* *Model-based Imaging, Rendering, Image Analysis and Graphical special Effects
* Color-Based Face Detection in the 15 Seconds of Fame Art Installation
* *Model-based Imaging, Rendering, Image Analysis and Graphical special Effects
* 3-D Mesh Sequence Coding Using the Combination of Spatial and Temporal Wavelet Analysis, A
* 3D Model-Based Tracking of the Human Body in Monocular Gray-Level Images
* 3D Reconstruction of a Human Face from Images Using Morphological Adaptation
* 3D Reconstruction of Human Faces from Occluding Contours
* Accuracy Improvement of Lung Cancer Detection Based on Spatial Statistical Analysis of Thoracic CT Scans
* Applicable Hierarchical Clustering Algorithm for Content-Based Image Retrieval, An
* Automatic Combination of Feature Descriptors for Effective 3D Shape Retrieval
* Automatic Segmentation of Natural Scene Images Based on Chromatic and Achromatic Components
* Brain MRI/SPECT Registration System Using an Adaptive Similarity Metric: Application on the Evaluation of Parkinson's Disease, A
* Classification of Facial Expressions Using K-Nearest Neighbor Classifier
* Clouds and Atmospheric Phenomena Simulation in Real-Time 3D Graphics
* Computerized Bone Age Assessment Using DCT and LDA
* Copying Behaviour of Expressive Motion
* Cortical Bone Classification by Local Context Analysis
* Data-Driven Animation of Crowds
* Detection of Wilt by Analyzing Color and Stereo Vision Data of Plant
* Epipolar Geometry Via Rectification of Spherical Images
* Evaluation of Alzheimer's Disease by Analysis of MR Images Using Multilayer Perceptrons, Polynomial Nets and Kohonen LVQ Classifiers
* Facial Feature Point Extraction Using the Adaptive Mean Shape in Active Shape Model
* Fast Ray-Triangle Intersection Computation Using Reconfigurable Hardware
* Fast Virtual Cloth Energy Minimization
* Feature Points Detection Using Combined Character Along Principal Orientation
* Fitting Subdivision Surface Models to Noisy and Incomplete 3-D Data
* Generation of Expression Space for Realtime Facial Expression Control of 3D Avatar
* Hand Gesture Recognition with a Novel IR Time-of-Flight Range Camera: A Pilot Study
* Hand Shape Recognition by Hand Shape Scaling, Weight Magnifying and Finger Geometry Comparison
* Human Silhouette Extraction Method Using Region Based Background Subtraction
* Illumination Compensation Algorithm Using Eigenspaces Transformation for Facial Images
* Improved Color Mood Blending Between Images Via Fuzzy Relationship, An
* Improving Efficiency of Density-Based Shape Descriptors for 3D Object Retrieval
* Interactive Hierarchical Level of Detail Level Selection Algorithm for Point Based Rendering
* Interactive System for Efficient Video Cartooning
* Joint Bayesian PET Reconstruction Algorithm Using a Quadratic Hybrid Multi-order Prior
* Line Segment Based Watershed Segmentation
* MADE: A Composite Visual-Based 3D Shape Descriptor
* Measurement of the Position of the Overhead Electric-Railway Line Using the Stereo Images
* Model-Based Feature Extraction for Gait Analysis and Recognition
* Model-Based Plane-Segmentation Using Optical Flow and Dominant Plane
* Multiresolution Analysis of Triangle Surface Meshes with Lifting Scheme, The
* Natural Image Matting Based on Neighbor Embedding
* New Content-Based Image Retrieval Approach Based on Pattern Orientation Histogram, A
* Note on the Discrete Binary Mumford-Shah Model, A
* Object Tracking with Particle Filter Using Color Information
* Parallel Implementation of Elastic Grid Matching Using Cellular Neural Networks
* Re-mapping Animation Parameters Between Multiple Types of Facial Model
* Research of 3D Chinese Calligraphic Handwriting Recur System and Its Key Algorithm
* Reverse Engineering Garments
* Robust Automatic Data Decomposition Using a Modified Sparse NMF
* Robust Eye Detection Method in Facial Region, A
* Segmentation of Soft Shadows Based on a Daylight- and Penumbra Model
* Spatio-temporal Reflectance Sharing for Relightable 3D Video
* Study on Eye Gaze Estimation Method Based on Cornea Model of Human Eye, A
* Sub-pixel Edge Fitting Using B-Spline
* Use of Multiple Contexts for Real Time Face Identification
* Virtual Reality Technology Used to Develop Didactic Models
* Volumetric Bias Correction
57 for MIRAGE07
* *Model-based Imaging, Rendering, Image Analysis and Graphical special Effects
* Automatic Fitting of a Deformable Face Mask Using a Single Image
* Automatic Golf Ball Trajectory Reconstruction and Visualization
* Automatic Segmentation of Scanned Human Body Using Curve Skeleton Analysis
* Bag of Words Approach for 3D Object Categorization, A
* Color Transfer in Images Based on Separation of Chromatic and Achromatic Colors
* Detection of Overlapped Ellipses by Combining Region and Edge Data
* EEG Data Driven Animation and Its Application
* Epipolar Angular Factorisation of Essential Matrix for Camera Pose Calibration
* Error Analysis of Stereo Calibration and Reconstruction
* Facade Structure Parameterization Based on Similarity Detection from Single Image
* Flash Lighting Space Sampling
* From Interactive Positioning to Automatic Try-On of Garments
* Geometric Mesh Denoising via Multivariate Kernel Diffusion
* Heart Cavity Segmentation in Ultrasound Images Based on Supervised Neural Networks
* Improved Structured Light Inspection of Specular Surfaces Based on Quaternary Coding, An
* Integrated Digital Image Correlation for the Identification of Mechanical Properties
* Integrated Noise Modeling for Image Sensor Using Bayer Domain Images
* Interpreting Face Images by Fitting a Fast Illumination-Based 3D Active Appearance Model
* Level Set Segmentation of Knee Bones Using Normal Profile Models
* Low-Cost Multi-image Based 3D Human Body Modeling
* Meshless Virtual Cloth
* Model-Based Approach for Human Body Reconstruction from 3D Scanned Data, A
* Modified Histogram Based Fuzzy Filter
* Multi-view Player Action Recognition in Soccer Games
* New Human Face Expression Tracking
* Novel Approach to Spatio-Temporal Video Analysis and Retrieval, A
* Re-projective Pose Estimation of a Planar Prototype
* Realistic Face Animation for Audiovisual Speech Applications: A Densification Approach Driven by Sparse Stereo Meshes
* Recovery of 3D Solar Magnetic Field Model Parameter Using Image Structure Matching
* Region-Based vs. Edge-Based Registration for 3D Motion Capture by Real Time Monoscopic Vision
* Robust Detection and Tracking of Multiple Moving Objects with 3D Features by an Uncalibrated Monocular Camera
* Searching High-Dimensional Neighbours: CPU-Based Tailored Data-Structures Versus GPU-Based Brute-Force Method
* Shape Recovery of Specular Surface Using Color Highlight Stripe and Light Source Coding
* Spatio-Temporal Scene Analysis Based on Graph Algorithms to Determine Rigid and Articulated Objects
* Spatio-Temporal Tracking of Faces by Stereo Vision
* Supporting Diagnostics of Coronary Artery Disease with Multi-resolution Image Parameterization and Data Mining
* Tracking and Retexturing Cloth for Real-Time Virtual Clothing Applications
* Tracking Human Motion with Multiple Cameras Using an Articulated Model
39 for MIRAGE09
* *Model-based Imaging, Rendering, Image Analysis and Graphical special Effects
* 3D Modeling of Haussmannian Facades
* Bundle Adjustment for Stereoscopic 3D
* Content Based Image Retrieval Using Visual-Words Distribution Entropy
* Creating Chinkin Works in the Virtual Space
* Evaluation on Estimators for Stochastic and Heuristic Based Cost Functions Using the Epipolar-Constraint, An
* Facial Movement Based Recognition
* Gallbladder Segmentation from 2-D Ultrasound Images Using Active Contour Models and Gradient Vector Flow
* Image Matting with Transductive Inference
* Joint Histogram Modelling for Segmentation Multiple Sclerosis Lesions
* Leaf Segmentation and Tracking Using Probabilistic Parametric Active Contours
* Lung Cancer Detection from Thoracic CT Scans Using 3-D Deformable Models Based on Statistical Anatomical Analysis
* Multi-view Alpha Matte for Free Viewpoint Rendering
* New Buckling Model for Cloth Simulation, A
* Novel Approach to Image Assessment by Seeking Unification of Subjective and Objective Criteria Based on Supervised Learning, A
* Optimal Gabor Filters and Haralick Features for the Industrial Polarization Imaging
* Public System for Image Based 3D Model Generation, A
* Real-Time Multi-view Human Motion Tracking Using 3D Model and Latency Tolerant Parallel Particle Swarm Optimization
* Real-Time Upper-Body Human Pose Estimation Using a Depth Camera
* Snap Image Composition
* Surface Reconstruction of Scenes Using a Catadioptric Camera
* Towards Temporally-Coherent Video Matting
* Towards the Automatic Generation of 3D Photo-Realistic Avatars Using 3D Scanned Data
* Using Spatially Distributed Patterns for Multiple View Camera Calibration
* Video Summarization Using a Self-Growing and Self-Organized Neural Gas Network
25 for MIRAGE11