* *CVOnline: Autocalibration
* *CVOnline: Hough Transform
* *CVOnline: Multi-Sensor, Multi-View Geometries
* *CVOnline: SPECT
* *Face Recognition Vendor Test 2006
* *Face Recogniton Home Page
* *Handbook of Emotion Elicitation and Assessment, The
* *Handbook of Mathematical Methods in Computer Vision
* *OpenVidia
* *PETS 2006 Benchmark Data
* *PETS Benchmark Datasets
* *VripPack: Volumetric Range Image Processing Package
* *Yale Face Database
* 2D-3D-Registration in Computer Tomography without an initial pose
* 3D Facial Feature Localization for Registration
* adaptive incremental LBG for vector quantization, An
* Advances in Image and Video Segmentation
* Alternative face models for 3D face registration
* Biomedical Image Analysis: Tracking
* COCOA: Alignment, Object Detection, Object Tracking and Indexing of Aerial Videos
* Combining laser scans
* Compressed sensing
* Digital camera identification from sensor noise
* Digital Signal and Image Processing Using MATLAB(R)
* Direct Method for Building Sparse Kernel Learning Algorithms, A
* Effect of Current Injection Patterns on Dynamic Electrical Resistance Imaging for Fast Transient Processes
* Effective Computational Geometry for Curves and Surfaces
* Efficient large scale acquisition of building interiors
* eNTERFACE-05 Audio-Visual Emotion Database, The
* Explicit Reconstruction for Image Inpainting
* Expressive facial animation using quasi-eigen faces
* Eye Detection in Facial Images with Unconstrained Background
* Fast Scene Voxelization and Applications
* Feature-preserving denoising of time-varying range data
* Generalized Spectral Bounds for Sparse LDA
* Geometric Properties for Incomplete Data
* High-resolution, real-time-geometry video acquisition
* Human eye localization using the modified Hough transform
* Human Identification Based on Gait
* Human motion estimation from a reduced marker set
* Image Fusion and Enhancement via Empirical Mode Decomposition
* Image Processing: Dealing with Texture
* Imaging Beyond the Pinhole Camera
* Implementation of Bilayer Segmentation of Live Video
* Implementing real-time video abstraction
* Instant replay using high speed motion capture and projected overlay
* Integration of Visual and Inertial Information for Egomotion: A Stochastic Approach
* Interactive Video: Algorithms and Technologies
* Introduction to Clustering Large and High-Dimensional Data
* Iris Database
* Labelling the Behaviour of Local Descriptors for Selective Video Content Retrieval
* Left-Luggage Detection using Bayesian Inference
* Local Learning Approach for Clustering, A
* Markerless facial motion capture using texture extraction and nonlinear optimization
* Mathematical Problems in Image Processing Partial Differential Equations and the Calculus of Variations
* Modern Image Quality Assessment
* MPEG-4 Beyond Conventional Video Coding: Object Coding, Resilience, and Scalability
* Multi level surface maps for outdoor terrain mapping and loop closing
* Nondestructive dynamic process monitoring using electrical capacitance tomography
* Normalized cut image segmenation software
* Observer-based measurement of facial expression with the Facial Action Coding System
* openEyes: A low-cost head-mounted eye-tracking solution
* Oscillating Patterns in Some Nonlinear Evolution Equations
* Overview of Color Constancy Algorithms, An
* Pattern Recognition, 3rd Edition
* Phase boundary estimation in electrical resistance tomography with weighted multi-layered neural networks and front point approach
* Procedural Reproduction of Terrain Textures with Geographic Data
* Ratio Contour Code
* Real Time Detection and Segmentation of Reflectionally Symmetric Objects in Digital Images
* Real Time Object Tracking using Reflectional Symmetry and Motion
* Real-Time Image and Video Processing: From Research to Reality
* Real-time stereo vision using semi-global matching on programmable graphics hardware
* Remote Sensing Digital Image Analysis: An Introduction
* scanner for computing box dimensions in real time, A
* Schematic storyboarding for video visualization and editing
* Smooth video hopping for surveillance cameras
* Spatio-angular resolution tradeoff in integral photography
* Spectral Bounds for Sparse PCA: Exact and Greedy Algorithms
* Statistics and Analysis of Shapes
* Structure of Paintings, The
* Tensor Voting: A Perceptual Organization Approach to Computer Vision and Machine Learning
* Toward Category-Level Object Recognition
* Triangulations and Applications
* Two Results in Computer Vision using Projective Geometry
* Two-scale tone management for photographic look
* Unconstrained Face Recognition
* Use of automated facial image analysis for measurement of emotion expression
* Velocity Estimation on the Bayesian Occupancy Filter for Multi-Target Tracking
* Vision with Direction: A Systematic Introduction to Image Processing and Computer Vision
* VOCUS: A Visual Attention System for Object Detection and Goal-Directed Search
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