D.: 3D surface profiling using arbitrarily positioned cameras
     with: Parker, M.D.: FPGA implementation of 2D cross-correlation for real-tim...
     with: Taberner, A.J.: 3D surface profiling using arbitrarily positioned came...
     with: Taberner, A.J.: FPGA implementation of 2D cross-correlation for real-t...
     with: Taberner, A.J.: Low-cost, hand-held stereoscopic device for measuring ...
     with: Taberner, A.J.: Motion Correction Using Subpixel Image Registration
     with: Taberner, A.J.: Subpixel phase-based image registration using Savitzky...
     with: Taberner, A.J.: Suitability of recent hardware accelerators (DSPs, FPG...
23 for Nielsen, P.M.F.

Nielsen, R. Standard Author Listing
     with: Faber, P.: Estimation of 3D Position, Angle of Attitude and Orientatio...
     with: Lundgren, B.: Estimation of 3D Position, Angle of Attitude and Orienta...
     with: Nielsen, H.: Estimation of 3D Position, Angle of Attitude and Orientat...

Nielsen, R.D. Standard Author Listing
     with: Mahoor, M.H.: On multi-task learning for facial action unit detection
     with: Zhang, X.: On multi-task learning for facial action unit detection

Nielsen, S. Standard Author Listing
     with: Bauer Gottwein, P.: Assessing the Potential of 10-m Resolution TVDI Ba...
     with: Cheng, L.: Assessing the Potential of 10-m Resolution TVDI Based on Do...
     with: Grosen, H.: Assessing the Potential of 10-m Resolution TVDI Based on D...
     with: Hu, S.: Assessing the Potential of 10-m Resolution TVDI Based on Downs...
     with: Liu, S.: Assessing the Potential of 10-m Resolution TVDI Based on Down...
     with: Mo, X.G.: Assessing the Potential of 10-m Resolution TVDI Based on Dow...
     with: Xie, C.S.: Assessing the Potential of 10-m Resolution TVDI Based on Do...
     with: Zhou, H.: Assessing the Potential of 10-m Resolution TVDI Based on Dow...
8 for Nielsen, S.

Nielsen, S.E. Standard Author Listing
     with: Hird, J.N.: Use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles for Monitoring Recovery of...
     with: Kariyeva, J.: Use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles for Monitoring Recovery ...
     with: Laskin, D.N.: Estimating Understory Temperatures Using MODIS LST in Mi...
     with: McDermid, G.J.: Estimating Understory Temperatures Using MODIS LST in ...
     with: McDermid, G.J.: Use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles for Monitoring Recover...
     with: McIntosh, A.C.S.: Use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles for Monitoring Recov...
     with: Montaghi, A.: Estimating Understory Temperatures Using MODIS LST in Mi...
     with: Montaghi, A.: Use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles for Monitoring Recovery ...
     with: Moorman, B.J.: Use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles for Monitoring Recovery...
9 for Nielsen, S.E.

Nielsen, T. Standard Author Listing
     with: Fensholt, R.: Role of Methodology and Spatiotemporal Scale in Understa...
     with: Kelder, Y.: Role of Methodology and Spatiotemporal Scale in Understand...

Nielsen, T.D. Standard Author Listing
     with: Jensen, C.S.: Relational Fusion Networks: Graph Convolutional Networks...
     with: Jepsen, T.S.: Relational Fusion Networks: Graph Convolutional Networks...
     with: Langseth, H.: Latent classification models for binary data
     with: Larsen, K.G.: Uncertainty-Aware Temporal Graph Convolutional Network f...
     with: Qian, W.Z.: Uncertainty-Aware Temporal Graph Convolutional Network for...
     with: Yu, J.J.Q.: Uncertainty-Aware Temporal Graph Convolutional Network for...
     with: Zhao, Y.: Uncertainty-Aware Temporal Graph Convolutional Network for T...
7 for Nielsen, T.D.

Nielsen, T.O. Standard Author Listing
     with: Beck, A.H.: Systematic Analysis of Breast Cancer Morphology Uncovers S...
     with: Koller, D.: Systematic Analysis of Breast Cancer Morphology Uncovers S...
     with: Leung, S.: Systematic Analysis of Breast Cancer Morphology Uncovers St...
     with: Marinelli, R.J.: Systematic Analysis of Breast Cancer Morphology Uncov...
     with: Sangoi, A.R.: Systematic Analysis of Breast Cancer Morphology Uncovers...
     with: van de Rijn, M.: Systematic Analysis of Breast Cancer Morphology Uncov...
     with: van de Vijver, M.J.: Systematic Analysis of Breast Cancer Morphology U...
     with: West, R.B.: Systematic Analysis of Breast Cancer Morphology Uncovers S...
8 for Nielsen, T.O.

Nielsen, T.R. Standard Author Listing
     with: Drewsen, P.: Solving jigsaw puzzles using image features
     with: Hansen, K.: Solving jigsaw puzzles using image features

Nielsen, T.T. Standard Author Listing
     with: Almstrup, K.: Convolutional Neural Networks for Segmentation and Objec...
     with: Kjærulff, S.: Convolutional Neural Networks for Segmentation and Objec...
     with: Krause, O.: Convolutional Neural Networks for Segmentation and Object ...
     with: Nielsen, M.: Convolutional Neural Networks for Segmentation and Object...
     with: Nissen, M.S.: Convolutional Neural Networks for Segmentation and Objec...

Nielsen, U. Standard Author Listing
     with: Dall, J.: Direction-of-Arrival Analysis of Airborne Ice Depth Sounder ...
     with: Dall, J.: Direction-of-Arrival Estimation for Radar Ice Sounding Surfa...
     with: Gogineni, S.: Direction-of-Arrival Analysis of Airborne Ice Depth Soun...
     with: Yan, J.B.: Direction-of-Arrival Analysis of Airborne Ice Depth Sounder...

Nielson, G.M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Chen, M.: Special Issue on Volume Modeling
     with: Huang, A.: Parameterizing Marching Cubes Isosurfaces with Natural Neig...
     with: Kaufman, A.E.: Special Issue on Volume Modeling
     with: Lee, K.: Parameterizing Marching Cubes Isosurfaces with Natural Neighb...
     with: Zhang, L.Y.: Parameterizing Marching Cubes Isosurfaces with Natural Ne...

Nielson, H.E. Standard Author Listing
     with: Barrett, W.A.: Consensus-based table form recognition
     with: Barrett, W.A.: Consensus-based table form recognition of low-quality h...
     with: Barrett, W.A.: Digital mountain: from granite archive to global access
     with: Hutchison, L.: Digital mountain: from granite archive to global access
     with: Kennard, D.J.: Digital mountain: from granite archive to global access
     with: Quass, D.: Digital mountain: from granite archive to global access

Nielson, J. Standard Author Listing
     with: Chen, Y.J.: Temporal Upscaling and Reconstruction of Thermal Remotely ...
     with: Jia, Z.Z.: Temporal Upscaling and Reconstruction of Thermal Remotely S...
     with: Liu, S.M.: Temporal Upscaling and Reconstruction of Thermal Remotely S...
     with: Xu, L.: Temporal Upscaling and Reconstruction of Thermal Remotely Sens...
     with: Xu, T.R.: Temporal Upscaling and Reconstruction of Thermal Remotely Se...
     with: Xu, Z.W.: Temporal Upscaling and Reconstruction of Thermal Remotely Se...

Index for "n"

Last update:15-Jan-25 14:57:33
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