* *Discriminant Function Analysis
* *Edison: Edge Detection and Image SegmentatiON system
* 3d pattern for pose estimation for object capture, A
* 3D Shape Representation via Shock Flows
* Airborne Video Registration for Activity Monitoring
* artificial retina with a self-organised retinal receptive field tessellation, An
* Automated Piecewise Affine Registration of Biological Images
* Automatic Camera Tracking
* Automatic change detection of driving environments in a vision-based driver assistance system
* Automatic Fingerprint Recognition Systems
* Automatic Person Verification Using Speech and Face Information
* Beyond Key-Frames: The Physical Setting as a Video Mining Primitive
* Biometrics
* Color-Based Face Detection in the 15 Seconds of Fame Art Installation
* Commercial Quality Text: What Does it Take?
* Computer Vision: A Modern Approach
* Database Indexing Methods for 3D Hand Pose Estimation
* Determination of Moment Invariants and Their Application to Visual Servoing
* Determining 3D Face Structure from Video Images using G-Flow
* Edge-based semantic classification of sports video sequences
* Effective Condition for Sampling Surfaces with Guarantees, An
* efficient FastSLAM algorithm for generating maps of large-scale cyclic environments from raw laser range measurements, An
* Efficient Video Browsing
* Estimation of 3D surface shape and smooth radiance from 2D images: A Level Set Approach
* FPGA Implementation of Pyramidal Weightless Neural Networks Learning System
* Free-form-deformation parameterization for multilevel 3D shape optimization in aerodynamics
* fuzzy linguistic-based software tool for seismic image interpretation, A
* fuzzy rule-based interactive fusion system for seismic data analysis, A
* Fuzzy-Based Multiscale Edge Detection
* Generating Multi-Level Linguistic Spatial Descriptions form Range Sensor Readings Using the Histogram of Forces
* Geodetic Alignment of Aerial Video Frames
* Geometric and Photometric Merging for Large-Scale Objects
* Hands-on Morphological Image Processing
* Hierarchical neural networks for image interpretation
* Horror film genre typing and scene labeling via audio analysis
* How Did the Camera Move?
* Imaging and Vision Systems: Theory, Assessment and Applications
* Improved RJMCMC point process sampler for object detection on images by simulated annealing
* Inpainting and the fundamental problem of image processing
* Isotropic Remeshing of Surfaces: A Local Parameterization Approach
* Learning over sets using kernel principal angles
* Limits on the Majority Vote Accuracy in Classifier Fusion
* load unbalancing problem for region growing image segmentation algorithms, The
* mathematical and algorithmic study of the Lambertian SFS problem for orthographic and pinhole cameras, A
* Mathematical Methods in Computer Vision
* Measures of Diversity in Classifier Ensembles and Their Relationship with the Ensemble Accuracy
* Minimum Description Length Shape and Appearance Models
* Mining Statistical Video Structures
* Model-Based Landmark Extraction and Correspondence Finding for Aerial Image Registration
* Modeling Textures with Total Variation Minimization and Oscillating Patterns in Image Processing
* Modeling very oscillating signals. Application to image processing
* Motion Information in the Phase Domain
* new input device for 3d sketching, A
* On the foundations of vision modeling I: Weber's law and Weberized TV restoration
* On the Smoothness and Geometry of Boundaries Associated to Skeletal Structures I: Sufficient Conditions for Smoothness
* Online Handwritten Signature Verification Using Hidden Markov Models
* Parallel-Perspective Stereo Mosaics
* Poisson image editing
* Poisson Image Editing
* Pseudo-Relevance Feedback for Multimedia Retrieval
* Recent Advances in Compression of 3D Meshes
* Relevance Feedback for Image Retrieval: A Comprenhensive Review
* Robust Video Georegistration
* Scene-space methods for bayesian inference of 3d shape and motion
* Segmentation of Discrete Curves into Fuzzy Segments
* Simultaneous localization and mapping with unknown data association using FastSLAM
* Spatial Computation
* Spherical Parametrization and Remeshing
* Statistical Techniques for Video Analysis and Searching
* Suggestive Contours for Conveying Shape
* Super-resolution image reconstruction: a technical overview
* Suppression of contour perception by band-limited noise and its relation to non-classical receptive field inhibition
* Temporal Video Boundaries
* Toward estimation of map accuracy without a probability test sample
* Understanding the Semantics of Media
* Utilizing Learned Motion Patterns to Robustly Track Persons
* Variational PDE models in image processing
* Video OCR: A Survey and Practitioner's Guide
* Video Registration Panel: Key Challenges and the Potential Impact of Their Solution to the End of Computer Vision
* Video Registration: A Perspective
* Video Summarization using MPEG-7 Motion Activity and Audio Descriptors
* Visual Hull Construction, Alignment and Refinement for Human Kinematic Modeling, Motion Tracking and Rendering
* Voronoi Diagram of Convex Objects in the Plane, The
* Wronski Systems for Families of Local Complete Intersection Curves
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