Update Dates 9805

9805 * 2-D Object Recognition by Indexing Through a Modified ART-2 Neural-Network
* 2-Step Approach to Satellite Image Classification Using Fuzzy Neural Networks and the ID3 Learning Algorithm, A
* 3-Dimensional Regularized Binary Image-Reconstruction from Three 2-Dimensional Projections Using a Randomized ICM Algorithm
* 3D Region Representation Based on Run-Lengths: Operations and Efficiency
* 3D Road Reconstruction from a Single View
* Context and Structure for Classification (H2)
* Decision Trees (H2)
* Distance Measures, Criteria for Clustering (H2)
* Fisher, Parzen, and Other Clustering Measures and Decompositions (H2)
* Graph Edit Distance, Tree-Edit Distance (H3)
* Linear Separable Classification (H2)
* Nonparametric Clustering (H2)
* Pattern Recognition Systems (H2)
* Pattern Recognition, General and Survey Articles (H2)
* Small Sample Sizes Issues, Data analysis, Training Sets (H3)
* Adaptive Recognition Of Chinese Characters: Imitation of Psychological Process in Machine Recognition
* Analytical Method for Predicting the Performance of Parallel Image-Processing Operations, An
* Approximating Polygonal Curves in Two and Three Dimensions
* ASSET-2: Real-Time Motion Segmentation and Object Tracking
* Automatic Reconstruction of 3D Human Arm Motion from a Monocular Image Sequence
* Automatic Threshold Selection Based on Histogram Modes and a Discriminant Criterion
* Bayes Decision Test for Detecting Uncovered Background and Moving Pixels in Image Sequences, A
* Bayesian Image-Reconstruction Using Image-Modeling Gibbs Priors
* Bayesian Network Refinement Via Machine Learning Approach
* Binary Tomography on the Hexagonal Grid Using Gibbs Priors
* Calibration of a Hand/Eye Matrix and a Connection Matrix Using Relative Pose Measurements
* Coarse-to-Fine Adaptive Masks for Appearance Matching of Occluded Scenes
* Comparison of the Potential for Using Optical and SAR Data for Geological Mapping in an Arid Region: The Atar Site, Western Sahara, Mauritania, A
* Complete Printed Bangla OCR System, A
* Complete Shape from Imperfect Contour: A Rule-Based Approach
* Computing Joint Distributions of 2D Moving Median Filters with Applications to Detection of Edges
* Contour Length Terminating Criterion for Snake Model
* Critical-Point Detection in Fluid Flow Images Using Dynamical System Properties
* Dense Estimation and Object-Based Segmentation of the Optical-Flow with Robust Techniques
* Determining The Epipolar Geometry And Its Uncertainty: A Review
* Developments in Generalized Ranked-Order Filters
* Digital signal processor architecture
* Direct Linear Sub-Pixel Correlation by Incorporation of Neighbor Pixels Information and Robust Estimation of Window Transformation
* Discrete Radon-Transform and Its Approximate Inversion via the EM Algorithm
* Discrete Tomography
* Discriminant-Analysis When The Classes Arise From A Continuum
* Document Representation and Its Application to Page Decomposition
* Dual Computation of Projective Shape and Camera Positions from Multiple Images
* Dual Source, Parallel Architecture for Computer Vision, A
* Efficient Iterative Pose Estimation Algorithm, An
* Efficient Multiresolution Counterparts to Variational Methods for Surface Reconstruction
* Ellipse Fitting Using Orthogonal Hyperbolae and Stirling's Oval
* Euclidean Skeletons
* Explicit Closed-Form Solution to the Limited-Angle Discrete Tomography Problem for Finite-Support Objects, An
* Exploring the Utility Potential of SAR Interferometric Coherence Images
* Extracting Characters of License Plates from Video Sequences
* Extracting Salient Curves from Images: An Analysis of the Saliency Network
* Extraction and Textural Characterization of Aboveground Areas from Aerial Stereo Pairs: A Quality Assessment
* Extraction of Man-Made Objects from Aerial and Satellite Images: Foreword
* Fast Exhaustive Search Algorithm for Rate Constrained Motion Estimation, A
* Feature-Extraction Using the Constrained Gradient
* FERET Database and Evaluation Procedure for Face-Recognition Algorithms, The
* Filtering of Satellite Images in Geological Lineament Analyses: An Application to a Fault Zone in Central Turkey
* Filters, Random-Fields and Maximum-Entropy (Frame): Towards a Unified Theory for Texture Modeling
* Fourier Based Analysis and Synthesis of Moires in the Superposition of Geometrically Transformed Periodic Structures
* Fully Projective Formulation to Improve the Accuracy of Lowe's Pose-Estimation Algorithm, A
* Fuzzy Cell Hough Transform for Curve Detection
* Genetic Sparse Distributed Memory Approach to the Application of Handwritten Character Recognition, A
* Hardware Development of the Yorick Series of Active Vision Systems
* Hierarchical Image Segmentation: Part-I: Detection of Regular Curves in a Vector Graph
* Hierarchical Latent Variable Model For Data Visualization, A
* Hierarchical Markov Modeling Approach for the Segmentation and Tracking of Deformable Shapes, A
* Hierarchical Shape Fitting using an Iterated Linear Filter
* High-Performance Hierarchical Block-Based Motion Estimation for Real-Time Video Coding
* High-Quality Image Resizing Using Oblique Projection Operators
* High-Throughput Block-Matching VLSI Architecture with Low Memory Bandwidth
* Hybrid Concept for 3D Building Acquisition, A
* Image Compression by Self Organized Kohonen Map
* Image Enhancement Using A Human Visual System Model
* Image query system and method
* Image Segmentation by a Fuzzy Clustering-Algorithm Using Adaptive Spatially Constrained Membership Functions
* Image-Coding Using Translation Invariant Wavelet Transforms with Symmetrical Extensions
* Image-Coding with an L-Infinity Norm and Confidence-Interval Criteria
* Image-Restoration Based on Goods Roughness Penalty with Application to Fluorescence Microscopy
* Imaging apparatus for obtaining a high resolution image
* Integrated System for the Sensor Processing and Control of Robot Systems, An
* Intrinsic Structure of Optic Flow Incorporating Measurement Duality, The
* Iterative Algorithm for Discrete Tomography
* Iterative multiframe superresolution algorithms for atmospheric-turbulence-degraded imagery
* Knowledge Based Assistant for the Selection of Edge Detectors
* Kronecker-Product Gain-Shape Vector Quantization for Multispectral and Hyperspectral Image-Coding
* Local Method for Contour Matching and Its Parallel Implementation, A
* Map-Image Matching Using A Multilayer Perceptron: The Case of the Road Network
* Mathematical Morphology and its Applications to Image and Signal Processing
* Medians of Polyominoes: A Property for Reconstruction
* Memory-Based Approach to Sensory-Motor Coordination, A
* Method and apparatus for converting a two dimensional motion picture into a three dimensional motion picture
* Method and apparatus for image rotation with reduced memory using JPEG compression
* Method for generating smooth color corrections in a color space, particularly a CIELAB color space
* Model-Based Localization and Recognition of Road Vehicles
* Modelbase Partitioning Using Property Matrix Spectra
* Modeling the Sensitivity of Moment Invariants in a Recognition System
* Modified Contextual Classification Technique for Remote-Sensing Data
* Moment-Preserving Approach for Depth from Defocus, A
* Morphological Scale Space for 2D Shape Smoothing
* Multi-Camera Method for 3D Digitization of Dynamic, Real-World Events, A
* Multipass Hierarchical Stereo Matching for Generation of Digital Terrain Models from Aerial Images
* Multiresolution Probability Analysis of Gray-Scaled Images
* Multiscale Gradient Algorithm for Image Segmentation Using Watersheds, A
* Multispectral Random Field Models for Synthesis and Analysis of Color Images
* Multistage Approach to the Dense Estimation of Disparity from Stereo SEM Images, A
* Network Flow Model for Binary Tomography on Lattices
* New Shape-Preserving Parallel Thinning Algorithm for 3D Digital Images, A
* Nonlinear Filtering of Magnetic Resonance Tomograms by Geometry Driven Diffusion
* Nonrigid Motion Analysis: Articulated and Elastic Motion
* Object recognition system and abnormality detection system using image processing
* Off-Line Arabic Character-Recognition: The State of the Art
* Off-Line Cursive Handwriting Recognition System, An
* On Combining Classifiers
* On Processing Binary Pictures via Their Projections
* On the Application of Discrete Tomography to CT-Assisted Engineering and Design
* On the Relation between Second-Order Statistics, Connectivity Analysis, and Percolation Models in Digital Textures
* On the Scale-Space Theorem of Chen and Yan
* On Which Grids Can Tomographic Equivalence of Binary Pictures Be Characterized in Terms of Elementary Switching Operations
* Optical-Flow Estimation and Moving Object Segmentation Based on Median Radial Basis Function Network
* Optimal Construction of Subband Coders Using Lloyd-Max Quantizers
* Optimal Encoding of Graph Homomorphism Energy Using Fuzzy Information Aggregation Operators
* Optimizing a Strip Separating Two Polygons
* Panoramic Stereo Imaging System with Automatic Disparity Warping and Seaming
* Parallel Algorithm to Reconstruct Bounding Surfaces in 3D Images, A
* Parallel Image Correlation: Case-Study to Examine Trade-Offs in Algorithm-to-Machine Mappings
* Parametric Feature Detection
* Parametric Model-Fitting: From Inlier Characterization To Outlier Detection
* Partitioning of Feature Space for Pattern Classification
* Precise Image Segmentation for Forest Inventory
* Quadtree Normalization Scheme Based on Cyclic Translations, A
* Rational Filters for Passive Depth from Defocus
* Real Time Tracking of Moving Objects with an Active Camera
* Real-Time Implementations of an MRF-Based Motion Detection Algorithm
* Real-Time Visual Sensing for Task Planning in a Field Navigation Vehicle
* Recognizing Building Patterns Using Matched-Filters and Genetic Search
* Reconstruction of 2-Valued Matrices from Their 2 Projections
* Region Adaptive Subband Image-Coding
* Relaxation by Hopfield Network in Stereo Image Matching
* Robust Algorithms for Object Localization
* Robust Filters for Low-Level Vision
* SAR Imaging via Modern 2-D Spectral Estimation Methods
* Scale-Space Events and Their Link to Abstraction for Road Extraction
* Scale-Space Methods for Image Feature Modeling in Vision Metrology
* Shape from Texture: Estimation of Planar Surface Orientation Through the Ridge Surfaces of Continuous Wavelet Transform
* Shape-Recognition Using Fractal Geometry
* Sign Language Recognition Using Model-Based Tracking and a 3D Hopfield Neural-Network
* Simulation of Worn-Out Cloth Textures by Doubly Stochastic L-Systems
* Spatial Sampling of Printed Patterns
* Special Issue on Computer Vision Motion Analysis
* Speckle Filtering in Satellite SAR Change Detection Imagery
* Stereo Matching as a Nearest-Neighbor Problem
* Structural Primitive Extraction and Coding for Handwritten Numeral Recognition
* Structured Light Using Pseudorandom Codes
* Success and Failure of Certain Reconstruction and Uniqueness Algorithms in Discrete Tomography
* Superresolution Capabilities of the Gerchberg Method in the Band-Pass Case: An Eigenvalue Analysis
* Supervised Texture Classification Using a Probabilistic Neural-Network and Constraint Satisfaction Model
* Supportedness and Tameness Differentialless Geometry of Plane-Curves
* Synthesis of Solid Models of Polyhedra from Their Orthogonal Views Using Logical Representations
* TABU Search Based Algorithm for the Fuzzy Clustering Problem, A
* Three-Dimensional Neural-Network Model for Unconstrained Handwritten Numeral Recognition: A New Approach, A
* TOBAGO: A Semiautomated Approach for the Generation of 3-D Building Models
* Uncertainty Propagation in Model-Based Recognition
* Unsupervised Change Detection and Recognition System for Forestry, An
* Unsupervised Segmentation of Markov Random-Field Modeled Textured Images Using Selectionist Relaxation
* Use of Low-Cost FM-CW Radar Sensors in Navigation, The
* Video camera system and automatic tracking method therefor
* Video Indexing Based on Mosaic Representations
* Visual Motion of Curves and Surfaces, The
169 for 9805

Index for "9"

Last update:20-Jan-25 12:09:31
Use price@usc.edu for comments.