Update Dates 0707

0707 * 1d Bar Code Reading On Camera Phones
* 2-D Feature-Point Selection and Tracking Using 3-D Physics-Based Deformable Surfaces
* 3D Body Scanning and Healthcare Applications
* 3D Display Using Passive Optical Scatterers
* 3D model representation using adaptive volumetric extended Gaussian image
* 3D optical flow computation using a parallel variational multigrid scheme with application to cardiac C-arm CT motion
* 3D registration using a new implementation of the ICP algorithm based on a comprehensive lookup matrix: Application to medical imaging
* 3D surface point and wireframe reconstruction from multiview photographic images
* 3D-Model search engine from photos
* ACADI showcase: Automatic character indexing in audiovisual document
* Accelerating Dynamic Spiral MRI by Algebraic Reconstruction From Undersampled t Space
* Active contours for video object tracking using region, boundary and shape information
* Active learning approach to interactive spatio-temporal news video retrieval
* Adaptive branch and bound algorithm for selecting optimal features
* Adjustable SAD matching algorithm using frequency domain
* Advances in Recursive Per-Pixel End-to-End Distortion Estimation for Robust Video Coding in H.264/AVC
* Algorithmic and architectural design for real-time and power-efficient Retinex image/video processing
* Alignment-Free Cancelable Fingerprint Templates Based on Local Minutiae Information
* Analysis of vector space model and spatiotemporal segmentation for video indexing and retrieval
* Apparatus and method for controlling a camera using a video compression algorithm
* Appearance-based video clustering in 2D locality preserving projection subspace
* Applying logistic regression to relevance feedback in image retrieval systems
* Approximate Labeling via Graph Cuts Based on Linear Programming
* Associating characters with events in films
* Atrial fibrillation classification with artificial neural networks
* Autofocusing of Through-the-Wall Radar Imagery Under Unknown Wall Characteristics
* Automated production of TV program trailer using electronic program guide
* Automatic image annotation by an iterative approach: incorporating keyword correlations and region matching
* Automatic Reconstruction of Building Objects From Multiaspect Meter-Resolution SAR Images
* Bayesian training of neural networks using genetic programming
* Bayesian, Exemplar-Based Approach to Hierarchical Shape Matching, A
* Behavior monitoring through automatic analysis of video sequences
* Biometric Recognition Using 3D Ear Shape
* Bivariate Gamma Distributions for Image Registration and Change Detection
* blob detector in color images, A
* Bootstrap FDA for counting positives accurately in imprecise environments
* BSLIM: Spectral Localization by Imaging With Explicit B{0} Field Inhomogeneity Compensation
* Camera calibration based on receptive fields
* Canonical image selection from the web
* Carnegie Mellon University traditional informedia digital video retrieval system
* Cast indexing for videos by NCuts and page ranking
* Classification of Unexploded Ordnance Using Incomplete Multisensor Multiresolution Data
* Classification of video events using 4-dimensional time-compressed motion features
* Cluster-based data modeling for semantic video search
* Clustering and aggregation of relational data with applications to image database categorization
* Color reduction based on ant colony
* Columbia University's semantic video search engine
* Compactly Supported Radial Basis Functions Based Collocation Method for Level-Set Evolution in Image Segmentation
* Comparative analysis of simple facial features extractors
* comparative study on multivariate mathematical morphology, A
* Comparison of face matching techniques under pose variation
* Competitive baseline methods set new standards for the NIPS 2003 feature selection benchmark
* Compressed vertex chain codes
* Compression Efficiency and Delay Tradeoffs for Hierarchical B-Pictures and Pulsed-Quality Frames
* Computational Framework for Simulating Fluorescence Microscope Images With Cell Populations
* Conformal spherical representation of 3D genus-zero meshes
* Constructing PCA Baseline Algorithms to Reevaluate ICA-Based Face-Recognition Performance
* content-based image retrieval scheme allowing for robust automatic personalization, A
* Convolution Using Discrete Sine and Cosine Transforms
* Corpus-based HIT-MW database for offline recognition of general-purpose Chinese handwritten text
* Cubic Bezier approximation of a digitized curve
* Decolorize: Fast, contrast enhancing, color to grayscale conversion
* Deformation Models for Image Recognition
* Demonstration of assembly work using augmented reality
* Demonstration of image retrieval based on illumination invariant textural MRF features
* Depth recovery and affine reconstruction under camera pure translation
* Design and formal proof of a new optimal image segmentation program with hypermaps
* Design of frame dependency for VCR streaming videos
* Design Through Operation of an Image-Based Velocity Estimation System for Mars Landing
* Detecting Loop Closure with Scene Sequences
* Detection of near-duplicate images for web search
* Determination of optimal number of projections and parametric sensitivity analysis of operators for parallel-ray transmission tomography using hybrid continuous genetic algorithm
* Developing Nonstationary Noise Estimation for Application in Edge and Corner Detection
* Device parts retrieval from assembly drawings with SVM based active relevance feedback
* discrete modal transform and its application to lossy image compression, The
* discriminant analysis using composite features for classification problems, A
* discriminant elastic graph matching algorithm applied to frontal face verification, The
* Distributing expressional faces in 2-D emotional space
* Dynamic texture detection, segmentation and analysis
* Dynamics-based analysis and synthesis of human locomotion
* Editorial: Special Issue on Vision and Robotics, Parts I and II
* effect of morphological smoothening by reconstruction on the extraction of peaks and pits from digital elevation models, The
* Efficient hierarchical method for background subtraction
* Efficient Layout of Comic-Like Video Summaries
* elastic partial shape matching technique, An
* Ellipsoidal support vector clustering for functional MRI analysis
* empirical study of inter-concept similarities in multimedia ontologies, An
* Empirical Study of Query Effectiveness Improvement via Multiple Visual Feature Integration, An
* Enhancing HSV histograms with achromatic points detection for video retrieval
* Estimating the concentration of optically active constituents of sea water by Takagi-Sugeno models with quadratic rule consequents
* Evaluation and analysis of a face and voice outdoor multi-biometric system
* Exact and Approximate Fourier Rebinning Algorithms for the Solution of the Data Truncation Problem in 3-D PET
* Extraction of salient contours from cluttered scenes
* Face and palmprint pixel level fusion and Kernel DCV-RBF classifier for small sample biometric recognition
* Face Recognition by Regularized Discriminant Analysis
* Face recognition using spectral features
* Face Recognition: A Generalized Marginal Fisher Analysis Approach
* Fast and cheap object recognition by linear combination of views
* Fast correction of bleed-through distortion in grayscale documents by a blind source separation technique
* Fast multiresolution motion estimation algorithms for wavelet-based scalable video coding
* Fast XYT Imaging of Elementary Calcium Release Events in Muscle With Multifocal Multiphoton Microscopy and Wavelet Denoising and Detection
* feature and spatial covariant kernel: Adding implicit spatial constraints to histogram, The
* FFT-Based Method for Blind Identification of FIR SIMO Channels, An
* filter bank method to construct rotationally invariant moments for pattern recognition, A
* Fingerprint matching using OrientationCodes and PolyLines
* Flexible test-bed for unusual behavior detection
* FPGA-based real-time 3D image preprocessing for image-guided medical interventions
* Frame-Layer Constant-Quality Rate Control of Regions of Interest for Multiple Encoders With Single Video Source
* framework for multimedia content abstraction and its application to rushes exploration, A
* From Pixels to Semantic Spaces: Advances in Content-Based Image Retrieval
* Further explorations in text alignment with handwritten documents
* FXPAL MediaMagic video search system
* Graph simplification and matching using commute times
* Hallucinating faces: LPH super-resolution and neighbor reconstruction for residue compensation
* Hand radiograph image segmentation using a coarse-to-fine strategy
* High-utility pattern mining: A method for discovery of high-utility item sets
* Histogram-based fuzzy colour filter for image restoration
* Homography-based partitioning of curved surface for stereo correspondence establishment
* How many high-level concepts will fill the semantic gap in news video retrieval?
* Human Face Image Searching System Using Sketches
* hybrid wavelet-based fingerprint matcher, A
* IBM multimedia search and retrieval system
* IBM multimodal interactive video threading
* Identification of facial image with high accuracy
* Image annotation: which approach for realistic databases?
* Image indexing and retrieval based on vector quantization
* Image Noise Induced Errors in Camera Positioning
* Image Registration Using Blur-Invariant Phase Correlation
* Image Restoration And Detail Preservation By Bayesian Estimation
* Image retrieval measures based on illumination invariant textural MRF features
* Image retrieval on large-scale image databases
* Image segmentation by clustering of spatial patterns
* Image Segmentation Using Hidden Markov Gauss Mixture Models
* Immersidata Analysis: Four Case Studies
* Importance Sampling Kalman Filter for Image Estimation
* Improving Shape From Focus Using Defocus Cue
* In-Camera Automation of Photographic Composition Rules
* in-memory relevance feedback technique for high-performance image retrieval systems, An
* In/Post-Loop Deblocking Filter With Hybrid Filtering Schedule, An
* Incremental MLLR speaker adaptation by fuzzy logic control
* Inducing a perceptual relevance shape classifier
* Inexact graph matching using a genetic algorithm for image recognition
* Information Discriminant Analysis: Feature Extraction with an Information-Theoretic Objective
* Information-theoretic semantic multimedia indexing
* InSAR Elevation Bias Caused by Penetration Into Uniform Volumes
* Integrated kernels and their properties
* Integrated patch model: A generative model for image categorization based on feature selection
* Integration of Digital Stabilizer With Video Codec for Digital Video Cameras
* Interactive wireless virtual colonoscopy
* Interpretability based interest points detection
* ITI interactive video retrieval system
* Joint face and head tracking inside multi-camera smart rooms
* Kernels on bags for multi-object database retrieval
* Knowledge-based part correspondence
* Laplacian spectral method for stereo correspondence, A
* Layout indexing of trademark images
* Learning linear PCA with convex semi-definite programming
* Learning to display high dynamic range images
* Linear manifold clustering in high dimensional spaces by stochastic search
* Local Laplacian Detail Learning For Face Aging Manipulation
* Local Variance-Controlled Forward-and-Backward Diffusion for Image Enhancement and Noise Reduction
* Locally Linear Regression for Pose-Invariant Face Recognition
* Low Bit Rate Video Coding Using DCT-Based Fast Decimation/Interpolation and Embedded Zerotree Coding
* Low computation and low latency algorithms for distributed sensor network initialization
* Low-Complexity Joint Color Demosaicking and Zooming Algorithm for Digital Camera, A
* Markov blanket-embedded genetic algorithm for gene selection
* Matching Ottoman Words: An image retrieval approach to historical document indexing
* Mean shift-based clustering
* MediaMill: semantic video search using the RotorBrowser
* Medical-Image Retrieval Based on Knowledge-Assisted Text and Image Indexing
* Merging storyboard strategies and automatic retrieval for improving interactive video search
* Method and apparatus for expanding a source pixel in a digital image
* Method and system for generating a combined retina/iris pattern biometric
* Modeling the distribution of DCT coefficients for JPEG reconstruction
* modified fuzzy C-means image segmentation algorithm for use with uneven illumination patterns, A
* Monocular Vision for Mobile Robot Localization and Autonomous Navigation
* MRI of Moving Subjects Using Multislice Snapshot Images With Volume Reconstruction (SVR): Application to Fetal, Neonatal, and Adult Brain Studies
* multi-expert approach for wavelet-based face detection, A
* Multi-level local descriptor quantization for bag-of-visterms image representation
* Multi-Scale Adaptive Grey World Algorithm, A
* Multiclass classifiers based on dimension reduction with generalized LDA
* Multiple Class Multiple-instance Learning And Its Application To Image Categorization
* Multiple temporal texture detection using feature space mapping
* Multiplexing for Optimal Lighting
* Multiscale Corner Detection of Gray Level Images Based on Log-Gabor Wavelet Transform
* Multisource Image Fusion Method Using Support Value Transform
* Near-duplicate keyframe retrieval with visual keywords and semantic context
* nearest-neighbor approach to relevance feedback in content based image retrieval, A
* Network-aware identification of video clip fragments
* Neutral offspring controlling operators in genetic programming
* new automated delineation method for SPECT lung scans using adaptive dual-exponential thresholding, A
* New Blind Attack Procedure For Dct-based Image Encryption With Spectrum Learning, A
* new edge-adaptive demosaicing algorithm for color filter arrays, A
* new framework for identifying differentially expressed genes, A
* new image registration scheme based on curvature scale space curve matching, A
* new intelligent systems approach to 3D animation in television, A
* New local descriptors based on dissociated dipoles
* new semi-fragile image watermarking with robust tampering restoration using irregular sampling, A
* Noise-proofing the doubly SH-projected coefficients for synthesizing images under environment lighting
* Normalization-Cooperated Gradient Feature Extraction for Handwritten Character Recognition
* novel approach for edge detection based on the theory of universal gravity, A
* Novel Distortion Estimation Technique for Hardware-Based JPEG2000 Encoder System
* object class-uncertainty induced adaptive force and its application to a new hybrid snake, An
* Object Trajectory-Based Activity Classification and Recognition Using Hidden Markov Models
* Off-line signature verification using DTW
* Offline recognition of omnifont Arabic text using the HMM ToolKit (HTK)
* Omnidirectional Vision Based Topological Navigation
* On Robotic Optimal Path Planning in Polygonal Regions With Pseudo-Euclidean Metrics
* On the estimation of independent binomial random variables using occurrence and sequential information
* On using prototype reduction schemes to optimize dissimilarity-based classification
* On-Chip Memory Optimization Scheme for VLSI Implementation of Line-Based Two-Dimentional Discrete Wavelet Transform
* Online video recommendation based on multimodal fusion and relevance feedback
* Ontology driven content based image retrieval
* Ontology-supported object and event extraction with a genetic algorithms approach for object classification
* Optimal Motion Estimation for Wavelet Motion Compensated Video Coding
* Optimization based grayscale image colorization
* Optimization Of Bit-pairing Codification With Learning For 3d Reconstruction
* Optimization of Noise Equivalent Count Rate Performance for a Partially Collimated PET Scanner by Varying the Number of Septa
* Optimized Multiple Description Lattice Vector Quantization for Wavelet Image Coding
* Parameter-Free Radial Distortion Correction with Center of Distortion Estimation
* Pattern identification in dynamical systems via symbolic time series analysis
* Peak Transform for Efficient Image Representation and Coding
* Performance evaluation of incremental training method for face recognition using PCA
* Personal recognition based on an image of the palmar surface of the hand
* Phase Distortion Estimation by DIRECT and Spline Interpolation Algorithms
* Portrait beautification: A fast and robust approach
* Practice and challenges in trademark image retrieval
* Probabilistic Context-Free Grammars Estimated from Infinite Distributions
* Probabilistic matching and resemblance evaluation of shapes in trademark images
* Probabilistic model supported rank aggregation for the semantic concept detection in video
* Propagator method for an application to contour estimation
* Quality-Based Fusion of Multiple Video Sensors for Video Surveillance
* Quantitative Rotating Multisegment Slant-Hole SPECT Mammography With Attenuation and Collimator-Detector Response Compensation
* Quaternion wavelet phase based stereo matching for uncalibrated images
* Rate Distortion Optimization for H.264 Interframe Coding: A General Framework and Algorithms
* Real-time approach for cloth simulation
* Real-time object tracking with relevance feedback
* Reconstruction of 3D human body pose from stereo image sequences based on top-down learning
* Reconstruction of DEMs From ERS-1/2 Tandem Data in Mountainous Area Facilitated by SRTM Data
* Recursive Anisotropic 2-D Gaussian Filtering Based on a Triple-Axis Decomposition
* Reduced Human Perception of FPN Noise of the Pyramidal Readout CMOS Image Sensor
* Refining image annotation using contextual relations between words
* Representing shape with a spatial pyramid kernel
* reranking approach for context-based concept fusion in video indexing and retrieval, A
* Resolving hand over face occlusion
* RETIN: a smart interactive digital media retrieval system
* Retrieval of Ottoman documents
* Reverse Optical Flow for Self-Supervised Adaptive Autonomous Robot Navigation
* Reverse upsampling method and system
* Review and Preview: Disocclusion by Inpainting for Image-Based Rendering
* Robust face tracking by integration of two separate trackers: Skin color and facial shape
* Robust facial feature tracking under varying face pose and facial expression
* Robust Multi-View Feature Matching from Multiple Unordered Views
* robust scene recognition system for baseball broadcast using data-driven approach, A
* robust shot transition detection method based on support vector machine in compressed domain, A
* Robust template tracking with drift correction
* Rotation-invariant and scale-invariant Gabor features for texture image retrieval
* Row-Column Soft-Decision Feedback Algorithm for Two-Dimensional Intersymbol Interference
* Satellite imagery based adaptive background models and shadow suppression
* Scalable near identical image and shot detection
* Scale and skew-invariant road sign recognition
* Scale Space Analysis and Active Contours for Omnidirectional Images
* Searching for logo and trademark images on the web
* Second Order Local-Image-Structure Solid, The
* Secret image transmission based on VQ and data embedding
* Segmentation-Driven Compound Document Coding Based on H.264/AVC-INTRA
* Self-calibration of a stereo rig using monocular epipolar geometries
* Semantic Facets: An In-Depth Analysis of a Semantic Image Retrieval System
* Semantic video analysis for psychological research on violence in computer games
* Semantics reinforcement and fusion learning for multimedia streams
* SemanticVox: a multilingual video search engine
* Semi-automatic computer aided lesion detection in dental X-rays using variational level set
* Semi-supervised learning for semantic video retrieval
* SemRetriev: an ontology driven image retrieval system
* SensorMap for Wide-Area Sensor Webs
* Shape based 3D model retrieval without query
* Shaping 3D multimedia environments: the MediaSquare
* Significant edges in the case of non-stationary Gaussian noise
* Simultaneous Gesture Segmentation and Recognition based on Forward Spotting Accumulative HMMs
* Soccer players identification based on visual local features
* Space-Frequency Quantization for Image Compression With Directionlets
* Spatiotemporal saliency for event detection and representation in the 3D wavelet domain: potential in human action recognition
* Speaker identification security improvement by means of speech watermarking
* Special Issue on Multi-sensor object detection and tracking
* Stabilization of the Brightness Temperature of a Calibration Warm Load for Spaceborne Microwave Radiometers
* State Filtering and Change Detection Using TBM Conflict Application to Human Action Recognition in Athletics Videos
* Statistical Analysis of Brain Morphology Using Wild Bootstrapping, A
* Statistical Approach to Inverting the Born Ratio, A
* Study of the Rao-Blackwellised Particle Filter for Efficient and Accurate Vision-Based SLAM, A
* Super-Resolution Based on Fast Registration and Maximum a Posteriori Reconstruction
* Surface Deformation Models for Nonrigid 3D Shape Recovery
* survey of document image classification: problem statement, classifier architecture and performance evaluation, A
* T2- Selective Magnetization Preparation Pulses
* Target differentiation with simple infrared sensors using statistical pattern recognition techniques
* Target tracking by fusion of random measures
* Temporal Change Analysis for Characterization of Mass Lesions in Mammography
* TEXEMS: Texture Exemplars for Defect Detection on Random Textured Surfaces
* Texture Features for Antitank Landmine Detection Using Ground Penetrating Radar
* Texture retrieval based on a non-parametric measure for multivariate distributions
* Thickness measurement and crease detection of wheat grains using stereo vision
* Tongue-Movement Communication and Control Concept for Hands-Free Human-Machine Interfaces
* Towards optimal bag-of-features for object categorization and semantic video retrieval
* Tracking Deforming Objects Using Particle Filtering for Geometric Active Contours
* trend pattern assessment approach to microarray gene expression profiling data analysis, A
* Triangle refinement in a constrained Delaunay triangulation skeleton
* Turbulence Degraded Images Restoration Based On Improved Multiframe Iterative Loops And Data Mining
* TV broadcast macro-segmentation: Metadata-based vs. content-based approaches
* Two New Bayesian Approximations of Belief Functions Based on Convex Geometry
* Two secret sharing schemes based on Boolean operations
* Two steps for fingerprint segmentation
* two-step neural-network based algorithm for fast image super-resolution, A
* Unified Approach of Bit-Rate Control for Binary and Gray-Level Shape Sequences Coding, A
* Unsupervised minor prototype detection using an adaptive population partitioning algorithm
* Unsupervised Statistical Segmentation of Nonstationary Images Using Triplet Markov Fields
* use of temporal, semantic and visual partitioning model for efficient near-duplicate keyframe detection in large scale news corpus, The
* User-adaptive home video summarization using personal photo libraries
* User-friendly image sharing using polynomials with different primes
* Using depth features to retrieve monocular video shots
* Using multiple segmentations for image auto-annotation
* Using position extrema points to capture shape in on-line handwritten signature verification
* value of stories for speech-based video search, The
* Variational Approach to Problems in Calibration of Multiple Cameras, A
* variational formulation for segmenting desired objects in color images, A
* VAST MM: Multimedia Browser for Presentation Video
* Vehicle detection from high-resolution satellite imagery using morphological shared-weight neural networks
* Video and image copy detection demo
* Video copy detection: a comparative study
* Video parsing based on head tracking and face recognition
* Video retrieval with multi-modal features
* Video search by multi-modal and clustering analysis
* Video search in concept subspace: a text-like paradigm
* Virtual Reality: How Much Immersion Is Enough?
* Vision-Based SLAM: Stereo and Monocular Approaches
* VISTO: visual storyboard for web video browsing
* Visual information retrieval using synthesized imagery
* Wavelet Denoising of Multicomponent Images Using Gaussian Scale Mixture Models and a Noise-Free Image as Priors
* Wavelet-Based Multiresolution Approach to Solve the Stereo Correspondence Problem Using Mutual Information, A
* Web image retrieval on ImagEVAL: evidences on visualness and textualness concept dependency in fusion model
* Whitened LDA for face recognition
* Wyner-Ziv Video Compression and Fountain Codes for Receiver-Driven Layered Multicast
* Z-grid-based probabilistic retrieval for scaling up content-based copy detection
341 for 0707

Index for "0"

Last update:20-Jan-25 12:09:31
Use price@usc.edu for comments.