Update Dates 9603

9603 * *Visual Communications and Image Processing '96
* Active Lattice Model in a Bayesian Framework, An
* Active Visual Sensing of the 3-D Pose of a Flexible Object
* Adaptive Fusion Processor Paradigms for Fusion of Information Acquired at Different Levels of Detail
* Adaptive Path Planning and Obstacle Avoidance for a Robot with a Large Degree of Redundancy
* Algorithm 751: Tripack: A Constrained 2-Dimensional Delaunay Triangulation Package
* Algorithm 752: SRFPACK - Software for Scattered Data Fitting with a Constrained Surface under Tension
* Algorithm for a 3D Simplicity Test, An
* Algorithm for the Medial Axis Transform of 3D Polyhedral Solids, An
* Alternative Algorithm for Adaptive Histogram Equalization, An
* Analysis of Affine Invariants as Approximate Perspective Invariants
* Analysis of IRS Imagery for Detecting Man-Made Objects with a Multivalued Recognition System
* Analytical and Experimental Study of the Performance of Markov Random-Fields Applied to Textured Images Using Small Samples, An
* Applying Vision Guidance in Robotic Food Handling
* Arrowhead Recognition During Automated Data Capture
* Automatic Image Annotation Using Adaptive Color Classification
* Automatic Image-to-Site Model Registration
* Automatic PCB Inspection Algorithms: A Survey
* Bayesian Compatibility Model for Graph Matching, A
* bi-orthogonal decomposition in image processing: Signal analysis and texture segmentation, The
* Binary Decision Clustering for Neural-Network-Based Optical Character-Recognition
* Camera Calibration without Feature Extraction
* Camera Parameters Estimation and Evaluation in Active Vision System
* Characterizing Digital Convexity and Straightness in Terms of Length and Total Absolute Curvature
* Closed-Form Algorithms for Object Pose and Scale Recovery in Constrained Scenes
* Clustering Technique Based on the Distance Transform, A
* Color Scene Recognition Using Relational Distance Measurement
* Computing Occlusion-Free Viewpoints
* Conditional-entropy-constrained trellis-searched vector quantization for image compression
* Content-Based Indexing of Spatial Objects in Digital Libraries
* Curve Axis, The
* Derivation of studio camera position and motion from the camera image
* Detection and Motion Detection in Chromatic and Luminance Beats
* Detection of Diffuse and Specular Interface Reflections and Inter-Reflections by Color Image Segmentation
* Digital-Topology on Graphs
* Distributed Decision Fusion under Unknown Distributions
* Dynamic Linking Among Neural Oscillators Leads to Flexible Pattern-Recognition with Figure-Ground Separation
* Efficient Method for Multiscale Small Target Detection from a Natural Scene
* Estimation of Ellipse Parameters Using Optimal Minimum-Variance Estimator
* Family of Universal Axes, The
* Fast 2-Class Classifier for 2D Data Using Complex-Moment-Preserving Principle, A
* Fast Clustering Algorithms For Vector Quantization
* Feature Vectors for Road Vehicle Scene Classification
* Feature-Based Target Recognition with a Bayesian Network
* Fingerprint Classification
* Fusion Strategies for Enhancing Decision Reliability in Multisensor Environments
* Generalization of Shift-Invariant Neural Networks: Image-Processing of Corneal Endothelium
* Generalizing Edit Distance to Incorporate Domain Information: Handwritten Text Recognition as a Case-Study
* Generation of Signal-Uncorrelated Noise for Control Experiments in Image Restoration
* Geometric Correction of Digitized Art
* Graphical Templates For Model Registration
* Hand Action Perception and Robot Instruction
* HDTV picture quality performance in the presence of random errors, analysis and measures for improvement
* Hierarchical Approach to Efficient Curvilinear Object Searching, A
* Hierarchical Representation of Chain-Encoded Binary Image Contours
* High-Speed Algorithm for Elliptic Object Detection, A
* High-speed moving picture coding using adaptively load balanced multiprocessor system
* hybrid image compression scheme combining block-based fractal coding and DCT, A
* Illuminance Texture Due to Surface Mesostructure
* Image Coding for Content-Based Retrieval
* Image coding using generalized optimal subband decomposition and vector quantization
* Image-Processing: Flows under Min/Max Curvature and Mean-Curvature
* Implicit Simplicial Models for Adaptive Curve Reconstruction
* Improved Power Cepstrum Based Stereo Correspondence Method for Textured Scenes, An
* Integrated medical-image system for cancer research and treatment
* Intelligent Driver Warning System for Vehicle Collision-Avoidance, An
* Iterative Smoothed Residuals: A Low-Pass Filter for Smoothing with Controlled Shrinkage
* Maximum likelihood clustering via normal mixture models
* Method and apparatus to determine object striking instrument movement conditions
* Modeling and Fusion of Radar and Imaging Sensor Data for Target Tracking
* Neural-Network Approach to Off-Line Signature Verification Using Directional PDF, A
* Neural-Network Data Association with Application to Multiple-Target Tracking
* New Computational Technique for Complementary Sensor Integration in Detection Localization Systems
* New False Color Mapping for Image Fusion
* New Image Motion Estimation Algorithm Based on the EM Technique, A
* Nonlinear Image Labeling for Multivalued Segmentation
* Object Matching Using Deformable Templates
* On Convergence in the Methods of Strat and of Smith for Shape from Shading
* On Image-Analysis By Moments
* On Multiedge Detection
* On the Computation of the Euler Number of a Binary Object
* On the Invertibility of Morphological Representation of Binary Images: Comments
* On the Performance of Fractal Compression with Clustering
* On Using Directional Information for Parameter Space Decomposition in Ellipse Detection
* Optical Character-Recognition and Parsing of Typeset Mathematics
* Optimum Approximation of Digital Planar Curves Using Circular Arcs
* Overlapped motion compensation for subband coding of video sequences
* Parabolic Curves of Evolving Surfaces
* Parallel Decoding Algorithm for IFS Codes without Transient-Behavior, A
* Parameter-Estimation in Markov Random-Field Contextual Models Using Geometric Models of Objects
* Passive Range Estimation Using Dual-Base-Line Triangulation
* Perfecting Vectorized Mechanical Drawings
* Photomotion
* Piecewise-Linear Interpolation between Polygonal Slices
* Pose-Invariant Face Recognition Using Real and Virtual Views
* Potential-Based Approach for Shape-Matching and Recognition, A
* Querying Video Libraries
* Ratio of the Arithmetic to the Geometric Mean: A First-order Statistical Test for Multilook SAR Image Homogeneity, The
* Recognition of Blurred Images by the Method of Moments
* Recognition of Partial Circular Shapes from Segmented Contours
* Reconstruction and Boundary Detection of Range and Intensity Images Using Multiscale MRF Representations
* Reflectance Based Object Recognition
* Regularization Approach to Joint Blur Identification and Image Restoration, A
* Relevance of Statistically Significant Differences Between Reconstruction Algorithms
* Rotation-Independent and Scale-Independent Pattern-Recognition Through Optimization
* Scaling Theorems for Zero Crossings of Band-Limited Signals
* Scanning Singular-Value-Decomposition Method for Restoration of Images with Space-Variant Blur
* Shape-Description by Medial Surface Construction
* SketchIT: A Sketch Interpretation Tool for Conceptual Mechanical Design
* Smoothing of Digital Images Using the Concept of Diffusion Process
* Space Requirements of Indexing under Perspective Projections, The
* Sparse, Opaque 3-Dimensional Texture, 2A: Visibility
* Special Issue on Digital Libraries: Introduction
* Stochastic Properties of the Cross Ratio
* Stochastic Topology with Elastic Matching for Off-Line Handwritten Character-Recognition
* Structural Model of Curve Deformation by Discontinuous Transformations, A
* Surface Correspondence and Motion Computation from a Pair of Range Images
* Survey of Technologies for Parsing and Indexing Digital Video, A
* System and method for indicating a change between images
* Three-Dimensional Descriptions Based on the Analysis of the Invariant and Quasi-Invariant Properties of Some Curved-Axis Generalized Cylinders
* Using Image Subtraction and Classification to Evaluate Change in Subtropical Intertidal Wetlands
* Vehicle Segmentation and Classification Using Deformable Templates
* Vertex-Based Features for Recognition of Projectively Deformed Polygons
* Video Mosaics For Virtual Environments
* Vision-based 3-D Tracking of Humans in Action
* Wavelet-Based Image-Coding Using Nonlinear Interpolative Vector Quantization
* Wiener filter for filtering noise from a video signal
127 for 9603

Index for "9"

Last update:20-Jan-25 12:09:31
Use price@usc.edu for comments.