Journals starting with icmr

* 3D model retrieval using accurate pose estimation and view-based similarity
* Accurate content-based video copy detection with efficient feature indexing
* Active learning through notes data in Flickr: an effortless training data acquisition approach for object localization
* Adaptive clustering and interactive visualizations to support the selection of video clips
* Attribute-based vehicle search in crowded surveillance videos
* Automated detection of errors and quality issues in audio-visual content
* Automatic tagging and geotagging in video collections and communities
* Biometric animal databases from field photographs: Identification of individual zebra in the wild
* Botanical data retrieval system supporting discovery learning
* City exploration by use of spatio-temporal analysis and clustering of user contributed photos
* color-action perceptual approach to the classification of animated movies, A
* comparison of extended fingerprint hashing and locality sensitive hashing for binary audio fingerprints, A
* Component-based track inspection using machine-vision technology
* comprehensive neural-based approach for text recognition in videos using natural language processing, A
* Considerations for a touchscreen visual lifelog
* Consistent visual words mining with adaptive sampling
* Consumer video understanding: a benchmark database and an evaluation of human and machine performance
* Diversity ranking for video retrieval from a broadcaster archive
* Efficient clustering and quantisation of SIFT features: exploiting characteristics of the SIFT descriptor and interest region detectors under image inversion
* Embracing semantics in zoomable user interface
* Exploiting contextual spaces for image re-ranking and rank aggregation
* Exploiting photographic style for category-level image classification by generalizing the spatial pyramid
* eye-tracking-based approach to facilitate interactive video search, An
* Face alignment via joint-AAM
* Finding locations of Flickr resources using language models and similarity search
* Finding media illustrating events
* flexible environment for multimedia management and publishing, A
* Folksonomy-boosted social media search and ranking
* Fusing heterogeneous modalities for video and image re-ranking
* Graph-based methods for the automatic annotation and retrieval of art prints
* Harmonic style-based song retrieval using N-gram
* High-level event detection system based on discriminant visual concepts
* hyper media news system for multimodal and personalised fruition of informative content, The
* Image and video browsing with a cylindrical 3D storyboard
* Image modality classification: a late fusion method based on confidence indicator and closeness matrix
* Indexing the signature quadratic form distance for efficient content-based multimedia retrieval
* Instant Bag-of-Words served on a laptop
* Instant video summarization during shooting with mobile phone
* Interactive schematic summaries for exploration of surveillance video
* Interpretable visual models for human perception-based object retrieval
* kernel density based approach for large scale image retrieval, A
* Landmark recognition in VISITO: VIsual Support to Interactive TOurism in Tuscany
* Large scale visual-based event matching
* Large-scale EMM identification based on geometry-constrained visual word correspondence voting
* Large-scale music exploration in hierarchically organized landscapes using prototypicality information
* Learning crop regions for content-aware generation of thumbnail images
* Learning people co-occurrence relations by using relevance feedback for retrieving group photos
* Learning reconfigurable hashing for diverse semantics
* Locally regressive G-optimal design for image retrieval
* Lookapp: interactive construction of web-based concept detectors
* Lost in binarization: query-adaptive ranking for similar image search with compact codes
* Multi-modal, multi-resource methods for placing Flickr videos on the map
* Multimedia retrieval in social networks for photo book creation
* MuMIe: a new system for multimedia metadata interoperability
* NV-Tree: nearest neighbors at the billion scale
* Pairwise weak geometric consistency for large scale image search
* parallel cross-modal search engine over large-scale multimedia collections with interactive relevance feedback, A
* Person-specific age estimation under ranking framework
* Photo summary: automated selection of representative photos from a digital collection
* PhotoCube: effective and efficient multi-dimensional browsing of personal photo collections
* Relevance feedback strategies for artistic image collections tagging
* RetrievalLab: a programming tool for content based retrieval
* Saliency moments for image categorization
* Scalable logo recognition in real-world images
* Scalable triangulation-based logo recognition
* Scene-based image retrieval by transitive matching
* Semantic combination of textual and visual information in multimedia retrieval
* ShotTagger: tag location for internet videos
* Social media driven image retrieval
* Social negative bootstrapping for visual categorization
* Spatial codebooks for image categorization
* STELA: sketch-based 3D model retrieval using a structure-based local approach
* Summarization of personal photologs using multidimensional content and context
* Synthetically trained multi-view object class and viewpoint detection for advanced image retrieval
* TV Program Segmentation using Multi-Modal Information Fusion
* Water reflection recognition via minimizing reflection cost based on motion blur invariant moments
77 for ICMR11

* Active learning of custom sound taxonomies in unstructured audio data
* Advanced shape context for plant species identification using leaf image retrieval
* All vehicles are cars: subclass preferences in container concepts
* Analysing Facebook features to support event detection for photo-based Facebook applications
* Bayesian approach for near-duplicate image detection
* Because not all displays are lists
* Beyond audio and video retrieval: Towards multimedia summarization
* Categorization of a collection of pictures into structured events
* Classification based group photo retrieval with bag of people features
* Classifier-specific intermediate representation for multimedia tasks
* Cluster-based photo browsing and tagging on the go
* Color CENTRIST: a color descriptor for scene categorization
* Compact hashing for mixed image-keyword query over multi-label images
* Constrained keypoint quantization: towards better bag-of-words model for large-scale multimedia retrieval
* Content is still king: the effect of neighbor voting schemes on tag relevance for social image retrieval
* Contour canonical form: an efficient intrinsic embedding approach to matching non-rigid 3D objects
* Cross-modal categorisation of user-generated video sequences
* Deriving a discriminative color model for a given object class from weakly labeled training data
* Discovering inherent event taxonomies from social media collections
* Distributed KNN-graph approximation via hashing
* Efficient graffiti image retrieval
* Efficient video copy detection via aligning video signature time series
* Event-based classification of social media streams
* Exploring two spaces with one feature: kernelized multidimensional modeling of visual alphabets
* extensible personal photograph collection for graded relevance assessments and user simulation, An
* Fusing concept detection and geo context for visual search
* Geo-based automatic image annotation
* Hamming embedding similarity-based image classification
* High-confidence near-duplicate image detection
* Image exploration using online feature extraction and reranking
* ImageTerrier: an extensible platform for scalable high-performance image retrieval
* Indexing media by personal events
* Joint audio-visual bi-modal codewords for video event detection
* Joint-rerank: a novel method for image search reranking
* Labelset anchored subspace ensemble (LASE) for multi-label annotation
* Large vocabulary quantization for searching instances from videos
* Learning to summarize web image and text mutually
* Linking visual concept detection with viewer demographics
* Making a scene: alignment of complete sets of clips based on pairwise audio match
* Mobile image browsing on a 3D globe: demo paper
* Multi-graph multi-instance learning for object-based image and video retrieval
* Multi-modal region selection approach for training object detectors
* Multimodal feature generation framework for semantic image classification
* Multimodal fusion for image retrieval using matrix factorization
* Multimodal knowledge-based analysis in multimedia event detection
* Musical keys and chords recognition using unsupervised learning with infinite Gaussian mixture
* Name that sculpture
* nepDroid: an intelligent mobile music player
* One size does not fit all: multimodal search on mobile and desktop devices with the I-SEARCH search engine
* Ordinal preserving projection: a novel dimensionality reduction method for image ranking
* PythiaSearch: a multiple search strategy-supportive multimedia retrieval system
* Quantity versus quality: the role of layout and interaction complexity in thumbnail-based video retrieval interfaces
* RELIEF-based modality weighting approach for multimodal information retrieval, A
* Security-oriented picture-in-picture visual modifications
* Semiconducting bilinear deep learning for incomplete image recognition
* Social event detection and retrieval in collaborative photo collections
* Social event detection using multimodal clustering and integrating supervisory signals
* SUPER: towards real-time event recognition in internet videos
* Supervised dictionary learning for music genre classification
* Supporting browsing of user generated video on a tablet
* Texmix: an automatically generated news navigation portal
* Video retrieval by mimicking poses
* Video saliency detection with robust temporal alignment and local-global spatial contrast
* visual approach for video geocoding using bag-of-scenes, A
* Visual pattern discovery for architecture image classification and product image search
* Watching and talking: media content as social nexus
* World seer: a realtime geo-tweet photo mapping system
68 for ICMR12


Index for "i"

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