Update Dates 9612

9612 * *Intelligent Unmanned Ground Vehicles: Autonomous Navigation Research at Carnegie Mellon
* 3-Dimensional Subband Coding of an Image Sequence Based on Temporally Adaptive Decomposition
* 3D human interface apparatus using motion recognition based on dynamic image processing
* Algebra Of Multidimensional Multirate Structures
* Attribute Openings, Thinnings, and Granulometries
* Automated Performance Evaluation of Document Image-Analysis Systems: Issues and Practice
* Automatic Human Face Location in a Complex Background Using Motion and Color Information
* Automatic Identification for a Chinese Seal Image
* Automatic Reading of the White Pages in a Telephone Directory
* Automatic-Determination of the Spread Parameter in Gaussian Smoothing
* Bank Check Processing System
* Bounds on the Mean Classification Error Rate of Multiple Experts
* Computer Understanding of Document Structure
* Concurrent, Hierarchical Approach to Symbolic Dynamic Scene Interpretation, A
* Connected Component Labeling for Binary Images on a Reconfigurable Mesh Architecture
* Deformable Boundary Finding in Medical Images by Integrating Gradient and Region Information
* Device for the detection of objects in a sequence of images
* Direct Computation of the FOE with Confidence Measures
* Document Image-Processing System for Name and Address Recognition
* Dynamic Clustering of Maps in Autonomous Agents
* Edge Quality Metric for Arbitrary 2-Dimensional Edges
* Efficient Algorithms for the Soft Morphological Operators
* Error-Based Constraints for Efficient Learning of Pattern-Recognition Problems
* Euclidean Shape and Motion from Multiple Perspective Views by Affine Iterations
* Exploring the Power of Genetic Search in Learning Symbolic Classifiers
* Extraction of Text Lines and Text Blocks on Document Images Based on Statistical Modeling
* Fast Three-Dimensional Data-Compression of Hyperspectral Imagery Using Vector Quantization with Spectral-Feature-Based Binary Coding
* Features for Detecting Obscured Objects in Ultra-Wide-Band (UWB) SAR Imagery Using a Phenomenological Approach
* Frequency-Based Nonrigid Motion Analysis: Application to Four Dimensional Medical Images
* Fully Parallel 3D Thinning Algorithm and Its Applications, A
* Generic System for Form Dropout, A
* Geometric Heat-Equation and Nonlinear Diffusion of Shapes and Images
* Handwritten Digit Recognition Using Combined ID3-Derived Fuzzy Rules and Markov-Chains
* Hierarchical Fast 2-Dimensional Entropic Thresholding Algorithm Using a Histogram Pyramid
* Hybrid Architecture for Shape Reconstruction and Object Recognition
* Incorporating Diverse Information-Sources in Handwriting Recognition Postprocessing
* Integrated Approach to Document Decomposition and Structural-Analysis
* Interactive Model-Based Vehicle Tracking
* Intrinsic Parameter Calibration Procedure for a (High-Distortion) Fish-Eye Lens Camera with Distortion Model and Accuracy Estimation
* Iterative Solution for Object Pose Parameters Using Image Moments, An
* Median-Type Filters with Model-Based Preselection Masks
* Method and apparatus for determining true motion vectors for selected pixels
* Method and apparatus for measuring distance to a target
* Method and apparatus for performing color transformations using a reference image combined with a color tracer
* Method and apparatus for three dimensional image reconstruction from multiple stereotactic or isocentric backprojections
* Method and device for maneuvering a motor vehicle out of a parking space
* Method and device for processing an image in order to construct from a source image a target image with charge of perspective
* Method and system for fast rotation of run-length encoded images
* Method for autonomous image registration
* Metric For Spatial Lines, A
* Modeling Grey Level Surfaces Using 3-Dimensional Point Distribution Models
* Motion detecting apparatus
* Multichannel Approach to Texture Description with Feature Distributions
* Multilayer Recognition Method for Understanding Table-Form Documents, A
* Multiple Feature/Resolution Approach to Handprinted Digit and Character-Recognition, A
* Multistage Segmentation of Optical-Flow Field
* New Color Image Energy for Active Contours in Natural Scenes, A
* On Automatic Threshold Selection for Polygonal Approximations of Digital Curves
* On Digital Distance Transforms in Three Dimensions
* On the Generation of Skeletons from Discrete Euclidean Distance Maps
* On The Uniqueness of the Representation of a Convex Polygon by Its Hough Transform
* Online Chinese Character-Recognition Using Art-Based Stroke Classification
* Optimal Ramp Edge-Detection Using Expansion Matching
* Performance Evaluation for Document Analysis
* Piecewise-Linear Classifiers Using Binary-Tree Structure and Genetic Algorithm
* Point Set Pattern-Matching in 3-D
* Postal Address Reading in Real-Time
* Probabilistic Approach to Perceptual Grouping, A
* Programming a Pipelined Image-Processor
* Promising Research: Vision-Based Robot Positioning Using Neural Networks
* Reading Handwritten Phrases on US Census Forms
* Real-Time And Automatic 2-Class Clustering By Analytical Formulas
* Recognition of Human Front Faces Using Knowledge-Based Feature-Extraction and Neuro-Fuzzy Algorithm
* Recursive Estimation of Motion Parameters
* Regularity Properties of Distance Transformations in Image-Analysis
* Robust Algorithm for Automatic Extraction of an Unknown Number of Clusters from Noisy Data, A
* Robust Algorithm for Separation of Chinese Characters from Line-Drawings, A
* Robust Kalman Filters for Prediction, Recognition, and Learning
* Scale-Space Using Mathematical Morphology
* Segmentation based image compression system
* Simple Method of Ellipse Detection, A
* Some Aspects of Zoom Lens Camera Calibration
* Special Issue: Document Analysis And Recognition - Guests Editors Introduction
* Statistical Structuring of Pictorial Databases for Content-Based Image Retrieval-Systems
* Stereo vision system for counting items in a queue
* Stroke Extraction for Chinese Characters Using a Trend-Followed Transcribing Technique
* Structure Recognition and Information Extraction from Tabular Documents
* Surface Reconstruction Accuracy for Active Volume
* Systematic-Error Detection as a Classification Problem, The
* Texture Characterization and Defect Detection Using Adaptive Wavelets
* Thinning Approach for Noisy Digital Patterns
* Vision-Based Navigation System for an Endoscope
* Wavelet Processing of Images for Target Detection
93 for 9612

Index for "9"

Last update:20-Jan-25 12:09:31
Use price@usc.edu for comments.