Journals starting with ip_5

IP(5) * 2-D-CELP Image-Coding With Block-Adaptive Prediction and Variable Code-Vector Size
* Adaptive Edge-Based Side-Match Finite-State Classified Vector Quantization with Quadtree Map
* Adaptive Error Diffusion and Its Application in Multiresolution Rendering
* Adaptive LMS L-Filters For Noise Suppression In Images
* Adaptive Restoration of Textured Images with Mixed Spectra
* Adaptive Transforms for Image-Coding Using Spatially Varying Wavelet Packets
* Advances in Residual Vector Quantization: A Review
* Affine-Invariant B-Spline Moments For Curve Matching
* Algebraic Methods for Image Processing and Computer Vision
* Analysis of Disparity Gradient-Based Cooperative Stereo
* Analytical and Experimental Study of the Performance of Markov Random-Fields Applied to Textured Images Using Small Samples, An
* Anisotropic Diffusion of Multivalued Images with Applications to Color Filtering
* Application of the Gibbs-Bogoliubov-Feynman Inequality in Mean-Field Calculations for Markov Random-Fields, The
* Applications of Universal Context Modeling to Lossless Compression of Gray-Scale Images
* Array Redundancy for Active Line Arrays
* Artifact Reduction in Low Bit-rate DCT-Based Image Compression
* Automatic Aircraft Landing Using Interferometric Inverse Synthetic-Aperture Radar Imaging
* Automatic gradient threshold determination for edge detection
* Bayes Risk Weighted Vector Quantization with Posterior Estimation for Image Compression and Classification
* Bayesian Decision-Feedback for Segmentation of Binary Images
* Behavioral Analysis of Anisotropic Diffusion in Image Processing
* Binary Random-Fields, Random Closed-Sets, and Morphological Sampling
* Binary Wavelet Decomposition of Binary Images, A
* Block-iterative methods for image reconstruction from projections
* Bounded Gray-Level Morphology and Its Applications to Image Representation
* Cache Write Generate for Parallel Image-Processing on Shared-Memory Architectures
* Class of Constrained Clustering Algorithms for Object Boundary Extraction
* Codebook organization to enhance maximum a posteriori detection of progressive transmission of vector quantized images over noisy channels
* Combining the Discrete Wavelet Transform and Mixed-Domain Filtering
* Comparison of Different Coding Formats for Digital Coding of Video Using MPEG-2, A
* Computational Algorithm for Minimizing Total Variation in Image Restoration, A
* Conditional Entropy-Constrained Residual VQ with Application to Image-Coding
* Convergence of Mean-Field Procedures for MRFs, The
* Convergence Properties of a Class of Learning Vector Quantization Algorithms
* Convolution Backprojection Formulas for 3-D Vector Tomography with Application to MRI
* Deformable Templates Using Large-Deformation Kinematics
* Delineating Buildings by Grouping Lines with MRFs
* Design of 2-Dimensional Gradient Estimators Based on One-Dimensional Operators, The
* Design of Lapped Orthogonal-Transforms
* Differential Block Coding of Bilevel Images
* Differential Morphology and Image-Processing
* Directional Processing of Color Images: Theory and Experimental Results
* Efficient Morphological Shape Representation
* Entropy-Coded Lattice Vector Quantizer for Transform and Subband Image-Coding, An
* Entropy-Constrained Tree-Structured Vector Quantizer Design
* Epipolar Line Estimation and Rectification for Stereo Image Pairs
* EREC: An Error-Resilient Technique for Coding Variable-Length Blocks of Data, The
* Estimation Algorithm for 2-D Polynomial Phase Signals, An
* Extended Permutation Filters and Their Application to Edge Enhancement
* Extraction of High-Resolution Frames from Video Sequences
* fast and accurate Fourier algorithm for iterative parallel-beam tomography, A
* Fast Curve Estimation Using Preconditioned Generalized Radon-Transform
* fast learning algorithm for Gabor transformation, A
* Fast Linear Transformation For Tiled Images
* Fast Recursive Algorithms for Morphological Operators Based on the Basis Matrix Representation
* Fast Tree-Structured Nearest-Neighbor Encoding for Vector Quantization
* Feature-Extraction for Texture-Discrimination via Random-Field Models with Random Spatial Interaction
* Feature-Extraction Techniques for Exploratory Visualization of Vector-Valued Imagery
* Feature-Specific Vector Quantization of Images
* FFT-Based Technique for Translation, Rotation, and Scale-Invariant Image Registration, An
* Finite-State Vector Quantization by Exploiting Interband and Intraband Correlations for Subband Image-Coding
* Fractal Image Compression Based on Delaunay Triangulation and Vector Quantization
* Frame representations for texture segmentation
* Further results on MAP optimality and strong consistency of certain classes of morphological filters
* Fuzzy Stack Filters: Their Definitions, Fundamental Properties, and Application in Image-Processing
* Gaussian derivative-based transform, A
* Gaussian Mixture Density Modeling, Decomposition, and Applications
* General Framework for Quadratic Volterra Filters for Edge Enhancement, A
* Generalized-cost-measure-based address-predictive vector quantization
* Global Feature-Extraction Operations For Near-Sensor Image-Processing
* Gradient Watersheds in Morphological Scale-Space
* Gray-scale structuring element decomposition
* Guest Editorial: Introduction to the Special Issue on Nonlinear Image-Processing
* Hierarchical Image-Coding via Cerebellar Model Arithmetic Computers
* Hierarchical Partition Priority Wavelet Image Compression
* High-Speed Algorithm for Elliptic Object Detection, A
* Hybrid Poisson/Polynomial Objective Functions for Tomographic Image Reconstruction from Transmission Scans
* Identification of image and blur parameters in frequency domain using the EM algorithm
* Image Compression by Texture Modeling in the Wavelet Domain
* Image Compression Using Binary Space Partitioning Trees
* Image Compression Using Wavelet Transform and Multiresolution Decomposition
* Image enhancement using the modified ICM method
* Image Modeling Using Inverse Filtering Criteria with Application to Textures
* Image Multiresolution Representation for Lossless and Lossy Compression, An
* Image Recovery Using the Anisotropic Diffusion Equation
* improved method for 2-D self-similar image synthesis, An
* Improved Recursive Median Filtering Scheme for Image-Processing, An
* Interframe DPCM with robust median-based predictors for transmission of image sequences over noisy channels
* Introduction to the Special Issue on Vector Quantization: Guest Editorial
* Iterative Image Restoration Using Approximate Inverse Preconditioning
* Jointly Optimized Subband Coder, A
* Kalman filtering approach to stochastic global and region-of-interest tomography, A
* Lossless Compession of VQ Index with Search-Order Coding
* Lossless compression of AVIRIS images
* M-Lattice: from Morphogenesis to Image-Processing
* MAP Signal Estimation in Noisy Sequences of Morphologically Smooth Images
* Mean and variance of implicitly defined biased estimators (such as penalized maximum likelihood): applications to tomography
* Method for Rectifying Grid Junctions in Grid-Coded Images Using Cross Ratio, A
* Model-based Reconstruction of Multiple Circular and Elliptic Objects from a Limited Number of Projections
* moment-based variational approach to tomographic reconstruction, A
* Morphological Operators for Image and Video Compression
* Morphological Residual Representations of Signals
* Motion Estimation Using Higher-Order Statistics
* Multichannel Techniques in Color Image-Enhancement and Modeling
* Multichannel Transforms for Signal/Image Processing
* Multicomponent AM-FM Image Representation, The
* Multidirectional and Multiscale Edge-detection Via M-Band Wavelet Transform
* Multiplierless PR Quadrature Mirror Filters for Subband Image-coding
* Multiscale Recursive Medians, Scale-Space, and Transforms with Applications to Image-Processing
* Multispectral Image Visualization With Nonlinear Projections
* Multistage, Optimal Active Contour Model, A
* New Efficient Approach for the Removal of Impulse Noise from Highly Corrupted Images, A
* New Finite-State Vector Quantizer with Optimized State-Space and Derailment-Free Operation, A
* Noncausal Predictive Image Codec
* Nonlinear dynamic range transformation in visual communication channels
* Nonlinear Filtering of Multivariate Images Under Robust Error Criterion
* Nonlinear Image Labeling for Multivalued Segmentation
* Nonlinear Image Operators for the Evaluation of Local Intrinsic Dimensionality
* On Ordering Color Maps for Lossless Predictive Coding
* On the Invertibility of Morphological Representation of Binary Images: Comments
* On the Invertibility of the Morphological Representation of Binary Images
* On the metric properties of discrete space-filling curves
* On the Performance of Fractal Compression with Clustering
* On the performance of linear phase wavelet transforms in low bit-rate image coding
* On the Reconstructive Matching of Multidimensional Objects
* One-pixel-wide closed boundary identification
* Optical flow computation using extended constraints
* Optical-Flow: A Curve Evolution Approach
* Optimal detection and estimation of straight patterns
* Optimal Edge-Detection in Two-Dimensional Images
* Optimization of sensor response functions for colorimetry of reflective and emissive objects
* Order Statistic Filter Banks
* Order-Statistics Learning Vector Quantizer
* Parallel Decoding Algorithm for IFS Codes without Transient-Behavior, A
* Periodic Quasi-Orthogonal Spline Bases and Applications to Least-Squares Curve-Fitting of Digital Images
* Progressive Transmission of Line-Drawings Using the Wavelet Transform
* Progressive Vector Quantization on a Massively-Parallel SIMD Machine with Application to Multispectral Image Data
* RBFN Restoration of Nonlinearly Degraded Images
* Recognition of Blurred Images by the Method of Moments
* Reconnaissance with Slant Plane Circular SAR Imaging
* Recovery of Surfaces with Discontinuities by Fusing Shading and Range Data within a Variational Framework
* Reduction of Boundary Artifacts in Image Restoration
* Regularization Approach to Joint Blur Identification and Image Restoration, A
* Relevance of Statistically Significant Differences Between Reconstruction Algorithms
* RGB Calibration for Color Image-Analysis in Machine Vision
* Robust Automatic Clustering Scheme for Image Segmentation Using Wavelets, A
* Rotation and Gray-Scale Transform-Invariant Texture Classification Using Spiral Resampling, Subband Decomposition, and Hidden Markov Model
* Sampling and Processing of Color Signals
* Scalar Vector Quantization of Medical Images
* Scan Predictive Vector Quantization of Multispectral Images
* Segmentation of Gabor-Filtered Textures Using Deterministic Relaxation
* Separation of image parts using 2-D parallel form recursive filters
* Signal-to-noise ratio and autocorrelation function of the image intensity in coherent systems. Sub-Rayleigh and super-Rayleigh conditions
* Skeletonization for Fuzzy Degraded Character Images
* Spatial-Resolution Properties of Penalized Likelihood Image Reconstruction: Space Invariant Tomographs
* Spatially Adaptive Wavelet-Based Multiscale Image Restoration
* Spatiotemporal Approach for Time-Varying Global Image Motion Estimation
* Speeding up the generalized adaptive neural filters
* statistical feedforward/fedback buffer control for the transmission of digital video signals compressed by DCT-based intrafield coding, A
* Steerable Wedge Filters for Local Orientation Analysis
* Still Image-Coding Based on Vector Quantization and Fractal Approximation
* Subband Finite-State Scalar Quantization
* Successive Approximation Vector Quantizer for Wavelet Transform Image-Coding, A
* Template Matching Based on a Grayscale Hit-Or-Miss Transform
* Texture Coding Using a Wold Decomposition Model
* Tomographic image sequence reconstruction by edge-preserving interslice MAP methods
* Training Framework for Stack and Boolean Filtering: Fast Optimal-Design Procedures and Robustness Case-Study, A
* Unified Approach to Noise Removal, Image-Enhancement, and Shape Recovery, A
* unified approach to statistical tomography using coordinate descent optimization, A
* Vector Quantization of Image Subbands: A Survey
* Vector Quantization With Variable-Precision Classification
* Very-Low Bit-Rate Video Coder Based on Vector Quantization, A
* VOIR, A Volumetric Image-Reconstruction Algorithm-Based on Fourier Techniques for Inversion of the 3-D Radon-Transform
* Wavelet Descriptor of Planar Curves: Theory and Applications
* Wavelet-Based Image-Coding Using Nonlinear Interpolative Vector Quantization
* YIQ Vector Quantization in a New Color Palette Architecture
176 for IP(5)

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