Journals starting with acpr

ACPR13 * *Asian Conference on Pattern Recognition
* 3-D Recovery of a Non-rigid Object from a Single Camera View Employing Multiple Coordinates Representation
* 3D Point Cloud Registration Based on the Vector Field Representation
* Action Recognition Based on Binary Latent Variable Models
* Adaptive CFA Demosaicking Using Bilateral Filters for Colour Edge Preservation
* Adaptive Feature Selection via Boosting-Like Sparsity Regularization
* Adaptive Metric Learning in Local Distance Comparison for People Re-identification
* Aircraft Detection by Deep Belief Nets
* Analysis of Properties of Malignant Cases for Imbalanced Breast Thermogram Feature Classification, An
* Analysis of Soccer Coach's Eye Gaze Behavior
* Analysis of Verification Methods for Indoor Image Matching
* Approach for Local Comparison of Deformable 3D Models, An
* Arbitrarily Shaped Objects Relighting Using an RGB-D Camera
* Automatic Classification of HEp-2 Cells Using Multi-dimensional Local Binary Patterns
* Automatic Compensation of Radial Distortion by Minimizing Entropy of Histogram of Oriented Gradients
* Automatic Detection Algorithm for Surface Defects in TFT-LCD, An
* Automatic Elements Extraction of Chinese Web News Using Prior Information of Content and Structure
* Automatic Multi-resolution Joint Image Smoothing for Depth Map Refinement
* Automatic Object Cosegmentation in Sparse Multiview Images
* Automatic Segmentation and Classification of Liver Abnormalities Using Fractal Dimension
* Background Recovery in Railroad Crossing Videos via Incremental Low-Rank Matrix Decomposition
* Bag-of-Visual-Phrases via Local Contexts
* Bag-of-Words Against Nearest-Neighbor Search for Visual Object Retrieval
* Camera Motion Estimation by Geometric AIC for Factorization with Missing Data
* Classification Based on Boolean Algebra and Its Application to the Prediction of Recurrence of Liver Cancer
* Classifier Introducing Transition Likelihood Model Based on Quantization Residual
* Coherent Occlusion Reasoning for Instance Recognition
* Combination of Multiple Distance Measures for Protein Fold Classification
* Combining Iris and Periocular Recognition Using Light Field Camera
* Common Landmark Discovery for Object-Level View Image Retrieval: Modeling and Matching of Scenes via Bag-of-Bounding-Boxes
* Compact Spatial Feature Representation for Image Classification, A
* Compacting Large and Loose Communities
* Consensus Region Merging for Image Segmentation
* Considerations of Self-Motion in Motion Saliency
* Consistent Segmentation Based Color Correction for Coarsely Registered Images
* Contactless Palm Recognition System Using Simple Active 3D Measurement with Diffraction Grating Laser, A
* Coordinate Ranking Regularized Non-negative Matrix Factorization
* Correlation-Based Facade Parsing Using Shape Grammar
* Crowd Behavior Representation Using Motion Influence Matrix for Anomaly Detection
* Deformed and Touched Characters Recognition
* Depth Map Upsampling via Compressive Sensing
* Detecting Fall Incidents of the Elderly Based on Human-Ground Contact Areas
* Detection of Driver's Drowsy Facial Expression
* Determining Relation Semantics by Mapping Relation Phrases to Knowledge Base
* Digital Watermarking Method to Extract Watermarks from Printed Matters with Cell Phone by Using Finder Patterns and Alignment Pattern of QR Code
* Direct Ego-Motion Estimation Using Normal Flows
* Discovering and Describing Activities by Trajectory Analysis
* Distinguishing Pedestrians Facing to the Front and the Side by Gait Observation
* Domain Adaptive Action Recognition with Integrated Self-Training and Feature Selection
* Dynamic Programming Algorithm Applied to Omnidirectional Vision for Dense 3D Reconstruction, A
* Edge Guided High Order Image Smoothing
* Effective Sentiment Analysis Based on Term Evaluation by Bayesian Model Selection Criteria
* Efficient and Rich Annotations for Large Photo Collections
* Efficient Approach to Web Near-Duplicate Image Detection, An
* Emotional Speech Recognition Using Acoustic Models of Decomposed Component Words
* Estimating the Structure of Rooms from a Single Fisheye Image
* Event Detection Based on Noisy Object Information
* Exploiting Repetitive Patterns for Fast Succinct Map Matching
* Extended Decision Tree with or Relationship for HMM-Based Speech Synthesis
* Extraction of Projection Profile, Run-Histogram and Entropy Features Straight from Run-Length Compressed Text-Documents
* Eye State Detection and Eye Sequence Classification for Paralyzed Patient Interaction
* Facial Aging Simulator Based on Patch-Based Facial Texture Reconstruction
* Fast Alternative for Template Matching: An ObjectCode Method, A
* Fast and Memory Efficient Online Handwritten Strokes Retrieval Using Binary Descriptor
* Fisher Discrimination Based Low Rank Matrix Recovery
* Free-Angle 3D Head Pose Tracking Based on Online Shape Acquisition
* Fusing Local Patterns of Gabor and Non-subsampled Contourlet Transform for Face Recognition
* Fusion of Infrared and Visible Images Using 2DPCA Bases
* Gait Verification System for Supporting Criminal Investigation
* Gaze Estimation in Children's Peer-Play Scenarios
* Generating Robust and Stable Disparity Map Using Phase-Based Correspondence Matching from Stereo Video Sequence
* Global Biharmonic Framework for Robust Non-rigid Model Retrieval
* Group Leadership Estimation Based on Influence of Pointing Actions
* Hand Gesture Segmentation in Uncontrolled Environments with Partition Matrix and a Spotting Scheme Based on Hidden Conditional Random Fields
* Haze Removal from Single Images Based on a Luminance Reference Model
* Head and Upper Body Pose Estimation in Team Sport Videos
* HEp-2 Cell Classification Using Multi-dimensional Local Binary Patterns and Ensemble Classification
* Hierarchal Framework for Finger-Vein Image Classification, A
* HMM-Based Multi Oriented Text Recognition in Natural Scene Image
* How Do Facial Expressions Contribute to Age Prediction?
* Human Action Recognition: A Dense Trajectory and Similarity Constrained Latent Support Vector Machine Approach
* Hybrid Transfer Learning for Efficient Learning in Object Detection
* I See What You See: Point of Gaze Estimation from Corneal Images
* ICA Based Approach for Complex Color Scene Text Binarization, An
* Illumination Invariant L1 Tracker Using Photometric Normalization Techniques
* Image Deblurring Using Fast Best Kernel Retrieval
* Image Matching for Repetitive Patterns by Clustering and Transforming in Feature Space
* Image Retrieval with Fisher Vectors of Binary Features
* Image Segmentation by Bilayer Superpixel Grouping
* Image Segmentation Using a Spatially Correlated Mixture Model with Gaussian Process Priors
* Image Segmentation with Automatically Balanced Constraints
* Improved Real Time Compressive Tracking, An
* Improved Spectral Clustering Using Adaptive Mahalanobis Distance
* Improvement of Japanese Signature Verification by Combined Segmentation Verification Approach
* Improvement of Lip Reading Performance in Real Environments Using Speaker and Environmental Adaptation
* Improvements to the Descriptor of SIFT by BOF Approaches
* Improving Human Detection by Long-Term Observation
* Improving Sampling Criterion for Alpha Matting
* Improving Tagging Quality via Learning Dissimilarity Measure in Non-Euclidean Spaces
* Improving the Performance of Brain-Computer Interface Using Multi-modal Neuroimaging
* Integration of MKL-Based and I-Vector-Based Speaker Verification by Short Utterances
* Interactive Aged-Face Simulation with Freehand Wrinkle Drawing
* Iris Outline Tracker: For Various Eye Shapes in a Single Video Camera without Infrared Illumination, An
* Joint Alignment and Clustering via Low-Rank Representation
* Joint Learning-Based Method for Multi-view Depth Map Super Resolution, A
* Kinect Depth Inpainting via Graph Laplacian with TV21 Regularization
* Label-Related/Unrelated Topic Switching Model: A Partially Labeled Topic Model Handling Infinite Label-Unrelated Topics
* Large-Scale Face Recognition on Smart Devices
* Learning Based Reconstruction of Grayscale Face Image from Far-Infrared Image
* Learning Fingerprint Orientation Fields Using Continuous Restricted Boltzmann Machines
* Learning from High-Dimensional Data in Multitask/Multilabel Classification
* Linear Estimation of 4-D Illumination Light Field from Diffuse Reflections
* Living without Menu Bar: A Shape Retrieval Based Word Editor
* Local Subspace Classifier with Gabor Filter Decomposition for Image Classification
* Locality-Constrained Collaborative Sparse Approximation for Multiple-Shot Person Re-identification
* Low-Rank Matrix Completion Based on Maximum Likelihood Estimation
* Magic Mirror: An Intelligent Fashion Recommendation System
* Majorization-Minimization Approach to Lq Norm Multiple Kernel Learning, A
* Mammary Gland Tumor Detection in Cats Using Ant Colony Optimisation
* Manifold Regularized Gaussian Mixture Model for Semi-supervised Clustering
* Margin Based Feature Selection for Cross-Sensor Iris Recognition via Linear Programming
* Matrix-Based Hierarchical Graph Matching in Off-Line Handwritten Signatures Recognition
* Maximum Correlation Feature Descriptor for Heterogeneous Face Recognition, A
* Melanin and Hemoglobin Identification for Skin Disease Analysis
* Melanoma Classification Using Dermoscopy Imaging and Ensemble Learning
* Memory-Efficient Computation of High-Dimensional Integral Images
* Method for Exaggerative Caricature Generation from Real Face Image, A
* Mirror Match: Reliable Feature Point Matching without Geometric Constraints
* Mixticky: A Smartphone-Based Virtual Environment for Recordable and Browsable Multimedia Stickies
* Mobile Camera Localization Method Using Aerial-View Images, A
* Mobile Robot Photographer
* Multi-feature Late Fusion for Image Tagging
* Multi-layered Background Modeling for Complex Environment Surveillance
* Multi-modal Subspace Learning with Joint Graph Regularization for Cross-Modal Retrieval
* Multi-object Tracking under Occlusion Using Dual-Mode Graph Embedding
* Multi-resolution Action Recognition Algorithm Using Wavelet Domain Features, A
* Multi-scale Deblurring with Smooth Region Constraints
* Multifocus Image Fusion via Region Reconstruction
* Multiple View Geometry in Dynamic Environment
* New Banknote Number Recognition Algorithm Based on Support Vector Machine
* New Multispectral Method for Face Liveness Detection, A
* Non-local Sparse Model for Intrinsic Images, A
* Novel Keypoint Registration for Fast and Robust Pose Detection on Mobile Phones
* Nuclear Norm Based 2DPCA
* Object Detection in Dynamic Scenes Based on Codebook with Superpixels
* Object Recognition by Combining Binary Local Invariant Features and Color Histogram
* Object Recognition by Integrated Information Using Web Images
* Object Recognition Method Using RGB-D Sensor, An
* Object Tracking via Multi-task Gaussian-Laplacian Regression
* OCR from Video Stream of Book Flipping
* Part Based Regression with Dimensionality Reduction for Colorizing Monochrome Face Images
* Performance Evaluation of Image Feature Detectors and Descriptors for Outdoor-Scene Visual Navigation
* PFW: A Face Database in the Wild for Studying Face Identification and Verification in Uncontrolled Environment
* Pixel-Pair Features Selection for Vehicle Tracking
* Planar Segmentation from Point Clouds via Graph Laplacian Regularized K-Planes
* Preliminary Analysis of Gait Changes That Correspond to Gaze Directions
* Protecting Patient Privacy against Unauthorized Release of Medical Images Using Weighted Quantum Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm
* Random Decomposition Forests
* Rapid Mobile Object Recognition Using Fisher Vector
* Real Helper Data Scheme, A
* Real-Time Binary Descriptor Based Background Modeling
* Real-Time Foreground Segmentation from Moving Camera Based on Case-Based Trajectory Classification
* Recognition of Layout-Free Characters on Complex Background
* Recognizing Conversational Expressions Using Latent Dynamic Conditional Random Fields
* Reconstruction of 3D Vertebrae and Spinal Cord Models from CT and STIR-MRI Images
* Region-Based Near-Duplicate Image Retrieval with Geometric Consistency
* Robust and Efficient Minutia-Based Fingerprint Matching Algorithm, A
* Robust Angle Invariant 1D Barcode Detection
* Robust Computer Vision Techniques for High-Quality 3D Modeling
* Robust Low-Rank Representation via Correntropy
* Saliency Detection Using Color Spatial Variance Weighted Graph Model
* Saliency Driven Nonlinear Diffusion Filtering for Object Recognition
* Scale Adaptive Mean Shift Tracking Based on Feature Point Matching
* Sclera Recognition: A Survey
* Semi-supervised Online Learning of Handwritten Characters Using a Bayesian Classifier
* Set-Based Feature Learning for Person Re-identification via Third-Party Images
* Shape Reconstruction from Single Relief Image
* Share Me: A Digital Annotation Sharing Service for Paper Documents with Multiple Clients Support
* Simultaneous Action Recognition and Localization Based on Multi-view Hough Voting
* Single Image Super-Resolution Based on Local Self-Similarity
* Sparse Representation Based Face Recognition with Limited Labeled Samples
* Spatial-Temporal Context for Action Recognition Combined with Confidence and Contribution Weight
* Structure Feature Extraction for Finger-Vein Recognition
* Text Image Classifier Using Image-Wise Annotation
* Texture Classification Using Multi-dimensional LBP Variance
* Towards Robust Gait Recognition
* Traffic Sign Recognition Using Complementary Features
* Transparent Text Detection and Background Recovery
* Two Co-occurrence Histogram Features Using Gradient Orientations and Local Binary Patterns for Pedestrian Detection
* Vehicle Detection in Satellite Images by Parallel Deep Convolutional Neural Networks
* Very Fast Image Retrieval Based on JPEG Huffman Tables
* Video Based Children's Social Behavior Classification in Peer-Play Scenarios
* Visual Gesture Character String Recognition by Classification-Based Segmentation with Stroke Deletion
* Visual-Based Image Retrieval by Block Reallocation Considering Object Region
* Visualisation and Browsing of Flickr Retrieval Results
* Where Are You Looking At? - Feature-Based Eye Tracking on Unmodified Tablets
* Wide-Range Feature Point Tracking with Corresponding Point Search and Accurate Feature Point Tracking with Mean-Shift
197 for ACPR13

ACPR15 * *Asian Conference on Pattern Recognition

Index for "a"

Last update:18-Jul-24 21:26:25
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