Kluwer Academic
* Machine Learning and Statistical Modeling Approaches to Image Retrieval
* *Biometrics: The Personal Identification in Networked Society
* *Gaussian Scale-Space Theory
* *Geometry-Driven Diffusion in Computer Vision
* *Intelligent Unmanned Ground Vehicles: Autonomous Navigation Research at Carnegie Mellon
* *Mathematical Morphology and Its Applications to Image and Signal Processing
* *Modeling from Reality (Book)
* *Motion Understanding: Robot and Human Vision
* *Multimedia Video-Based Surveillance Systems
* *Principles of 3D Image Analysis and Synthesis
* *Subband Image Coding
* *Three-Dimensional Machine Vision
* *Video Mining
* *Video Registration
* *Vision and Navigation, the Carnegie Mellon NAVLAB
* 3D Face Processing: Modeling, Analysis and Synthesis
* 3D Synthetic Environment Reconstruction
* Advanced Video-Based Surveillance Systems
* Advances in Visual Information Management: Visual Database Systems
* Algorithms, Complexity Analysis and VLSI Architectures for MPEG-4 Motion Estimation
* Analog VLSI System for Stereoscopic Vision, An
* Analyzing Video Sequences of Multiple Humans: Tracking, Posture Estimation and Behavior Recognition
* Automated Biometrics Technologies and Systems
* Bayesian Approach to Image Interpretation
* Bayesian Modeling of Uncertainty in Low-Level Vision
* Computer Analysis of Visual Textures
* Confluence of Computer Vision and Computer Graphics
* Content-Based Video Retrieval: A Database Perspective
* Curvature Scale Space Representation: Theory, Applications, and MPEG-7 Standardization
* Data Fusion for Sensory Information Processing Systems
* Data Management and Internet Computing for Image/Pattern Analysis
* Deformable Avatars
* Directed Sonar Sensing for Mobile Robot Navigation
* Discrete Representation of Spatial Objects in Computer Vision
* Dynamic Neural Field Theory for Motion Perception
* Epipolar Geometry in Stereo, Motion, and Object Recognition: A Unified Approach
* Exploration of Visual Data
* Face Detection and Gesture Recognition for Human-Computer Interaction
* Face Image Analysis by Unsupervised Learning
* Foundations of Image Understanding
* Fourier Vision: Segmentation and Velocity Measurement Using the Fourier Transform
* Front-End Vision and Multi-Scale Image Analysis: Multi-scale Computer Vision Theory and Applications, Written in Mathematica
* Fuzzy Models and Algorithms for Pattern Recognition and Image Processing
* Genetic Learning for Adaptive Image Segmentation
* Geometric Constraints for Object Detection and Delineation
* Human Face Recognition Using Third-Order Synthetic Neural Networks
* Image Representation and Processing: A Recursive Approach
* Image Structure
* Image Textures and Gibbs Random Fields
* Information Processing in Medical Imaging
* Integrating Graphics and Vision for Object Recognition
* Integration of Natural Language and Vision Processing
* Integration of Natural-Language and Vision Processing: Computational Models and Systems
* Integration, Coordination and Control of Multi-Sensor Robot Systems
* Iterative Identification and Restoration of Images
* Landmark-Based Image Analysis: Using Geometric and Intensity Models
* Mammographic Image Analysis
* Mathematical Morphology and its Applications to Image and Signal Processing
* Mathematical Morphology and Its Applications to Image and Signal Processing
* Mathematical Morphology and Its Applications to Image Processing
* Mathematical Nonlinear Image Processing
* Measurement of Cardiac Deformations from MRI: Physical and Mathematical Models
* Measurement of Image Velocity
* Media Computing
* Motion Analysis and Image Sequence Processing
* Motion Estimation Algorithms for Video Compression
* Motion-Based Recognition
* Multidimensional Processing of Video Signals
* Multimodal Video Characterization and Summarization
* Multisensor Surveillance Systems: The Fusion Perspective
* Neural Network Perception for Mobile Robot Guidance
* Neural Networks in Robotics
* Optical Character Recognition: An Illustrated Guide to the Frontier
* Parallel Architectures and Parallel Algorithms for Integrated Vision Systems
* Pattern Recognition Theory and Applications
* Perceptual Metrics for Image Database Navigation
* Perceptual Organization and Visual Recognition
* Perceptual Organization for Artificial Vision Systems
* Performance Characterization in Computer Vision
* Physics-Based Deformable Models Applications to Computer Vision, Graphics and Medical Imaging
* Pyramid Framework for Early Vision: Multiresolution Computer Vision, A
* Qualitative Motion Understanding
* Robot Motion Planning
* Robotic Object Recognition Using Vision and Touch
* Robust Computer Vision Theory and Applications
* Scale-Space Theory in Computer Vision
* Segmentation and Recovery of Superquadrics
* Shadows and Silhouettes in Computer Vision
* Shape Analysis and Retrieval of Multimedia Objects
* Shape from Texture
* Signal Processing for Computer Vision
* State-of-the-Art in Content-Based Image and Video Retrieval
* Super-Resolution Imaging
* Tabu Search
* Task-Directed Sensor Fusion and Planning: A Computational Approach
* Vector Quantization and Signal Compression
* Video Coding: The Second Generation Approach
* Video Data Compression for Multimedia Computing Statistically Based and Biologically Inspired Techniques
* Video-Based Surveillance Systems: Computer Vision and Distributed Processing
* Vision Chips
* Visual Attention Mechanisms
* Visual Event Detection
* Wavelet Basics
102 for Kluwer