Journals starting with mmbi

MMBIA00 * *Workshop on Mathematical Methods in Biomedical Image Analysis
* Task-Specific Contour Tracker for Ultrasound, A

MMBIA01 * *Workshop on Mathematical Methods in Biomedical Image Analysis
* 3D Image Interpolation Based on Directional Coherence
* Bee Brains, B-Splines and Computational Democracy: Generating an Average Shape Atlas
* Consistent Nonlinear Elastic Image Registration
* Cortical Surface Reconstruction Using a Topology Preserving Geometric Deformable Model
* Data-Driven Analysis of Hemodynamic Response Delay in Event-Related fMRI Using Wavelet Transform
* Deformation Correction in Ultrasound Images Using Contact Force Measurements
* Dense Surface Point Distribution Models of the Human Face
* Detection, Synthesis and Compression in Mammographic Image Analysis with a Hierarchical Image Probability Model
* Fine-Scale Motion Detection Using Intrinsic List Mode PET Information
* HAMMER: Hierarchical Attribute Matching Mechanism for Elastic Registration
* Ipsilateral Multi-View CAD System for Mass Detection in Digital Mammography
* Learning an Atlas from Unlabeled Point-Sets
* MAP Framework for Tag Line Detection in SPAMM Data Using Markov Random Fields on the B-Spline Solid, A
* Method for the Comparison of Biomechanical Breast Models, A
* Non-Linear Gray-Level Appearance Model Improves Active Shape Model Segmentation, A
* Nonparametric Training of Snakes to Find Indistinct Boundaries
* Representation of Shape in Ultrasonic Images with a Physically-Based Image Model
* Retrospective Heel Effect Correction in Conventional Radiography
* Revisiting Non-Parametric Activation Detection on fMRI Time Series
* Segmentation of Dense Leukocyte Clusters
* Shape Analysis of Brain Ventricles Using SPHARM
* Spatio-Temporal Model-Based Statistical Approach to Detect Evolving Multiple Sclerosis Lesions, A
* Statistical Approach for Estimating Brain Tumor-Induced Deformation, A
* Stereo-Guided Biomechanical Model for Volumetric Deformation Analysis, A
* Tracking Liver Motion Using 3-D Ultrasound and a Surface-Based Statistical Shape Model
* Tumor-Induced Structural and Radiometric Asymmetry in Brain Images
* Variational Framework for Joint Segmentation and Registration, A
* Vessel Detection by Mean Shift-Based Ray Propagation
29 for MMBIA01

MMBIA06 * *Workshop on Mathematical Methods in Biomedical Image Analysis
* Analyzing Effects of Intra-Uterine Cocaine Exposure on Adolescent Brain Structure with Symmetric Diffeomorphisms
* Automatic Segmentation of MR Brain Images Using Spatial-Varying Gaussian Mixture and Markov Random Field Approach
* BICIR: Boundary-Constrained Inverse Consistent Image Registration Using WEB-Splines
* Boundary Element Method-Based Scattered Feature Interpolation Algorithm in the Analysis of LV Deformation
* Cardiac Deformation Recovery using a 3D Incompressible Deformable Model
* Characterizing fMRI Activations within Regions of Interest (ROIs) Using 3D Moment Invariants
* Cortical Surface Shape Analysis Based on Spherical Wavelet Transformation
* Detecting Cognitive States from fMRI Images by Machine Learning and Multivariate Classification
* Diffeomorphic Matching of Diffusion Tensor Images
* Discriminative Method For Semi-Automated Tumorous Tissues Segmentation of MR Brain Images, A
* Efficient Generation of Shape-Based Reference Frames for the Corpus Callosum for DTI-based Connectivity Analysis
* Geometric Theory of Symmetric Registration, A
* Hierarchical Statistical Shape Analysis and Prediction of Sub-Cortical Brain Structures
* Illumination Correction for Content Analysis in Uterine Cervix Images
* Improving Sensitivity and Reliability of fMRI Group Studies through High Level Combination of Individual Subjects Results
* Interpolation in Discrete Single Figure Medial Objects
* Joint Transformation and Residual Image Descriptor for Morphometric Image Analysis using an Equivalence Class Formulation, A
* Level Set Segmentation Using Statistical Shape Priors
* Modeling Inter- and Intra-Patient Anatomical Variation Using a Bilinear Model
* Multiple Fiducial Identification Using the Hidden Markov Model in Image Guided Radiosurgery
* New Validation Method for Establishing Correspondence Between Pairs of X-Ray Mammograms
* Nonlinear Dimension Reduction and Activation Detection for fMRI Dataset
* Octree-Based Topology-Preserving Isosurface Simplification
* On Characterizing and Analyzing Diffusion Tensor Images by Learning their Underlying Manifold Structure
* Online Tracking of Migrating and Proliferating Cells Imaged with Phase-Contrast Microscopy
* Optimizing the selection of Flip Angle acquisitions for T1 measurement in Breast
* Planar-to-Curved-Surface Image Registration
* Registration of Cortical Connectivity Matrices
* Robust Tensor Splines for Approximation of Diffusion Tensor MRI Data
* Segmentation of fMRI Data by Maximization of Region Contrast
* Segmentation of Neighboring Structures by Modeling Their Interaction
* Segmentation of Rat Cardiac Ultrasound Images with Large Dropout Regions
* Segmentation of Vessels Using Weighted Local Variances and an Active contour Model
* Shape Particle Guided Tissue Classification
* Spatio-Temporal Segmentation of Rheumatoid Arthritis Lesions in Serial MR Images of Joints
* Statistical Model of Similarity Transformations: Building a Multi-Object Pose
* Statistically-Constrained High-Dimensional Warping Using Wavelet-Based Priors
* Vessels as 4D Curves: Global Minimal 4D Paths to Extract 3D Tubular Surfaces
39 for MMBIA06

MMBIA07 * *Workshop on Mathematical Methods in Biomedical Image Analysis
* 3D Topology Preserving Flows for Viewpoint-Based Cortical Unfolding
* 3D Variational Brain Tumor Segmentation using a High Dimensional Feature Set
* Axon radius measurements in vivo from diffusion MRI: A feasibility study
* Bilinear Models for Spatio-Temporal Point Distribution Analysis: Application to Extrapolation of Whole Heart Cardiac Dynamics
* Can Born Approximate the Unborn? A New Validity Criterion for the Born Approximation in Microscopic Imaging
* Correspondence Establishment in Statistical Modeling of Shapes with Arbitrary Topology
* Cortical Folding Development Study based on Over-Complete Spherical Wavelets
* Coupling CRFs and Deformable Models for 3D Medical Image Segmentation
* Curvature Estimation for Enhancement of Crossing Curves
* Dense Multiscale Motion Extraction from Cardiac Cine MR Tagging using HARP Technology
* Detecting Cortical Surface Regions in Structural MR Data
* Detection of Complex Vascular Structures using Polar Neighborhood Intensity Profile
* Diffusion Maps Segmentation of Magnetic Resonance Q-Ball Imaging
* Diffusion Tensor Estimation by Maximizing Rician Likelihood
* Diffusion Tensor Image Smoothing Using Efficient and Effective Anisotropic Filtering
* Efficient Computation of the Inverse Gradient on Irregular Domains
* Exploiting peak anisotropy for tracking through complex structures
* Fast Invariant Riemannian DT-MRI Regularization
* Finding a Closed Boundary by Growing Minimal Paths from a Single Point on 2D or 3D Images
* From Uncertainties to Statistical Model Building and Segmentation of the Left Ventricle
* Fuzzy classification of brain MRI using a priori knowledge: Weighted fuzzy C-means
* Implicit Meshing for Finite Element Methods using Levelsets
* Improved FFD B-Spline Image Registration
* Limited view CT reconstruction via constrained metric labeling
* Locally-Constrained Region-Based Methods for DW-MRI Segmentation
* Lung Nodule Growth Analysis from 3D CT Data with a Coupled Segmentation and Registration Framework
* Measuring Cortical Thickness Using An Image Domain Local Surface Model And Topology Preserving Segmentation
* Modeling Brain Anatomy with 3D Arrangements of Curves
* Modeling the Marginal Distributions of Complex Wavelet Coefficient Magnitudes for the Classification of Zoom-Endoscopy Images
* Motion Analysis of Endovascular Stent-Grafts by MDL Based Registration
* Multi-start Method with Prior Learning for Image Registration
* Nonrigid Intraoperative Cortical Surface Tracking Using Game Theory
* Novel Image Based Verification Method for Respiratory Motion Management in Radiation Therapy, A
* On Detecting Subtle Pathology via Tissue Clustering of Multi-parametric Data using Affinity Propagation
* Optimization Algorithms for Labeling Brain Sulci Based on Graph Matching
* Rectified Surface Mosaics
* Region-Based Segmentation via Non-Rigid Template Matching
* Registration of anatomical images using geodesic paths of diffeomorphisms parameterized with stationary vector fields
* reliable skin mole localization scheme, A
* Robust Algorithm for Fiber-Bundle Atlas Construction, A
* Robust Image Registration using Mixtures of t-distributions
* Spatially Varying Classification with Localization Certainty in Level Set Segmentation
* Statistical Approach to Determine Symmetrical Solutions for the Registration of 3D Knee Implant Models to Sagittal Fluoroscopy Images, A
* Structure-Specific Statistical Mapping of White Matter Tracts using the Continuous Medial Representation
* Tool for Topographic Analysis of Electrode Contacts in Human Cortical Stimulation, A
* Type-Constrained Robust Fitting of Quadrics with Application to the 3D Morphological Characterization of Saddle-Shaped Articular Surfaces
* Unified and Efficient Approach for Free-form Deformable Registration, A
* Using the Pn Potts model with learning methods to segment live cell images
* Variational Approach for Combined Segmentation and Estimation of Respiratory Motion in Temporal Image Sequences, A
* What Data to Co-register for Computing Atlases
51 for MMBIA07

MMBIA08 * *Workshop on Mathematical Methods in Biomedical Image Analysis
* Algorithms for computing the group exponential of diffeomorphisms: Performance evaluation
* Anisotropic Laplace-Beltrami eigenmaps: Bridging Reeb graphs and skeletons
* Automated characterization of bacteria in confocal microscope images
* Circular generalized cylinder fitting for 3D reconstruction in endoscopic imaging based on MRF
* Classification trees for fast segmentation of DTI brain fiber tracts
* CTREC: C-arm tracking and reconstruction using elliptic curves
* Dealing with uncertainty in the principal directions of tensors
* Estimation of acoustic impedance from multiple ultrasound images with application to spatial compounding
* Exploiting spatio-temporal information for view recognition in cardiac echo videos
* Full orientation invariance and improved feature selectivity of 3D SIFT with application to medical image analysis
* Geometric modeling of tubular structures
* Image segmentation using an efficient rotationally invariant 3D region-based hidden Markov model
* Integrated segmentation and motion analysis of cardiac MR images using a subject-specific dynamical model
* IVUS tissue characterization with sub-class error-correcting output codes
* kidney segmentation approach from DCE-MRI using level sets, A
* large-to-fine-scale shape prior for probabilistic segmentations using a deformable m-rep, A
* Learning-based analysis of emotional impairments in schizophrenia
* Learning-based deformation estimation for fast non-rigid registration
* Localized statistics for DW-MRI fiber bundle segmentation
* Manifold learning for 4D CT reconstruction of the lung
* Modeling of anatomical information in clustering of white matter fiber trajectories using Dirichlet distribution
* Multi-fiber reconstruction from DW-MRI using a continuous mixture of von Mises-Fisher distributions
* multiple geometric deformable model framework for homeomorphic 3D medical image segmentation, A
* Multivariate analysis of thalamo-cortical connectivity loss in TBI
* Multivariate nonlinear mixed model to analyze longitudinal image data: MRI study of early brain development
* Neighbor-constrained active contours without edges
* On non-linear characterization of tissue abnormality by constructing disease manifolds
* Principal curves to extract vessels in 3D angiograms
* Quantifying cortical surface asymmetry via logistic discriminant analysis
* ray tracing method for geodesic based tractography in diffusion tensor images, A
* Regional image similarity criteria based on the Kozachenko-Leonenko entropy estimator
* Robust regularization for the estimation of intra-voxel axon fiber orientations
* Rotational flows for interpolation between sampled surfaces
* statistical framework for the registration of 3D knee implant components to single-plane X-ray images, A
* Statistical shape modelling: How many modes should be retained?
* Sticky vector fields, and other geometric measures on diffusion tensor images
* Stratified regularity measures with Jensen-Shannon divergence
* Two-tensor streamline tractography through white matter intra-voxel fiber crossings: Assessed by fMRI
* Variational shape detection in microscope images based on joint shape and image feature statistics
40 for MMBIA08

MMBIA09 * *Workshop on Mathematical Methods in Biomedical Image Analysis
* 3-D reconstruction and measurement of microtubules from multiple angle-total internal reflection fluorescence microscopy
* 3D segmentation of rodent brains using deformable models and variational methods
* 3D stochastic completion fields for fiber tractography
* Accurate estimation of pulmonary nodule's growth rate in CT images with nonrigid registration and precise nodule detection and segmentation
* Automatic detection of body parts in x-ray images
* Automatic estimation of left ventricular dysfunction from echocardiogram videos
* Automatic Multiple Sclerosis detection based on integrated square estimation
* Automatic symmetry-integrated brain injury detection in MRI sequences
* Bicycle chain shape models
* Cortical enhanced tissue segmentation of neonatal brain MR images acquired by a dedicated phased array coil
* Deformable tree models for 2D and 3D branching structures extraction
* Dense iterative contextual pixel classification using Kriging
* Distance guided selection of the best base classifier in an ensemble with application to cervigram image segmentation
* Echocardiographic contour extraction with local and global priors through boosting and level sets
* GPU-accelerated, gradient-free MI deformable registration for atlas-based MR brain image segmentation
* Groupwise morphometric analysis based on morphological appearance manifold
* Image registration by minimization of Mapping Complexity
* Learning to segment using machine-learned penalized logistic models
* Non-rigid registration between histological and MR images of the prostate: A joint segmentation and registration framework
* optimal control approach for deformable registration, An
* Quasiconvex alignment of multimodal skin images for quantitative dermatology
* Regularization of diffusion tensor field using coupled robust anisotropic diffusion filters
* Robust Estimation of Stem Cell Lineages Using Local Graph Matching
* shading zone problem in geodesic voting and its solutions for the segmentation of tree structures. Application to the segmentation of Microglia extensions, The
* TIMER: Tensor Image Morphing for Elastic Registration
* Tracking of cell populations to understand their spatio-temporal behavior in response to physical stimuli
* Tunable tensor voting improves grouping of membrane-bound macromolecules
28 for MMBIA09

MMBIA10 * *Workshop on Mathematical Methods in Biomedical Image Analysis
* Aligning endoluminal scene sequences in wireless capsule endoscopy
* Application of trace-norm and low-rank matrix decomposition for computational anatomy
* Cardiac disease detection from echocardiogram using edge filtered scale-invariant motion features
* Constrained non-rigid registration using Lagrange multipliers for application in prostate radiotherapy
* Direction field diffusion on cortical surface via graph cuts
* Directional mean shift and its application for topology classification of local 3D structures
* EM algorithm for brain tumor image registration: A tumor growth modeling based approach, An
* Graph-based tracking of the tongue contour in ultrasound sequences with adaptive temporal regularization
* Groupwise morphometric analysis based on high dimensional clustering
* Learning high-dimensional image statistics for abnormality detection on medical images
* Local concept-based medical image retrieval with correlation-enhanced similarity matching based on global analysis
* MRF-based statistical deformation model for morphological image analysis, An
* mutual-information scale-space for image feature detection and feature-based classification of volumetric brain images, A
* Nonparametric hierarchical Bayesian model for functional brain parcellation
* Predicting the histology of colorectal lesions in a probabilistic framework
* Radon-Like features and their application to connectomics
* Robust feature selection in resting-state fMRI connectivity based on population studies
* Stability effects of finite difference methods on a mathematical tumor growth model
* Structural correspondence as a contour grouping problem
* Structural image representation for image registration
* supervised clustering approach for extracting predictive information from brain activation images, A
* Synthesis of stereoscopic views from monocular endoscopic videos
* Topology-preserving STAPLE
* Tracking of cell population from time lapse and end point confocal microscopy images with multiple hypothesis Kalman smoothing filters
* Two-point correlation as a feature for histology images: Feature space structure and correlation updating
* Vascular tree reconstruction by minimizing a physiological functional cost
27 for MMBIA10

MMBIA12 * *Workshop on Mathematical Methods in Biomedical Image Analysis
* Automated abdominal fat quantification and food residue removal in CT
* Automatic atlas-based three-label cartilage segmentation from MR knee images
* Automatic detection of subcellular particles in fluorescence microscopy via feature clustering and bayesian analysis
* Best linear unbiased estimator for Kalman filter based left ventricle tracking in 3D+T echocardiography
* Building spatiotemporal anatomical models using joint 4-D segmentation, registration, and subject-specific atlas estimation
* coupled segmentation and registration framework for medical image analysis using robust point matching and active shape model, A
* Elastic symmetry analysis of anatomical structures
* fiber tracking method guided by volumetric tract segmentation, A
* generalized correlation coefficient: Application to DTI and multi-fiber DTI, A
* geometric analysis of ODFs as oriented surfaces for interpolation, averaging and denoising in HARDI data, A
* Iterative segmentation and motion correction for dynamic PET images based on radioactive tracer kinetics
* Learning features for streak detection in dermoscopic color images using localized radial flux of principal intensity curvature
* Max margin general linear modeling for neuroimage analyses
* Motion modelling and motion compensated reconstruction of tumours in cone-beam computed tomography
* Multi-region competitive tractography via graph-based random walks
* Multi-STEPS: Multi-label similarity and truth estimation for propagated segmentations
* Non-rigid image registration using electric current flow
* Parametric non-rigid registration using a stationary velocity field
* Peak Geodesic Concentration: A measure of WM complexity in HARDI
* Pictorial multi-atlas segmentation of brain MRI
* Polyaffine parametrization of image registration based on geodesic flows
* Reconstruction of HARDI using compressed sensing and its application to contrast HARDI
* Registration of unseen images based on the generative manifold modeling of variations of appearance and anatomical shape in brain population
* Robust non-rigid registration and characterization of uncertainty
* Robust tumour tracking from 2D imaging using a population-based statistical motion model
* Segmentation of left ventricles from echocardiographic sequences via sparse appearance representation
* Sparse shape representation using the Laplace-Beltrami eigenfunctions and its application to modeling subcortical structures
* Sparsity and scale: Compact representations of deformation for diffeomorphic registration
* Spatial dispersion of lesions as a surrogate biomarker for disability in multiple sclerosis
* Super-resolution reconstruction of diffusion-weighted images from distortion compensated orthogonal anisotropic acquisitions
* Supervised localization of cell nuclei on TMA images
* Topology Preserving Brain Tissue Segmentation Using Graph Cuts
* Toward whole-brain maps of neural connections: Logical framework and fast implementation
* Using a flexibility constrained 3D statistical shape model for robust MRF-based segmentation
* Vascular bifurcation detection in scale-space
36 for MMBIA12

MMBIA95 * On Computing Aspect Graphs of Smooth Shapes from Volumetric Data

MMBIA96 * *Workshop on Mathematical Methods in Biomedical Image Analysis
* Automated Algorithm for Analysis of 2D Echocardiographic Short-Axis Images, An
* Automatic Registration and Alignment on a Template of Cardiac Stress and Rest SPECT Images
* Blurring Strategies for Image Segmentation Using a Multiscale Linking Model
* Cardiac Motion Simulator for Tagged MRI
* Characterization and Recognition of 3D Organ Shape in Medical Image Analysis Using Skeletonization
* Comparison of Multiscale Image Representations for Image Segmentation, A
* Computationally Efficient Shape Analysis via Level Sets, A
* Contour Model Guided Image Warping for Medical Image Interpolation
* Contour/Surface Registration Using a Physically Deformable Model
* Corresponding 3D Pulmonary Tree Structures
* Deblurring the Gaussian Blur
* Deformable B-Solids and Implicit Snakes for Localization and Tracking of MRI-SPAMM Data
* Deformations Incorporating Rigid Structures
* Extension of the ICP Algorithm to Nonrigid Intensity-Based Registration of 3D Volumes
* Finding 3D Parametric Representation of the Deep Cortical Folds
* Fractal Analysis of Bone Images
* Fusion of Short-Axis and Long-Axis Cardiac MR Images
* Geometric Approach to Segmentation and Analysis of 3D Medical Images, A
* Hierarchical Bayesian Classification of Multimodal Medical Images
* Incorporating Connected Region Labelling into Automatic Image Registration Using Mutual Information
* Integrated Approach for Surface Finding in Medical Images, An
* Intensity Ridge and Widths for Tubular Object Segmentation and Description
* Landmark Methods for Forms Without Landmarks: Localizing Group Differences in Outline Shapes
* Marching Cores: A Method for Extracting Cores from 3D Medical Images
* Multimodality Image Registration by Maximization of Mutual Information
* Non-Invasive Functional Brain Mapping Using Registered Transcranial Magnetic Simulation
* Non-Linear Registration of Brain Images Using Deformable Models
* Optimal Linear Transformation for MRI Feature Extraction
* Registration of Planar Film Radiographs with Computed Tomography
* Shape Bottlenecks and Conservative Flow Systems
* Shape Reconstruction from an Endoscope Image by Shape from Shading Technique for a Point Light Source at the Projection Center
* Synthesis of an Individualized Cranial Atlas with Dysmorphic Shape
33 for MMBIA96

Index for "m"

Last update:20-Jan-25 12:05:33
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