Update Dates 0808

0808 * *Applications of Digital Image Processing
* 3-D Shape-Adaptive Directional Wavelet Transform for Object-Based Scalable Video Coding
* Accurate Event-Driven Motion Compensation in High-Resolution PET Incorporating Scattered and Random Events
* adaptive window mechanism for image smoothing, An
* Analysis and Compensation of Rolling Shutter Effect
* Analysis of Packet Loss for Compressed Video: Effect of Burst Losses and Correlation Between Error Frames
* Application of semantic features in face recognition
* Application of the cross entropy method to the GLVQ algorithm
* Audiovisual integration with Segment Models for tennis video parsing
* Automated Effect-Specific Mammographic Pattern Measures
* Automatic Active Model Initialization via Poisson Inverse Gradient
* Automatic Detection of Regional Heart Rejection in USPIO-Enhanced MRI
* Automatic feature localisation with constrained local models
* Automatic Single View-Based 3-D Face Synthesis for Unsupervised Multimedia Applications
* Bayesian feature evaluation for visual saliency estimation
* Binary Two-Dimensional PCA
* Biometric dispersion matcher
* Bittracker: A Bitmap Tracker for Visual Tracking under Very General Conditions
* Block-Edge-Pattern-Based Content Descriptor in DCT Domain, A
* Block-Iterative Fisher Scoring Algorithms for Maximum Penalized Likelihood Image Reconstruction in Emission Tomography
* Blue-Noise Multitone Dithering
* Boosted string representation and its application to video surveillance
* case-study on naive labelling for the nearest mean and the linear discriminant classifiers, A
* Class-Based Feature Matching Across Unrestricted Transformations
* Colored visual cryptography scheme based on additive color mixing
* Combination Load Balancing for Video-on-Demand Systems
* Combinatorial and Probabilistic Fusion of Noisy Correlation Measurements for Untracked Freehand 3-D Ultrasound
* Computational Analysis and Improvement of SIRT
* Computing Reconstruction Kernels for Circular 3-D Cone Beam Tomography
* Content-based image retrieval with the normalized information distance
* Contrast context histogram: An efficient discriminating local descriptor for object recognition and image matching
* Cost Aggregation and Occlusion Handling With WLS in Stereo Matching
* Design of Multimodal Dissimilarity Spaces for Retrieval of Video Documents
* Detection of Buried Pipes From Time-of-Flight Radar Data, The
* Dual watermark for image tamper detection and recovery
* Dynamic 3-D Virtual Fixtures for Minimally Invasive Beating Heart Procedures
* Dynamic Bezier curves for variable rate-distortion
* dynamic overproduce-and-choose strategy for the selection of classifier ensembles, A
* Dynamic PET Reconstruction Using Wavelet Regularization With Adapted Basis Functions
* Effect of Overlapping Projections on Reconstruction Image Quality in Multipinhole SPECT
* Effective Proximity Retrieval by Ordering Permutations
* Effective Subblock-Based and Pixel-Based Fast Direction Detections for H.264 Intra Prediction
* Efficient generation of simple polygons for characterizing the shape of a set of points in the plane
* efficient kernel matrix evaluation measure, An
* eigenPulse: Robust human identification from cardiovascular function
* Estimating Object Proper Motion Using Optical Flow, Kinematics, and Depth Information
* Exploiting generalized discriminative multiple instance learning for multimedia semantic concept detection
* Facial feature extraction using complex dual-tree wavelet transform
* Factorization Approach for Cone-Beam Reconstruction on a Circular Short-Scan, A
* Fast Human Detection Using a Novel Boosted Cascading Structure With Meta Stages
* Fast Noise Reduction in Computed Tomography for Improved 3-D Visualization
* Feature extracted from wavelet decomposition using biorthogonal Riesz basis for text-independent speaker recognition
* Feature extraction using constrained maximum variance mapping
* Feature Normalization via Expectation Maximization and Unsupervised Nonparametric Classification For M-FISH Chromosome Images
* Feature Selection with Kernel Class Separability
* Filtering segmentation cuts for digit string recognition
* flexible method for structured light system calibration, A
* Gabor-Based Region Covariance Matrices for Face Recognition
* Gap Filling Strategies for 3-D-FBP Reconstructions of High-Resolution Research Tomograph Scans
* General support vector representation machine for one-class classification of non-stationary classes
* Global Models for the Orientation Field of Fingerprints: An Approach Based on Quadratic Differentials
* Globally Convergent Algorithms for Estimating Generalized Gamma Distributions in Fast Signal and Image Processing
* Graph spectral image smoothing using the heat kernel
* Guest Editorial: Fully 3-D Reconstruction of Medical Images
* Hidden Markov Model-Based Ensemble Methods for Offline Handwritten Text Line Recognition
* High accuracy handwritten Chinese character recognition using LDA-based compound distances
* High-Performance Architecture of the Double-Mode Binary Coder for H.264.AVC, A
* Hyperspectral Subspace Identification
* Identification and sizing of the entirely visible rocks from a 3D surface data segmentation of laboratory rock piles
* Image categorization: Graph edit distance+edge direction histogram
* Imaging Simulation of Bistatic Synthetic Aperture Radar and Its Polarimetric Analysis
* Improvement of Target Detection Methods by Multiway Filtering
* Improving long range and high magnification face recognition: Database acquisition, evaluation, and enhancement
* Indexing of Satellite Images With Different Resolutions by Wavelet Features
* Inferring Segmented Dense Motion Layers Using 5D Tensor Voting
* Information Theory-Based Approach for Contrast Analysis in Polarimetric and/or Interferometric SAR Images
* Infrared Image Enhancement using H_inf Bounds for Surveillance Applications
* Invited paper: Automatic speech recognition: History, methods and challenges
* JPEG2000 Quality Scalability Without Quality Layers
* Kernels, regularization and differential equations
* KPCA for semantic object extraction in images
* lazy bagging approach to classification, A
* Linear dimensionality reduction by maximizing the Chernoff distance in the transformed space
* Link Adaptation Scheme for Efficient Transmission of H.264 Scalable Video Over Multirate WLANs, A
* Local binary patterns for a hybrid fingerprint matcher
* Local Hull-Based Surface Construction of Volumetric Data From Silhouettes
* Locally linear reconstruction for instance-based learning
* machine-learning approach for analyzing document layout structures with two reading orders, A
* Maximizing area under ROC curve for biometric scores fusion
* Measuring Spatiotemporal Dependencies in Bivariate Temporal Random Sets with Applications to Cell Biology
* Medium Spatial Resolution Satellite Imagery for Estimating and Mapping Urban Impervious Surfaces Using LSMA and ANN
* Model-based human shape reconstruction from multiple views
* Model-Based, Semi-Global Segmentation Approach for Automatic 3-D Point Landmark Localization in Neuroimages, A
* Modified global k-means algorithm for minimum sum-of-squares clustering problems
* Motion Compensated Fan-Beam Reconstruction for Nonrigid Transformation
* Motion Estimation for Content Adaptive Video Compression
* Multi-sensor image registration based on intensity and edge orientation information
* Multiple Description Coding and Delivery Scheme for Motion-Compensated Fine Granularity Scalable Video, A
* Multiple-View Geometry Under the L_inf-Norm
* Multiscale Representation and Segmentation of Hyperspectral Imagery Using Geometric Partial Differential Equations and Algebraic Multigrid Methods
* Multistatic GNSS Synthetic Aperture Radar for Surface Characterization, A
* nearly optimal sensor placement algorithm for boundary coverage, A
* new linear algorithm for calibrating central catadioptric cameras, A
* Noise and Signal Estimation in Magnitude MRI and Rician Distributed Images: A LMMSE Approach
* Nonlinear Regularized Reaction-Diffusion Filters for Denoising of Images With Textures
* Novel Gaze Estimation System With One Calibration Point, A
* Occlusion-Aware Optical Flow Estimation
* Omega-K Algorithm With Phase Error Compensation for Bistatic SAR of a Translational Invariant Case, An
* Optimal Denoising in Redundant Representations
* ORBIT: A Multiresolution Framework for Deformable Registration of Brain Tumor Images
* Orientation-Selective Orthogonal Lapped Transform, An
* Out-of-Sample Extrapolation of Learned Manifolds
* Panoramic maker engine for a low profile system
* Planogram Rebinning With the Frequency-Distance Relationship
* Principal Component Analysis Based on L1-Norm Maximization
* Probabilistic relaxation labelling using the Fokker-Planck equation
* projection pursuit algorithm for anomaly detection in hyperspectral imagery, A
* Psychophysics of Virtual Texture Perception
* Quality Constrained Compression Using DWT-Based Image Quality Metric
* Query by Transduction
* Randomized Clustering Forests for Image Classification
* Recognising online spatial activities using a bioinformatics inspired sequence alignment approach
* Recognition of degraded characters using dynamic Bayesian networks
* Respiratory Motion Correction in 3-D PET Data With Advanced Optical Flow Algorithms
* Retrieving multiple light sources in the presence of specular reflections and texture
* Robust Video Fingerprinting for Content-Based Video Identification
* Rotate-and-Slant Projector for Fast LOR-Based Fully-3-D Iterative PET Reconstruction
* segmentation algorithm for SAR images based on the anisotropic heat diffusion equation, A
* Semiautomated Segmentation of Myocardial Contours for Fast Strain Analysis in Cine Displacement-Encoded MRI
* Shape Recovery from Turntable Sequence Using Rim Reconstruction
* Sharing secrets in stego images with authentication
* Spatial Harmonic Imaging of X-ray Scattering: Initial Results
* Spline-Based Cardiac Motion Tracking Using Velocity-Encoded Magnetic Resonance Imaging
* Squint Spotlight SAR Raw Signal Simulation in the Frequency Domain Using Optical Principles
* Statistical Properties of Bit-Plane Probability Model and Its Application in Supervised Texture Classification
* Structural Similarity Quality Metrics in a Coding Context: Exploring the Space of Realistic Distortions
* Structuring low-quality videotaped lectures for cross-reference browsing by video text analysis
* Subspace Model-Based Approach to Face Relighting Under Unknown Lighting and Poses, A
* System and method for registration of cubic fisheye hemispherical images
* System Calibration and Statistical Image Reconstruction for Ultra-High Resolution Stationary Pinhole SPECT
* Tampering with a watermarking-based image authentication scheme
* Teacher-directed learning in view-independent face recognition with mixture of experts using overlapping eigenspaces
* Tensor-Based Cortical Surface Morphometry via Weighted Spherical Harmonic Representation
* Texture Analysis and Classification With Linear Regression Model Based on Wavelet Transform
* Three-Dimensional Motion Estimation of Atmospheric Layers From Image Sequences
* Time Domain Fluorescence Tomography System for Small Animal Imaging, A
* two-codebook combination and three-phase block matching based image-hiding scheme with high embedding capacity, A
* Two-dimensional BRDF estimation from polarisation
* Two-dimensional Laplacianfaces method for face recognition
* Two-Dimensional Spectrum Model for General Bistatic SAR, A
* Variable Pitch Reconstruction Using John's Equation
* Variational Method for Geometric Regularization of Vascular Segmentation in Medical Images, A
* Vertical Resolution Estimates in Version 5 of AIRS Operational Retrievals
* Waveprint: Efficient wavelet-based audio fingerprinting
* Who is LB1? Discriminant analysis for the classification of specimens
155 for 0808

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Last update:20-Jan-25 12:09:31
Use price@usc.edu for comments.