Journals starting with mcv1

MCV10 * *Medical Computer Vision
* Automated Segmentation of 3D CT Images Based on Statistical Atlas and Graph Cuts
* Comparative Validation of Graphical Models for Learning Tumor Segmentations from Noisy Manual Annotations
* Conditional Point Distribution Models
* Correcting Misalignment of Automatic 3D Detection by Classification: Ileo-Cecal Valve False Positive Reduction in CT Colonography
* Deformable Registration of Organic Shapes via Surface Intrinsic Integrals: Application to Outer Ear Surfaces
* Detection of 3D Spinal Geometry Using Iterated Marginal Space Learning
* Exploring Cortical Folding Pattern Variability Using Local Image Features
* Feature Selection for SVM-Based Vascular Anomaly Detection
* Imaging as a Surrogate for the Early Prediction and Assessment of Treatment Response through the Analysis of 4-D Texture Ensembles (ISEPARATE)
* Iterative Training of Discriminative Models for the Generalized Hough Transform
* Learning Adaptive and Sparse Representations of Medical Images
* Localization of 3D Anatomical Structures Using Random Forests and Discrete Optimization
* Motion Artifact Reduction in 4D Helical CT: Graph-Based Structure Alignment
* Multiple Classifier Systems in Texton-Based Approach for the Classification of CT Images of Lung
* Regression Forests for Efficient Anatomy Detection and Localization in CT Studies
* Semisupervised Probabilistic Clustering of Brain MR Images Including Prior Clinical Information
* Simultaneous Multi-object Segmentation Using Local Robust Statistics and Contour Interaction
* Spotlight: Automated Confidence-Based User Guidance for Increasing Efficiency in Interactive 3D Image Segmentation
* Surgical Phases Detection from Microscope Videos by Combining SVM and HMM
* Texture Manifold for Curve-Based Morphometry of the Cerebral Cortex, A
* Topology Noise Removal for Curve and Surface Evolution
22 for MCV10

MCV12 * *Medical Computer Vision
* Atlas-based segmentation of brain magnetic resonance imaging using random walks
* Automatic detection of liver lesion from 3D computed tomography images
* Color-based hybrid reconstruction for endoscopy
* Combining Laplacian eigenmaps and vesselness filters for vessel segmentation in X-ray angiography
* Fast and accurate global geodesic registrations using knee MRI from the Osteoarthritis Initiative
* Fully automated 3D colon segmentation for early detection of colorectal cancer based on convex formulation of the active contour model
* Learning features on robotic surgical tools
* Multiple kernel learning based modality classification for medical images
* Object localization in medical images based on graphical model with contrast and interest-region terms
* Randomness and Sparsity Induced Codebook Learning with Application to Cancer Image Classification
* Realistic 3D reconstruction of the human teeth using shape from shading with shape priors
* Segmentation and removal of pulmonary arteries, veins and left atrial appendage for visualizing coronary and bypass arteries
* Temporally consistent diffeomorphic motion estimation with mutual information: Application to echocardiographic sequences
14 for MCV12

MCV13 * *Medical Computer Vision
* 2D-Based 3D Volume Retrieval Using Singular Value Decomposition of Detected Regions
* 2D-PCA Shape Models: Application to 3D Reconstruction of the Human Teeth from a Single Image
* Accurate Whole-Brain Segmentation for Alzheimer's Disease Combining an Adaptive Statistical Atlas and Multi-atlas
* Automatic Aorta Detection in Non-contrast 3D Cardiac CT Images Using Bayesian Tracking Method
* Class-Specific Regression Random Forest for Accurate Extraction of Standard Planes from 3D Echocardiography
* Computer Aided Diagnosis Using Multilevel Image Features on Large-Scale Evaluation
* Feature Extraction with Intrinsic Distortion Correction in Celiac Disease Imagery: No Need for Rasterization
* Flexible Architecture for Streaming and Visualization of Large Virtual Microscopy Images
* Integrated Spatio-Temporal Segmentation of Longitudinal Brain Tumor Imaging Studies
* Local Phase-Based Fast Ray Features for Automatic Left Ventricle Apical View Detection in 3D Echocardiography
* Local Regression Learning via Forest Classification for 2D/3D Deformable Registration
* Multi-structure Atlas-Based Segmentation Using Anatomical Regions of Interest
* Novel Shape Feature Descriptor for the Classification of Polyps in HD Colonoscopy, A
* Organ Localization Using Joint AP/LAT View Landmark Consensus Detection and Hierarchical Active Appearance Models
* Overview of the 2013 Workshop on Medical Computer Vision (MCV 2013)
* Pectoral Muscle Detection in Digital Breast Tomosynthesis and Mammography
* Robust Mixture-Parameter Estimation for Unsupervised Segmentation of Brain MR Images
* Semantic Context Forests for Learning-Based Knee Cartilage Segmentation in 3D MR Images
* Semi-supervised Learning of Nonrigid Deformations for Image Registration
* Shape Curvature Histogram: A Shape Feature for Celiac Disease Diagnosis
* Using Probability Maps for Multi-organ Automatic Segmentation
* White Matter Supervoxel Segmentation by Axial DP-Means Clustering
23 for MCV13

MCV14 * *Medical Computer Vision
* Atlas-Guided Multi-channel Forest Learning for Human Brain Labeling
* Automatic 3D Multiorgan Segmentation via Clustering and Graph Cut Using Spatial Relations and Hierarchically-Registered Atlases
* Automatic Liver Segmentation Using Statistical Prior Models and Free-form Deformation
* Classifier-Based Multi-atlas Label Propagation with Test-Specific Atlas Weighting for Correspondence-Free Scenarios
* Confidence-Based Training for Clinical Data Uncertainty in Image-Based Prediction of Cardiac Ablation Targets
* CT Prostate Deformable Segmentation by Boundary Regression
* Dementia-Related Features in Longitudinal MRI: Tracking Keypoints over Time
* Fast Multiatlas Selection Using Composition of Transformations for Radiation Therapy Planning
* Hierarchic Multi-atlas Based Segmentation for Anatomical Structures: Evaluation in the VISCERAL Anatomy Benchmarks
* Joint Segmentation and Registration for Infant Brain Images
* Learning Features for Tissue Classification with the Classification Restricted Boltzmann Machine
* LINKS: Learning-Based Multi-source IntegratioN FrameworK for Segmentation of Infant Brain Images
* Multi-atlas Segmentation and Landmark Localization in Images with Large Field of View
* Object Classification in an Ultrasound Video Using LP-SIFT Features
* Overview of the 2014 Workshop on Medical Computer Vision: Algorithms for Big Data (MCV 2014)
* Pectoralis Muscle Segmentation on CT Images Based on Bayesian Graph Cuts with a Subject-Tailored Atlas
* Precise Lumen Segmentation in Coronary Computed Tomography Angiography
* Rule-Based Ventral Cavity Multi-organ Automatic Segmentation in CT Scans
* Unsupervised Pre-training Across Image Domains Improves Lung Tissue Classification
20 for MCV14

MCV15 * *Medical Computer Vision
* Automated Segmentation of CBCT Image with Prior-Guided Sequential Random Forest
* Calibrationless Parallel Dynamic MRI with Joint Temporal Sparsity
* Creating a Large-Scale Silver Corpus from Multiple Algorithmic Segmentations
* Dynamic Tree-Based Large-Deformation Image Registration for Multi-atlas Segmentation
* Efficient 4D Non-local Tensor Total-Variation for Low-Dose CT Perfusion Deconvolution
* Hierarchical Multi-Organ Segmentation Without Registration in 3D Abdominal CT Images
* Hippocampus Segmentation from MR Infant Brain Images via Boundary Regression
* Information-Theoretic Clustering of Neuroimaging Metrics Related to Cognitive Decline in the Elderly
* Joint Feature-Sample Selection and Robust Classification for Parkinson's Disease Diagnosis
* Local Structure Prediction with Convolutional Neural Networks for Multimodal Brain Tumor Segmentation
* Overview of the 2015 Workshop on Medical Computer Vision: Algorithms for Big Data (MCV 2015)
* Psoas Major Muscle Segmentation Using Higher-Order Shape Prior
* Relationship Induced Multi-atlas Learning for Alzheimer's Disease Diagnosis
* Structure Specific Atlas Generation and Its Application to Pancreas Segmentation from Contrasted Abdominal CT Volumes
* Subject-Specific Estimation of Missing Cortical Thickness Maps in Developing Infant Brains
* Survey of Mathematical Structures for Extending 2D Neurogeometry to 3D Image Processing, A
17 for MCV15

MCV16 * *Medical Computer Vision
* Automatic Detection of Histological Artifacts in Mouse Brain Slice Images
* Automatic Segmentation of Abdominal MRI Using Selective Sampling and Random Walker
* BigBrain: Automated Cortical Parcellation and Comparison with Existing Brain Atlases
* Constructing Subject- and Disease-Specific Effect Maps: Application to Neurodegenerative Diseases
* Explaining Radiological Emphysema Subtypes with Unsupervised Texture Prototypes: MESA COPD Study
* Gaze2Segment: A Pilot Study for Integrating Eye-Tracking Technology into Medical Image Segmentation
* Guideline-Based Machine Learning for Standard Plane Extraction in 3D Cardiac Ultrasound
* Inferring Disease Status by Non-parametric Probabilistic Embedding
* Landmark-Based Alzheimer's Disease Diagnosis Using Longitudinal Structural MR Images
* LATEST: Local AdapTivE and Sequential Training for Tissue Segmentation of Isointense Infant Brain MR Images
* Lung Graph-Model for Pulmonary Hypertension and Pulmonary Embolism Detection on DECT Images, A
* Lung Nodule Classification by Jointly Using Visual Descriptors and Deep Features
* Representation Learning for Cross-Modality Classification
14 for MCV16

Index for "m"

Last update:18-Jul-24 21:26:25
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