Update Dates 9506

9506 * 3-D Shape Recovery Using a Deformable Model
* 3D Object Perception Using Gradient Descent
* Active-Region Models for Segmenting Textures and Colors
* Agglomerative Clustering of Symbolic Objects Using the Concepts of Both Similarity and Dissimilarity
* Algorithm for Polygonal-Approximation Based on Iterative Point Elimination, An
* Analysis of the Prospects for Digital Close-Range Photogrammetry, An
* Apparatus for controlling quantizing in a video signal compressor
* Assessing the Completeness Properties of Pairwise Geometric Histograms
* Automated Dimensional Inspection With Real-time Photogrammetry
* Automatic Face Identification System Using Flexible Appearance Models
* Automatic Feature Point Extraction and Tracking in Image Sequences for Arbitrary Camera Motion
* Best-Case Results for Nearest-Neighbor Learning
* Block transform coder for arbitrarily shaped image segments
* Boundary Localization in Texture Segmentation
* Circular-Arc Detection Based on Hough Transform
* Clustering filter method for noise filtering, scale-space filtering and image processing
* Combination of HMMs for the Representation of Printed Characters in Noisy Document Images
* Combining Point Distribution Models with Shape Models Based on Finite-Element Analysis
* Corner Detection for Chain Coded Curves
* Corner Detection Using Bending Value
* Detection and Estimation of Circular-Arc Segments
* Developments in Model-Based Video Coding
* Digitized Circular Arcs: Characterization and Parameter-Estimation
* Discontinuity-Preserving and Viewpoint Invariant Reconstruction of Visible Surfaces Using a First-Order Regularization
* Egomotion Analysis Based on the Frenet-Serret Motion Model
* Experiments on Estimating Egomotion and Structure Parameters Using Long Monocular Image Sequences
* Fast Pyramidal Algorithms for Image Thresholding
* Fast Thresholding Selection Procedure for Multimodal and Unimodal Histograms, A
* Finding Shortest Paths on Surfaces Using Level Sets Propagation
* Four-dimensional spectral-spatial imaging using projection reconstruction
* Graph-Based Expert-System Approach to Geometric Feature Recognition, A
* Hand-Eye Calibration
* Human Visual-System Based Wavelet Decomposition for Image Compression
* Image Algebra Techniques for Binary Image Component Labeling with Local Operators
* Image Registration Using Multi-Scale Texture Moments
* Image Relaxation: Restoration and Feature-Extraction
* Image Segmentation by Connectivity Preserving Relinking in Hierarchical Graph Structures
* Impact of Scale on Signed, Unsigned, Authentic and Phantom Zero Crossings in a Noisy Environment
* Improved Approach to Boundary Location in 2-Dimensional Echocardiographic Images
* Integration of Natural-Language and Vision Processing: Intelligent Multimedia
* Learning Algorithm of Environmental Recognition in Driving Vehicle
* Machine Vision for Error-Detection and Avoidance in Laboratory Robotics
* Markov Random-Field Model-Based Approach to Unsupervised Texture Segmentation Using Local and Global Spatial Statistics, A
* Method and apparatus for automatic language determination of Asian language documents
* Method and apparatus for implementing accurate angle screens
* Minimum Spatial Entropy Threshold Selection
* Mobile Robot Iconic Position Estimator Using a Radial Laser Scanner, A
* Modal Matching for Correspondence and Recognition
* Model-Based Object Pose in 25 Lines of Code
* Motion Estimation Techniques for Digital TV: A Review and a New Contribution
* Moving-Target Search: A Real-Time Search for Changing Goals
* Multiresolution Approach to Computer Verification of Handwritten Signatures, A
* Mutational Equations for Shapes and Vision-Based Control
* Neural-Network-Based Dedicated Thinning Method, A
* New Trends in Very-Low Bitrate Video Coding
* Nonlinear Generalization of Point Distribution Models Using Polynomial Regression
* Nonorthogonal Representation of Signals by Gaussians and Gabor Functions
* Object Recognition By a Linear Weight Classifier
* On Discontinuity-Adaptive Smoothness Priors in Computer Vision
* Optimization Approaches to Constraint Satisfaction Problems in Computer Vision
* Optimization Models for Shape-Matching of Nonconvex Polygons
* Postprocessing of Thresholded Images to Maximize Edge Coincidence
* Qualitative Egomotion
* Recovery of Temporal Information from Static Images of Handwriting
* Recursive Estimation of Motion, Structure, and Focal Length
* Region-Based Video Coding Using Mathematical Morphology
* Regional Decomposition Method for Recognizing Handprinted Characters, A
* Relational Matching by Discrete Relaxation
* Relief: Pictorial and Otherwise
* Robot Navigation in Unknown Generalized Polygonal Terrains Using Vision Sensors
* Robust Estimation Of Correlation With Applications To Computer Vision
* Robust Estimation of Motion Vector-Fields with Discontinuity and Occlusion Using Local Outliers Rejection
* Scale-Vector Approach For Edge-Detection, A
* Sensitivity Analysis Of Line Correspondence
* Skeletonization Using an Extended Euclidean Distance Transform
* Special Issue: British Machine Vision Conference 1994
* Subpixel Edge Location in Binary Images Using Dithering
* Symmetry Detection Through Local Skewed Symmetries
* System for identifying flat orthogonal objects using reflected energy signals
* System for identifying freehand drawings
* System of updating an index file of frame sequences so that it indexes non-overlapping motion image frame sequences
* Towards an Art Based Mathematical Editor, That Uses Online Handwritten Symbol Recognition
* Unsupervised Texture Segmentation of Images Using Tuned Matched Gabor Filters
* Viewpoint-Invariant Representation of Generalized Cylinders Using the Symmetry Set
* Wavelet Transformation for Gray-Level Corner Detection
85 for 9506

Index for "9"

Last update:20-Jan-25 12:09:31
Use price@usc.edu for comments.