Update Dates 0901

0901 * 3D reconstruction of a femoral shape using a parametric model and two 2D fluoroscopic images
* Accelerating Face Detection by Using Depth Information
* Accurately estimating reflectance parameters for color and gloss reproduction
* Active Contour Tracking of Moving Objects Using Edge Flows and Ant Colony Optimization in Video Sequences
* Adaptive and Efficient Selective Multiple Reference Frames Motion Estimation for H.264 Video Coding, An
* Advanced Least-Significant-Bit Embedding Scheme for Steganographic Encoding, An
* Alternative Approach to Computing Shape Orientation with an Application to Compound Shapes, An
* Analysis of Ensemble Pruning Techniques Based on Ordered Aggregation, An
* Analytic Estimation of Subsample Spatial Shift Using the Phases of Multidimensional Analytic Signals
* Anomaly Detection via Feature-Aided Tracking and Hidden Markov Models
* Approach to Trajectory Estimation of Moving Objects in the H.264 Compressed Domain, An
* Approximated Ground Truth for Stereo and Motion Analysis on Real-World Sequences
* Automated Geospatial Conflation of Vector Road Maps to High Resolution Imagery
* Automated Method for Improving System Performance of Computer-Aided Diagnosis in Breast Ultrasound
* Automatic Appropriate Segment Extraction from Shots Based on Learning from Example Videos
* Automatic Eigentemplate Learning for Sparse Template Tracker
* Automatic Segmentation of Non-rigid Objects in Image Sequences Using Spatiotemporal Information
* Belief Propagation for Stereo Analysis of Night-Vision Sequences
* BoneXpert Method for Automated Determination of Skeletal Maturity, The
* Camera Displacement via Constrained Minimization of the Algebraic Error
* Can Geotags Help Image Recognition?
* Carved Visual Hulls for Image-Based Modeling
* Classification of Similar 3D Objects with Different Types of Features from Multi-view Images: An Approach to Classify 100 Apples
* Co-occurrence Histograms of Oriented Gradients for Pedestrian Detection
* Color Compensation of Multicolor FISH Images
* Combined Handwriting and Speech Modalities for User Authentication
* Combined Optical Imaging and Mammography of the Healthy Breast: Optical Contrast Derived From Breast Structure and Compression
* Combining Invariant and Corner-Like Features to Optimize Image Matching
* Compact Fundamental Matrix Computation
* Comparison of Compact Polarimetric Synthetic Aperture Radar Modes
* Comparison of Visible, Thermal Infra-Red and Range Images for Face Recognition
* Complex Zernike Moments Features for Shape-Based Image Retrieval
* Compressed-Domain Techniques for Error-Resilient Video Transcoding Using RPS
* Computer Vision-Based Human Body Segmentation and Posture Estimation
* Confirmation Bias in the Analysis of Remote Sensing Data
* Confocal Stereo
* Contour Grouping with Partial Shape Similarity
* Cooperative Surveillance System with Fixed Camera Object Localization and Mobile Robot Target Tracking
* Decorrelating the Structure and Texture Components of a Variational Decomposition Model
* DEM Reconstruction Accuracy in Multichannel SAR Interferometry
* Dense Stereo Correspondence with Contrast Context Histogram, Segmentation-Based Two-Pass Aggregation and Occlusion Handling
* Detecting Incorrect Feature Tracking by Affine Space Fitting
* Detecting Motion Patterns via Direction Maps with Application to Surveillance
* Detecting Video Forgeries Based on Noise Characteristics
* Digital Image Denoising Method with Edge Preservation Using Dyadic Lifting Schemes, A
* Direct Calibration by Fitting of Cuboids to a Single Image Using Differential Evolution
* Directional Filtering for Sequential Image Analysis
* Drift-Free Real-Time Sequential Mosaicing
* Duvall-Structure-Based Fast Adaptive Beamforming for Coherent Interference Cancellation
* Editorial Special Issue ECCV 2006
* Efficient Low-Cost Sharing Design of Fast 1-D Inverse Integer Transform Algorithms for H.264/AVC and VC-1
* Efficient Minimization Method for a Generalized Total Variation Functional
* Efficient Procedure for Removing Random-Valued Impulse Noise in Images, An
* Enhanced Side Information Generator with Accurate Evaluations in Block-Based Wyner-Ziv Video Coding
* Enhanced Sports Image Annotation and Retrieval Based Upon Semantic Analysis of Multimodal Cues
* EP n P: An Accurate O(n) Solution to the P n P Problem
* Error Protection and Interleaving for Wireless Transmission of JPEG 2000 Images and Video
* Error-Diffused Image Security Improving Using Overall Minimal-Error Searching
* Estimating 3D Flow for Driver Assistance Applications
* Estimating 3D shape from degenerate sequences with missing data
* Exact Feature Extraction Using Finite Rate of Innovation Principles With an Application to Image Super-Resolution
* Exploiting SAR and VHR Optical Images to Quantify Damage Caused by the 2003 Bam Earthquake
* Extrapolation and Correlation (EXTRACT): A New Method for Motion Compensation in MRI
* Factorial HMM and Parallel HMM for Gait Recognition
* Fast Approximation of the Bilateral Filter Using a Signal Processing Approach, A
* Fast Macroblock Mode Decision Algorithm for the Baseline Profile in the H.264 Video Coding Standard, A
* Fast Radix-q and Mixed-Radix Algorithms for Type-IV DCT
* Fast Simplex Optimization for Active Appearance Model
* Five Points Pose Problem: A New and Accurate Solution Adapted to Any Geometric Configuration, The
* Fixed-Coefficient Iterative Bilateral Filters for Graph-Based Image Processing
* Four-Dimensional SAR Imaging for Height Estimation and Monitoring of Single and Double Scatterers
* Framework for Illumination Invariant Vehicular Traffic Density Estimation
* Framework for Performance Evaluation of Face, Text, and Vehicle Detection and Tracking in Video: Data, Metrics, and Protocol
* Framework for Suspicious Action Detection with Mixture Distributions of Action Primitives, A
* Gait Feature Subset Selection by Mutual Information
* Generalization of LSB Matching, A
* Geometric Mean for Subspace Selection
* Glass Patterns and Artistic Imaging
* GPS-Based Radio Tomography With Edge-Preserving Regularization
* Graphical Models for Joint Segmentation and Recognition of License Plate Characters
* H.264/AVC Video Encoder Realization and Acceleration on TI DM642 DSP
* Hardware Design of Shape-Preserving Contour Tracing for Object of Segmented Images
* Hierarchical Image Analysis for Extracting Parking Lot Structures from Aerial Images, A
* High Performance H.264 Deblocking Filter, A
* High-Accuracy and Robust Localization of Large Control Markers for Geometric Camera Calibration
* High-Fidelity Data Embedding for Image Annotation
* High-Precision Boundary Length Estimation by Utilizing Gray-Level Information
* Highly Undersampled Magnetic Resonance Image Reconstruction via Homotopic 0-Minimization
* Identifying Noncooperative Subjects at a Distance Using Face Images and Inferred Three-Dimensional Face Models
* Image Inpainting Considering Brightness Change and Spatial Locality of Textures and Its Evaluation
* Image-Based Rendering by Virtual 1D Cameras
* Image-Based Techniques for Shredded Document Reconstruction
* Implicit Surface Reconstruction with an Analogy of Polar Field Model
* Improved FoE Model for Image Deblurring, An
* Improved Sigma Filter for Speckle Filtering of SAR Imagery
* Improved Two-Level Model Averaging Techniques in Drosophila Brain Modeling
* In Situ Characterization of the Degradation of PLGA Microspheres in Hyaluronic Acid Hydrogels by Optical Coherence Tomography
* Inclusion of a Second-Order Prior into Semi-Global Matching
* Independent Gabor Analysis of Discriminant Features Fusion for Face Recognition
* Information Geometry for Landmark Shape Analysis: Unifying Shape Representation and Deformation
* Integrated Expression-Invariant Face Recognition with Constrained Optical Flow
* Interpolation Artifacts in Sub-Pixel Image Registration
* Introduction to the Special Section of Best Papers From the 2007 Biometrics: Theory, Applications, and Systems Conference
* Inverse Halftoning Based on Bayesian Theorem
* JPEG2000 ROI Coding With Fine-Grain Accuracy Through Rate-Distortion Optimization Techniques
* LazySOM: Image Compression Using an Enhanced Self-Organizing Map
* Learning to Combine Bottom-Up and Top-Down Segmentation
* Least-Squares Contour Alignment
* Live Video Segmentation in Dynamic Backgrounds Using Thermal Vision
* LMMSE 3-D SAR Focusing
* Local Image Descriptors Using Supervised Kernel ICA
* Localization of Lesions in Dermoscopy Images Using Ensembles of Thresholding Methods
* Low-Complexity Approach for the Color Display of Hyperspectral Remote-Sensing Images Using One-Bit-Transform-Based Band Selection, A
* Manifold models for signals and images
* mapping and localization framework for scalable appearance-based navigation, A
* Memory Efficient VLSI Architecture for QCIF to VGA Resolution Conversion
* Meta-Analysis of Third-Party Evaluations of Iris Recognition
* Method for Visualizing Pedestrian Traffic Flow Using SIFT Feature Point Tracking, A
* methodology for rapid illumination-invariant face recognition using image processing filters, A
* Mirador: A Simple Fast Search Interface for Global Remote Sensing Data Sets
* Monocular 3D Reconstruction of Objects Based on Cylindrical Panoramas
* Morphological multiscale decomposition of connected regions with emphasis on cell clusters
* Motion estimation, segmentation and separation, using hypercomplex phase correlation, clustering techniques and graph-based optimization
* motion observable representation using color correlogram and its applications to tracking, A
* Moving Object Segmentation Using Optical Flow and Depth Information
* Multi-Reference Shape Priors for Active Contours
* Multiple View Geometry of Projector-Camera Systems from Virtual Mutual Projection
* Multiresolution Image Representation Using Combined 2-D and 1-D Directional Filter Banks
* Natural Image Statistics and Low-Complexity Feature Selection
* Necessary and Sufficient Convergence Conditions for Algebraic Image Reconstruction Algorithms
* New Approach for Overlay Text Detection and Extraction From Complex Video Scene, A
* New Method for Moving Object Extraction and Tracking Based on the Exclusive Block Matching, A
* Nonrigid Registration of Joint Histograms for Intensity Standardization in Magnetic Resonance Imaging
* Novel Approaches for Exclusive and Continuous Fingerprint Classification
* Novel Visual Speech Representation and HMM Classification for Visual Speech Recognition, A
* Object Detection under Varying Illumination Based on Adaptive Background Modeling Considering Spatial Locality
* Offline Loop Investigation for Handwriting Analysis
* Omega-k Algorithm for Airborne Spatial Invariant Bistatic Spotlight SAR Imaging
* Omnidirectional Image Stabilization by Computing Camera Trajectory
* On Concise 3-D Simple Point Characterizations: A Marching Cubes Paradigm
* On JPEG2000 Error Concealment Attacks
* On the Impact of Atmospheric Correction on Lossy Compression of Multispectral and Hyperspectral Imagery
* On the Security of an MPEG-Video Encryption Scheme Based on Secret Huffman Tables
* Optimal Local Basis: A Reinforcement Learning Approach for Face Recognition
* Optimal Pixel Matching between Images
* Optimal Spread Spectrum Watermark Embedding via a Multistep Feasibility Formulation
* Outlier Detection with the Kernelized Spatial Depth Function
* Outlier Removal by Convex Optimization for L-Infinity Approaches
* Performance of MAP Reconstruction for Hot Lesion Detection in Whole-Body PET/CT: An Evaluation With Human and Numerical Observers
* Player Detection and Tracking in Broadcast Tennis Video
* Principal Angles Separate Subject Illumination Spaces in YDB and CMU-PIE
* Principal Component Hashing: An Accelerated Approximate Nearest Neighbor Search
* Proximal Iteration for Deconvolving Poisson Noisy Images Using Sparse Representations, A
* Rank Constraints for Homographies over Two Views: Revisiting the Rank Four Constraint
* Rate-Distortion Optimized Scheduling for Redundant Video Representations
* Recognition-Driven Two-Dimensional Competing Priors Toward Automatic and Accurate Building Detection
* Recognizing Multiple Objects via Regression Incorporating the Co-occurrence of Categories
* Reconstruction From Uniformly Attenuated SPECT Projection Data Using the DBH Method
* Recovery Rate of Clustering Algorithms
* Region-Based Super Resolution for Video Sequences Considering Registration Error
* Removal of Specular Reflection Component Using Multi-view Images and 3D Object Model
* Resolution analysis for Gradient Direction Matching of object model edges to overhead images
* Robust Face Recognition via Sparse Representation
* Robust Facial Feature Location on Gray Intensity Face
* Robust Simultaneous Low Rank Approximation of Tensors
* ROI/xROI Based Rate Control Algorithm in H.264/AVC for Video Telephony Applications, An
* Rotated Image Based Photomosaic Using Combination of Principal Component Hashing
* Rotation and Scale Invariant Texture Analysis with Tunable Gabor Filter Banks
* Scale-Rotation Invariant Pattern Entropy for Keypoint-Based Near-Duplicate Detection
* Self-governing Hybrid Model for Noise Removal, A
* Self-tuning People Identification System from Split Face Components, A
* Semisupervised Learning of Hidden Markov Models via a Homotopy Method
* Sensor Pose Estimation from Multi-center Cylindrical Panoramas
* Shape Reconstruction by Combination of Structured-Light Projection and Photometric Stereo Using a Projector-Camera System: High Quality Reproduction of a Virtual Reflectance Property on a Real Object Surface
* Shearlet-Based Total Variation Diffusion for Denoising
* Simplifying the Rate Control Scheme for Distributed Video Coding by Flexible Slepian-Wolf Decoding
* Simulating Human Lifting Motions Using Fuzzy-Logic Control
* Speckle Suppression in SAR Images Using the 2-D GARCH Model
* Statistical Based Impulsive Noise Removal in Digital Radiography
* Statistical Instance-Based Pruning in Ensembles of Independent Classifiers
* Steganalysis of JPEG Images with Joint Transform Features
* Stereo Image Analysis of Non-Lambertian Surfaces
* Stereo Self-adjustment Methodology for Resuming Active Camera Operation, A
* Study of Image Quality of Superimposed Projection Using Multiple Projectors
* SUBSMELL: Multimedia with a Simple Olfactory Display
* TextonBoost for Image Understanding: Multi-Class Object Recognition and Segmentation by Jointly Modeling Texture, Layout, and Context
* Texture Retrieval Effectiveness Improvement Using Multiple Representations Fusion
* Time Warp Edit Distance with Stiffness Adjustment for Time Series Matching
* Towards an Interpretation of Intestinal Motility Using Capsule Endoscopy Image Sequences
* Tracking without Background Model for Time-of-Flight Cameras
* Ubiquitously Supervised Subspace Learning
* Unification of Evidence Theoretic Fusion Algorithms: A Case Study in Level-2 and Level-3 Fingerprint Features
* Unsupervised Pedestrian Re-identification for Loitering Detection
* Upper-Body Contour Extraction Using Face and Body Shape Variance Information
* Usefulness of Retina Codes in Biometrics
* User-Agent Cooperation in Multiagent IVUS Image Segmentation
* Using Face Quality Ratings to Improve Real-Time Face Recognition
* Validation of a New Parametric Model for Atmospheric Correction of Thermal Infrared Data
* Vehicle Detection from Aerial Images Using Local Shape Information
* Video Coding Using Spatially Varying Transform
* Video-Based Modeling of Dynamic Hair
* Video-Based Motion Capturing for Skeleton-Based 3D Models
* Visual Tracking Using Particle Filters with Gaussian Process Regression
* Watermarking of Raw Digital Images in Camera Firmware: Embedding and Detection
* Wavelet Reconstruction of Nonuniformly Sampled Signals
* Wavelet-Denoising Approach Using Polynomial Threshold Operators, A
* Weighted Threshold Secret Image Sharing
* X-Ray Image Classification and Retrieval Using Ensemble Combination of Visual Descriptors
208 for 0901

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Last update:20-Jan-25 12:09:31
Use price@usc.edu for comments.