* *Image and Video Processing
* Adaptive Gabor Transformation for Image Processing
* Blind-Velocity SAR/ISAR Imaging of a Moving Target in a Stationary Background
* Calibrating a Mobile Camera's Parameters
* Car interval control apparatus
* Codebook Edge Detection
* Comment on Numerical Shape from Shading and Occluding Boundaries
* Complexity as a Scale-Space for the Medial Axis Transform
* complexity of constraint satisfaction revisited, The
* Correspondence Problem in Image Sequence Analysis
* Describing and Segmenting Scenes from Imperfect and Incomplete Data
* Description Of Object Shapes By Apparent Boundary And Convex Hull
* Determining Optical Flow: A Retrospective
* Direct Estimation of Range Flow on Deformable Shape from a Video Rate Range Camera
* Distributed Analysis and Representation of Visual Motion
* Efficient Edge Detection Using Hierarchical Structures
* Efficient Parallel Processing of Image Contours
* Extension of Chaiken's Algorithm to B-Spline Curves with Knots in Geometric Progression, An
* Frequency Domain Motion Estimation Using a Complex Lapped Transform
* From a Real Chair to a Negative Chair
* Generating Automatically Tuned Bitmaps from Outlines
* Generic Object Recognition: Building and Matching Coarse Descriptions from Line Drawing
* Geometry-Limited Diffusion in the Characterization of Geometric Patches in Images
* Gibbs Random Fields, Fuzzy Clustering, and the Unsupervised Segmentation of Textured Images
* Holes and Genus of 2D and 3D Digital Images
* Hypermatrix Algebra: Applications in Parallel Image Processing
* Hypermatrix Algebra: Theory
* Hypothesizing Structures in Edge-Focused Cerebral Magnetic Resonance Images Using Graph-Theoretic Cycle Enumeration
* Image processing apparatus having apparatus for correcting the image processing
* Incremental Model Building of Polyhedral Objects Using Structured Light
* Landmark-Based Navigation-Model Extension and Refinement
* Linear Generalized Hough Transform and Its Parallelization
* Local Image Reconstruction and Subpixel Restoration Algorithms
* MAP Estimation of Piecewise Constant Digital Signals
* Mean Field Theory in EM Procedures for Blind Markov Random Field Image Restoration, The
* Mid-Level Vision and Recognition of Non-Rigid Objects
* Model Problem in the Representation of Digital Image Sequences, A
* Moving object detection apparatus and method
* Multi-Scale Approach To Nonuniform Diffusion, A
* Multi-Threshold Dimension Vector for Texture Analysis and Its Application to Liver Tissue Classification
* Near real-time stereo vision system
* New Computation of Geometric Moments, A
* Novel Feature Extraction Method for Image Recognition Based on Similar Discriminant Function (SDF), A
* Parallel Approach to Tracking Edge Segments in Dynamic Scenes
* Pattern Recognition by Affine Moment Invariants
* Perception of 3-D Surfaces from 2-D Contours
* Pose Determination of Parameterized Object Models from a Monocular Image
* Spatial Database Manager for a Multi-Source Image Understanding System
* Statistical Object Recognition
* Strategies of Multi-View and Multi-Matching for 3D Object Recognition
* Threshold Validity for Mutual Neighborhood Clustering
* Tracking a Planar Patch in Three-Dimensional Space by Affine Transformation in Monocular and Binocular Vision
* Unbiased Estimation and Statistical Analysis of 3-D Rigid Motion from Two Views
* Unified Approach to Boundary Perception: Edges, Textures and Illusory Contours, A
* Unified Approach to Optimal Image Interpolation Problems Based On Linear Partial Differential Equation Models, A
* View Variation of Point Set and Line Segment Features
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