Rivlin, E.[Ehud]
Co Author Listing * email: Rivlin, E.[Ehud]: ehudr AT cs technion ac il
* 3D Body-part tracking of two persons using a hierarchical body model
* 3d Human Body-part Tracking and Action Classification Using A Hierarchical Body Model
* Active tracking and pursuit under different levels of occlusion: A two-layer approach
* Aggregated Dynamic Background Modeling
* Applying Algebraic and Differential Invariants for Logo Recognition
* Automated Method for Analysis of Flow Characteristics of Circulating Particles From In vivo Video Microscopy, An
* Automatic screening of bladder cells for cancer diagnosis
* Behavior classification by eigendecomposition of periodic motions
* Behavioral Visual Motion Analysis
* Bittracker: A Bitmap Tracker for Visual Tracking under Very General Conditions
* Blind Decomposition of Transmission Light Microscopic Hyperspectral Cube Using Sparse Representation
* Building Petri Nets from Video Event Ontologies
* Cell nuclei segmentation using fuzzy logic engine
* Classification of Moving Targets Based on Motion and Appearance
* Colon Biopsy Classification Using Crypt Architecture
* Color Invariants for Person Reidentification
* comparison of Gaussian and mean curvature estimation methods on triangular meshes of range image data, A
* Control of a Camera for Active Vision: Foveal Vision, Smooth Tracking and Saccade
* Cortex Segmentation: A Fast Variational Geometric Approach
* Cues in Dependent Multiple Cue Integration for Robust Tracking Are Independent, The
* Deformation Invariants in Object Recognition
* Designing Visual Systems: Purposive Navigation
* Detecting Deficient Coverage in Colonoscopies
* Detecting Mutual Awareness Events
* Dimensionality Reduction for Articulated Body Tracking
* Dimensionality reduction using a Gaussian Process Annealed Particle Filter for tracking and classification of articulated body motions
* Direct Method for Video-Based Navigation Using a Digital Terrain Map
* Dynamism of a Dog on a Leash or Behavior Classification by Eigen-Decomposition of Periodic Motions
* Efficient Search and Verification for Function Based Classification from Real Range Images
* Error analysis for a navigation algorithm based on optical-flow and a digital terrain map
* Estimating Relative Vehicle Motions in Traffic Scenes
* Estimating Withdrawal Time in Colonoscopies
* Fast geodesic active contours
* Finding the focus of expansion and estimating range using optical flow images and a matched filter
* FT-AVS: A Fault Tolerant Architecture for Real Time Active Vision
* Function from Motion
* Function of Documents, The
* Functional 3D Object Classification Using Simulation of Embodied Agent
* Fusion of Fixation and Odometry for Vehicle Navigation
* General Framework for Combining Visual Trackers: The Black Boxes Approach, A
* Geometric Interpretation of Weak-Perspective Motion, A
* Global Segmentation and Curvature Analysis of Volumetric Data Sets Using Trivariate B-Spline Functions
* H-APF: Using hierarchical representation of human body for 3-D articulated tracking and action classification
* Hidden loop recovery for handwriting recognition
* Integration of Online and Pseudo-Online Information for Cursive Word Recognition, An
* Invariant-based data model for image databases
* Invariant-Based Shape Retrieval in Pictorial Databases
* Learning an Object's Function by Observing the Object in Action
* Learning function-based object classification from 3D imagery
* Learning to Navigate on a Graph
* Local Invariants for Recognition
* Localization and Homing Using Combinations of Model Views
* Localization and Positioning Using Combinations of Model Views
* Localization Using Combinations of Model Views
* mantis head camera (why the praying mantis is so good at catching its prey), The
* Map-Based Microscope Positioning
* Mean Shift tracking with multiple reference color histograms
* Motion characterization from co-occurrence vector descriptor
* Navigation Based on a Network of 2D Images
* Navigational Functionalities
* NeuralPlan: Neural floorplan radiance fields for accelerated view synthesis
* Object classification by functional parts
* Object Recognition by a Robotic Agent: The Purposive Approach
* Object Recognition by Functional Parts
* Offline Cursive Script Word Recognition: A Survey
* Offline Loop Investigation for Handwriting Analysis
* On Scene Segmentation and Histograms-Based Curve Evolution
* On the Equivalence of the LC-KSVD and the D-KSVD Algorithms
* Online action recognition using covariance of shape and motion
* Optical Transformations in Visual Navigation
* Optimal Servoing for Active Foveated Vision
* Person identification from action styles
* Pixel-accurate Segmentation of Surgical Tools based on Bounding Box Annotations
* Pose and Motion Recovery from Feature Correspondences and a Digital Terrain Map
* Pose estimation using feature correspondences and DTM
* Principal Uncertainty Quantification With Spatial Correlation for Image Restoration Problems
* probabilistic cooperation between trackers of coupled objects, A
* probabilistic framework for combining tracking algorithms, A
* Propagating Certainty in Petri Nets for Activity Recognition
* Propagating Uncertainty in Petri Nets for Activity Recognition
* Qualitative Description of Camera Motion and Scene Depth from Histograms of Normal Flow
* Qualitative Description of Camera Motion from Histograms of Normal Flow
* Qualitative Real-Time Range Extraction for Preplanned Scene Partitioning Using Laser Beam Coding
* Quantative Description of Camera Motion from Histograms of Normal Flow
* Random Grids: Fast Approximate Nearest Neighbors and Range Searching for Image Search
* Random Walks for Temporal Action Segmentation with Timestamp Supervision
* Real-Time Active Vision With Fault-Tolerance
* real-time system for classification of moving objects, A
* Recognition by Functional Parts
* Recognition with Local and Semi-Local Invariants
* Recognizing 3D Objects Using Tactile Sensing and Curve Invariants
* Recognizing Functionality
* Recognizing Objects Using Scale Space Local Invariants
* Recognizing surfaces from 3D curves
* Recovering Surface Invariants from Curves
* Recovery of 3D animal motions using cameras and mirrors
* Rehashing for Bayesian geometric hashing
* Robust 3D Head Tracking Using Camera Pose Estimation
* Robust epipolar geometry estimation using noisy pose priors
* Robust feature matching across widely separated color images
* Robust Fragments-based Tracking using the Integral Histogram
* Robust Real-Time Unusual Event Detection using Multiple Fixed-Location Monitors
* Role of optics in the accuracy of depth-from-defocus systems
* ROR: Rejection of Outliers by Rotations
* ROR: Rejection of Outliers by Rotations in Stereo Matching
* Scale-Space Semilocal Invariants
* Semantic Parsing of Colonoscopy Videos with Multi-Label Temporal Networks
* Semi-Local Invariants
* Semi-supervised Quality Evaluation of Colonoscopy Procedures
* Sensory-Based Motion Planning with Global Proofs
* System for Computer-Aided Multiresolution Microscopic Pathology Diagnostics
* Tangentbug: A Range-Sensor-Based Navigation Algorithm
* Tracking and Classifying of Human Motions with Gaussian Process Annealed Particle Filter
* Tracking by Affine Kernel Transformations Using Color and Boundary Cues
* Understanding Object Motion
* Understanding Video Events: A Survey of Methods for Automatic Interpretation of Semantic Occurrences in Video
* Unsupervised 3D Shape Coverage Estimation with Applications to Colonoscopy
* Using Fourier/Mellin-based correlators and their fractional versions in navigational tasks
* Using Gaussian Processes for Human Tracking and Action Classification
* Using Hierarchical Models for 3D Human Body-Part Tracking
* Using Model-based Localization with Active Navigation
* Using Pattern Recognition for Self-Localization in Semiconductor Manufacturing Systems
* Video Event Modeling and Recognition in Generalized Stochastic Petri Nets
* Vision-Based Tracking System for Head Motion Correction in FMRI Images
* Visual Homing: Surfing on the Epipoles
* Visual Tracking by Affine Kernel Fitting Using Color and Object Boundary
* Visual tracking of object silhouettes
* Zoom tracking and its applications
Includes: Rivlin, E.[Ehud] Rivlin, E.
129 for Rivlin, E.
Rivlin, Z.[Ze'ev]
Co Author Listing * MAESTRO: Conductor of Multimedia Analysis Technologies