Update Dates 9902

9902 * 3-D Modeling from Range Imagery: An Incremental Method with a Planning Component
* Accurate and Fast Pattern Localization Algorithm for Automated Visual Inspection, An
* Algorithmically engineered fast multichannel adaptive filter based on QR-RLS
* Analysis of gray level corner detection
* Analysis of Stroke Structures of Handwritten Chinese Characters
* Applicability of Green's Theorem to Computation of Rate of Approach, The
* Application of Gabor transformation to the two-dimensional projection extraction in interferometric tomography
* Automated reconstruction of 3D models from real environments
* Automatic Closed-Loop Methodology for Generating Character Groundtruth for Scanned Documents, An
* Automatic Detection of Radiation Fields in Digital Radiographic Images
* Automatic orientation and recognition in highly structured scenes
* Automatic reconstruction of 3D objects using a mobile cameraühle
* Bayesian and Regularization Methods for Hyperparameter Estimation in Image Restoration
* Bayesian detection of the fovea in eye fundus angiographies
* Binary Shape Coding Using Baseline-Based Method
* Biorthogonal Filterbanks and Energy Preservation Property in Image Compression
* Blind Image Deconvolution Using a Robust GCD Approach
* Borg: A Knowledge-Based System for Automatic Generation of Image Processing Programs
* Boundary Block-Merging (BBM) Technique for Efficient Texture Coding of Arbitrarily Shaped Object
* Camera motion from brightness on lines. Combination of features and normal flow
* Coding Technique for the Contours in Smoothly Perfect Eight-Connectivity Based on Two-Stage Motion Compensation
* Confidence-Based Approach to Enhancing Underwater Acoustic Image Formation
* Constraint-Satisfaction Approach for 3-D Object Recognition by Integrating 2-D and 3-D Data, A
* Construction of a Digital Elevation Model of the Holderness Coast using the waterline method and Airborne Thematic Mapper data
* contour detection method: Initialization and contour model, A
* Convex Projections Algorithm for Restoration of Limited-Angle Chromotomographic Images
* Cross Burg Entropy Maximization and Its Application to Ringing Suppression in Image Reconstruction
* Deblocking Filter with Two Separate Modes in Block-Based Video Coding
* Detection and localisation of reflectional and rotational symmetry under weak perspective projection
* Deterministic Annealing Approach for Parsimonious Design of Piecewise Regression Models, A
* Discriminative wavelet shape descriptors for recognition of 2-D patterns
* Distance-based functions for image comparison
* Dynamic generation of imperceptible structured light for tracking and acquisition of three dimensional scene geometry and surface characteristics in interactive three dimensional computer graphics applications
* Edge Detection in Range Images Based on Scan Line Approximation
* Encoding of colour images using adaptive decimation and interpolation
* Enhancing multiple expert decision combination strategies through exploitation of a priori information sources
* Entropy Optimized Morphological Shared-Weight Neural Networks
* Expression Glasses: A Wearable Device for Facial Expression Recognition
* Family of Efficient and Channel Error Resilient Wavelet/Subband Image Coders
* Fast determination of textural periodicity using distance matching function
* Fast global registration of 3D sampled surfaces using a multi-z-buffer technique
* Fast Reflectional Symmetry Detection Using Orientation Histograms
* Feature Analysis Using Line Sweep Thinning Algorithm
* Following and Monitoring Roads on Airborne Video
* fractal-based image processing Language: Formal Modeling, A
* Geometrical Modeling and Real-Time Vision Applications of a Panoramic Annular Lens (PAL) Camera System
* Guest Editorial: Special Issue on Real-Time Defect Detection
* High-dimensional clustering using frequency sensitive competitive learning
* Image Contrast Enhancement by Constrained Local Histogram Equalization
* Image processing with low-resolution to high-resolution conversion
* Image Reconstruction by Convolution with Symmetrical Piecewise nth-Order Polynomial Kernels
* Image Vector Quantization with Minimax L-INF Distortion
* Impaired operator detection and warning system employing eyeblink analysis
* In-Camera Data Stream Processing System for Defect Detection in Web Inspection Tasks, An
* Intelligent pattern detection and compression. An application to very low bit rate transmission of ship wake aerial images
* Knowledge-Based Segmentation Algorithm for Enhanced Recognition of Handwritten Courtesy Amounts, A
* Knowledge-Based Shape-from-Shading
* Long-Term Memory Motion-Compensated Prediction
* Mammographic Image Analysis
* Maximum likelihood approach to image texture and acoustic signal classification
* Measuring Corner Properties
* Method and apparatus for processing of a JPEG compressed image
* Minimax design of two-channel low-delay perfect-reconstruction FIR filter banks
* Model Bias in Bayesian Image Reconstruction from X-Ray Fiber Diffracton Data
* modified Hough transform for line detection and its performance, A
* Morphologically Constrained GRFs: Applications to Texture Synthesis and Analysis
* Motion Estimation in Image Sequences Using the Deformation of Apparent Contours
* Motion-Compensated 3-D Subband Coding of Video
* Motion-Distorted Composite-Frame Restoration
* MPEG-4 Rate Control for Multiple Video Objects
* Multiplication-Free Approximate Algorithms for Compressed-Domain Linear Operations on Images
* Nearly-lossless autoregressive image compression
* Nefertiti: a query by content system for three-dimensional model and image databases management
* new chain code, A
* New Class of Fast Shape-Adaptive Orthogonal Transforms and Their Application to Region-Based Image Compression
* Novel Active Vision-Based Visual Threat Cue for Autonomous Navigation Tasks
* Novel Forward-Backward Smoothing-Based Learning Subspace Method for Recognition of Radar Targets
* Object-Based Texture Coding of Moving Video in MPEG-4
* Off-line signature verification using genetically optimized weighted features
* Optimal Pose Estimation in Two and Three Dimensions
* Optimisation of building detection in satellite images by combining multispectral classification and texture filtering
* Optimum variable step-size sequence for LMS adaptive filters
* Parallel Algorithm of Texture Analysis for Liquid Crystal Investigation, A
* Parallel array grammars as models for the growth of planar patterns
* Parameterized Modeling and Recognition of Activities
* Parsing of two-dimensional images represented by quadtree adjoining grammars
* Perfect Blind Restoration of Images Blurred by Multiple Filters: Theory and Efficient Algorithms
* Phase unwrapping for interferometric synthetic aperture radar by use of Helmholtz equation eigenfunctions and the first Green's identity
* Portable 3-D scanning system and method for rapid shape digitizing and adaptive mesh generation
* Postprocessing Method for Reducing Quantization Effects in Low Bit-Rate Moving Picture Coding
* Predictive Vector Quantization with Intrablock Prediction Support Region
* Rate Control in DCT Video Coding for Low-Delay Communications
* Rate-Distortion-Constrained Subband Video Coding
* Real-Time Algorithm for Assessing Inhomogeneities in Fabrics, A
* Real-Time Flatness Inspection System for Steel Strip Production Lines
* Real-Time Object Specific Recognition via Raster Scan Video Processing
* Reciprocal-Wedge Transform in Active Stereo
* Recognition of Partially Occluded Objects Using an Orthogonal Complex AR Model Approach
* Recursive fast computation of the two-dimensional discrete cosine transform
* Registration and Integration of Textured 3-D Data
* Requantization for Transcoding of MPEG-2 Intraframes
* Robust detection of significant points in multiframe images
* Robust Motion Estimation for Calibrated Cameras from Monocular Image Sequences
* Robust Optical Flow Computation Based on Least-Median-of-Squares Regression
* Rotation-Invariant Texture Classification Using a Complete Space-Frequency Model
* Selective Feature-to-Feature Adhesion for Recognition of Cursive Handprinted Characters
* Sensor Planning for 3D Object Search
* Shape Preserving Local Histogram Modification
* Single Nearest Neighbor Fuzzy Approach for Pattern Recognition, A
* Some results on picture languages
* Spatiotemporal Spectral Coding of Stereo Image Sequences
* Stability and sensitivity of topographic features for synthetic aperture radar target characterization
* Structure and Motion Estimation from Dynamic Silhouettes under Perspective Projection
* Texture classification using multiresolution Markov random field models
* Thin Nets Extraction Using a Multi-scale Approach
* Three-dimensional modeling of the human hand with motion constraints
* Toward Optimal Structured Light Patterns
* Uniquely parsable array grammars for generating and parsing connected patterns
* Unsupervised fuzzy clustering
* Using Evolutionary Programming and Minimum Description Length Principle for Data Mining of Bayesian Networks
* Using Specific Displacements to Analyze Motion without Calibration
* Very Low Bit-Rate Video Coding Using Wavelet-Based Techniques
* Video Compression Using Matching Pursuits
* Video object tracking method for interactive multimedia applications
* Wavelet Based Rate Scalable Video Compression
125 for 9902

Index for "9"

Last update:20-Jan-25 12:09:31
Use price@usc.edu for comments.