Kamida, R.
Co Author Listing * Digital Bleaching and Content Extraction for the Digital Archive of Rare Books
Kamide, H.[Hiroko]
Co Author Listing * Asymmetry in Facial Expressions as a Function of Social Skills
Kamienski, C.A.[Carlos A.]
Co Author Listing * Drones in the Big City: Autonomous Collision Avoidance for Aerial Delivery Services
Kamigaito, H.[Hidetaka]
Co Author Listing * Soda: Story Oriented Dense Video Captioning Evaluation Framework
Kamihira, Y.
Co Author Listing * Improvement of Japanese Signature Verification by Combined Segmentation Verification Approach
* Improvement of Japanese Signature Verification by Segmentation-Verification
Kamijima, S.
Co Author Listing * Factorization Method Using Interpolated Feature Tracking via Projective Geometry
Kamijo, K.[Koichi]
Co Author Listing * Invisible barcode with optimized error correction
Kamijo, N.[Noboru]
Co Author Listing * Invisible barcode with optimized error correction
Kamijo, S.[Shunsuke]
Co Author Listing * Artistic Line Drawing Rendering With Priors of Depth and Edge Density
* Depth as attention to learn image representations for visual localization, using monocular images
* Estimating Autonomous Vehicle Localization Error Using 2D Geographic Information
* GPS Error Correction With Pseudorange Evaluation Using Three-Dimensional Maps
* Illumination invariant segmentation of spatio-temporal images by spatio-temporal markov random field model
* Latent Space Understandable Generative Adversarial Network: SelfExGAN, A
* Method and apparatus for tracking moving objects in spatial differential frame pictures
* Occlusion Robust Tracking Utilizing Spatio-Temporal Markov Random Field Model
* Pedestrian positioning in urban city with the aid of Google maps street view
* Pre-Estimating Self-Localization Error of NDT-Based Map-Matching From Map Only
* Segmentations of Spatio-Temporal Images by Spatio-Temporal Markov Random Field Model
* Towards High-Definition 3D Urban Mapping: Road Feature-Based Registration of Mobile Mapping Systems and Aerial Imagery
* Traffic monitoring and accident detection at intersections
Includes: Kamijo, S.[Shunsuke] Kamijo, S.
13 for Kamijo, S.
Kamikawa, K.[Kyohei]
Co Author Listing * Feature Integration via Back-Projection Ordering Multi-Modal Gaussian Process Latent Variable Model for Rating Prediction
* Interest Level Estimation via Multi-Modal Gaussian Process Latent Variable Factorization
Kamikawa, Y.[Yuta]
Co Author Listing * Curiosity Guided Fine-Tuning for Encoder-Decoder-Based Visual Forecasting
Kamikura, K.[Kazuto]
Co Author Listing * Encoder design for H.264/AVC based on contrast sensitivity considering spatio-temporal direction dependency
* Generalized Theoretical Model of Relationship Between Frame-Rate and Bit-Rate Considering Low Pass Filtering Induced by Shutter Opening
* Global Brightness-Variation Compensation for Video Coding
* Mathematical analysis of the energy compaction affected by the dimensionality of Karhunen-Lòeve transform
* Motion vector predictive encoding method, motion vector decoding method, predictive encoding apparatus and decoding apparatus, and storage media storing motion vector predictive encoding and decoding programs
* Multiview Video Coding Using View Interpolation and Color Correction
* Predictive encoding and decoding methods of video data
* Progressive Coding of Surface Light Fields for Efficient Image Based Rendering
* Temporal down-sampling algorithm of high frame-rate video for reducing inter-frame prediction error
* Theoretical Model of Relationship Between Frame-Rate and Bit-Rate Considering the Effect of the Integral Phenomenon
* Theoretical Model of Relationship Between Frame-Rate and Bit-Rate for Encoding High Frame-Rate Video Signal
* Two-Stage Motion Compensation Using Adaptive Global MC and Local Affine MC
* View Scalable Multiview Video Coding Using 3-D Warping With Depth Map
Includes: Kamikura, K.[Kazuto] Kamikura, K.
13 for Kamikura, K.
Kamil, S.[Samar]
Co Author Listing * improved watermarking algorithm for robustness and imperceptibility of data protection in the perception layer of internet of things, An
Kamila, N.K.
Co Author Listing * Retracted Paper: Invariance image analysis using modified Zernike moments
Kamila, S.[Sabyasachi]
Co Author Listing * Measuring Temporal Distance Focus From Tweets and Investigating its Association With Psycho-Demographic Attributes
Kamilaris, A.[Andreas]
Co Author Listing * Deep Neural Networks to Detect Weeds from Crops in Agricultural Environments in Real-Time: A Review
* Geospatial Analysis and the Internet of Things
* IMG2nDSM: Height Estimation from Single Airborne RGB Images with Deep Learning
* Land Use Change Detection Using Deep Siamese Neural Networks and Weakly Supervised Learning
* Scalable Retrieval of Similar Landscapes in Optical Satellite Imagery Using Unsupervised Representation Learning
* Training Deep Learning Models via Synthetic Data: Application in Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
* Weakly Supervised Multimodal Deep Learning Approach for Large-Scale Tree Classification: A Case Study in Cyprus, A
7 for Kamilaris, A.
Kamilla, R.[Rahul]
Co Author Listing * Analysis of Sloshing in Tanks Using Image Processing
Kamilov, U.
Co Author Listing * Online Regularization by Denoising with Applications to Phase Retrieval
Kamilov, U.S.
Co Author Listing * Bayesian Denoising: From MAP to MMSE Using Consistent Cycle Spinning
* Bregman Plug-And-Play Priors
* Constrained Regularization by Denoising With Automatic Parameter Selection
* Deformation-Compensated Learning for Image Reconstruction Without Ground Truth
* DOLCE: A Model-Based Probabilistic Diffusion Framework for Limited-Angle CT Reconstruction
* Fusion of multi-angular aerial images based on epipolar geometry and matrix completion
* Isotropic inverse-problem approach for two-dimensional phase unwrapping
* Joint Reconstruction and Calibration Using Regularization by Denoising with Application to Computed Tomography
* Learning Cross-Video Neural Representations for High-Quality Frame Interpolation
* Learning Optimal Nonlinearities for Iterative Thresholding Algorithms
* Learning-Based Image Reconstruction via Parallel Proximal Algorithm
* Monotonically Convergent Regularization by Denoising
* Motion-Adaptive Depth Superresolution
* New Recurrent Plug-and-Play Prior Based on the Multiple Self-Similarity Network, A
* One-Bit Measurements With Adaptive Thresholds
* Online convolutional dictionary learning for multimodal imaging
* Parallel Proximal Algorithm for Anisotropic Total Variation Minimization, A
* Plug-and-Play Methods for Integrating Physical and Learned Models in Computational Imaging: Theory, algorithms, and applications
* Plug-and-Play Priors Approach for Solving Nonlinear Imaging Inverse Problems, A
* Provable Convergence of Plug-and-Play Priors With MMSE Denoisers
* Recursive Born Approach to Nonlinear Inverse Scattering, A
* Sparse Stochastic Processes and Discretization of Linear Inverse Problems
* SS-JIRCS: Self-Supervised Joint Image Reconstruction and Coil Sensitivity Calibration in Parallel MRI without Ground Truth
* Variational Justification of Cycle Spinning for Wavelet-Based Solutions of Inverse Problems
* Wavelet Shrinkage With Consistent Cycle Spinning Generalizes Total Variation Denoising
Includes: Kamilov, U.S. Kamilov, U.S.[Ulugbek S.]
25 for Kamilov, U.S.
Kamimura, H.
Co Author Listing * Motion Estimation to a Failed Satellite on Orbit using Stereo Vision and 3D Model Matching
Kamimura, H.A.S.
Co Author Listing * Displacement Imaging for Focused Ultrasound Peripheral Nerve Neuromodulation
Kamimura, T.
Co Author Listing * Analysis of Address Layout on Japanese Handwritten Mail: A Hierarchical Process of Hypothesis Verification
* method for determining address format in the automated sorting of Japanese mail, A
Kamimura, Y.
Co Author Listing * On-line holographic reconstruction of NMR images by means of a liquid crystal spatial light modulator
Kamina, T.[Tetsuo]
Co Author Listing * Function Approximation Method for Images with Grading Regions, A
Kaminishi, K.[Kurumi]
Co Author Listing * local descriptor for high-speed and high-performance pictogram matching, A
Kamins, D.[David]
Co Author Listing * Signature recognition through spectral analysis
Kaminska, A.[Agnieszka]
Co Author Listing * Correcting the Results of CHM-Based Individual Tree Detection Algorithms to Improve Their Accuracy and Reliability
* Digital Aerial Photogrammetry (DAP) and Airborne Laser Scanning (ALS) as Sources of Information about Tree Height: Comparisons of the Accuracy of Remote Sensing Methods for Tree Height Estimation
* Modeling the Effect of Environmental and Topographic Variables Affecting the Height Increment of Norway Spruce Stands in Mountainous Conditions with the Use of LiDAR Data
* Single Tree Classification Using Multi-Temporal ALS Data and CIR Imagery in Mixed Old-Growth Forest in Poland
Kaminska, D.[Dorota]
Co Author Listing * Audiovisual emotion recognition in wild
* Brain Responses to Emotional Avatars Challenge: Dataset and Results
* Dominant and Complementary Multi-Emotional Facial Expression Recognition Using C-Support Vector Classification
* How Virtual Reality Therapy Affects Refugees From Ukraine: Acute Stress Reduction Pilot Study
* Multimodal Database of Emotional Speech, Video and Gestures
* Survey on Emotional Body Gesture Recognition
Kaminskas, M.[Marius]
Co Author Listing * Location-aware music recommendation
Kaminski Aires, S.B.
Co Author Listing * Segmentation of the Prostate Gland in Images Using Prior Knowledge and Level Set Method
Kaminski, C.[Clemens]
Co Author Listing * Level Set Curve Matching and Particle Image Velocimetry for Resolving Chemistry and Turbulence Interactions in Propagating Flames
Kaminski, C.F.[Clemens F.]
Co Author Listing * Nonlinear diffusion filtering of images obtained by planar laser-induced fluorescence spectroscopy
Kaminski, J.Y.[Jeremy Yirmeyahu]
Co Author Listing * General Framework for Trajectory Triangulation, A
* General Trajectory Triangulation
* Multiple View Geometry of General Algebraic Curves
* Multiple View Geometry of Non-planar Algebraic Curves
* On Calibration and Reconstruction from Planar Curves
* Single image face orientation and gaze detection
Includes: Kaminski, J.Y.[Jeremy Yirmeyahu] Kaminski, J.Y.[Jeremy Yermiyahou] Kaminski, J.Y.[Jeremy Yrmeyahu]
Kaminski, K.A.[Kamil A.]
Co Author Listing * Methods for Assessing the Effectiveness of Modern Counter Unmanned Aircraft Systems
Kaminski, L.
Co Author Listing * Crowd density estimation based on voxel model in multi-view surveillance systems
* Human Activity Interpretation Using Evenly Distributed Points on the Human Hull
* Human activity recognition in multiview video
* Quality improvement Of 3-D voxel models based on histograms of model reprojection
* Unsupervised abnormal crowd activity detection in surveillance systems
Includes: Kaminski, L. Kaminski, L.[Lukasz]
Kaminski, M.[Miroslaw]
Co Author Listing * Application Of Lidar Date To Assess The Landslide Susceptibility Map Using Weights Of Evidence Method: An Example From Podhale Region (southern Poland)
Kaminski, P.[Pawel]
Co Author Listing * Lytic Region Recognition in Hip Radiograms by Means of Statistical Dominance Transform
Kaminski, T.[Thomas]
Co Author Listing * New Global fAPAR and LAI Dataset Derived from Optimal Albedo Estimates: Comparison with MODIS Products, A
* Simultaneous Assimilation of Remotely Sensed Soil Moisture and FAPAR for Improving Terrestrial Carbon Fluxes at Multiple Sites Using CCDAS
* Soil Moisture Assimilation Improves Terrestrial Biosphere Model GPP Responses to Sub-Annual Drought at Continental Scale
Kaminski, W.
Co Author Listing * Edge-Adaptive Three-Bit Ten-Level Differential PCM Coder for Television, An
Kaminsky, B.
Co Author Listing * Imaging Through Scattering Media
* Multi-Spectral Imaging Filters
Kaminsky, E.[Evgeny]
Co Author Listing * DCT-domain coder for digital video applications
* Dynamic computational complexity and bit allocation for optimizing H.264/AVC video compression
* ShadowNet
Includes: Kaminsky, E.[Evgeny] Kaminsky, E.[Eli]
Kaminsky, E.J.
Co Author Listing * Textural Neural Network and Version Space Classifiers for Remote Sensing
Kaminsky, R.S.[Ryan S.]
Co Author Listing * Alignment of 3D point clouds to overhead images
Kaminuma, T.[Tsuguchika]
Co Author Listing * Fast-converging adaptive algorithms for well-balanced separating linear classifier
* Recent developments of the minimum entropy algorithm
* Reduction of clustering problem to pattern recognition
Includes: Kaminuma, T.[Tsuguchika] Kaminuma, T.
Kamio, T.
Co Author Listing * Geofencing-based Localization For 3d Data Acquisition Navigation
Kamir, E.[Elisa]
Co Author Listing * Estimating wheat yields in Australia using climate records, satellite image time series and machine learning methods
Kamishima, Y.[Yusuke]
Co Author Listing * Event detection in consumer videos using GMM supervectors and SVMs
* Multimedia event detection using GMM supervectors and SVMS
Kamisli, F.
Co Author Listing * 1-D Transforms for the Motion Compensation Residual
* Block-Based Spatial Prediction and Transforms Based on 2D Markov Processes for Image and Video Compression
* Directional wavelet transforms for prediction residuals in video coding
* Estimation of Fade and Dissolve Parameters for Weighted Prediction in H.264/AVC
* Improvement of transform-skip mode in lossy intra coding with 3-tap filters
* Intra Prediction Based on Markov Process Modeling of Images
* Intra prediction based on statistical modeling of images
* Intra-frame coding with recursive intra prediction and adapted block transforms
* Learned Lossless Image Compression Through Interpolation With Low Complexity
* Lossless Image and Intra-Frame Compression With Integer-to-Integer DST
* Lossless intra coding in HEVC with adaptive 3-tap filters
* low-complexity image compression approach with single spatial prediction mode and transform, A
* Multiview video compression with 1-D transforms
* On lossless intra coding in HEVC with 3-tap filters
* Recursive Prediction for Joint Spatial and Temporal Prediction in Video Coding
* Single Image Noise Level Estimation Using Dark Channel Prior
Includes: Kamisli, F. Kamisli, F.[Fatih] Kamisli, F.[Faith]
16 for Kamisli, F.
Kamitani, H.[Hidekazu]
Co Author Listing * Correlation-Based Watermarking Technique of 3-D Meshes via Cyclic Signal Processing, A
Kamitani, T.[Takuya]
Co Author Listing * Gender Classification Using Video Sequences of Body Sway Recorded by Overhead Camera
* Temporal and Spatial Analysis of Local Body Sway Movements for the Identification of People
Kamitoku, N.[Naoto]
Co Author Listing * Oracle Bone Inscription Detector Based on SSD
Kamiura, N.
Co Author Listing * Automatic Robust Threshold Finding Aided by Fuzzy Information Granulation
* MAGNET: An Active Ditch Extraction Model
* Volume-Quantization-Based Neural Network Approach to 3D MR Angiography Image Segmentation
Kamiya, I.
Co Author Listing * Precursory Slope Deformation Around Landslide Area Detected By Insar Throughout Japan
Kamiya, K.
Co Author Listing * Applicability Evaluation Of Object Detection Method To Satellite And Aerial Imageries
* Sharpening of CT images by cubic interpolation using B-spline
* Sitting posture analysis by pressure sensors
* Statistical Anomaly Detection for Monitoring of Human Dynamics
* Statistical Anomaly Detection in Human Dynamics Monitoring Using a Hierarchical Dirichlet Process Hidden Markov Model
Includes: Kamiya, K. Kamiya, K.[Kazuhiro]
Kamiya, M.[Masato]
Co Author Listing * Prioritization of Lane-Specific Traffic Jam Detection for Automotive Navigation Framework Utilizing Suddenness Index and Automatic Threshold Determination
Kamiya, N.[Naoki]
Co Author Listing * Model-Based Approach to Recognize the Rectus Abdominis Muscle in CT Images
Kamiya, R.
Co Author Listing * Binary-Decomposed DCNN for Accelerating Computation and Compressing Model Without Retraining
Kamiya, S.[Sunao]
Co Author Listing * Accurate Image Matching in Scenes Including Repetitive Patterns
* Tracking Correction Method for Rapid and Random Protein Molecules Movement
Includes: Kamiya, S.[Sunao] Kamiya, S.[Satoshi]
Kamiya, T.
Co Author Listing * Accuracy Improvement of Change Detection Based on Color Analysis
* Forest Resource Management System By Standing Tree Volume Estimation Using Aerial Stereo Photos
* Multidimensional Deformable Object Manipulation Based on DN-Transporter Networks
* Pose Estimation of Point Sets Using Residual MLP in Intelligent Transportation Infrastructure
Includes: Kamiya, T. Kamiya, T.[Tohru]
Kamiya, Y.
Co Author Listing * Automated Generation of Digital Terrain Model using Point Clouds of Digital Surface Model in Forest Area
* Multimodal Constellation Model for Object Image Classification, A
Includes: Kamiya, Y. Kamiya, Y.[Yasunori]
Kamiyama, T.
Co Author Listing * Computer-Aided Diagnosis of Focal Liver Lesions Using Contrast-Enhanced Ultrasonography With Perflubutane Microbubbles
Kamiyama, Y.[Youichi]
Co Author Listing * Design and enhancement of painting interface for room lights
Kamizawa, K.[Koh]
Co Author Listing * Moving picture scene detection system
Kamizuru, K.[Kohei]
Co Author Listing * Belief-propagation-based robust decoding for two-dimensional barcodes to overcome distortion and occlusion and its extension to multi-view decoding