Journals starting with vmv0

VMV00 * *Vision, Modeling, and Visualization
* Digital Mammography: Gabor Filter for Detection of Microcalcifications

VMV01 * *Vision, Modeling, and Visualization
* Accessing Multi-User Virtual Worlds over IP
* Active Areas: On Interacting in a Virtual Environment
* Bias Correction in Photometric Stereo Using Control Points
* Cells Octree: A New Data Structure for Volume Modeling and Visualization
* Compression of Isosurfaces for Structured Volumes
* Compression of Large 3-D Engineering Models Using Automatic Discovery of Repeating Geometric Features
* Computational Steering by Direct Image Manipulation
* Consistent Visual Information Processing Applied to Object Recognition, Landmark Definition, and Real-Time Tracking
* Controlled Fusion of Multiple Partial Models to Reconstruct a Regularized 3-D Complete Model
* Direction-Driven Shape-Based Interpolation of Volume Data
* Efficient Free Form Light Field Rendering
* Efficient Generation of 3-D Models out of Depth Maps
* Erosion and Dilation on 2-D and 3-D Digital Images: A New Size-Independent Approach
* Extracting Cylinders in Full 3-D Data Using a Random Sampling Method and the Gaussian Image
* Facial Reconstruction Using Volumetric Data
* Fast Acquiring and Analysis of 3-D Laser Range Data
* Feature Extraction for Advanced Control of Flexible Forming Processes
* Feature sensitive mesh processing
* Flexible Noise Model for Designing Maps, A
* Fully-Automatic Branch Labelling of Voxel Vessel
* Generation of Decomposition Hierarchies for Efficient Occlusion Culling of Large Polygonal Models
* Hardware-Accelerated High-Quality Filtering on PC Hardware
* Hardware-Accelerated Terrain Rendering by Adaptive Slicing
* Hardware-Accelerated Visualization of Time-Varying 2-D and 3-D Vector Fields by Texture Advection via Programmable Per-Pixel Operations
* High-Quality Volume Rendering of Adaptive Mesh Refinement Data
* Improved Appearance-Based 3-D Object Recognition Using Wavelet Features
* Improving Feature Tracking by Robust Points of Interest Selection
* Interactive Manipulation of Voxel Volumes with Free-Formed Voxel Tools
* Interactive Repositioning of Bone Fracture Segments
* Maximum Likelihood Surface Estimation
* MeshToSS: Converting Subdivision Surfaces from Dense Meshes
* Model-Based 3-D Shape and Motion Estimation Using Sliding Textures
* Modeling of a Fitting Inlay from Various Information
* Motion Consistency for Image-Based Rendering
* Multi-Sensor Object Localization System, A
* Multi-Step View Synthesis with Occlusion Handling
* Multiresolution Implicit Object Modeling
* Multiresolution Isosurface Fitting on a Surface Octree
* Novel Probabilistic Model for 3-D Object Recognition: Spin-Glass Markov Random Fields, A
* Object Localization Using Linear Adaptive Filters
* On Geometric Evolution and Cascadic Multigrid in Subdivision
* On-the-Fly Adaptive Subdivision Terrain
* One-Sided Stability of MAT and Its Applications
* Optimal Memory Constrained Isosurface Extraction
* Parallel Rendering Within the Integrated Simulation and Visualization Framework gridlib
* Patient Specific Surgical Simulation System for Procedures in Colonoscopy
* Perceptualization: Techniques for Effective Image Generation, Visualization, and Communication of Information
* Reality: An Interactive Reconstruction Tool of 3-D Objects from Photographs
* Registering Real-Scene to Virtual Imagery Using Robust Image Features
* Regularized Quadrature Filters for Local Frequency Estimation: Application to Multimodal Volume Image Registration
* Robust Procedure to Eliminate Degenerate Faces from Triangle Meshes, A
* Search Space Reduction in the Edge Based Stereo Correspondence
* Segmentation of Range Images Through the Integration of Different Strategies
* Segmentation-Based Postprocessing in Real-Time Immersive Video Conferencing
* Shape Model and Threshold Extraction via Shape Gradients
* Sub-Atomic Subdivision Approach, A
* Theoretical Comparison of Monte Carlo Radiosity Algorithms, A
* Tiled Blue Noise Samples
* Towards a Realistic Simulation of Individual Facial Mimics
* Towards Real-Time Visual Simulation of Water Surfaces
* Tracking Closed Streamlines in Time-Dependent Planar Flows
* Using an Extended Hough Transform Combined with a Kalman Filter to Segment Tubular Structures in 3-D Medical Images
* Using Quaternions for Parametrizing 3-D Rotations in Unconstrained Nonlinear Optimization
* Viewpoint Selection Using Viewpoint Entropy
* Visual-Geometric Scene Reconstruction from Image Streams
66 for VMV01

VMV02 * *Vision, Modeling, and Visualization

VMV03 * *Vision, Modeling, and Visualization

VMV04 * *Vision, Modeling, and Visualization
* 3D modeling of static and dynamic scenes
* 3D Scanning: Improving completeness, processing speed and visualization
* Active Stereo for Intersection Assistance
* Automatic Generation of Shape Models Using Nonrigid Registration with a Single Segmented Template Mesh
* Calibration of lD cameras: Determination of 3D reconstruction accuracy
* CGiS, a new Language for Data-parallel GPU Programming
* Cloth Motion from Optical Flow
* Consistent penetration depth estimation for deformable collision response
* Contact Handling for Deformable Point-Based Objects
* Convexification of Unstructured Grids
* Depth-Buffer based Navigation
* Development and Plasticity in Visual Cortex
* Digitizing the Parthenon: Estimating Surface Reflectance Properties of a Complex Scene under Captured Natural Illumination
* Efficient Iterative Solvers for Angle Based Flattening
* Enhancement of Shape Perception by Surface Reflectance Transformation
* Estimation of Indirect Physical Properties from Images
* Exploiting Mirrors in Interactive Reconstruction with Structured Light
* Extending Light Fields using Object Tracking Techniques
* Extracting Animated Meshes with Adaptive Motion Estimation
* Fast and Accurate Ray-Voxel Intersection Techniques for Iso-Surface Ray Tracing
* Fast Cost Relaxation Stereo Algorithm with Occlusion Detection for Mobile Robot Applications, A
* Flexible Direct Multi-Volume Rendering in Dynamic Scenes
* Fourier Volume Rendering on the GPU Using a Split-Stream-FFT
* Free Surface Lattice-Boltzmann fluid simulations with and without level sets
* GPU-based Visualization: New Approaches and Advanced Algorithms
* Gradient-based Approach for Fine Registration of Panorama Images
* Graphics-Accelerated Panoramic Mosaicking from a Video Camera Array
* Grid-independent Detection of Closed Stream Lines in 2D Vector Fields
* Hardware-accelerated ambient occlusion computation
* Hierarchical Shape-Adaptive Quantization for Geometry Compression
* Hierarchy Accelerated Stochastic Collision Detection
* High-performance imaging using dense camera arrays and projectors
* High-Resolution Interactive Panoramas with MPEG-4
* Illustrating Magnetic Field Lines using a Discrete Particle Model
* Interactive Hierarchical Space Carving with Projector-based Calibrations
* Local and Global Analysis for Point Cloud Data
* Low-complexity Image-based 3D Gaming
* Markerless Real-Time Target Region Tracking: Application to Frameless Sterotactic Radiosurgery
* Massive Simulation using GPU of a distributed behavioral model of a flock with obstacle avoidance
* Memory Efficient Billboard Clouds for BTF Textured Objects
* Multilayered Wrinkle Textures from Strain
* Non-invasive attitude detection for full-body interaction in MEDIATE, a multisensory interactive environment for children with autism
* Non-linear Integration of DTI-based Fiber Tracts into Standard 3D MR Data
* Pervasive Multi-Sensor Egomotion Estimation for Direct Interaction and Unstructured Robotics
* Photo-Realistic Rendering of Blond Hair
* Pre-Integrated Non-Photorealistic Volume Rendering
* Probabilistic Model-based Template Matching Approach for Robust Object Tracking in Real-Time, A
* Problems Revealed by Applications in Art History and Archaeology
* Progressive path tracing with lightweight local error estimation
* Real-time out-of-core trimmed NURBS rendering and editing
* Realistic Face Reconstruction From Uncalibrated Images
* Recognition and synthesis of human actions from video
* Reducing State Changes with a Pipeline Buffer
* Rendering and Simulation of Liquid Foams
* Simplicial Isosurface Compression
* SMART: An Efficient Technique for Massive Terrain Visualization from Out-of-core
* Stack Implementation on Programmable Graphics Hardware
* Stereo and Lidar-Based Pose Estimation with Uncertainty for 3D Reconstruction
* taxonomy of visual recognition, A
* Top-Down Visual Attention for Efficient Rendering of Task Related Scenes
* Vector Quantization Based Data Selection for Hand-Eye Calibration
* Vector Quantization for Feature-Preserving Volume Filtering
* Video-Based Rendering
* Visual 3D Modeling from Images
* Voxel-Sweep: A Boundary-based Algorithm for Object Segmentation and Connected-Components Detection, The
67 for VMV04

VMV06 * *Vision, Modeling, and Visualization
* 2D-3D-Registration in Computer Tomography without an initial pose
* Procedural Reproduction of Terrain Textures with Geographic Data

VMV08 * *Vision, Modeling, and Visualization

Index for "v"

Last update:20-Jan-25 12:05:33
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